
Underrated Twice ships [REQUESTS CLOSED]

Gonna add Zodiac signs of the pairing for each chapter 'cuz I think it is cool ;D


ALSO if you haven't plz watch this video before reading because it is relevant to the story:



Momo x Jihyo

Filled for: Momojokbal

(♏ x ♒)

Scorpio is a Water Sign, and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Air is about the intellect, so Aquarius tackles life as one chance to grow and explore after another, while Scorpio is more analytical. Scorpio looks for purpose, and Aquarius seeks stimulation. These love mates have trouble understanding one another’s origin of thought. Confrontations arise is Scorpio’s possessiveness gets the better of them or if Aquarius seems too cool and flippant and denies Scorpio emotional reassurance. Both need to learn that they view the world in different ways and they should celebrate and laugh at their differences.




Jihyo was more than bothered that Momo had admitted to having dissatisfactions with her being the leader. She kind of wondered if the dancer would have preferred Jungyeon to be the leader instead. The two were practically joined at the hip as it were. Still, she considered herself close with the blonde and was sort of hurt by the comment. She didn’t bother asking why mostly because she was afraid of what could possibly be said. Momo was never mean or cruel to anyone, but Jihyo still didn’t like the idea behind it. It made her mull over her leadership skills. Was she the right pick for the time? She was in deep thought over it for quite some time. However, if she really knew the true reason why that was said then she wouldn’t have ever been this reflective.

It was the best time of the day at the Twice dorm: Dinner time. That meant that Momo and Jungyeon would eat something off of everyone’s plates while still eating their own food.  All of them were splattered across the living room floor in front of a tv. A random drama was playing while this occurred. Jihyo and Nayeon been watching the series faithfully even though the other members hadn’t a clue what was going on. They were all pigging out when Nayeon had started to push up her glasses which usually meant trouble. Jihyo was totally up for it though because anything that she said usually led to a night of laughter.

“Let’s play a game after dinner!” Nayeon announced loudly while banging on the floor with a pair of chopsticks. There was little resistance to the suggestion and pretty much everyone had agreed. After everyone had finished eating and the living room was clear of any crumbs, they began to throw in their suggestions. Sana said they should play battleship, while Dahyun wanted to play Jenga, Jungyeon suggested doing the hardest Yoga poses. Everyone was having trouble agreeing on something until Momo piped in with her genius proposal.

“I say we all play spin the bottle!” She held up an empty two liter soda bottle that they had all just finished drinking. There was some laughter that followed and their manager just shook his head while walking back to his room. Mina look conflicted on playing or not, Chaeyoung opted out, Sana look a little too thoughtful about it. Jihyo wasn’t sure what to think about it. She had been too busy thinking about other things until she realized they were actually tossing around the idea of making out with each other. It wasn’t like she hadn’t thought about it before anyways.

“YEAH! Now I can finally get that kiss from Dahyun.” Nayeon was the most excited about this of course. Since well she was rejected by nearly everyone when it came to wanting to show her affection.  Dahyun just stuck her tongue at the older girl which earned a smirk.

“What if you don’t even land on her?” Sana asked seriously with a blink. Jungyeon laughed at this to which earned an elbow in the gut from Nayeon.

“I don’t care! I’ll kiss anyone! Jisoo, you make the decision.” Nayeon latched on to her long time friend’s arm in hopes that she would say yes. Jihyo just kind of shot her look for calling her by that name. Nayeon’s apologetic smile that followed was hard to ignore and she just kind of gave in at that point.

“I guess? Sure? Why not?” She simply shrugged as a few other members gave loud cheers (Nayeon and Sana mostly). Momo looked excited as she threw the bottle up in the air and caught it repeatedly before placing it on the floor.

“Me first!” She announced and motioned everyone in the group to get into a circle. They did after a few minutes of switching spots back and forth in hopes of getting to kiss that certain someone. Chaeyoung watched from the couch next to Mina who stayed quiet. Jihyo suspected that her same aged buddy didn’t want to play because Chaeyoung wasn’t going to. Momo gave the bottle a spin and everyone watched intensely as it slowed down little by little. It finally stopped and it had landed right on Jihyo. A lot of ‘OOOOH’s filled the room and Jihyo suddenly found herself unable to look Momo in the eye. It would be hard for her to get into it after that certain statement was still lingering in her mind.  Momo looked quite content with the results and motioned Jihyo towards their basement.

“I hope she can clear up your dissatisfaction!” Jungyeon said in a sing song voice which got Chaeyoung laughing while everyone else just shook their head. Jihyo gave Jungyeon a glare as she headed down the steps to the basement with Momo. They sat on the bottom of the steps together and a very awkwardly painful silence filled the air between them.

“So..should I kiss you first?” Momo asked rather innocently while Jihyo’s arms naturally folded as she nodded in agreement. Momo didn’t even give her time to prepare and simply went for it. Her hands grabbed on to the collar of the leader’s shirt to pull her forward for a lip lock. The awkwardness between them melted whenever Jihyo tilted her head to deepen their kiss. Soon enough, their tongue were touching and their innocent kiss had become a full on make out. After a minute or two of that, Momo pulled away to catch her breath. Jihyo’s cheeks were pink but she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed it.

“Do you still have dissatisfaction with me still?” She asked seriously, almost worried what Momo would say. On the other hand she felt confident there were no problems between them after the way both of them were easily able to get into that kiss.

“Yeah!” The answer came almost instantly and Jihyo was as lost as ever. Momo had a blank expression on her face which gave no indication of what exactly she had against Jihyo in the first place.

“Then why’d you even kiss me!?” Jihyo threw her hands up in the air and grew even more frustrated when Momo started to cling on to her. Jihyo tried shaking her off but the blonde’s grip was far too tight. She sat there with a semi-annoyed expression while waiting for the answer to her question.

“I’m dissatisfied that you’re always rejecting my affections! That was why I said that.” Jihyo raised a brow to what was said. She thought on it for a moment and did realize that Momo had been trying to kiss her on more than one occasion. She usually just chalked it up to Momo being well Momo seeing as she tried to kiss Dahyun a lot too. She wouldn’t have ever thought that there was some kind of hidden meaning behind it. She felt a little guilty for writing her off like that.

“What the-..why didn’t you tell me in the first place? I was worried that I was a bad leader!” She sighed in relief to know that it wasn’t that. Her leadership wasn’t the problem but perhaps her observational skills? She’d beat herself up over it later.

“I thought you would have figured it out!” Momo whined and Jihyo simply pecked her lips to make up for all the times she hadn’t kissed her when the opportunity presented itself. This seemed to have satisfied Momo in one way or another as they started to kiss intensely again. That was until they heard a voice yelling at them from above.

“TIMES UP!” It was Nayeon of course. She was probably more than eager for her turn. So, as much as they didn’t want to – the two of them cut their kiss short to return to the others. Everyone just kind of winked at them which left them with flushed cheeks. Nayeon didn’t even care and was already spinning. The bottle didn’t land on anyone in particular. In fact it actually was pointing more towards the trash can in the background rather than on Dahyun.

“HAHAHA NAYEON HAS TO KISS THE TRASH CAN!” Jungyeon yelled loudly while the eldest threw a fit and continued spinning the bottle.

“THAT DOESN’T COUNT!!!” Everyone was so focused on the madness that Jihyo felt it was appropriate to sneak in another a peck on Momo’s lips which she had gladly accepted. In the end Nayeon quit and mentioned she would just make out with her pillow. That was that.


Requests are now closed.

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yoloswag3883 #1
Plz do Sachaeng! ps really loved that fic substance you made about them
yuki_momoko #2
All one shots are nice & wonderful: D thank you so much for writting fic for underrated pair. Waiting for your next update. ^_^
YooSera #3
Chapter 4: Oh it's so cute **
Sana x Nayeon please~
Chapter 3: Tysm for writing my second request! :)
It's so romantic, this is litteraly relationship goals <3 My parents thought that I was crazy because i was smiling and fangirling for a good 3-4 mins (I was literally in front of them XD) . Lastly, can't wait for the future one shots! Keep up the good work! :D
sammy10 #6
Chapter 2: Omg natzuuuuuu!!!
Dayum tzuyu is too smoothe ! Way too smoothe ! I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Dwiwilujeng #7
Can you write sory about Dayeon (Dahyun Nayeon)
wado0om #8
Write fro chaeyoung and jihyo please !!
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for writing my request! ^^ That was so cute~ :3 I wish my life could ressemble to the ones in dramas... ;-; Looking forward to the future one shots! Fighting! :)