(Now I've Had) The Time of My Life (VMinKook)

BTS drabbles, oneshots and whatnot

Or that ot3 drabble no one asked for. Dedicated to my girl Altair85, without whom so many of these things would not be in existence. I love you.

Once again Jimin isn't quite sure how he ended up in this situation - freezing cold on an early March day on a beach in Busan, holding up a videocamera with shaking hands as his insane boyfriends attempt to emulate the lake scene from Dirty Dancing - but he supposes it might be because of his inability to say no. Honestly, one minute they're house sitting for Jungkook's family, watching the aforementioned movie, and the next they're on the beach, the loves of his life half and freezing to death. He swears he can hear Taehyung's knees knocking together from the force of his trembles as he tries to adjust himself to launch at Kookie once again.

"Hurry your arse up, Tae, I'm freezing my proverbial balls off here!" Jungkook gripes and Jimin snickers at him, ignoring Taehyung's dramatic scowl when the camera shakes as a result.

"Honey, you're freezing your actual balls off."

"All the more reason for mister lead actor here to hurry up, don't you think?"

Finally Taehyung deems himself camera ready - bloody drama majors - and launches into their eighth take, and Jimin hopes to god it's their last. He films with an expert eye as Taehyung pushes off the water and jumps into Jungkook's waiting arms. Watching as Jungkook supports Taehyung in a perfect lift Jimin thinks he doesn't really mind being dragged into the pair's hare brained schemes all that much. It has all to do with the duo's matching smiles and the beauty of their trust and absolutely nothing to do with how Jungkook's arms flex under the strain of holding Taehyung above him, wet t-shirt revealing all the contours of his torso, oh no. And it most definitely has nothing to do with how Taehyung's shirt has risen up to his ribs or how his shorts are clinging to the curve of his arse, not even a little.

He stays there so immersed in the scene in front of him that he doesn't register Jungkook's voice until Taehyung coos at him.

"Is our Jiminie checking us out?"

Jimin scoffs but doesn't deny it. Jungkook snorts. "As lovely as it is that you still find me irresistible I must reiterate the frozen state of my balls. Are we done?"

Jimin checks the footage and nods. "Last one came out perfect. Let's go home and get you out of those wet clothes."

Taehyung wolf whistles as he jogs past them into the car. "You'd like that wouldn't you Jimbles?"

Jimin rolls his eyes but grins anyway. Why deny the obvious truth? He squeaks when Jungkook picks him up and carries him to where Taehyung is waiting, whispering in his ear.

"Wanna film the bedroom dance scene when we get home?"

Jimin's twitches a oh, hell yes.


Later that evening, after a very hot and steamy shower - in more ways than one - they're all in Jungkook's too small bed enjoying cuddles and hot chocolate with twenty six mini marshmallows in each cup.


("Why do you always insist on twenty six, Tae?"

"Because my dear wonderful darling Jiminie, it's the perfect amount. It says so in the rules."

Taehyung hums and Jimin shares a look with Jungkook who encircles his arms around their wonderfully bizarre boyfriend.

"You're making up as you go along, aren't you hyung?"

Taehyung gasps in mock offence. "Oh ye of little faith. Watch and learn, my disciples."

As it turns out Taehyung was right, twenty six really is the perfect amount.)      


Jimin is squashed between his boyfriends, his laptop balancing precariously on his bent knees.

"This one!" Taehyung screeches into Jimin's ear making him almost spill his precious chocolate-y goodness. "Use this one, baby! I look perfect in this!"

"Calm your , Taetae, we're only halfway through the takes."

Taehyung pouts and Jimin leans in to kiss it off with a grin as Jungkook pipes  up  with a frown.

"We can't use that take. The waves were too low and my shorts are showing just how cold it was in that ing water."

Taehyung and Jimin guffaw in unison and Jungkook grins despite himself.

Eventually they settle on the selected takes and Jimin marks them for editing later. He would do it now but Taehyung is leaning on his left shoulder, rubbing one foot against his as Jungkook is nuzzling into his hair and he just can't be bothered to care about anything else.

"Let's get to sleep. You two are exhausted."

He leans over Taehyung to set his laptop on the bedside table and not a moment later is Jungkook pulling him back into the middle and under the covers. Once again he finds himself in the middle of his two idiots, both half way to dreamland already with their limbs draped over him and each other. He already knows he's not going to get much sleep tonight squashed in the middle of two restless, grabby lumps of man. But then Taehyung's lips are pressed against his chest and Jungkook's breath steady against his neck and he supposes, as always, that if this is the payoff for dark circles under his eyes he doesn't mind so much.

"I love you two." He whispers.

Both men tighten their hold on him just a little.

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Chapter 8: These are all such nice stories!! I Love You is so cuteeee♥♥ Also, the sugakookie one reminded me of the song I'd Rather by Luther Vandross! Ahh, I enjoyed all of them! I hope you update with more great chapters when you can~
belinha1045 #2
Chapter 3: Sugakookie was so cuteeeeeee
I'll be waiting for more sugakookie >.<
blueberrylipgloss #3
Chapter 3: This was soooo cute aww I love suga kookie
blueberrylipgloss #4
Chapter 3: This was soooo cute aww I love suga kookie
Chapter 1: I love anything that incolves vmin.(^∇^)
This was good! ❤❤❤