Sticky Notes

My One Shot Collections

I slightly open my eyes and sit straight then reach out the blinds' wand on my left to open the slat. I look around and find a working desk on my front and a cork board on the wall with a lot of polaroids and sticky notes arranged neatly on it. I walked to the desk and check the sticky notes in bottom side, "Open your journal" it says. I look on the table, there is a quite big black book says "Amber Liu's Journal" on it, I open it and find the last pages:

August 28th, 2015 [1091 days]
I'm 22 years, 11 months, 11 days old today.
Today is 2 years, 11 months, 27 days since the accident.

I find another sticky note on it:
August 28th, 2015
Wear the blue jeans and black shirt [yesterday : yellow shirt and black jeans]
You wanna make spaghetti today
Wash your clothes
Your polaroid sheets almost empty
Your chocolate almost empty

Then I put the journal into my duffel bag beside the desk and heading to bathroom. I take a shower, brush my teeth, put on my clothes, put on my shoes and then heading out of apartment. "Good morning Amber," a middle-aged women greet me with a smile. "Good morning Mrs. Im," I greet her back then walk again, heading to the mart. I stop then open my wallet and find another sticky note, said :
Get some money for groceries

I close it then walk again. That's me, I can't even remember about 'yesterday' that's why I always write it on sticky notes. I guess sticky notes are my best friends now.

I have 'anterograde amnesia' and everyday when I awake from my sleep, I always remember that today is Sept 2nd, 2012. That's why I put tons of sticky notes and 10 journals on my desk.

I was looking at the tomatoes then suddenly I heard a girl's voice, "Let me go," she scream. I turn my head to the voice and saw a beautiful girl is arguing to a boy. "Krystal, listen to me. I can explain," he said. "I don't need it! I know what I saw!" she said coldly. Why do I even care, I won't remember about her anyway. I take the tomatoes then put it to the cart and walk away. I walk to the cashier and someone is in front of my line, "This is the girl before. Wow she’s beautiful and y at the same time. But it's gonna be weird if I take her picture now," my thought said. I chuckle and shook my head then wait for my line. Suddenly she turn to me in cold glare, "Are you laughing at me?" she said coldly. I point at my nose and make a question expression, "No, I'm not," I said. "Don't lie," she said. "I swear I'm not," I defend myself. She turns around to the cashier and leave after pays. Gosh, she's scary.

“I told you before, leave me alone,” that girl again. "At least, let me walk you home," he said. "No," she yell and walk away to my direction. I better find another path, my mind said. Then I turn to right to avoid her. "Hey you," she said. Hell no, don't call me. She grab my hand then pull me, "Just walk with me," she said. What? Is she crazy? Grab a stranger to walk with her. "That guy keeps following me," she said. I keep silent and let her take me. We heading to a restaurant and, "I'm hungry," she said. We order the food and wait, "Sorry to drag you. My name is Krystal," she said. "Amber," I reply and we silent again. The food arrived and I take out my polaroid to take a picture of it. "You like to take a picture of food?" she asked. I shook my head, "No, to take memory and put it on my journal," I said. She furrowed her brows when I grab my journal out of my duffel bag. "Why?" she asked again. I glue the polaroid on my journal page then put a caption and write about the restaurant. "I got amnesia," I said casually. She start to laughs and stop when looking at my serious face, "Are you serious?" she ask in shock face. I nodded and eat my food with nonchalantly face. "I forget about today when I open my eyes tomorrow," I said. She widens her eyes. "Wanna share about it?" she asked. "About what?" I confused. She only look at me, "I got an accident 2 years, 11 months, 27 days ago. My parents died and I live alone now," I start. "Everytime I open my eyes, it would be Sept 2nd, 2012. That's why I write a journal and sticky notes everyday," I said and smile. "So, you won't remember at all about yesterday, today and everyone you met?" she scoop on her food. I shook my head and scoop my food. "But I got their picture and write about them. Here," I said and point at my journal. She look at me and bite her lower lips, "Sorry," she suddenly said. I widen my eyes in surprise, "Why? I get used to it," I said. "Are you gonna take my picture and make memory of it?" she asked. I got surprised at her question but then I nodded, "If only you want to," "Of course. Come on," she moves to sit beside me and take a picture on my polaroid. "Smile," she said then clicks the button.

"Give me you sticky note," she said. I give her the pink one, "Why pink? I don't like pink," she pouts. So cute. "Pink is for my girl friend," I said. I can see she is blushing then she write something. "No peeking," she said.

“Do you remember your way home?” she asked after I walk her home. I chuckle, "I lived here since before the accident, of course I remember," "Can we meet tomorrow?" she asked suddenly. I look at her in hesitancy, "Give your sticky note," she said then write on it. She gives it back to me and walk to her apartment while waving her hand. This girl is amazing.

I open my apartment door and feel step on something, there's envelope on my foot. It's from Henry, my brother. Yes, I have an older brother, he live in the different city because of his job. He always sends me money every months since I can't work in my condition. I put my groceries on the fridge then heading to my desk and open the envelope. It's ticket to Jeju and a sticky notes:
Amber, please take a note, we're gonna have a trip to Jeju on Sept 2nd, 2015. But I'll be there on Sept 1st, 2015. Take care, sister.

I smile then put it back to envelope and stick it on my cork board.
I open my journal and take my sticky notes for today on my cork board. Shot. I haven't washed my clothes. I walk to my laundry bag and put it on the washing machine. I take a shower and suddenly Krystal's face popped on my mind. Will I remember her tomorrow?
I sit on my desk again after shower and take Krystal's hand writing on my sticky notes. I read it and smile.
My name is Krystal, I'm 20 years, 10 months, 5 days old today. Please remember this beautiful face, Amber. Because I'll always remember you.

Meet Krystal at xxx cafe 12 p.m. If you forget her face, just look at her picture or find the most beautiful one there.

I giggle at her notes. Gosh, she's so full of herself.
I take her picture, indeed she’s beautiful then glues the picture and the sticky note on my journal. I start to write on the next page, then stick the other note she write on it and my other schedule for tomorrow. I'm heading to bed after I finished. I'm so tired today.

I open my eyes and sit straight then reach out the blinds' wand on my left to open the slat. I feel something different this morning but I couldn’t find it out. I go to my working desk and look at the bottom side of my cork board, "Open your journal" it says. I look at the big black book says "Amber Liu's Journal". I open it and find the last pages:
August 29th, 2015 [1092 days]
I'm 22 years, 11 months, 12 days old today.
Today is 2 years, 11 months, 28 days since the accident.

I find two sticky notes on it:
August 29th, 2015
Take out your laundry and dry it
You have no schedule until 12
Wear something cool for 12, white+black shirt, blue jeans will do and cap [yesterday : black shirt and blue jeans]
Make spaghetti tomorrow [you’ve bought the ingredient but totally forget to cook]

What's with 12?? I wonder. Then I turn to the other sticky note:
Meet Krystal at xxx cafe 12 p.m. If you forget her face, just look at her picture or find the most beautiful one there.

Krystal? I try to remember but none of it comes out. Then I turn to previous page on my journal. I find a polaroid, a picture of me with a beautiful girl. Wow, we're so close. I feel my cheek blushed. What happened to me? I read the sticky note, this is not my hand writing .
My name is Krystal, I'm 20 years, 10 months, 5 days old today. Please remember this beautiful face, Amber. Because I'll always remember you.

Krystal? Who is she? How is she? I keep staring at the picture then I smile.
But I suddenly remember my clothes need to be dried. I sigh and heading toward my washing machine.

Its 11:45, I need to go now. The xxx café is quite near, it take 10 minutes by walk. I open my wallet ad check it then suddenly my phone ring, must be Henry. "Hello," I greet. "Hey sister, how are you today?" he asked. "Good. I'm going with a friend today," I said. "A friend? Who? A boy or a girl? Where are you gonna meet?" he bombard me. He always a bit overprotect to me sometimes. "I'm not sure. Her name is Krystal, she is 20 years, 10 months, 6 days old girl. I've just met her yesterday. We're gonna meet at xxx cafe," I answer him. "But, how did you remember her face? How did you remember the meet schedule?" he asked again. "She's taking a picture with me yesterday and she writes a sticky note for me yesterday," I said. Gosh. This is gonna be a long conversation. I’m entering the cafe and still on the phone with Henry. I take a seat at the corner, I sigh, "Come on Henry, give me a break. She's my first friend. Actually I don't even know will she come and I don't know what will happen after. I just wanna give it a try, okay?" I said. I heard he sighs, "Fine, just.. Just let me know everything," he said. "Okay," I answer then we hang up the phone. I look at my phone, 12:03. She's late. "Amber," I heard a voice calls me. I turn my head and I saw an angel beside me. "K-krystal?" I said. "You remember me?" she said while sit beside me. I smile but then shook my head, "Journal and sticky note," I said. I feel I'm blushing. Gosh. What happened to me? "Oh, okay," she said a bit disappointed. We ordered our food then silent again. I feel like 'deja vu' but I shook my head. "What? Are you okay?" she asked. I nodded, "Yeah, just.. I feel something," I said. "May I borrow your journal?" she asked suddenly. I surprised but handed her my journal. She starts to write something on the new page. I take a peek a bit, "What did you write?" "You can read it later," she said and keep write. "Here. Read it later at night," she said and smile. Our food arrived and she give me mine. I feel so happy, I don't know why. As usual, I take a picture of my food and write caption of it. "Let's take a picture," she said then leans on me and smile. I smile and click the button. "Am, say aah," Krystal turn to me and try to feed me. Surprisingly, I happily open my mouth and let her feed me. "Aren't you gonna feed me too?" she asked and pout. I feed her mine and she’s happily taking it. I chuckled at her, "Why?" she asked. "I don't know. I feel different," I said. She smile, "I'm glad you're happy," she said then kisses my cheek. I feel I blushed and my heart pounding so hard. "Amber, do you wanna see a movie?" she asked. I nodded happily, "Okay,"

We finished our food and paid the bill then she pull my hand, “Come on,” “Okay,” I take my duffel bag and follow her. She keep hold my hand and we walk in silent. "Krystal," someone call her. We turn around and a tall boy approaches us, I feel like saw him before but I don't remember. Krystal sighs, "What do you want?" she said coldly. "Let me explain," he said. "I said no. Please, just leave me alone," she said then pulls me. The boy grab her other hand makes her yelp, "Hey," suddenly I feel annoyed. The boy glare at me, "What? Who are you? Hey, I know you. You're the boy from yesterday," he said. I widen my eyes in surprise, "She doesn't want to talk to you. Just leave her," I said. "Go away Minho, don't ruin my day," Krystal said then flinch her hand away from him. "Come on," she pulls me.
“Who is he? Your boyfriend?” I asked while walk. "Ex-boyfriend. I know he's cheating since a while ago and I just found it yesterday, before we met," she said calmly. I just nodded. Why I don’t see sadness on her. “He really is ruining my mood now,” she sighs. “Do you wanna go to my place, I got some movies,” she said. "Okay," I answer with a smile.
We're heading to her apartment and she let me in, "My apartment is small and a bit mess. Have a seat," she said and guide me to her couch. Her apartment quite small, just like mine. The different is she has a larger TV, it’s 48 inch. I sit on something and I try to reach it out of my . Oh my, it's her bra. "Oops," she grabs it fast and hid it behind her back. What? I'm also a girl, why do I so embarrassed about it, I facepalm myself. "So, what movie are we gonna watch?" I try to change the subject. “I got some, why don’t you choose?” she said and hand me some blu-ray disc. "I never watch all of them, choose for me, please," I said. She takes one of them and put it on her player then sit close beside me. I lean on the couch and try to watch the movie, I don’t even know the title, but I don't know why keep glancing at her. What happened to me, really? She’s so beautiful and the way she bit her lower lips, makes me frustrated. I never felt this before. Suddenly she turns her face to me, “What? You don’t like it?” she asked. "N-no.. I-I'm okay," damn you stutter. Then she paused the movie and look at me. “Amber, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?” she asked all of sudden. I widen my eyes then chuckled, “I don’t even remember yesterday, how can I have a boyfriend or girlfriend?” I said. “Do you wanna have one?” she asked and lean forward. I lean backward automatically, “Maybe,” I said. “How about me?” she said. Our face so close, just about an inch. My poor heart keeps pounding then I closed my eyes and feel her lips on mine. Gosh. She kisses me. I don’t know how to respond, “Is this your first kiss?” she asked after pull her lips from mine. I just nodded then she giggles and kiss me again. This time I kiss her back and I feel she’s smiling. “Do you wanna stay over?” she asked. Suddenly I feel worried, “I don’t think so,” I said then turn my face away. “Okay but you gonna meet me again tomorrow?” she asked with a smile. “Yeah, just write me on the sticky notes,” I said and smile. I handed the sticky notes and she write it while lean her back on me.
Meet Krystal at her apartment, xxxxxx Rd, F.7, R.102. 9 a.m sharp. She’s your girlfriend started yesterday.

I chuckle when I take a peek, “What?” she asked without look at my direction. “Nothing,” I said. Honestly, I feel worried, about everything. Tomorrow, am I gonna forget the way I feel about her today. I sigh. She turn to me, “What? What’s wrong?” she asked in worry. “You know that I got amnesia, right? I will forget everything about today whenever I’m awake tomorrow,” I said. She caresses my cheek and smiled, “I will make you remember me everyday. Now give me your number,” she said and peck my lips then give me her phone. I dial my own number then give it back to her. I also saved her number, suddenly she take my phone and typing something. She shows me her name on the screen, “My Princess,” I chuckle. This girl is incredible.

I arrived at my apartment and open my journal right away. I read what Krystal has written before.
Dear : Amber
Sorry for taking one of the page on your journal. Kekekkeke.
I know you may not remember me whenever you awake tomorrow, but I will always find a way to make you remember me today and every single day. I had falling in love on you since the first day, it was on August 28th, 2015. I know it so sudden, we just met that day but I felt different and I feel wanna learn to love you somehow.
Let me love you even I’m not sure you will feel the same. I just want you try to remember me and I’m sure the feeling will grow by itself day by day.
I make you see me everyday and I will write on the sticky notes everyday and take a picture of us everyday, so that you will know that someone named Krystal whose love you so much is exist.

The one who will always love you,

I smile then put our picture today and the sticky note she write. I start to write on the next page for tomorrow, then stick the other note she write on it and my other schedule for tomorrow.
I have a different feel about today and tomorrow. I hope I will remember her tomorrow when I’m awake.
I take a shower then go to sleep.
I open my eyes and sit straight then reach out the blinds' wand on my left to open the slat. I feel so much different today. I feel so happy yet so tired at the same time. I walk to my working desk and look at my cork board, "Open your journal" it says. I look at the book with "Amber Liu's Journal” written on it. I open it and find the last pages:
August 28th, 2017 [1822 days]
I'm 24 years, 11 months, 11 days old today.
Today is 4 years, 11 months, 27 days since the accident.
Today is 2 years, 1 day I met Krystal
Krystal is 22 years, 11 months, 5 days old today.
It’s 28 days before Krystal’s Birthday, she will be

Krystal? I furrow my brows then look at the sticky note:
Happy 2nd Anniversary My Dear Amber Liu. I Love You So Much.

Then I heard a flush from the bathroom, “Good morning baby,” a beautiful girl greet me with a smile. I widen my eyes when she approach me, “Happy 2nd Anniversary, I love you day by day,” she said then peck my lips. “Krystal?” I said. “You remember me?” she asked. I shook my head slowly but then she smile, “It’s okay. Let me show you our pictures and hopefully you can feel a bit happy for today. Oh and yesterday you said you wanna make a steak for me, so we’re gonna buy some groceries later, okay?” she said then peck me again before grabbing a big book, look like a photo album. “Here. Let see the pictures together,” she said while pats the bed, asked me to sit. I obeyed and sit beside her. I look at the pictures of us. I smile genuinely there, it means I'm happy with her. I read the caption then I smile.

“Wait, am I blonde now?” I said in shocked then try to reach my hair. “Yes, you dyed and cut it last week, baby,” she said. I look at her and smile, “Is it good?” “You’re handsome as always,” she said then leans her head on my shoulder, “Do you feel happy today?” she asked. I nodded and turn to kiss her forehead. “Am I like this everyday?” I asked. “Yes, you always like this. Every morning, but you will be a lot different after this, till the night,” she said and giggles. “Don’t you find me boring? Every morning forget about you,” I asked and suddenly feel worried to her. “Nope, because we always have different adventures everyday and I love you more day by day,” she said then kisses my cheek. Yes, I do feel a bit different, because of her. She makes me happy everyday. I lean forward and kiss her, “Have I told you ‘I love you’ before?” I asked and she nodded. “You always say you love me everyday, after you look at the picture and I will always say ‘I love you more day by day’ just exactly like this,” she said then kisses me again.
I suddenly remember about an old movie then I wanna try on  Kryber Version.. Enjoy..
Wow, I'm shocked.. It's midnight now.. no wonder I'm so sleepy.. Ciao..

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Chapter 21: Ohhh awesome update author ^0^
EvannaCross #3
Chapter 15: Please make a sequel of my memory I wanna know what will happen next
Chapter 20: Awesome oneshots author ^0^
amhar03 #5
Chapter 20: well at first i thought it was krystal's but when you mentioned about amber girlfriend then "nah it wont be krys then"
Yellowjacket #6
Chapter 20: You're right I thought it's krystal 's wedding hahahha. You fool me.
Sina_neiyz #7
Chapter 20: U got me here... hahhaha... such a tease.. thanks for the update n next plsssss....
reader90 #8
Chapter 20: Urghhh, such a tease author shi, hahaha, love your story...
Chapter 20: wow! u really got me there ,all from start I though it was krystal...
mochick #10
Chapter 19: its nice Author-nim ... thanks for update :)