Chapter 74

Youngest of Pieces: World Invasion (12)
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Tokyo Dome with SMTOWN the second day is as fun as the day before. Hannah has a lot of fun backstage, but the half hour before the Musketeers’ performance she is busy practicing. She doesn’t want to mess up the choreography she does with Ana, the changed part to step in for Kai. He is watching her backstage, laughing at her practicing it even though she did fine the day before. Ana helps her out before taking the stage for her solo song.

They wrap up their concerts this weekend with a dinner, most people chatting backstage at Tokyo Dome when getting changed. When they are at the restaurant, 5 Pieces is sitting mixed up by two tables with f(x) and EXO members. Hannah sits with Kai on her right and Carolina on her left, a talkative Suho in front of her with Maria next to him. Hannah feels like the quiet one, surrounded by talkative people. Krystal is sitting on Kai’s other side, the two of them in their own world most of the time but more than Hannah thought, Kai is sitting to include her in the conversations. It’s nice to hear them all talk, seeing her friends that she rarely sees.

Though their dinner started late, it feels like they will eat for hours before the morning will make them part. A subject that goes on forever around Hannah’s table is the talk about pets; Kai and Hannah especially are talking on and on about dogs and cats. Maria joins in too, saying she is going to hug and kiss their pets when they come home. Which is in almost three weeks from now. Bringing up the time, Suho gives out a sudden loud sigh, feeling bad that 5 Pieces will go to Italy in the morning and won’t be back in three weeks. He makes them laugh just with a sigh and though the topic changes a little, Hannah and Kai on their own continue to talk about how weird their pets can be at times.

Going to the bathroom alone, Hannah has just walked inside the room when she starts laughing. Inside, Tiffany, Yoona and Yuri are blocking the mirrors; checking their makeup.

“Why are you laughing?” Yoona is quick to ask, turning around with a laugh at Hannah’s reaction for stepping inside like that.

“I’m sorry,” Hannah is laughing behind her hand, stepping inside the bathroom. “I don’t know why I’m laughing.”

She is pretty sure she is laughing because they looked funny facing the mirror, checking their makeup. It’s bad of her because most people do it; make sure the makeup is alright, that they don’t have food leftovers between their teeth, check their hair and so on. Which is why she say that she doesn’t know why she laughed. Hannah goes to do her business before going to check her own makeup, having Tiffany even putting on some powder for her.

“You’re like Maria,” Hannah mumbles, trying to not move her lips as Tiffany adds some lipstick too.

“I am?” Tiffany smiles, eyes focused on Hannah’s lips.


“Because you baby her,” Yuri is joking next to them and Hannah starts to nod. Tiffany pauses with patience while Hannah is nodding. Which is not like Maria.

“Putting on my makeup like this,” Hannah adds to what Yuri was saying.

“Aah,” Tiffany knows what she smiles, laughing lightly and patting Hannah’s cheek. “I think it suits you, this lipstick.”

Tiffany smacks her lips and Hannah imitates her, checking the result in the mirror. It isn’t much of a difference, according to Hannah, but she doesn’t have an eye for makeup the way Tiffany has.

“Pretty,” Tiffany praises the result and puts away the lipstick.

Hannah leans forward to the mirror, smacking her lips again. “Thank you, Unnie.”

Heading back together, Hannah walks to the wrong table. First she just follows behind Tiffany, then she looks around and she can’t remember what direction her table was at, but instead she spots Yoona taking a seat next to Jonghyun and Hannah’s goal changes. Rounding their table, still following Tiffany, Jonghyun starts smiling handsomely when he sees her. Yoona even moves from her seat to let Hannah sit next to Jonghyun, though Hannah says that isn’t necessary they tell her to sit there.

She is now sitting with SHINee and Girls’ Generation members who are chatting away about this and that. For some reason it feels like sitting down with seniors; well, they are her seniors, but they know each other more as friends than seniors after all these years. With her hands held together she sits formally by the table, watching who is sitting among them. Her scanning is interrupted by Jonghyun putting his arm around her, pressing his lips on her head. It’s sweet, and with Hannah watching the people around them she notices that no one cares. A few years ago they would’ve been teased, but no one seems to care anymore; or it is just natural behaviour by now. Hannah had thought earlier when eating that she won’t get to see Jonghyun in three weeks, wanting to be hugging him and talk to him, but now when actually sitting next to him she feels too shy to put her arms around him. She feels good that Jonghyun isn’t shy; if he doesn’t hug her shoulders with an arm he has his hand on her back.

After sitting there for about twenty minutes, his hand leaves her back. Hannah turns to glance his direction while Yoona is talking to them but his fingers starts caressing her hair down her back and she can look back at Yoona again. Key has sat down with them too.

Eventually Jonghyun is leaning on Hannah to hear them all better, as others by the table are speaking loudly. They are part of the conversation, Jonghyun talks a lot, but in between he finds himself pecking Hannah on the cheek or on her head, the two of them smiling on their own.

The night feels long. People head back to the hotel, others are staying, some are still laughing loudly while others are showing fatigue. Hannah is one of those people whose eyes are getting tired. Key has left the table and Yoona has gone to another table for these minutes. Tiffany and Taeyeon are still sitting by the table, Minho and Yuri too.

Hannah is resting her head in her palms, looking at Jonghyun while listening to the conversation. He pats her on the head at the tired look she gives him. She has fun, she is just tired.

From a distance she sees Emelia is filming on her phone. What she is filming for, Hannah has no idea, but Emelia is walking around talking to people. Eventually, stepping over to their table too. When seeing the phone is focused on Hannah, the youngest puts her hands in front of her face, spreading her fingers out to embarrassedly hide herself. Jonghyun puts his hand on her shoulder, showing a V-sign while leaning a bit to the side as if thinking his face won’t be captured.

“Hannah, did you have fun this weekend?” Emelia teases.

“Hannah is about to fall asleep,” Jonghyun answers with a low laugh, figuring out it is not a picture Emelia is taking based on her question.

“Oppa, you’re visible too,” Emelia lets him know as Jonghyun keeps leaning away with his V-sign on Hannah’s shoulder. He laughs finding that out and leans in closer instead, still posing as if it is a picture she is taking. “Hannah, you shouldn’t be sleeping now.”

“I’m not sleeping,” Hannah shakes her head, taking down her hands and smiles as Minho is giving out a laugh from the other end of the table.

“What are you filming for?” Jonghyun wonders, leaning against Hannah’s arm.

“Our YouTube channel,” Emelia confidently answers. Hannah turns to Jonghyun, in a low voice saying she told him about it and Jonghyun nods. “But only if I film something good. So far, you two aren’t making it.”

“Good,” Hannah jokes and Jonghyun is laughing at her response.

“You should film someone funny then,” Jonghyun suggests.

“Don’t you usually say you’re funny?” Emelia makes fun of him. Hannah lightly laughs at her words, making Jonghyun touch her cheek so Hannah tries to not laugh at the joke by biting her lip.

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Before they know it, morning arrives and SMTOWN part ways. Most of them head back to Korea while 5 Pieces alone get on a flight to Italy. Three weeks feel like a long time to be away, but on the flight, Hannah knows she will miss Europe. It is the last three weeks of their tour and SM Entertainment have promised 5 Pieces to get a break after this. They will miss being on tour though they have talked about missing home a lot these days.

Leaving Tokyo before noon, the ladies arrive in Milan in the evening. It is almost a fifteen-hour flight but thanks to the time difference, leaving on Monday allows them to arrive the same day got up in the air.

Going through the airport in Italy, Hannah and Julia are both feeling how stiff their bodies are after the long flight. Hearing Manager Park say there isn’t as many fans at the airport as they had feared, Hannah holds out her hand to point at Julia.

“Let’s run.”

“Run?” Julia asks, but she smiles as Hannah restlessly starts bouncing.

“Let’s run and move our bodies,” Hannah groans.

Julia’s answer doesn’t come with words; she starts to run. Hannah laughs at how funnily Julia runs with her backpack and then starts running after her, the two of them running with light feet over to the doors. Emelia starts running too, giving her bag to Carolina. They were the last ones to leave the plane so most people are far in front of them; which is why the ladies can run without troubled they will accidentally run into someone. Hannah is laughing loudly when she starts to walk through the doors, Julia continues to run and Emelia catches up to them, reaching for Julia’s arm to get in front of her. It becomes a race between the two of them, laughing when grabbing each other’s arms. On the other side of the door, where the ladies now are, they are met by cheers from a distance. Fans have spotted them. Hannah hurries up to her two struggling friends, slowly rounding them with her attention on them to make sure they won’t grab her to make her stop too. Julia bends forward, holding on to Emelia’s waist while Emelia starts to follow Hannah and dragging Julia along.

“Winner gets to choose dinner,” Emelia suggests while dragging Julia after her.

Hannah is smiling widely in front of them, walking backwards still. “If I run further up, the first one to reach me can be the winner,” she suggests. It keeps her away from the bet but still part of it.

Julia lets go of Emelia when they decide to do that, the two of them takes a few steps back while Hannah hurries forward. Fans are over there, keeping a distance as they see the ladies are up to something but they are still cheering out their names.

Hannah holds up her hands in the air when slowing her steps, again facing her two friends. Further behind those two are the rest of their crew arriving; managers, stylists, Maria and Carolina. Without a word, Hannah waves her hands for them to come and Emelia right away pushes Julia to the side before running. Their fans are screaming at it. Though Julia is a faster runner than Emelia, her backpack slows her down while Emelia isn’t carrying anything. And she got a few seconds heads up because she pushed Julia. Emelia reaches Hannah first, happily jumping forward to touch Hannah’s shoulder.

They are playing around well even with fans watching. Not for long though as those fans comes closer when Maria and Carolina arrive too, asking for autographs, pictures and asking questions between cheering and screaming. One girl is saying ‘Maria is tall’ over and over and over again.

In the van, Emelia decides on eating pasta. Anything as long as it is an Italian pasta dish. She says that is why they were running; the winner would get to decide what to eat. They go to eat at a restaurant first, eating what Emelia suggested and getting in the flavours Milan has to offer. They eat, go through their schedules for the upcoming days in Milan and head to the hotel. They have work in the morning, which is nice; to be able to relax for now.

Just like before, Hannah is sharing room with Emelia. It happened when playing a game this time, while Maria is sharing room with Carolina and Julia gets to share room with Manager Kim.

First when they come to the hotel, Hannah’s idea is to get some sleep. But when coming inside the room, she isn’t tired. They change clothes and play music, Emelia doesn’t even unpack her bag before she is sitting with her laptop. Hannah has opened her suitcase on the low desk along the wall, unpacking and changing into a t-shirt and sweatpants; a black outfit.

Before they went to Europe at the start of the month, their stylist Yong Hyun said the brand Calvin Klein will send gifts to them, wanting 5 Pieces to wear their brand. The clothes and underwear arrived in Tokyo, their stylist letting the ladies try everything on to make sure it fits. The underwear in particular were comfortable to wear, all the ladies said it.

“I’m done editing our channel introduction,” Emelia says in a low voice.

“What’s that?” Hannah wonders.

Emelia gives her a quick glance, first wondering if Hannah is serious but then being reminded that Hannah ask out of a reflex. Emelia still answers; “The video we did backstage, being cosy in the sofa. It’s really sweet actually. I think our fans will go wild from it. All those interactions they like… Watch it, will you? I’ll upload it first.”

“You don’t want me to watch it before you upload it?” Hannah lowly laughs.

“It’s not like you will tell me to fix anything,” Emelia rolls her eyes, knowing Hannah’s skills compared to Emelia when it comes to editing is zero to ten. “But I should upload another video too…”

“What about the video you were making in Tokyo?”

“No. That’s just scrap material. Your part with Mr Hannah was cute though. Not sure if I’ll ever show it to our fans, because, you know, jealousy. Ya, this one,” Emelia says and she is suddenly pointing at her phone. Hannah is giving her a huge question-mark expression, not having a clue of what Emelia sudden mean. “I showed you a video at the airport, don’t you remember? Let’s do this song.”

Hannah keeps giving her a question-marked face-expression so Emelia groans and puts away her laptop to hold up her phone. The song playing is [See You Again], the song they enjoyed together last week.

“We’ll do a video together,” Emelia suggests.

Emelia gets to explain more and more, eventually asking Hannah if she left her brain in Tokyo. What Emelia wants to do is lip-synch to the song, saying it is a song they both connect to thanks to Fast & Furious. The connection is because the song is about friendship and family, a song played for the movie series that has pretty much been the kind of movie Hannah and Emelia have been watching since it came out in 2001. Emelia comes up with ideas in the hotel room, saying they can film it like this and like that; using Emelia’s camera.

The first hour they are just talking about it and fooling around, coming up with ideas before Emelia actually takes out her camera to try it out. It’s for fun. They don’t put on makeup or dress up, just comfortably play the song in the background.

It’s fun that what first was just a fun thing to foolishly do, the two of them direct and gets more serious about it. Emelia is filming when falling down on the bed, directing Hannah to lie down from the other end of the bed so their heads are next to each other, wanting it to be in synch to when the chorus comes so Hannah can take over the lip-synching. Thinking of the result, it sounds like a good idea, but to actually do it seems impossible. Hannah’s hair falls onto Emelia’s face when they try it out, Hannah’s face doesn’t look good at all when lying down, they try having her roll in and so on until they try having Emelia being the one who falls down and from there let Hannah take over.

It takes time, it really does, but they are laughing and having fun at the same time. What they film is serious and emotional, to suit the song, but when messing up or in between they are just laughing constantly. Doing the whole song seems impossible, just doing one verse takes forever and the ideas about standing in front of the window, sitting in the armchair and lying down in bed is not enough to fill out the whole song even if they take turns in front of the camera and film together. They come up with the idea to bring in the other ladies for a good finish of the song, letting the idea die out when seeing the time; it’s over midnight, so they shouldn’t disturb the other rooms.

Instead the two of them play other music, dancing and fooling around. Hannah picks up the camera when Emelia is playing her own song, [BAM BA RAM BAM]. The reason she starts to film is because she wants to film Emelia doing that footwork in the choreography. She is messing around for the rest of the song but she does that move (as well as she can, messing up the duvets with her footwork), then randomly moving her arms and shaking her legs weirdly, not looking charismatic at all. They do the same on the bed, Hannah filming Emelia. The rapper has a swag in her style, but when they change for Emelia to film, replaying the song, Hannah just looks silly. Emelia is laughing at her, loving how Hannah is cutely moving around to Tiger JK’s cool rap.

After fooling around they lie down on Emelia’s bed to look through the mess they have been filming, laughing and growing tired once they stop moving around.

Emelia is still playing on her laptop when Hannah is ready to go to bed. She is going through the videos she has put on her laptop to decide what to use and what not to use, saying she is going to put in their silly dancing in the video.

Lying down under the duvet, Hannah groans loudly.

“This is nice,” she comfortably breathes out.

Emelia doesn’t react, too focused on her laptop.

“I’m going to sleep now,” Hannah mumbles against her pillow, her eyes already closing. Lying down like this, her body and mind falls asleep right away. Hannah usually takes an hour to sleep, but she feels within minutes how her own breathing changes. Emelia starts getting ready at that time, going to the bathroom. When she comes back, Hannah se

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Chapter 76: I have already handpicked 3 songs for the full group comeback

1 Be My Baby (Possibly the title track) (Note: I hope that song be the title track!)
2 T.T.L (Time to Love) (possibly the B-side track)
3 MUZIK (possibly the follow-up track if there's a repackage album)