I'd Still See You

I See You (Oneshot)

Life is short.

Life is fragile.

Life only happens once.


How much longer could I hold under this pressure?

I feel like I’m being caved in.

What did they expect from me?

Why was I here?


“Minho hyung?” Taemin asked softly, “Are you okay?”


“Leave me alone,” I snapped quietly, making the maknae recoil in surprise. I’ve never yelled at him before.


“But hyung….”


“What are you, deaf?! I told you. Leave. Me. ALONE!” I snarled, whirling around to face him, his eyes pooling with tears.


“Mi-mianhae, hyung…..” He stuttered, running out of the room at full speed and into his Key umma’s arms.


His sobs rang out from Key and Jonghyun hyung’s room. What have I done?


Was I not good enough?

Was I not enough?


I’m breaking.

Piece by piece.

Until there is nothing left.


“Choi Minho.” Onew hyung said sharply from the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest and a stern look on his normally smiling face. “What’s wrong with you? You're not you anymore. Why the hell did you yell at him?”


“Leave me alone, hyung.” I mumbled, returning back to what I was doing before, staring at the white wall and thinking.


“Go. Get some air and don’t come back until you’re ready to stop being a moping jerk.” Onew hyung shoved a jacket into my hands, pushing me out the front door. “I’m not letting you in until 10 at the least.”


“But hyung!!! That’s 3 freaking hours!!!” I protested as the door was shut in my face and the click of the automatic lock rang out through the halls. . I didn’t know the pass code. Only Onew hyung and Manager hyung did.


They didn’t want me either.


I heaved a great sigh and trudged out into the chilly fall air and to the nearby park. The park is where I did all my thinking. The clear air made it easy to block everything else out and think.


I slowly made my way across the woodchips and to the swings, only to find a petite girl sitting there already, shivering in the faint breeze.


*sigh* I pulled off my jacket. I couldn’t let a girl freeze to death, especially not one as pretty as her. She jumped as my jacket fell across her shoulders, tripping and falling into my waiting arms.


“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” I looked down at her and I couldn’t believe what I saw. I was standing face to face with an angel.


“Oh. It’s okay,” she said sweetly, sitting back down on the swing. “Thank you for the jacket. I should have realized it was going to be cold before I came out. I’m SaeRin. Kim SaeRin. It’s nice to meet you………….?”


“Oh. I’m Choi Minho. The pleasure is all mine.” Did the girl not know who I am? How could she?


“So, what are you doing out here?” She asked, her face tilted up towards the stars in the sky. “Are you here to think too? I was think better in the fresh air.”


“Yeah? Me too.” I was startled now. How did this girl know exactly what I was thinking?


“I wish I was here to think today, though, instead of hiding out.” Her cheeks were puffed out in the most adorable way and she ran a hand through her curls, letting them tumble on to her narrow shoulders. “Do you ever wish you were someone else? I do. I never realized but I always wanted to be someone else. When I was little, I thought it was all just because of a game but now I realize that I was never satisfied being me.”


“I always wonder, will people love me still if I was someone different,” I said, agreeing with her in an unspoken way. “Will they still see me?”


“Of course they’d see you. You’re handsome. I bet you have millions of girls chasing after you.” True. I have all those fans. But would that last?


“What if I didn’t look the same?” My voice was filled with uncertainty and fear. It scared me how insecure I felt, how being with her made it all surface.


Silence. For a while we could only hear the sounds of our breath.


“I’d still see you.” She smiled at me, surprising me with a hug. “I’d still see you.”


And that was all I needed. A simple 4 words.




Author's Note

I don't think I portrayed it very well.... T_________________T

If no one understands it..... then I'll delete it!!!!

Or re-write it....................

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Miawitch_1002 #1
Chapter 3: That was cute! ! !
BananaNutt #2
awh, this was really good.
koreansleeper #3
koreansleeper #4
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
koreansleeper #7
koreansleeper #8
Hi. I decided to respam u. So HI!!!
silvrwngz #9
Haha!!! Thank you, dontfreakmyboat. I didn't think people would like it that much!! This was a lot different from my normal writing. Maybe I should write more oneshots.