Letting Go

Dumb Shots

We met in spring. 

I was wearing a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and beat up vans that were 2 years old. I was skating down the street, the wind was blowing my brown bangs back. I closed my eyes for a split second, taking it all in, while also taking out a girl walking down the street who was not paying attetention because her eyes were glued to her phone.


" that hurt." I said while lying on the ground. I looked over to see a girl on the ground as well. Her hair was in her face so I couldn't really see her to see if she wa injured so I asked, "Are you alright? I should have been watching were I was going I'm sorry."

She looked up and I finally saw her face. Holy she's beautiful,

"It's whatever, I have to go though so bye." 

She started walking again and me being an idiot I just stood there in a daze. Snap out of it Amber! Wait I don't even know her name. 

I bolted after her, grabbing her arm to stop her, which wasn't very smart because she smacked me across the face. 

"Get off me ert!" She yelled straight in my ear. She then got a good look at me and frowned, probably wondering what I wanted after basically knocking the out of her. I rubbed my cheek because it ing hurt and I awkwardly looked at her hoping she would recognize me.

"Oh you're the kid who tackled me, sorry I didn't mean to hit you," She looked guilty but I could see the slight enjoyment in her facial features. She looked at me from head to toe and then continued, "I thought you were a ert or something, but that's besides the point, what do you want?"

I looked down at my feet and scratched the back of my neck because I do that when I get nervous. Pause for a second.

Now If I had to choose a moment from my past that I would consider a life changer, it would be this moment. Okay un-pause.

"What's your name?" I gave her my cheeky grin hoping to charm her into giving it to me. I could see a slight smile starting to surface, but she quickly went back to her straight face. 

She spoke, "Why would you want my name?"

I answered immediately, "Becuase you literally knocked me off my feet."

She stared at me for a good minute, probably contemplating if she wanted to reject me or just walk away. Then I heard a strange but also amazing sound.

She doubled over laughing, tears b her eyes. I looked pretty dumb just standing there, but I was witnessing an angel laugh so can you blame me.

"It's Krystal."

I blanked out. "Pardon?"

"My name... It's Krystal," She smiled at me, " what's yours?"

"Amber, you can call me Amber." I grinned as we shook hands.


That's how I met my best friend, We became inseperable after that, we just clicked together.

Now we can fast-forward to today, which is 3 years later.

Me and Krystal are still "soulmates" as she likes to call it. I'm grateful for her, but why does god have to spite me? We're bestfriends, but things have changed. I have walked down a path that I never should have been on. Everyday is painful and I don't think I can keep going. I can't face her anymore, not that we hang out as often because she's always busy.

Right now I'm at a bar called Casey's, I'm a regular so the whole staff pretty much know me. I'm supposed to be meeting the gang here, but I ended up being the first one. Figures.

I took a sip of my beer and glanced at my watch. Where the are they, I don't have all day and I certainly don't want to get drunk by myself.

Slowly but surely my friends started showing up. First was Jonghyun, my apartment roomate while also being my closet male friend. Next was Victoria, we met In English Lit, we both speak Chinese so we became pretty close. Vic's basically my second mom because she's the oldest out of all of us. Third, is Luna and Onew, They're basically a married couple haha. Luna is a bubbly person while Onew eats chicken 24/7, Jonghyun introduced us my freshmen year. After them was Sulli and Minho, typical jock and pretty girl. Don't get me wrong though, Sulli is a sweatheart and I would take a bullet for her, and Minho is a pretty funny guy when you get to know him. 

The door then opened with a jingle. revealing my bestfriend. She wore a simply button up and a pencil skirt, she looked ing gorgeous.

Jonghyun leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I would shut your mouth before you start drooling Am." 

I shut my mouth quick and glared at him. Oh, did I forget to mention something? Yes well all of my friends know my little secret, except of course.. Krystal.

She immediately found my eyes and ran over to tackle me. I caught her obviously. 

"I missed you so much Am, I feel like I haven't seen my soulmate in 2 years." She laughed while I nervously fidgited.

"Oh really? Sorry Krys I've just been really busy and stuff." I lied.


The night went on as we drank together and danced to the beat of the music playing over the speakers. I'm pretty much a lightweight and so is Krystal so we usually share, but right now I just want to get drunk.

"Hey, don't drink so much Am or you'll throw up." She looked at me concerned. Pfft, if she really cared she would see what she has done to me.

I shrugged her hand off of my wrist while holding my 5th beer. "I don't need you to ing babysit me, I'm a ing grown up." I spat at her and then walked towards the bathroom stumbling a few times along the way.

I made it to the toilet and I puked all I had in my stomach, afterwards I slumped over and just sat there. Before I knew it tears started coming down my cheeks and I couldn't hold it in anymore. So I sat there and cried out everything I had held in.

Mid sob I choked out the words I've never said out loud.

"I..love you.."  "I...Lo-love.. you.. Kr-Krystal..."

But I was so caught up in my crying that I didn't notice someone had entered the bathroom. 

My stall door was forced open quite suddenly and when I looked up I saw the face of someone that has haunted my dreams for over 2 years.

"Krys..Kr-Krystal..?" I barely got her name out between my hiccups and crying, fear evident in my eyes.

A single tear streamed down Krystal's face and I wanted to be shot right there for making her cry. She crouched down to my level and put her clammy hands on both sides of my face, wiping my tears for me.

She chuckled bitterely, while I looked like a lost puppy. She then started to lean dangerously close to my face. 

Then she whispered over my dry lips, "You're too late..stupid."

Before I could reply her soft lips met mine in a searing kiss, knocking the air out of me just like when we first met.

It ended abruptly as someone else entered the bathroom. She swiflty got up and exited the bathroom, before I could even stand up.

What just happened..

I made my way out to the table and a new presence had arrived. And right then I understood what she meant back in the bathroom. I looked between the two of them and smiled bitterly.

"You were too late.. stupid Amber." I said to myself as I saw Krystal and her boyfriend Kai kissing.

I felt the presence of someone behind me putting their hand on my shoulder. It was Jonghyun.

"It's gonna be okay Am." I turned towards him and I just looked at him sadly, all the happiness drained from my eyes. We went back to the table lightly chatting with one another. 

"Hey! What's this song called? I really like it!" Sulli suddenly yelled, probably wasted.

I smile bitterly again, raising my eyes to look at my "soulmate" and our eyes meet.

"It's by Day6 and it's called Letting Go." Me and Krytal held eye-contact for a long time until he turned her attention to Kai who asked her if she wanted another drink from the bar.

Then the lyrics suddenly blared into my ears.

Holding on to you
Will do you no good
I know, so I struggle to get you out
The times we had together, our dear memories
I let go, let go, let go
So you can smile someday


"..Letting Go huh.." I mumbled as I looked down and took a sip of my beer.


This was very painful to write and has to do with the whole kaistal dating thing that really ed with my heart and it still hurts.. anyways yeah I just want her to be happy and stuff

your sad author is taking a break,

peace and out 









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Chapter 3: Well... That was..sad. Give it time, author.
Kryber2016 #2
Wow that last one ... Geez not a good way to go ...
jasonds #3
Chapter 3: noooo please make happy ending story author nimmmm...please
ooleslieloi #4
Chapter 3: Legit, @Jade123do i was listening to Day6 too when the news came out, and i stopped looking at f(x) stuff for like 3 weeks and got myself back into Got7, Twice, and Day6. But im still with f(x). The news did effect me, but i let that go so now i dont really mind whats happenig with ***stal and ill still ship Kryber.
sefexclusibo #5
Chapter 2: Amber shouldn't let Krystal go. This is so sad. :(
Jade123do #6
Chapter 2: Tbh I listened to day 6 as I unfollowed Krystal and deleted all the pics of kryber on my phone. I was so numb still numb
SuperLin #7
Chapter 2: Did you get inspired from my tweet earlier? Damn that was fast... :p let's get through this together. I've got your back ;)
jasonds #8
Chapter 2: aissshhhh another sad ending kryber.....these days i had too many heartbroken stories...please author nimmmmm at least make kryber together in fanfics