
Vampire Be I


The familiar loud thump returned to his chest as he neared the doors to the cafeteria. He clenched his teeth, balling up his fists in determination. He wasn't even going to look in the direction of BI on his way to Junhoe's table. Not even the tiniest glance. He was just going to ignore him, like he had never existed. It was the best solution for everybody.

Bobby hadn't slept a wink last night, tossing and turning all night, picturing how this very moment was going to go down. He had imagined all kinds of scenarios. One where he tried to go to Junhoe's table, but before he reached it, BI used his vampire mind bending powers to make him strip in front of the entire school, as revenge. Bobby had never experienced anything as embarrassing in his entire life. Even though it had just been his imagination, the feeling still lingered. He tried to shake it off, but it wouldn't let go.

Another vivid scenario was where he actually reached Junhoe's table, but so did BI, furious, biting Junhoe in the neck and out all his blood, right before Bobby's eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to try to erase the horrific images that danced before them, wondering if he was doing the right thing. But he couldn't base his choices on fear. He wasn't some self-appointed vampire keeper, even though he kind of felt like one.


He stopped just long enough to take a deep breath, and entered the food hall. Careful not to let his eyes wander over to that special corner of darkness, he set his eyes on Junhoe's table. Junhoe was already there and spotted him the moment he entered, excitedly waving him over. His friends didn't seem all too happy about this new turn of events. What a bright smile, Bobby thought elated, ignoring the rest. He waved him back, an awkward smile accompanying the wave. One step. Two. He could do this. How far he had come, on his way to join the cool kids' table. He was doing this.

But then, completely by accident, his eyes drifted to the side, meeting BI's eyes that were staring right back at him. The anger he had expected to see wasn't there, only sadness, that all too familiar sad loneliness. An arrow of guilt shot through his gut. He bit the inside of his cheek, chewing on it to remind himself that BI wasn't his responsibility. He was half way towards freedom, all he had to do was to put one foot in front of the other. He could do this.


He did as he himself commanded, step by step drawing closer to his destination, but his eyes on the other hand refused to listen to reason. They couldn't break eye-contact with BI, who looked so disappointed, so disillusioned. And so, so, so beautiful. It was as if the gloom and doom atmosphere brought out the unearthly beauty hiding in plain sight, underlining BI's impossibly delicate features. He was the dictionary definition of breathtaking, explaining why Bobby's lungs were burning. He realized he had been holding his breath ever since he entered the cantina.

Exhaling, the escaped air changed his direction and before he knew what he was doing, he was standing right in front of BI's fiery eyes. BI seemed unfazed. It figured. Bobby had been kidding himself thinking BI would notice his absence, he didn't care one way or the other. Bobby told himself he was just here to say goodbye. It was only polite to let him know he wouldn't be coming around anymore. But it annoyed him that BI hadn't shown one ounce of relief or happiness that he had returned. Nothing. Was that all he was to him, just a cafeteria fixture that was being move, no big deal? He had really stuck his neck out for him, and these were the thanks he got. Great. Being a decent person truly was a thankless job.

Growing more frustrated by the second, he pulled up his sleeve before he could stop himself. The deep purple bruise triplets on his arm celebrated their rare opportunity to shine, greeting their maker. Bobby sighed out of disappointment. Mostly he was disappointed in himself for stooping so low, but he couldn't deny being a little bit hurt by BI's lack of reaction. He just sat there, his same stoic self, too cool to be affected by the ongoings of mere mortals. It was him that injured him, the least he could do was apologize. It wouldn't kill him to say one little 'sorry'. But no. Stupidly, he had already forgiven him, making up all kinds of excuses for him, but now he was rethinking that decision. He didn't deserve his forgiveness.

Without warning, BI shot up like lightning, causing a collective gasp all around them, followed by a terrified silence. You could hear a pin drop. This was the first time he had ever stood up during lunch time. Up until now, he had always been seated before the first student arrived for lunch, and didn't budge until after the last student left. Or that was what Bobby had gathered listening to the nonstop gossip about him that lined the hallways morning, noon and night.

Shocked and surprised, Bobby tried to figure out how to react. But before he had come to a decision, BI grabbed his arm and stormed out of the cafeteria. Except this time, his grip was extra soft. He could almost feel how much effort it was for him to not use force. Bobby's hardened heart melted as he mindlessly let himself be dragged over half the school with not a clue where they were going. He didn't really care though. So there was a chance he was taking him to his vampire lair where he brought all his victims to out their blood and leave them to die. No biggie. All that mattered was that he wasn't invisible, his efforts hadn't gone unnoticed. It was strangely comforting.


They burst into the nurse's office with way too much force, causing the door to slam into the wall and ricochet right back off it, with the accompanying ruckus. The nurse was nowhere to be seen, but BI didn't let that slow him down. He planted Bobby on a nearby chair while he shamelessly went through drawer after drawer, looking for something. Bobby had no idea what to expect. It was possible his fangs had been pulled out for safety, and he now needed a syringe to feed.

A moment later, BI resurfaced with a small jar. He pulled Bobby closer, for his chair was on wheels, carefully rolled up his sleeve and examined the bruises for a short second. They had never been so up close before. Bobby almost felt like he was the vampire, drawn in by the alluring smell of his skin, wanting to bury his lips in his neck.

“I'm fine.” Bobby said, self-conscious, starting to roll his sleeve back down, but BI stopped him. Their fingers touched for but a moment, but it felt like longer. Bobby wanted it to be longer. He wasn't sure what was happening to him. BI had cast a spell on him, luring him into his web of deceit and he could do nothing but step right into his trap, with his eyes wide open.

“Hhssss.” Bobby hissed when BI started applying the cream-like substance in the jar on his all too fresh bruises. It stung.

“I'm sorry...” BI whispered, shaking his head like he was reprimanding himself.

Bobby's heart did a double take. That was all he had ever wanted to hear. There was nothing to forgive, for he had already forgiven him, despite his empty threats of taking it back.

“I didn't mean to...” BI started, but Bobby cut him off.

“I know.” he just said. He wanted to say something more, something clever and interesting, but he couldn't think of anything. He wanted to take BI's hand and tell him he had forgiven him, but he didn't dare. He wanted to surrender to this unyielding power that rivaled gravity, threatening to catapult him into BI's arms, but still he resisted.


Suddenly, the sound of multiple loud footsteps echoed through the hall, sending chills down Bobby's spine. He didn't know why though. It wasn't like they were doing anything wrong. They had a medical situation. The nurse wasn't there. They had taken care of it. Their case was solid.

The moment two heavily armed guards appeared in the doorway, BI was already on his knees with his hands in the air. Bobby's jaw dropped to the floor and shattered into a million different pieces. He had expected an angry nurse, maybe a trip to the principal's office. But military looking guards, with guns no less? Was it even legal to carry firearms on school grounds?

It was a terrifying sight to watch them take BI away, who didn't even fight back. Was this the seamless integration that the government was so proud of? Holding them prisoners with armed guards, while parading them at lunch for all to see, making it look like all was well, when in fact it couldn't be further from the truth. Bobby was flabbergasted. Outraged.


The next morning Bobby impatiently counted away the seconds, running to lunch before the bell even had a chance to ring. But he wasn't there. BI wasn't there. The corner was empty. There was not a trace of him anywhere. It was like he had never existed.  



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Chapter 8: Omg this is AMAZING! If you ever feel like it I would love to read a part 2 or the next chapter ? great job honestly I’m fangirling so much I love Double B
iahm0826 #2
please update soon authornim
Chapter 8: It's been some time, please update!
Chapter 8: will u update this?/:(
Kwon_SungRa #6
Chapter 8: Please update??? <3
laurutukas #7
Chapter 8: Love your story :) hope that it will have even more chapters to read :D and please update it soon ^^i'll wait for your story :)
Nialljames20 #8
Chapter 8: I love this story! It's so addicting! I can't wait for the next update
gdfan1 #9
Chapter 8: That was awesome.... I like this fic so much
Alice_K26 #10
Chapter 8: Omgggg iloveeeee itttt....
Bobby is sooo cuteeee and the coool hanbin really a freshhhhh to read.......
Cannot wait for next chapter to find out what will happen.....