Coffee -Jungkook

Valentines Day with BTS
❝ Coffee❞
From: Mari
To: Sora


Jungkook woke up incredibly early. Way more early than normal. The sun was just barely beginning to alleviate the night sky when his feet touched the ground. He threw on the first sweatshirt and pair of jeans he could find before he headed out. 

The snow crunched under his boots, and the chilly February air nipped harshly at his nose, but that didn't mean a thing to him. He just secured his hood and kept walking, the rising sun lighting his pathway.

He arrived at a little cafe not too much later, and the warmth of the building brought life back in to his numb fingers. The sweet scents of pastries and coffees filled his nostrils and he gave a small smile. The place was decorated in hanging paper hearts all in various shizes and hues of reds and pinks. He walked up to the counter and was greeted by the cashier. 

"I'll take two blueberry muffins and one iced caramel macchiato to go please." he orered with ease. 

After the goodies were placed in his hands, he ventured back outside, the sun now much higher than before. On his route back home, he stopped at a flower stand to pick up the biggest bundle of red roses available. Carrying everything was a bit difficult, but he managed to make it back home safely. 

He entered your room oh so quietly with the fresh flowers now put in a clear glass vase, and set them down, along with the muffins and coffee, on your bedside table. Jungkook sat down carefully on the side of your bed, and gave your cheek a small kiss. Your eyelashes fluttered slightly in your sleep. Jungkook ran his fingers through your hair before he began to sing softly.

Baby, baby you're a caramel macchiato. Your scent is still sweet on my lips. Baby, baby, tonight.

You were aroused gently out of your sleep by the soft combing fingers through your hair and the sweet melody of Jungkook's voice. You opened your eyes and were greeted by that adorable smile you love so much. You glanced over at your bedside table. "Did you do this?" you asked with a small yawn. 

"I did. I wanted to make your morning special. So I picked up your favorites for breakfast." He handed you a muffin, which you took graciously, and he grabbed the other for himself. "Happy Valentines day." 

"Thank you so much. Happy Valentines day, Jungkookie."

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Chapter 1: that bonus part ; i'm died
BTSisMycraackmyLSD12 #2
Chapter 2: (\⚪⬜⚪)/ .. \______/
Dies due to fan girl feels and lSD
shulahoops #3
Chapter 2: *death by cuteness*