The time lapse

Time Machine


 100 years from now…


                My friend, Eunhyuk said that he built a time machine. I got curious and checked it out. I was amazed as I looked at it. You wouldn’t believe that it’s a time machine because it looked like an old music box. I flipped it up and saw the keys. I rolled up the lever and the music started to come out of the music box. Eunhyuk saw me and ran, he shouted something that I can’t understand and the next thing I know was… I was being transfered to another time.


                Everything around me spun like a whirlwind. I can’t see clearly anything as I was being dragged sideward, upward, downward… All I could feel was dizziness then after a while, it stopped and I was soaking wet in this river with a broken time machine in my hand. . But I guess Eunhyuk would be able to make another one soon.


I glanced around and it was familiar but I could see no robots, no walk-alators, and no chrome trees, there’s not much technology. I glanced around and saw couples kissing and hugging each other at the benches, painters, and lanterns. It’s so confusing! I tried to get up to the riverside and made it up to the park, and then I remembered this place.


                It was Han River, a very simple yet more romantic Han River of before.


It was really cold because it’s the first night of December. I saw the date on an old version of LED screen. I sat at the darkest side of the park, hugging my knees as I felt the cool breeze touching my wet body. I tuck my head low as I think of how I would get back into our time. I was troubled about what I have done at Eunhyuk’s house and I regret touching the things without his permission.


When I was about to sleep I felt someone poking me. I looked up and saw a silhouette of a girl crouching down in front of me. “Did I wake you up?” she said. I can’t see her face because of the darkness around me. “Aniyo. Gwenchanayo.”(no, it's okay) I said as I smiled at her kindness. “Umm, I think you should go home right now. It’s getting late and underage people are not allowed to stay here after 10pm.” “But, I don’t have a place to go or money.” I said honestly.


“How about your parents? Have you contacted them?” she asked and I smiled at her concern. “I don’t know anyone here. I’m from another time and I think this place was 100 years ago.” I said but she laughed. “Stop joking!”       “I said the truth! Want to have some evidences?” then I showed her my phone, it was like a ballpen and it has a hologram of yourself when you open it. I turned it on and , it was broken. “It’s a pen…”    “Mwoya?! What happened?! Aish! Stupid phone!” I said as I tried to break it into two pieces but i failed, she only laughed. “Do you want to sleep in our house? I guess you’re a good person so I don’t have to worry about anything.”


She held my hand and dragged me out of the park, the street lights made me saw her face and… 





-----Hello again!----

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trollplay #1
don't give up :((
trollplay #2
it's been years and i'm still waiting for this
trollplay #3
update please :DDDDDDDDDD
sakurashines99 #4
Update~ please . . . it's interesting >;] keep it up FIGHTING~!<br />
redexovelvet #5
I like your story... please update soon. :))