
Sing For You

Chanyeol’s ears perked up when he heard a tinkling laugh from the back of the class.


He put down his pen and stretched his arms, wanting to release the stress in his shoulders as he was hunched over his books for quite a long time. Chanyeol looked around the class and noticed that his desk mate, Jongin, was also doing his unfinished assignments with his ears stuffed with his earphones, clearly blocking the outside world. Some of Chanyeol’s classmates were studying but most of them were sleeping and a smile crept up on his face. The teacher was absent and they finally had some time to do what they wanted and his classmates surely knew how to use it well.


His ears picked up the tinkling laugh once again and his eyes automatically gravitated towards the guy with brown hair and rectangular smile.


Byun Baekhyun.


Baekhyun was talking with his desk mate, Kyungsoo,  in a hushed voice, as he clearly didn’t want to disturb the others who were sleeping. He was giggling at something Kyungsoo was telling him and somehow, it turned into a loud laugh, a very beautiful and melodious laugh. Baekhyun was smacked in his arm by Kyungsoo, who was scowling and urging him to keep quiet and Baekhyun quickly pouted, complaining about how strong Kyungsoo’s punch was but then, he continued giggling and Kyungsoo soon joined him.


Chanyeol averted his gaze from Baekhyun, looking back at his books on his desk and he couldn’t hold back the smile plastered on his face.


“What are you smiling at? Are you that happy looking at your books?”


Jongin asked as he nudged Chanyeol in his ribs, earning a whine from the tall man. Chanyeol turned to look at him and muttered how abusive his friend was before shaking his head softly, as an answer to Jongin’s questions. Chanyeol didn’t even notice Jongin had pulled off his earphone and was looking at him but then, he never noticed anything when Baekhyun invaded his mind anyway.


“Naah, nothing.” I just saw an angel laughing beautifully, that’s it.


Chanyeol pushed Jongin’s shoulder and ushered him to do his work back. He took a last glance at Baekhyun and continued doing his own work, smiling widely as he heard Baekhyun broke out into a laugh once again.




Chayeol entered his empty classroom and sighed as he noticed that he was alone. It was still early in the morning so he guessed it would take some times before his other classmates would come. He sat in his place and was planning to take a nap when he heard sniffling and sobs from the back of the class. His heartbeats increased a bit as thoughts about ghosts crossed his mind but he then shook his head, shooing the thoughts away.


Chanyeol got up and walked to the back of his class. The sniffling was still heard and he was positive that maybe one of his classmates was there, crying but he never thought that it would be Baekhyun.


Baekhyun was sitting at the back corner of the class with his knees brought close to his chest and his arms were wrapped around his knees, his face was buried deep onto his knees. His shoulders were shaking as he sobbed and Chanyeol gasped in shock as he never saw him being like that.


Maybe Chanyeol gasped a bit too loud as Baekhyun quickly snapped up his head, his eyes widened a bit at the sight of Chanyeol and he quickly wiped his tears with the back of his hands, not wanting Chanyeol  to see him in that state.


“Um.. I’m.. Hm.. A-Are you okay, Baek?”


Chanyeol asked as he slowly made his way towards Baekhyun, standing in front of him, contemplating whether he should sit or not. Chanyeol  was planning to retreat but then Baekhyun looked up and offered him a small smile, as if wanting to say that he was okay but his eyes were swelled with tears, a sign that he was still not okay. Chanyeol sighed softly and sat beside Baekhyun cross-legged as he leant back to the wall.


“Here, take this.”


Chanyeol said as he handed Baekhyun his white handkerchief and Baekhyun took it with a smile and a soft ‘Thanks.’ He used it to wipe his tears and Chanyeol couldn’t help but to stare at him while he was doing so. He looked so beautiful, so vulnerable, so fragile like that and Chanyeol just felt the need to pull him into a hug, to say that everything would be okay, that he would be okay. But Chanyeol knew better; that it would be so inappropriate for him to do so, so he just settled on staring at him instead.


“C-Could you –sniff- just stop staring at me?”


Chanyeol was startled as Baekhyun didn’t even look at him while he said that and Chanyeol didn’t think that he would notice him staring, so he quickly looked away from Baekhyun, scratching his nape in embarrassment. Chanyeol was sure that the tip of his ears would be deep red by then.


“Sorry, didn’t mean to.”


Baekhyun chuckled slightly and uttered a small ‘It’s okay’ and they both fell into silence, save for Baekhyun’s sniffling once in a while. Chanyeol pressed his lips in a thin line and stole a glance towards Baekhyun, wanting to make sure that he was okay. Baekhyun was staring into space, maybe lost in his thoughts and Chanyeol cleared his throat, snapping Baekhyun out of his daze.


“Do you, um, want to talk about it? Maybe you’ll feel better afterwards,”


Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and smiled -not the usual wide one, but just a small smile- but still, it reached his eyes, making them sparkle. He hummed, nodding his head and looked back at the front, showing Chanyeol his side profile.


“It’s nothing, actually. I’m just feeling a bit emotional and I was stressed with the works piled up, that I have to settle by the end of this week and there’s a lot of things that I have to handle and I..”


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows as Baekhyun suddenly stopped talking and looked at him with a sheepish smile, contradicting with his scrunched face before.


“Sorry, I tend to ramble when I am stressed and you just have to hear all that.”


Chanyeol shook his head, saying that "It’s alright, I’m all ears. Just say what you want." Baekhyun smiled wide as a token of gratitude and shook his head, chuckling a bit.


“I feel a lot better now, all thanks to you.”


They both looked up when they heard footsteps coming closer towards the classroom and Baekhyun quickly got up, dusting off the dirt on his pants and Chanyeol too got up, doing the same. Baekhyun then looked up at Chanyeol, as the latter was definitely taller, and gave him a shy smile, before looking down at his own hands. Chanyeol followed his line of sight and saw that his white handkerchief was in Baekhyun’s hands, - now all spoilt with his tears- and Chanyeol then chuckled in understanding.


“It’s okay, you can just keep that. I got more of them in my room.”


Baekhyun chuckled and nodded, before excusing himself to the comfort room to freshen up. Chanyeol just watched at his retreating figure and let out a contented sigh. He was glad that Baekhyun was okay and the fact that he was the one who put him into ease just made something swelled in his chest- proud.


But still, even when Baekhyun was crying he looked breathtaking.




Chanyeol started to strum his guitar, going into the intro of the song and applause was heard from the audiences.


He was chosen as the representative of his class to perform at the school carnival and his classmates urged him to sing while playing guitar, ‘You’ll look sooooooooo cool like that, just believe us,’ said the girls while the boys just give him pats on the shoulder, ‘You better listen to them or you’ll be plastered for the rest of your life by those whiny creatures.’ In the end, Chanyeol just nodded and the girls cheered, exclaiming that their class would be chosen as the best class at the carnival later.


And Chanyeol knew that he had to use this once-in-a-lifetime chance.


Chanyeol smiled at the thought and continued strumming and plucking his guitar, as he sat on a stool in the middle of the stage, a mic stand perched up in front of him. He looked at the audiences and noticed that his classmates were sitting in a row, holding up a banner of encouragement for him.


However, his eyes only fell on Baekhyun, who was smiling widely, also cheering for him.


With my old guitar
I’ll take all the confessions I couldn’t say
All the things I swallowed inside
And tell you right now as if I made it into a song
Just listen, I’ll sing for you


The crowd cheered once again as he started singing the first verse and Chanyeol smiled before continuing the song.


I love you so much but I don’t tell you that I love you
It’s awkward, my pride won’t allow me
I’ll take courage and tell you today
But just listen without much thought, I’ll sing for you



Chanyeol closed his eyes as he uttered the lyrics, singing the song with all of his heart. He chose this song, because it perfectly conveyed the unspoken things he wanted to tell Baekhyun, what was kept in his heart - the confession that he would never dare to say to Baekhyun.


Chanyeol really like him, with all of his heart.


Chanyeol liked the way Baekhyun talked so softly, with full etiquette and manner, the way he laughed breathelessly and sometimes he snorted too, the way he cried till his eyes got red and puffy but he still looked beautiful nonetheless, the way he treated people with kindness, the way he helped people in need without wanting anything in return, the way he appreciated little things as he always showing his gratitude through the wide smile on his face, the way his face scrunched in annoyance when something unfair happened, the way he smiled to his friends and talked to them even when he clearly was not in the mood, the way he – everything.


Chanyeol liked Baekhyun, for being Baekhyun.


Chanyeol opened his eyes and stared straight at Baekhyun, - feeling as if there were just him and Baekhyun in the big hall as he did so - as he sang the chorus.


The way you cry, the way you smile
Do you know how much you mean to me?
Words I wanna say, words I lost
I’ll confess to you but just listen
I’ll sing for you, sing for you
Just listen and smile


The crowd applauded as Chanyeol finished the song with the last strum of his guitar but somehow he still managed to not tear away his gaze from Baekhyun and Baekhyun was too, staring at him with a smile on his face.


Chanyeol saw the flash of recognition in Baekhyun’s eyes, as if telling him that he knew what Chanyeol  was trying to say, that he got the message that Chanyeol was telling him.


Maybe it was his imagination but still, Chanyeol’s heart skipped a bit when he saw Baekhyun mouthed a, ‘I listened.’




Chanyeol looked up from his lunch tray when another tray was put on the table, across his own seat. Chanyeol choked on his food when he noticed that it was Baekhyun and coughed badly, his face was in a deep red.


“Oh my God, here, drink this.”


Baekhyun sat down and quickly shoved a glass of water in Chanyeol’s hand, urging him to drink it fast. Chanyeol wasted no time and gulped down a big gulp of water, pushing down the food that he choked on down his throat and heaved a relief sigh as his coughing stopped.


But his face was still hot and red, but now from embarrassment.


“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you or anything.”


Chanyeol waved both of his hands quickly, saying that it was not Baekhyun’s fault and it was just him being clumsy over his food and that made Baekhyun broke out into a loud laugh and Chanyeol thought he heard Baekhyun muttering a soft ‘You’re so cute’ between his laugh but Chanyeol just shrugged it off. Maybe Baekhyun’s laugh was contagious, because Chanyeol found himself smiling too as Baekhyun’s laugh subsided.


They then both fell into a silence – Chanyeol not knowing what to say while Baekhyun was just staring at him, with that sweet smile on his face.


“W-Why are you staring?”


Baekhyun chuckled when he heard the taller male stuttered and propped his chin on his palm, shaking his head lightly.


“You know, as someone who is as cool as you, who just confessed to me through a song, you sure are a shy person.” 

Chanyeol gulped and stiffened, the tip of his ears became red.


“Oh my, did I get it wrong? You didn’t confess to me, right? Oh Gosh, why did I think of you like that? Of course you won’t even..”


Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun’s eyes widened and he started to say how sorry he was to think of Chanyeol like that. Chanyeol freaked out as he didn’t want Baekhyun to misunderstand his action so he quickly held Baekhyun’s hands tightly, wanting Baekhyun to pay attention to his words.


“No, no, no. You’re right. I did confess to you through the..”


Chanyeol stopped talking as Baekhyun’s mortified expression turned into a sly smirk and Chanyeol’s  eyes widened, finally catching on what Baekhyun was doing. Damn, he tricked me to say it! Chanyeol mentally facepalmed and leant back to his chair, reluctantly releasing Baekhyun’s soft hands and his eyes wandered  everywhere but never settled on Baekhyun. Chanyeol fought the urge to roll his eyes as he looked at Baekhyun, squinting his eyes towards the laughing brunette and watched as he finally stopped laughing. Baekhyun chuckled once before looking at Chanyeol with that smile; the one which reached up to his eyes, which were shining in adoration, amusement and a bit, love?


Chanyeol blinked as he thought that maybe it was just his eyes playing trick on him.


“I thought I was only imagining things because I truly felt that you were singing for me. I felt the song, I saw it through your eyes. So, I need to confirm it. Don’t want me to misunderstand, right?”


Baekhyun beamed wide,


“And I am so happy to know that it’s true, that you did sing for me, that you were confessing to me. Because for your information, I did listen to you and here I am, to say that, I like you too.


Chanyeol blinked several times, still processing Baekhyun’s words and after a while - with him blinking like an idiot and Baekhyun looked at him, still smiling wide - Chanyeol finally came back to his senses. Chanyeol felt his face went hot and he was sure that his ears were red once again, but he grinned, a bit too wide but he could care less as he saw Baekhyun’s smile widened to match his.


There was no need for words, when they both knew what was the meaning behind their wide smiles.


But still, Chanyeol was taken aback when Baekhyun leant over the cafeteria table and cupped Chanyeol’s face with his small palms, pulling him closer before planting his pink, pouty lips on Chanyeol’s. Chanyeol smiled and held the back of Baekhyun’s neck and also leant closer, moving his lips on Baekhyun’s soft ones.


Yes, there was no need for words, when they both could show it through their actions.




A/N : I'm sorry that ending is crappy and the.. Nevermind. Actually, the whole story is crappy and I can't thank you enough for reading this piece of -- yeah, you know it. Well, once again, thanks a lot XD


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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ohhhh this is sooo sweet 🥰
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ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 1: Oh sweet Chanbaek, i love it
Chapter 1: Man... This is the first time I've seen (read) sing for u being used as a confession song and boiii lemme tell u **starts clapping maniacally** good jobbbbbb
I honestly enjoyed reading this fic :)
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