Tourists at Paris

Three Perfect Days
Day 2
Hyukjae and I went to Disneyland Paris this morning and later tonight we'll go to Eiffel tower. We went back to the hotel to freshen up.
He's actually exactly what Hyun Ae unni said to me. I remember during our car ride that Donghae sshi called.
"Yoboseyo," he answered while I was texting Hannee sshi and Hye Yoo unni, though it's still summer, I am still processing my application at Yonsei while working with Hye Yoo unni for her wedding. 
We were chatting on Kakaotalk when I heard Hyukjae say, "I told you, I don't know where Hyun Ae is and I don't want to ask whoever you think of that may know where she is."
I chatted on our convo:
Me: Donghae is not giving up on finding Hyun Ae unni.
Hye Yoo: he went to the office five times in one day, sometimes I wonder if he's just parked outside.
Hannee: he went to the coffee shop too.
Me: I am starting to pity him.
Hye Yoo: Wae?
Hannee: me too but he deserves it.
Hyun Ae: whatever. I'll be back after 7 months I think. I've been gone what 4 months? He has not given up.
Hye Yoo: you threw away your old phone, locked your house and didn't tell him of your internship. He probably thinks you're just being childish and you're somewhere in Korea.
Hannee: LOL. I agree. I think he still thinks he can get you back.
Hyun Ae: let's stop talking about him. I am on my way to New York and South America in a few months. I have to shoot for a soccer player and I have to do a photo shoot with Beast, I still have a contract with Cube, I am so busy I have no time to the of him.
Hye Yoo: whatever Hyun Ae I have heard this before. If it were not for that internship you would have been back with him.
I laughed out loud and then I heard Hyukjae, "I heard from a friend that she's in Jeju, that hotel where you stayed with her." I saw him smirk.
Donghae hung up the phone and he looked at me. "I can't stop him, so I lied." he shrugged.
I smiled at him. "Unni is not going back to Korea in a long time so I doubt if he would find her, she's kind of all over the place right now."
"Hyun Ae deserves someone better. If I was the boyfriend, I would not have hidden here that long. Youngdeok hyung after leaving the army admitted his relationship with Hye Yoo and is preparing to get married. Donghae and Hyun Ae was in a relationship for 7 years. I guess, it got hard for her." 
I nodded since it was all true. 
"Why did you break up with Jonghoon" He asked. 
"I studied in the Philippines and at that time they were becoming popular. He had no time for me. We just kinda lost touch. When they went to the Philippines about  4 or 5 years ago I met with him and we broke up. Besides I got too mad at Hongki. He was bugging me about my other friend so much like what Donghae's doing with you."
"Hanee, the coffee shop owner near Gangnam was that girl right?" he asked.
"Ne, she went to Canada for a while and studied there she just got back to Seoul a year and a half ago. From what I heard they saw each other and it was not a good meeting." I shared.
Hyukjae laughed. "They did at the engagement party. Hannee brought a date." he told me, "It was Won Bin sshi, Hongki literally saw red and dragged Hannee out of the hall."
Hannee told me about it. "Heechul hyung started a bet that they'd be back together in time for the wedding." he winked at me.
It was just weird that his gestures like that wink make my heart skip a beat.
Am I starting to like him? I thought to myself.
Shinhae laughed at my story about the bet, I never told anyone else about the bet, 100,000won in favor of Hannee and Hongki getting back together, same as Jaejin and Heechul hyung, Jonghoon, Minhwan, and Seunghyun bet against us.
"Their relationship is kinda temperamental ever since." she shared.
I was really curious about this girl. I have to admit even to myself that I am starting to like here. It was since she helped me keep my privacy pretending to be my girlfriend. 
"Shinhae, I hope it's not too much to ask, why don't you have a boyfriend? Or did you leave one in Manila? I asked.
"Ani, no boyfriend, I'm preparing for law school it would be unfair to my boyfriend if I didn't have time." she said.
"But if you have a boyfriend who'd be as busy as you, I don't see that as an issue." I said.
"Been on that road with Jonghoon, it burns and hurts you know. Makes it a lesson learned the hard way." she said.
"I guess." I said.
I remembered our conversation while I was in my room. 
I thought about what she said and I guess she has a point. 
My hotel phone rang and sighed, knowing it's Donghae.
"Moron, she's not in Jeju!" he screamed at me. I didn't speak and hung up the phone.
I smiled. Revenge is just too sweet.
I wish Jungsoo hyung was not in the army although I know he'd be mad at me, it going to be fun watching Donghae suffer.
I sent a message to Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. Knowing once he goes back to Seoul he'd be sulking. 
Me: Free beers when Donghae goes back to Seoul
Ryeowook: hyung, Donghae is already here, we are going to the club now.
Kyuhyun: nothing that he does not deserve *evil laugh*
I smiled to myself.
Me: stop chasing someone who hides away from you.
Donghae: it hurts you know.i love her.
Me: you are 7 years late, you know that right?
He didn't answer me. I went and took  a bath, when I got back he had a long message.
Donghae: I wish you fall in love with a girl who has common sense to turn her back on you. Even if you love her she'd break your heart then tell me what you're telling me.
I didn't reply. I smiled, he's depressed. I left it at that.
Shinhae sent me an SMS asking if I was ready to leave for dinner.
Hyukjae and Shinhae had dinner at Eiffel tower and it was a good night, they walked around holding hands, sharing stories and enjoying the scene and the night.
They took pictures of their night together.
"Souvenirs, let's buy something for each other." Hyukjae said.
"I will buy something at the mall before we meet for the diner at the cruise. We'll meet at around 7pm right? She asked him.
He nodded.
"it's our last night in Paris, let's make it memorable." she said and smiled. Since the hotel is near they walked back to the hotel.
When they reached the lobby, there were paparazzis all over.
He checked his phone, and there was a message on Kakaotalk.
Kyuhyun: Donghae tweeted that you're in Paris.
Ryeowook: Mianhe, hyung. Can't stop Donghae.
Yunho: I heard you're in Paris, a friend of mine is there too.
Hyukjae looked at Shinhae, "you know Yunho?" he asked, she nodded, "we dated. But we're friends now." she said.
Jealousy ran through His veins while Shinhae was oblivious. 
"You better go in first, those won't leave without a picture of me." he said and she agreed. She kissed his cheek. "Good night." she said. 
She walked in the hotel while he was watching and he decided to go to the night market and buy her a gift.
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