The Letter

A Letter to my Best Friend

Dear Jeon Jiyoon

I miss you. God knows how i miss you. Words cant even explain how much i miss you. you left so suddenly. Even though you are about 5 years older than me you left this world at a very young age. i didnt even get a chance to thank you for how much you changed my life. So this letter will explain how much you really mean to me.

Remember when we first met. how you saved me from in that ally near the train station from this mean group of thugs that looked like they were going to do erted and unthinkable thing to me. i was horrified at what had just happened.i was shaking and everything. But you took me to a nice cafe and shouted me cake and comfort me. i felt so much better and after that incident we started to bond with each other. You became like an older sister to me. You always protected me and we had such good time together. Those were the best memories.

A year after we first met you said to me "I's time for you to toughen up and learn how to fight and protect yourself. ill teach you how to fight like a man." i just stared at you because i only saw myself as being weak and useless but look at me now. i think i can fight just as good as you did. i only use it as self defence though. Its not like i go around and starts fights or anything.

You taught me so many lessons in life like not to judge someone only based on first impressions. Like the time i first met your friends and and how Minwoostarted to act weird when i first met him. You encouraged me to talk to him more and now we started to see each other more often and hes not that bad. i mean, we arent  goiing out or anything , we just spend a lot of time together.

After i found out that you were in hospital due to a car crash i sprinted as fast as i could. i saw Minwoo sitting outside the room that you were in and he had the look that it was too late. This couldnt be true that you were gone. i burst into your room and saw your lifeless body. It was like a part of me just died. i was right next to you bed screaming out your name. But it was no use. You had already left this world. Even though we arent related i still considered you as my older sister. You protected me and taught me a lot.

i hope this letter reaches you and that you can understand how important you are to me.

You best friend


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