
Underrated Twice ships [REQUESTS CLOSED]

Chaeyoung x Dahyun


Prompt: Dahyun really likes a hoobae freshman in their school but Chaeyoung always rejects her with the reason that she's straight but when she sees that girls flirt with Dahyun she gets Dahyun back

Filled for: thattxx, hccc49

(x ♊ )

What’s the best aspect of the Taurus-Gemini relationship? The security the two can give each other once Taurus allows Gemini to offer that security freely. As long as both partners communicate with each other, theirs will be a stable and happy relationship.




Chaeyoung was relieved to finally be entering her first year of high school. Middle school had been fun but there was something about the thought of high school that intrigued her. It may have been the countless movies based on the experience or maybe it was the thought of growing up. Her best friend Dahyun also attended this school and although she was a year older, they had an elective together: Art. Their relationship had been rocky lately though.


Dahyun and Chaeyoung pretty much spent their entire summer together. Dahyun had began acting different around her towards the mid point of their vacation. She'd bring her random gifts, try to do random skin ship, and even asked her on a date. Chaeyoung turned a blind eye and chalked it up to Dahyun just being her random self. That was until Dahyun had confessed to her and asked her out.


The thought of being with another girl scared Chaeyoung in ways she didn't understand and so she rejected her closest friend. Dahyun was really hurt and grew distant. Chaeyoung had tried to text her, but the reality was they hadn't spoken for three weeks. She really missed Dahyun, who was pretty much her other half. Although, she always dodged every kiss that Dahyun tried to give her, she missed the attention from her anyways.


They would have to speak to each other today right? Chaeyoung's morning classes flew by without a hitch, but she felt a bit lonely with no friends to talk to. She was super small and stuck out like a sore thumb which earned her way too many stares when she walked through the halls. This wasn't exactly what she anticipated.


When it was time for art, she laid her head on the desk and waited for Dahyun to walk through the door. She was a bit surprised when her best friend walked in holding another girl's hand. The girl looked extremely tall and kind of lost. She was beautiful though. Dahyun made eye contact and Chaeyoung shot her a smile but she turned away before anything could come from it. The tall girl sat next to Chaeyoung and Dahyun on the side of the stranger.


Hi my name is Tzuyu. I just arrived here from Taiwan. I'm a freshman.” The girl announced all of a sudden to her. Her accent thick and her pronunciation a little shaky. Everything made sense now. Dahyun was always overly friendly to foreigners and doing her best to help them especially when they knew minimal Korean. Their mutual friends Sana and Momo were foreigners as well who clung to Dahyun like no other. The two had spent a good deal of time with them during the summer teaching them more Korean. It was no surprise that Dahyun managed to find a new friend this quickly.


I'm Son Chaeyoung. I'm a freshman too, since we're the same age I guess that makes us friends right? Dahyun unni there is my best friend.” Chaeyoung grinned at her long time friend who was smiling right back at her. She wasn't sure if it was because Tzuyu was there or she had missed her just as much. The three of them began having a length conversation. Chaeyoung went into detail about all the embarrassing things that Dahyun had ever done while Dahyun tried to convince Tzuyu none of it was true. The three of them basically became inseparable from there on. Things between Dahyun and Chaeyoung were still awkward. Dahyun would only talk to her when Tzuyu was with them which left Chaeyoung with hurt feelings.


When Chaeyoung had confronted Dahyun over it, she had only said that she didn't want to burden their friendship with how she felt. Chaeyoung explained how this all left her feeling empty inside without their usual interactions, so they went for a compromise. They'd pretend that nothing had ever happened between them and just stay friends. Things seemed finally good again when they were hanging out alone together and laughing over simple things. Chaeyoung started to worry though, when Dahyun was near her heart would race. She knew what it could possibly mean but pushed it to the back of her mind.


One day, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung had left home together because they both had clean up duty. They would often ride the train back with Dahyun, but this time they couldn't because Dahyun had other plans. The silence was relaxing as she laid her head on her friend's shoulder watching the scenery pass by through the window.


I'm thinking of confessing to Dahyun unni.” Tzuyu spoke quietly, breaking the silence. Chaeyoung was taken back and felt her heat sink into her stomach. She should of expected it though what with the way that Dahyun would smile at Tzuyu, the way they held hands every time, the way Tzuyu would . It all donned on her at once. The thought of the two of them as a couple left her with a bitter feeling. The feelings weren't towards Tzuyu at all because she was innocent, they were towards her own self. How could she not of noticed her feelings for Dahyun earlier?


You should! You two deserve each other.” Chaeyoung admitted honestly. This is what she deserved for missing her chance the first time around. It would hurt to see them as a couple that much she knew but she'd still keep her smile for the sake of her two closest friends.


A week went by and nothing seemed to have changed. Tzuyu told Chaeyoung that Dahyun said she had feelings for someone else. Chaeyoung wondered if that meant her but it still bothered her a little that it might be a different girl. She was going to have man up and confess herself. She couldn't bring herself to do it in person after she'd rejected Dahyun and everything so she shot her a text.


[Text → Dubu]: Dahyun-ah, listen I know this is completely and utterly stupid after the way I've treated you but- I'm in love with you. I know you like someone else now but....I couldn't keep it to myself anymore.


A few minutes passed with no reply. Chaeyoung's nerves were driving her insane. A vibration came from her phone and she practically dove for it.


[Text → Chaengi]: I was waiting for you to tell me this forever. I knew that you liked me!!! You're still the girl I like.. <3 so will you be mine now?


Chaeyoung's hands twitched nervously as she typed back her reply with scarlet cheeks.


[Text → Dubu]: I'd love to be.

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yoloswag3883 #1
Plz do Sachaeng! ps really loved that fic substance you made about them
yuki_momoko #2
All one shots are nice & wonderful: D thank you so much for writting fic for underrated pair. Waiting for your next update. ^_^
YooSera #3
Chapter 4: Oh it's so cute **
Sana x Nayeon please~
Chapter 3: Tysm for writing my second request! :)
It's so romantic, this is litteraly relationship goals <3 My parents thought that I was crazy because i was smiling and fangirling for a good 3-4 mins (I was literally in front of them XD) . Lastly, can't wait for the future one shots! Keep up the good work! :D
sammy10 #6
Chapter 2: Omg natzuuuuuu!!!
Dayum tzuyu is too smoothe ! Way too smoothe ! I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Dwiwilujeng #7
Can you write sory about Dayeon (Dahyun Nayeon)
wado0om #8
Write fro chaeyoung and jihyo please !!
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for writing my request! ^^ That was so cute~ :3 I wish my life could ressemble to the ones in dramas... ;-; Looking forward to the future one shots! Fighting! :)