Lee Donghae

Time Machine


Time Machine -- Donghae's POV(the normal ones)

Time Machine -- Minseo's POV(the italic ones)


I don’t know what happened to me but my cheeks started to burn and my heart began to excite. Her eyes shone like the sun and her lips were as pinkish as the newly-bloomed carnations in a garden. By that, I tried to be calm as she led me to her house.


 “Well, here we are. Home sweet home!” she said as she manually unlocked the door with her keys. I was confused with that. “Err, don’t you have a fingerprint detector or something? And I guess a wooden door is not suitable for a lady like you. There should be a bullet-proof chrome door here.” She laughed again. “What are you saying? Only companies and hotels have that kind of fingerprint detector and I don’t know about a bullet-proof chrome door.” Oh great. She can’t understand me; I shouldn’t talk about the surroundings at our time.

I went in and saw her house. It was big yet simple. Just a living room with one 48 inches flat T.V and 3 large sofa beds, a kitchen with a simple dining area and a stair to the 2nd floor. “Do you have some clothes?” she asked. “Oh, you don’t” as she realized that I have nothing with me then she ran to the 2nd floor. I blushed everytime I saw her. I still can’t get over of her looks and kindness.

I sat down on the sofa and waited for her to hand me the clothes.

“Here, it’s my brother’s clothes but he’s in Japan. You can wear it.” she smiled and I find it cute. “What’s your name anyway?” she said as she sat beside me.

“i..i’m Lee Donghae” I kinda hated that name because it’s like an oldie!

“I’m Lee Minseo. We’re both Lee’s! I guess that’s why you have a handsome face” she smiled as she bit her finger.

She… complimented me. Lee Minseo. I’ll definitely remember your name.

“You should go and take a bath. You’ll have a fever if you don’t. There’s your room” she pointed at the 2nd room upstairs. “There’s a comfort room there, after that you can take a sleep.” She said as she led me upstairs and pushed me to the room. “Good night!” then she closed the door.

I.am.all.alone… I was really scared because I don’t like to sleep alone, well its okay if it’s daylight but, it’s nighttime!! I was always with my brother back home because I’m scared of ghosts! Oh well… I took a bath and they are all manually operated here but it’s okay, I think that Eunhyuk would find a way immediately to bring me home… I lied on the bed and after 45 minutes, I still can’t sleep and I was really scared!

I knocked on her door and opened it up. I saw her drawing something, a piano. She was really good in drawings! She noticed me and she stood up and approached me.

“Do you need something?”

“Err, can I sleep here? I’m scared.” I said as I flashed my innocent face

She smiled. “Sure. I trust you.”

I didn’t expect that it would be that easy. I set my pillows on the couch.

“Not there, sleep on the bed.” She said as she sat on the bed, patting on the other side of the bed.

“N-No. It’s okay here.”

“Aniyo.” She said with a bossy tone. It was scary so I obeyed her. It was really awkward. Then another 45 minutes passed and I still can’t sleep. I stood up and walked and sat through the window pane, I watched the night sky as the thoughts about my family and friends occur.

What if I got stuck here forever? Who would plant kisses on omma’s cheeks? Who would play with my brother? Who would ruin Eunhyuk’s things? Those questions came up in my mind. I realized that this was not just a game of hide and seek, that once I hide, later on someone would see me and bring me back to the gaming place. No. I think the possibility that I would be back in my time would be only 50% . I think that Omma would be really worried.

I didn’t notice that tears already made my cheeks wet. As I wiped it, I felt two warm hands on both of my shoulders.

“Gwenchanayo. You can tell me your problems. We’re friends right?” Minseo said as I wiped my tears away.

“You’ll make fun of me and you won’t believe me.”

She shook her head, “I’ll listen to you.”

“You know I’m not really belonging to this time. This was 100 years before. I played with my friend’s time machine and I think I broke it. Now I don’t know how I will get back. I’m so worried on my mother… she’s old and I don’t want her to worry…”


“I told you, you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Aniyo, I believe you. It’s just that… it’s like it’s impossible to happen. Can you tell me about the future?” she happily said.

“Future? I think it’s really more advanced than this. You don’t have to walk because there’s a machine everywhere that would guide you to whatever place you wanted to go. There are also robots everywhere selling food and drinks.”

“Jinja?! Robots?” she smiled and she sat comfortably on the window pane in front of me.

 I nodded. “Yup and they look like humans except with their ears that are made up of chrome.”

I talked to her until I realized that it was already 3am and I asked her to sleep so she nodded and slept beside me.






~Because you naughty, naughty! Hey, oh Mr. Simple!~ an alarm woke us both.

“Oh great we have classes today!” she was shocked and she rushed to the bathroom, into the kitchen and back in the room again.

“Oh, Donghae-sshi. Goodmorning! Err, I’m sorry if I woke you up but I have classes today. Mianhe~” she said, she was wearing her school uniform and their uniform was more beautiful than ours!

“Err, do you want me to lead you to school?” I asked her because I want to tour myself here.

“Oh, no. You might get lost.” She protested.

“It’s okay, I remember places easily” I said happily.

“Jinja? Umm, if it’s okay to you.” she flashed me with a cute smile that made my heart pound.

I dressed up with his brother’s clothes.

“Hand me your things.” I said happily, she bit her finger again then she hesitated. I knew that it would happen so I took her things for her and she gave up and walked instead.

It was a long walk but I didn’t get tired because I was talking non-stop about my life in the future. I could see that she enjoyed it and after a while, I could see her school.

“Umm… Donghae-sshi, don’t you mind if you… 

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trollplay #1
don't give up :((
trollplay #2
it's been years and i'm still waiting for this
trollplay #3
update please :DDDDDDDDDD
sakurashines99 #4
Update~ please . . . it's interesting >;] keep it up FIGHTING~!<br />
redexovelvet #5
I like your story... please update soon. :))