Bickering (SugaKookie)

BTS drabbles, oneshots and whatnot

"Jeon Jungkookie, for the last time, we are not getting a dog."

"But, hyung-"

"No. No buts. We are not getting a dog."

Yoongi sets down the last box in the now very crowded kitchen - they both knew they wouldn't be using it until such times as one of them gave up their stubbornness and learnt how to cook, so really it was the ideal place for their moving boxes - and walks over to Jungkook in the bedroom.

"Oh for 's sake, not the puppy eyes, please. I can't take the puppy eyes." Yoongi sighs as he pulls Jungkook flush against his body.

"But, hyung. Yoongi~" Jungkook pecks his boyfriend's lips in the teasing way he knows will wear down Yoongi's defences. "I've just carried this extremely heavy mattress up by myself." He squeezed Yoongi's hips lightly. "Don't I deserve to get something nice?"

Yoongi smirks and presses their hips together. "Oh, you definitely deserve something nice, baby."

With a hungry look Jungkook pushes Yoongi down on the mattress and climbs on top of him, rolling his over his boyfriend's crotch watching as Yoongi's eyes roll back in their sockets and his breath hitches. "See, I'm a good boy. Don't I make you feel good?"

Yoongi pulls him into a heated kiss, rolling them over and pinning Jungkook's hands by his face. A victorious smirk spreads across his lips.

"Mm, you really do. You deserve everything, don't you?" He nuzzles Jungkook's cheek, enjoying the small whimper his boyfriend lets out. "You even carried this heavy mattress up all by yourself." Then he grins. "Granted, in the time it took you to get this baby upstairs I had carried half of our moving boxes in. So, in short: We're not getting a dog."

Yoongi climbs off his boyfriend and ducks into the kitchen just in time to avoid the shoe being thrown at him.

"Whatever! I'll just go get one by myself just to ing spite you! And you can forget about getting any tonight!"

"That's okay. I've gotten it so much I can vividly remember every detail. I'm good. You're still not getting a dog!"

"I am too."

"Are not."

"Will too."

"Will not."

"I hate you!"


"I'm moving out!"

"Feel free!"

"I mean it!"

"Sure. Sure. Just as soon as you want to carry that mattress back into the van, be my guest."




Two weeks later Yoongi walks into their still shared new apartment - it had taken a and Jungkook's favourite takeaway to get him to talk to Yoongi again - with a bag full of birthday cake and an arm full of puppy.

Jungkook lets out a very uncharacteristic squeal and for a good ten minutes doesn't pay Yoongi any attention. Then he parts his face from the puppy and looks at Yoongi like he has just fallen freshly in love.

Yoongi smiles awkwardly, still clutching the plastic bag carrying the cake. "Um. Happy Birthday?"

"I ing love you. Did you really just get me a puppy?"

Yoongi's face cracks into a grin. "Well, I got us a puppy. Or, actually she kind of picked me and I just couldn't resist."

Jungkook looks at Yoongi who's gazing at the puppy like it's his baby and he can't believe he got the perfect boyfriend. He takes the cake bag from Yoongi and sets it on the ground, pulling his boyfriend into a kiss.

"I love you." He whispers when they break for air.

"Happy Birthday, Jeon Jungkookie. I love you."

Jungkook squeals again and picks up the little golden retriever.

"Hello, you. Your name is IU."

Yoongi rolls his eyes and takes the puppy from his boyfriend.

"Don't listen to him. You'll have a nice, reasonable, normal name."

"She likes IU. She's wagging her tail. What's wrong with IU?"

"You're not naming our puppy after your crush."

"She's not my crush. I just admire her!"

"Don't shout in front of the puppy."

"IU doesn't mind, do you baby girl?"

"For the last time we are not naming her IU."

"Yes we are."

"No we're not."

"It's too late. She's already attached to it."

"She's had it for ten seconds. She'll live."

"But she likes IU."

"No. You like IU. She's a dog. She doesn't have an opinion."

"You're mean."

"I'm practical."

"There's nothing wrong with IU."

"There's everything wrong with IU. She's not going to be called IU."

"Yes, she will. "




"I hate you."

"Back at you."

"IU and I are moving out."

"You can. She stays."

"You're so mean to me on my birthday."

"Well, that's life for you."



They stare at each other with half serious death glares until they hear some scratching sounds and realise neither of them is holding the puppy. They turn around to find her working her way through Jungkook's birthday cake and promptly burst into giggles. Yoongi picks up the puppy and Jungkook disposes of the cake.

"So I guess she's hungry."

"Mm. Let's take her out for her first walk." Jungkook says as he nuzzles his nose into her fur and then presses a kiss to Yoongi's ear. "I suppose we can think of new names while we're at it."

Yoongi smiles at his boyfriend. Yeah, so they bicker- that's just life in the Min-Jeon household - but he'd rather spend his life bickering with Jungkook than never fighting with someone else. It's them, and it works.

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Chapter 8: These are all such nice stories!! I Love You is so cuteeee♥♥ Also, the sugakookie one reminded me of the song I'd Rather by Luther Vandross! Ahh, I enjoyed all of them! I hope you update with more great chapters when you can~
belinha1045 #2
Chapter 3: Sugakookie was so cuteeeeeee
I'll be waiting for more sugakookie >.<
blueberrylipgloss #3
Chapter 3: This was soooo cute aww I love suga kookie
blueberrylipgloss #4
Chapter 3: This was soooo cute aww I love suga kookie
Chapter 1: I love anything that incolves vmin.(^∇^)
This was good! ❤❤❤