Chapter 81

Youngest of Pieces: World Invasion (12)
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It is another weekend, filming their car karaoke. After going to the gym, her second day in a row, Hannah takes her car to pick Maria up. Her body is a bit sore from the workout but she is feeling energetic and comfortable with the camera filming them. With Maria next to her, the two of them are talking more at the beginning than when they filmed the first time. The reason is because their first car karaoke video has been released so they have a bunch of comments on YouTube to talk about, to bring up what songs fans want them to do and so on.

One thing Maria starts nodding over is when reading from her tablet a comment about Hannah’s teddy bear. She nods without even reading it out loud so Hannah gives her a glance while driving, asking what she is nodding over.

“Everyone, it’s true. That teddy bear is always sitting in the back,” Maria tells the camera and Hannah starts smiling, checking the rear-view mirror to see the teddy bear buckled up in the backseat.

“It sits comfortably back there,” Hannah comments.

“Weird, yeah,” Maria mumbles, again nodding as it was a comment she agreed with. “Oh, there is a lot of comments asking us to sing [Blood, Sweat & Tears].”

Hannah has looked at the comments too, knowing there is a few comments like that but she knows Maria mentions it only because Maria really wants to sing it – and they are going to.

“They want us to sing [Soldier] too,” Maria chuckles, looking amused seeing the comments for them to share their love for Emelia’s solo. “It hasn’t even come out yet. We’ll sing that next time.”

Though Maria says that, she starts singing a part of the song while going through her phone’s playlist to begin the karaoke time. As soon as the music begins, Hannah and Maria get into the music. BTS’ latest release [Blood, Sweat & Tears] is put on a loud volume and though the ladies have a soft spot for the boy-group, Hannah can’t help but to feel that they are making fun of the song when going overboard with imitations. Even Hannah is bouncing in her seat to follow the beat when they have stopped by a red light. Nothing beats Maria though; always being the craziest one. Her arms are everywhere, dancing (not really dancing but moving in Maria’s way to dance) and having a blast to the song. According to fans, that is 5 Pieces’ charm, spotted during any car drive shown on Showtime; 5 Pieces enjoy music without caring about their surroundings. Maria had pointed out a comment that said ‘they look insane, but to just watch them is stress relieving, please do this every week xD’

“Everyone who is not driving put your hands up in the air!” Maria cheers for the next song and starts saying ‘woop, woop’ while moving her hands towards the ceiling.

They listen to a lot of things. Twice’s [Cheer Up] that Maria is extremely energetic for is one example, the song that Hannah wants to sing *shut up baby* for so she is just smiling along to not be an idiot in front of the camera. They play [Blood, Sweat & Tears] one more time, just as into the song as they were the previous time.

Stopping the car, Maria leaves Hannah alone. She has gone to get a guest for their car karaoke; well, she has gone to get a friend for a movie night, and taking the chance to get a guest for their karaoke at the same time. While waiting, Hannah is looking at the street in front of her. She has [Cheer Up] on repeat in her head, the music in the car is paused and since it isn’t Hannah’s phone that is connected, she isn’t touching it. Eventually she finds herself singing *shut up baby* by herself in a low voice, singing the song with the wrong words as Emelia has taught her.

Maria comes back to the car, sitting at the front but turns around to tell the cute Ana that she can shove the teddy bear aside to take the middle seat. Ana does as she is told while Hannah is pouting. It’s her car and her teddy bear, why didn’t anyone ask her if the teddy bear can be moved? Not that she really cares as Ana should take the middle seat to be seen, but she still turns around to make sure the teddy bear is not thrown on the floor or something. Ana sits the teddy bear next to her.

“What song do you want to start with?” Maria asks Ana when they are putting on their seatbelts, getting ready.

“Introductions first,” Hannah reminds the leader.

Ana looks really cute when she leans forward with the seatbelt under her arm, lowering her head to the single camera filming them at the front. “Hello uh, viewers of Maria and Hannah’s car karaoke?”

“Do it with confidence, girl,” Maria says in English and her two friends are smiling.

“What do you call it then?” Ana wonders.

Maria looks over her shoulder at Ana; “MarAh’s Carpool Karaoke.”

“What?” Hannah frowns. Maria hits her on the arm for not going with the flow.

Ana repeats what Maria said, eyes on the camera and follows with a greeting of that she is their great friend and junior, Ana.N. Maria looks pleased. With introductions done, Maria asks again what Ana wants to sing. Hannah is smiling widely before Ana is even giving an answer, expecting she knows what the answer will be and she lightly cheers when her guess is correct;

“I want to hear [1 of 1],” Ana answers. SHINee’s song.

“I knew you would say that,” Maria smirks and starts going through songs on her phone. “I have saved this song to when you’d join us. Hannah, eyes on the road.”

“My eyes are on the road,” Hannah says.

“She means you shouldn’t get distracted,” Ana explains and Maria is smiling at Hannah.

“See, she gets it,” Maria says, proud that Ana understands the easy words. The chatting dies out as the music begins and Hannah can sit and smile at her two friends. Ana sings along rather than dancing, while Maria is trying to focus on shaking her shoulders to the song’s choreography.

With Ana behind them, the car karaoke is a lot more fun. She can be dancing and singing in the back and depending on the song, she and Maria can be pointing at each other when singing something. When playing One Direction’s [What Makes You Beautiful], Hannah parks the car outside the house. Finishing playing the song, Maria loudly sings out afterwards;

*Of course you know you’re beautiful!* changing the lyrics however she pleases. She sings it loud and to the camera when reaching out to turn it off, ending their karaoke session like that.

With the camera off, Ana asks pretty much right away if their car drives always are this fun.

“It’s fun when Hannah drives,” Maria chuckles, taking the camera with her to get out with the others. “She lets me play however I want.”

“No one else lets you do that?” Ana follows her.

“No… Even Appa gets all tired after a few songs.”

Hannah rounds the car and says that she likes listening to music like Maria; it’s not tiring at all.

A movie night with Ana is to play a movie and then sit and talk throughout it. They rarely get to see each other, like it is with all friends of theirs. After watching two movies and taken a break for them to go on a walk, they sit down to watch another movie. The topics have been everything, from boys to singing, pets to families, favourite food to new beauty products they have tried. But when sitting down to watch this movie, they talk about work.

Ana is travelling back and forth between Korea and Japan like no one else, constantly releasing a new single and a new song. It is impressive hearing how much she does, but Maria keeps telling her during the movie that she should take it easy, to go travel, see her family, take time to have a life outside work. It is weird hearing Maria say it because the members of 5 Pieces aren’t exactly ones to talk as they tend to work constantly as well. Maria’s life outside work is stay at home, watching series. Maybe that’s why Maria begins a lecture of what teenage years will bring, what to cherish and what to hold on to. Ana ends up looking like she regrets bringing this subject up because Maria talks on for over forty minutes about how precious your teenage years are.

“Our memories from when we were teenagers were pretty much just struggling to fit in here in Korea,” Maria continues, a hand on her chest as she is emotionally into this subject.

“You never fitted in,” Ana smiles.

Maria rolls her eyes at the truth. “Damn right, but they surely have gotten used to us then?” she changes her choice of words. “What I mean, Anna, is that-”

She is interrupted by the doorbell. Hannah flies up on her feet, startling the two of them as well as the pets in the room. Tiger had run off as soon as she heard the doorbell but Milo and Ace only move when Hannah flies up.

“What is that?” Ana whispers to Maria.

The two of them are sitting with blankets around them, cuddled up in the sofa with no intention to go anywhere else than to the bathroom and back until the night is over. Hannah, on the other hand, goes to open the port. She might not live here anymore, but it does feel like she never left.

Opening the front door, she is leaning against it with a smile, letting in two more guests.

“Good evening,” she politely says.

“Evening?” Taemin frowns, “It’s more like ‘good midnight’ or something.”

“Good midnight then,” Hannah frowns back at him before smiling widely to Jonghyun. Before she can say the same to him, he wraps his arms around her, twirls them around and kisses her with his back blocking anyone inside from seeing. Taemin is too busy greeting Milo though, loudly calling out to ask who is here.

Jonghyun breathes her on the face when his lips leave hers, staying close with his hand in her hair.

“I guess you missed me,” Hannah whispers, trying to catch her breath.

He smiles and pecks her on the lips. “So much.”

It will be the first night in over a week he has the whole night off. For Taemin too. And they both decides to come here. Jonghyun gives out a sweet sound when wrapping his arms around Hannah and weirdly starts walking inside the house, mumbling into her ear words that makes her giggle.

Taemin sits down in the sofa, closely next to Ana to share her blanket and ask what they are talking about.

“Taemin, you worked from young age too. Tell dear Anna how important it is to be a teenager,” Maria is quick to fill him in.

“He has told me already,” Ana says, “His mother told me about it too.”

“My mother has had that speech already, yeah,” Taemin nods his head. “That’s what you’re so seriously talking about?”

“It’s a serious topic that should be talked about seriously,” Maria answers, giving him a quick grimace before holding out her hand to pat Ana on the leg. “If you want, I can stand by your side if you need a break sometime. The agency has a soft spot for me.”

“More likely her tongue,” Jonghyun smirks, taking a seat at Hannah’s end of the sofa. “The ladies in 5 Pieces always seem to be dreaded because of what they say. With threats and whatnot.”

“Besides from that one,” Maria gives Hannah a nod.

Jonghyun gladly hugs her but he adds that she is good at giving threats too.

“I think you’re teaching Ana bad stuff,” Taemin comments to Maria, “She threatened me recently.”

“It wasn’t a threat,” Ana shakes her head though.

“You told me to give you the mug or you’ll put pepper in my bed!” Taemin reveals in a light tone.

“Pepper?” Maria squeals and laughs with the others before raising her hand for a high-five. “That’s a good one.”

“See?” Taemin is quick to point and looks at Hannah and Jonghyun.

“Bad influence,” Jonghyun agrees.

“Good influence, what are you saying,” Maria grimaces at them.

“Unnie is taking good care of me,” Ana agrees.

Hannah is silently laughing at them. Ana sleeps over at Taemin’s place at times so she imagines Ana actually sprinkling pepper on his bed for it to itch when Taemin tries to sleep. It’s a good thing Emelia isn’t near to hear such a prank.

Just like before, there is a movie playing on the TV but no one is really watching it, too busy talking. When Emelia comes home she just showers and goes to her room, only saying ‘hi’ and ‘good night’ to the others. Her album will be out in a few days so Emelia is a bit stressed. First full-length album; Hannah knows the feeling. All of those in the living-room knows the feeling, she comes to think of.

With a peck on Jonghyun’s hand she gets out of the sofa, leaving the others without a word. Jonghyun follows her with his eyes, seeing her enter Emelia’s room carefully after knocking on the door.

It’s only been a few minutes since Emelia went inside her room but she has already gone to bed, the room dark besides from the bedside table and her phone.

“Hi,” Hannah whispers when closing the door after her. Milo is lying on the bed too.

“Mm,” Emelia mumbles in response.

The others are loud outside her room, talking, the TV is heard too. Hannah decides she will turn the TV off when she goes back outside, just to not create too much noise out there.

“How was your day?” Hannah wonders, carefully taking a seat at the end of the bed.


Hannah nods. Emelia moves her legs to give her more space.

“They are suddenly talking about changing the lyrics to [Soldier],” Emelia mutters, sighing and putting her phone away. “Apparently, some journalists will write that it is a feministic song, to write that my song is only about a woman’s role in society

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Chapter 76: I have already handpicked 3 songs for the full group comeback

1 Be My Baby (Possibly the title track) (Note: I hope that song be the title track!)
2 T.T.L (Time to Love) (possibly the B-side track)
3 MUZIK (possibly the follow-up track if there's a repackage album)