Chapter 72

Youngest of Pieces: World Invasion (12)
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The weirdest reaction in the world is when Carolina is shown the YouTube page Emelia made last night. Emelia looks so thrilled when showing it, watching Carolina’s face with expectations to the reaction but all she gets it laughter. Even Hannah grimaces at it. Carolina loves the picture, she laughs at it and even shows it to others, asking Emelia when she took it and not seeing what a great disappointment her good reaction is for their rapper who was expecting an upset and complaining Carolina.

While Hannah is getting her makeup done, she can hear Carolina, Julia and Emelia chat in the sofa. They have started to film on Emelia’s mini-camera, the one that shoots beautifully but is the size of a child’s fist. Using a selfie-stick they manage to film themselves without problem and they are talking about the day’s topic; 5 Pieces’ YouTube channel. Turns out it is actually happening since Emelia created the channel. Hannah watches them in the mirror-reflection, seeing Carolina hugging on to Julia and smiling as Emelia is explaining the reason they have created this channel; to show more of their silly selves to their fans.

“Right now, we are preparing for our concert. Carolina, do you know where we are?” Emelia says and glances next to her, leaning her head a bit forward to see Carolina on Julia’s other side. The three of them look cute sitting together, Emelia chilling, Julia biting her lip to not start laughing and Carolina hugging her like a panda.

“We are in Dublin,” Carolina brightly answers the question.

“What country is that?”

“Dublin is in Ireland.”

“And Ireland is in…?” Julia asks this question, smiling down at her friend after giving Emelia a glance. They are having fun asking geographic questions to Carolina.

“Ireland is located in Europe,” Carolina answers with a confident nod, answering their questions seriously. Julia gives the camera a surprised look, as if she expected Carolina to not know where they are and Hannah is smiling over in her chair.

“Dublin is a city in Ireland which is a country in Europe. Well done,” Emelia sounds impressed too.

Carolina is completely clueless to that they are making fun of her and instead proudly shows a V-sign to the camera before hugging her cheek against Julia’s arm.

“It is our first time visiting Ireland and the other day we were in Scotland too,” Julia says.

“Beautiful places,” Emelia comments.

“Yeah… it’s pouring rain outside but it’s still beautiful here,” Julia agrees.

“When we were in Scotland we got the chance to go out and see the scenery, I got some really beautiful pictures there,” Emelia adds. “I hope we can get to do the same here in Dublin too.”

Hannah closes her eyes for Chae Hwan to fix her eye-makeup, but she is smiling hearing her friends talk in the back. She wonders why Emelia says that when she knows they are leaving tomorrow at noon; they will eat breakfast at the hotel and go to the airport, not sightseeing like when they were in Scotland.

“Something that 5 Pieces always do is that … we speak the language of the country we visit, right?” Emelia changes the subject after some more talking, “When we are in South Korea, we speak Korean. In Japan, it’s Japanese. Now, we have visited a lot of countries where we can’t speak the language but we always pick up a few words or we try to learn the accent…”

She is smiling as Julia says something with an Irish accent. Carolina sounds impressed and raises her hand for a high five, getting one from a laughing Julia.

“Good one,” Emelia agrees.

They talk about nothing while showing off the various of accents they can do. Hannah thinks it’s good she is not sitting there because she can only do the British accent, and that is never when she wants, it just appears when she speaks English some times. The three sitting in the sofa are good at it, accents in Irish, Scottish, British, Australian and so on. They even do an accent of how Swedish people speak English, commenting on each other’s English and pretty much making fun of one another, like always.

Maria joins them as soon as her makeup is done. She starts talking in an accent, having Emelia say she is not allowed to be heard unless the camera can see her, which was a bad thing to say as Maria leans in over them all to get filmed. Instead of talking, she starts singing. One hand holding her up on Julia’s leg and the other reaching out to sing to the camera and she sings louder when sitting up to sit on her knees next to Carolina and kind of lean behind them to be still be filmed. It works well because Carolina is hugging Julia, so Maria just leans on Carolina’s back.

“I think we can ban Maria from being on the channel,” Emelia jokes, raising her eyebrows at Maria with a smile. “Blurry her out.”

Julia raises her hand to shake it in front of Maria’s face and their leader gets an Irish accent ready to tell them she can’t be blurred or banned because her perfect self will always be there.

Hannah is making a grimace with her whole face (Chae Hwan stops fixing her makeup until Hannah is done) to not start laughing over how funny Maria sounds, while Emelia leans her head back laughing without hesitation. Julia looks at the camera with a face-expression that says she cannot believe Maria just said that and Carolina is the weirdo who only reacts to have Julia’s hand near her face by holding on to it and pretend she is going to bite it.

Chae Hwan whispers for Hannah to be still, saying she is soon done. The ladies are a mess in the sofa and Hannah is just smiling from her chair.

They go from one subject to another while filming, Maria looking like a monkey touching strands of Julia’s hair while casually talking. Carolina keeps giving poses to the camera by herself, still hugging on to Julia. Julia seems popular being stuck with Maria above her and Carolina next to her, while Emelia is in charge of the camera.

“When this is uploaded though,” Julia starts to comment after some minutes, “Our fans will probably wonder where Hannah is.”

“She’s gone,” Emelia jokes with a smirk.

“I’m right here!” Hannah calls out and raises her hand though she knows she isn’t caught om film. The ladies smile in the sofa seeing how she has been listening to them.

“She’s right there,” Julia imitates Hannah’s voice, laughing when seeing Hannah silently laugh too.

“Hannah is putting on her face right now,” Maria explains. “Looking flawless, baby! Ya, don’t give me that face. If I say it-”

Emelia starts talking to the camera, not wanting to hear Maria declare the importance of her words to the frowning Hannah and Emelia looks way too happy when Maria flicks her on the head.

They continue to talk about the tour, Europe and their fans (Hannah thinks they will just upload a few minutes of those thirty minutes they go on) and when Hannah is done, Julia lightly motions her hand for Hannah to join them. Hannah takes a seat next to Carolina, only Maria’s legs there as she is still lying down on the backrest behind the others. Their leader looks comfortable back there, admiring the roots of Emelia’s and Julia’s hair from time to time. Fans will probably mention that she is like a cat.

When talking about travelling, all five ladies bursts out into smiles when out of sight from the camera they receive a comment from Mi Young. Maria had said she is now sharing room with Julia, but they don’t do much when they are at the hotel and Mi Young had commented;

“I went by their room and they were sitting with their laptops, not talking to each other at all.”

“We were talking on the chat,” Julia jokes. Both Hannah and Carolina turns to look at her, in their heads believing the joke, while truth to be told; Maria was watching a drama and Julia was talking to her mother on the chat.

Manager Park returns to the room, seeing the ladies are still filming but he still asks them if they aren’t going to eat.

“We are getting burritos. Yay!” Maria cheers and gets up, not minding that her knees hit Carolina’s arm or that Hannah leans away to not get her in the face.

Knowing their food has arrived, Emelia wraps up the filming and the five ladies are only thinking of the burritos waiting for them. During one of the times they met their fans outside between rehearsals yesterday, they had asked fans more than once of places to eat and suggestions of what food to try in Dublin. Burritos had been mentioned by their fans and the ladies are finally getting to try them.

While eating they are talking. Usually the ladies are quiet when eating, but today they are talking about what they filmed, Carolina wants to look through it, she says she wants to edit it with Emelia later, while Emelia tells her to ear her food instead. They talk about what to do in the next few hours before the concert will begin; some interviews and to meet their fans who have backstage passage. The last mentioned is what the ladies are excited for; meeting fans is always the exciting part. To get the chance to talk a bit, they take pictures and write autographs but the talking part, that is what’s exciting.

After eating the ladies don’t do much while waiting to meet their fans. They are casually dressed, Emelia and Hannah are both in their own zip-up sweater with their concert logo on it; Hannah’s is big, just like she wants it to be.

She went to the bathroom with Maria and Julia, and when the three of them are heading back they can hear in the corridor the squealing voices of fans. Emelia’s voice is low when talking to them and the ladies realises the backstage meeting with fans has already started – without them.

Coming around the corner of the wide corridor there is people everywhere. A few staff members, guards, Manager Park, Emelia, Carolina, camera-man and of course, fans. Young girls, young men and women, an older mother who is standing by the wall filming what might be her daughter talking to Carolina while getting an album signed. With their fans attention on Emelia and Carolina, their backs are towards the three ladies coming up to them. Maria is cool when stepping up next to a fan, laying her arm on the girl’s shoulders and commenting that Emelia looks paler than ever (because the fan next to her has a tan). The fan Maria has her arm around looks up at the comment before she is suddenly screaming and covering with both hands. A surprised Maria pats the girl on the cheek while the other fans are also reacting on the three ladies behind them.

“I get that reaction often,” Maria calms the fan.

It isn’t much talking with these fans as Hannah had expected. They cry too much. The younger fans are just staring and crying, not even able to say their names correctly, but the ladies treat them well and takes care of the talking for them. All they need is a nod or a shake of the head in response.

The ladies take pictures, there is hugging and autographs given. A fan who just had calmed down from crying starts crying once again when seeing Maria tilt her head to look at the girl. It is still fascinating how people can react to just see the ladies. While being on tour the ladies have seen it for every concert; fans crying, shaking, even falling to the ground from seeing the ladies up close for a first time. Though the ladies do their best to stay humble and try to reassure fans that they are all the same, fans react the same either way.

After seeing their fans, the ladies head back to their room. They are going to prepare for the interviews, where they will talk more and more about the tour and their promotions and 5 Pieces as young women, popularity and whatnot.

A staff member for their tour filming steps inside the dressing-room during the ladies’ break. She waits for some minutes, giving a short smile to one of the camera-men and listens to the ladies sing acapella to warm their voices. There isn’t really a reason to be warming up their voices for the concert already but when one lady starts to sing, the others just follow. It’s more for fun than an actual warmup.

“May I interrupt?” the staff member politely says in English when the singing has turned into conversations around the room. She is leaning against a table near the door, smiling anew when Julia and Hannah are the only two reacting to her voice. Knowing at least someone is listening, she continues; “There is a girl with backstage pass who is waiting in the green room. Apparently she has passed an SM audition?”

Julia holds out her hand to touch Manager Park’s arm. “There’s a girl here from some audition?” she asks him, saying it in Korean but when nodding to the staff member the conversation moves on in English.

Manager Park remembers it and starts to explain for those who wants to listen, especially Hannah and Julia as it concerns them. The Irish teenager is a big fan of SHINee and 5 Pieces, and had passed an audition in Los Angeles recently. Turns out she is moving to Seoul at the end of the month to become a trainee under SM Entertainment.

“We met her outside yesterday,” Manager Park continues, nodding over at Maria. “That one talked to the girl. She had a concert ticket but Maria said she can get to come backstage too, if she wanted. She is here now?”

He turns to the staff member who nods her head.

“Let’s go see her then,” Julia eagerly suggests, glancing at Hannah to ask if she is coming too.

“Maria?” Hannah turns to their leader.

But Maria doesn’t hear her so Hannah goes with Julia. Manager Park comes too and the staff lady is waving at a camera-man to come along.

“Am I the only one not handing out backstage pass to fans every now and then?” Julia wonders as the staff member is leading the way.

“I didn’t think we were allowed,” Hannah mumbles in response.

“You’re not,” Manager Park answers behind them. Julia gives him a smile. “I stood next to Maria, so she asked me first before telling the girl she can come backstage.”

“Maria actually asked first?” Julia jokes and nudges Hannah on the side when receiving a grimace. “Carolina said Maria didn’t ask for permission when we were in Vancouver; she just told a fan to come backstage.”

Hannah just nods as they reach the green room. A few staff members are in the room, taking coffee and having a rest before the concert, and in a sofa further in sits a nervous nineteen-year-old with faded red hair. Hannah is smiling widely seeing Julia ask the staff if the coffee is good, the short-haired lady gets distracted by the delicious aroma while Hannah manages to see the fan spot them.

The girl is quickly on her feet, her hands are shaking when putting down the cup of water she had been given and she stares at the two idols

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Chapter 53: About the Musketeers' picture, you should change this and the rest of the pictures to
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I want them NOW!
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Think of the subscribers!!
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Chapter 76: I have already handpicked 3 songs for the full group comeback

1 Be My Baby (Possibly the title track) (Note: I hope that song be the title track!)
2 T.T.L (Time to Love) (possibly the B-side track)
3 MUZIK (possibly the follow-up track if there's a repackage album)