Until we meet again.


Until we meet again.


"Do not worry about me anymore. I know you're tired and I no longer want you to suffer. If you want to rest, we will accept it." Jongin has been slipping in and out, the doctors could no longer do much for him. Kyungsoo never left his side, every moment is precious.

Jongin looked much better now that the tubes connected to his body are gone. Kyungsoo felt at ease that Jongin is no longer in agony. Though he would have to face the reality that everything from thereon would change.

Kyungsoo wept for days that his eyes are now swollen and somehow tears would not form even if he feels like crying. It's the last day that they would be together, physically, until never forever.

He is standing on a podium, in front of their family and friends. 

"I can't help but think that this is too unfair. Why did he have to leave me? He left too early. We had so much in mind for our future. Then all of a sudden, fate betrayed us."

"I first met him on a performance. I was waiting for my turn when I decided to watch the dancers. The moment he entered the stage you could see how much impact he makes on a person. His moves where graceful and artistic. You could see passion that you never knew possible in a human being. I don't know what came to me but I knew I had to find him offstage and talk to him. I missed the opportunity though because they called me to get ready. Little did I know that it was his turn to watch me sing. Fate brought us together."

“It was very hard to see you slowly taken away from us. I could no longer see the Jongin that radiates good vibes and owns the most beautiful smile. It took a while before finally accepting the inevitable. I can't express into words how painful it is to finally give up.”

"No matter what I'll do to move on from this pain, deep down I will always know that I'll never see you again."

"I made myself think that they need more angels so they had to take you. I'm very lucky because I know you're my angel."

"Jongin, this song is for you." 

I'd cry you an ocean
If you'd sail on home again
Wings of emotion
Will carry you, I know they can

Just light will guide you
And your heart will chart the course
Soon you'll be drifting
Into the arms of your true north

Look in my eyes
You'll see a million tears have gone by
And still they're not dry

If only tears could bring you back to me
If only love could find a way
What I would do, what I would give
If you returned to me someday
Somehow, someway
If my tears could bring you back to me
I'd hold you close
And shout the words I only whispered before
For one more chance, for one last dance
There's not a thing that I would not endure


"I love you, Jongin. If there's any word that will surpass the word love, I will never stop saying that."



"If I had the chance to meet you for one last time,
I would just ask you to hug me as tightly as you can,
rest my head on your shoulders and cry until my tears run dry."



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Thank you for all the love that you've been giving me for my first fic. I'll continue their story soon. Please wait for me!


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This story is so good~~~~
Chapter 2: It when u read hunhan angst & in background all this time is playing on full blast mode :''(
Anyway beautiful story . ^_^
Chapter 5: Yea, you should continue their story, I'd like to know what would happen after that:)
anaha10 #4
Chapter 2: The quote & story is way too perfect!
We all know this prbbly happened lots of time when lu left & sehun Is in Korea!
/cries/ please do write more of this type !
Chapter 3: This was a bad idea to read at one in the morning my eyes are all red
Chapter 2: MY HEART
Chapter 1: This is so adorablleeeeeee
Chapter 5: HELL YES. you should continue their story. And you should be really sorry for killing Jonging T^T (JK). Btw great work on the story so far. ^-^
Chapter 4: That is so true. I think I have experienced all three types of goodbye. And the last one is the most painful one.