
Underrated Twice ships [REQUESTS CLOSED]

Nayeon x Tzuyu

Filled for: Uc_Eva

(♍ x ♊)

Astrology says that both Gemini and Virgo individuals are intellectual and practical. Their compatibility is strengthened by the good rapport which the duo will share more precisely at an intellectual level. However,compatibility problems may creep in due to misunderstanding brought up by pent up feelings.





Im Nayeon was a drama addict. She'd binge watch them for hours when she had time and even compared herself to some of the characters. She had a secret login on a forum where she would complain or praise what happened in the story lines. Each one of the members had probably joined her at some point in watching one of her many series that she followed. No one questioned it because it was fun and gave them something to talk about. However, what they didn't know was all these shows were weighing heavy on the eldest's psyche. She was a romantic at heart and longed to experience things that she saw on the screen. That wasn't practical though and she knew it too, but it didn't stop her thoughts about the manner.


When one of the couples in a drama she watched broke up, Nayeon had become slightly depressed over it. She had the bad habit of getting too attached to the characters. Tzuyu had become concerned when she saw that Nayeon wasn't watching the new episode as it aired. This was because it had become a bit of a tradition for them to watch it together and she was sort of looking forward to what the next plot twist would be. Tzuyu turned the channel to the drama and watched Nayeon roll on her side so she was facing the couch rather than the screen.


“Unni why aren't you going to watch it?” Tzuyu began patting Nayeon's leg in hopes of getting her attention. The drama was just playing a recap of last week's episode so they hadn't missed anything yet. Nayeon seemed disinterested as she was playing a game on her phone and Tzuyu was pretty sure that she was going to have to watch it alone this week.


“They broke up! There is no point in watching it anymore!” Nayeon stated in a matter of fact tone and waved Tzuyu off. The maknae had picked up on some bad vibes seeping off of the older girl and figured she must have had a bad day.


“You seem more upset about something else rather than something bothering you?” Tzuyu plopped down on the couch beside Nayeon and began to her hair affectionately. As much as she enjoyed playing the evil maknae and torturing them, she didn't like seeing them hurt either. Especially, Nayeon since it was practically an open secret how she was actually more sensitive than she let on. Nayeon appeared to be in thought for a moment but soon let out her trademark laugh while rubbing under her nose to hide her bunny teeth.


“It's pretty dumb actually. I guess it would just be nice to experience a romance like in a drama just once you know? Anyways, good night!” That was all that was said and before Tzuyu could get a word in, she was gone. Tzuyu ended up watching the drama alone that night while thinking about what Nayeon had said. She didn't think it was dumb at all because many others probably had the same feelings before. She came to the conclusion that Nayeon was lonely and wanted to fix that with her presence.


Tzuyu did have feelings for the latter. How could she not for the person who willingly pretended to bark like a dog with her on tv? She didn't outright show it with skin ship but more with teasing and she certainly bullied Nayeon as much as possible. Bullied her to the point that Jihyo considered her as the oldest member instead. It was kind of funny actually and Nayeon didn't disagree with it either. Regardless, she wanted to do something to soothe Nayeon's sadness. She wanted her to know that was definitely loved by someone else other than her fans. Tzuyu stayed up later than usual that night as she began to formulate a plan of sorts to make Nayeon's wish come to fruition.


The next day consisted of schedules from the early morning until the late evening. Tzuyu's plan had been a total failure since they hadn't gotten a moment alone yet. That was until the two were sent to the convenience store together by the other members to pick up snacks. On the way back they entered the elevator together and that was where Tzuyu would conduct her scheme. Nayeon pressed the button for the top floor and placed the heavy bag of food on the floor for now. She stretched with a yawn, lifting her arms well above her head. Tzuyu saw this as an opportunity and gently pinned the shorter girl against the wall.


“What's this? Are you mocking my height again?” Nayeon didn't take it seriously at all and even laughed a bit. She stared up at Tzuyu with her trademark bunny tooth grin as she was waiting for the punch line of the joke. Tzuyu blinked in response but then shook her head as a small smirk formed on her lips.


“Isn't this something that would happen in a drama?” Tzuyu asked and Nayeon the drama expert was about to weigh in with her expert opinion until she cut off by Tzuyu's lips. Tzuyu was a bit worried that Nayeon would freak out but she was actually kissing back much her to relief. When they pulled away, Nayeon was completely red and for once speechless. Tzuyu looked rather proud of herself.


“Yeah....I guess it would.” Nayeon hid her face for a moment when she realized what exactly it was that Tzuyu was doing for her. Her heart beat quickened and she felt extremely special in that moment. Tzuyu's arms wrapped around her from behind for a back hug and she leaned into the embrace effortlessly.


“You foolish girl did you really think I wouldn't kiss you?” Tzuyu repeated a line from one of Nayeon's favorite dramas which resulted in her bursting into laughter. Tzuyu also ended up laughing as well and helping up Nayeon who fell over from laughing too much. The elevator opened and the two exited together along with the bags while Nayeon was still laughing over what was said.


“Yah! Now you're taking this too far!” She managed to get in between laughs but Tzuyu could tell how happy she was for the effort anyways. This would be the first of many 'drama' moments between them to come. They started watching the one that Nayeon refused to watch again and now that the main couple was back together again, Nayeon seemed happier. Well, it was probably more from Tzuyu than that. 



Requests closed.

I'll try to write one a day.

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yoloswag3883 #1
Plz do Sachaeng! ps really loved that fic substance you made about them
yuki_momoko #2
All one shots are nice & wonderful: D thank you so much for writting fic for underrated pair. Waiting for your next update. ^_^
YooSera #3
Chapter 4: Oh it's so cute **
Sana x Nayeon please~
Chapter 3: Tysm for writing my second request! :)
It's so romantic, this is litteraly relationship goals <3 My parents thought that I was crazy because i was smiling and fangirling for a good 3-4 mins (I was literally in front of them XD) . Lastly, can't wait for the future one shots! Keep up the good work! :D
sammy10 #6
Chapter 2: Omg natzuuuuuu!!!
Dayum tzuyu is too smoothe ! Way too smoothe ! I can't wait for the next chapter <3
Dwiwilujeng #7
Can you write sory about Dayeon (Dahyun Nayeon)
wado0om #8
Write fro chaeyoung and jihyo please !!
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for writing my request! ^^ That was so cute~ :3 I wish my life could ressemble to the ones in dramas... ;-; Looking forward to the future one shots! Fighting! :)