
A Letter to my Best Friend

As Alice finished her letter to Jeon Jiyoon she puts her pen down, folds the letter and slips it into the envelope. As she walks out of her room towards the backyard she senses smoke. "She has started," she sighs sadly. In the backyard she see envelopes turn into ashes. "Mum...... why do we burn the letters instead of leaving them near the grave," Alice ask. "Its so the person that has passed away can get better access to the letters. If you just leave it near their grave site it will never get read and the person wont know what you wanted to say to them." Alice slowly hands her the letter to her and watch the white envelope turn into black ash her eyes started to water. She tried so hard to hold them back but they eventually escape down her cheek. her mother went inside. The saltiness of her tears made her cry even harder.

After calming down a little she walked to the park. There she met Minwoo. "You've been crying again" Minwoo says and he wipes away her tears and the both of them lie down on the soft green grass staring at the sky. "You know Jeon Jiyoon made me promise that i will protect you with my life. im glad cos without Jeon Jiyoon i would have met you. i thanked her before she left." Minwoo coffessed to me. i was surprised and happy so i just smiled at him and looked back at the sky while holding his hand. "Jeon Jiyoon, i know you are still with usand you always will be. Watching over me like how you did in this world."

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