I'll Be There

I'll Be There

                Ji Won sighed, calling her boyfriend for the fifth time in the last hour. He promised to help her study for math after school, specifically the day before her final exam. She stared at her phone for a good minute and a half before giving up, slipping her phone back in her pocket. Standing up from the concrete staircase, she brushed the dust off her skirt and headed to the nearest café—she needed the extra caffeine.

                She was just about to open the glass door when she saw him.

                There he was, Yang Ji Won’s boyfriend. Jo Youngmin had completely forgotten. It looked like he was having a great time, hanging out with his group. They were laughing about something funny and didn’t even notice her watching them. By her twisted vision, she was able to see his phone perched on the coffee table and the way it lit up. Four missed calls from: Jagiya<3

                Sullen, she turned around to leave, only to bump into a guy that passed her way.

                “Oof!” She felt her back being held firmly as she leaned back slightly. She looked into the eyes of No Minwoo, one of Youngmin’s good friends. He looked obviously late to hang out with his friends, as his face was flushed and his hair glued to his face.

                “Ji-ah!” Minwoo flashed a heart-stopping grin once he recognized her. He helped her stand up straight before speaking again. “I didn’t know you were hanging out with us today!”

                She shook her head slowly, her head down in embarrassment. “I’m not. Youngmin promised that we’d go to the library after school to help me study...” Her eyelashes fluttered to the scene inside. “But I guess not.”

                Minwoo’s eyes looked back and forth from Ji Won to his friends in the café. Then Ji Won again. “Oh… do you want me to get Youngmin for you?”

                “It’s not a problem, really.” She lied, trying to get away from Minwoo. “I should get going now.”

                But Minwoo didn’t budge, as he cocked his head to the side in an adorable fashion. “Leaving so early? It looked like you wanted coffee a few minutes ago.”

                What was with his sudden interest in starting a conversation? “It’s fine, really. Now if you’ll excuse me…”

                “Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?” he asked. Ji Won shook her head, a little confused. “Why don’t you get Youngmin to study with you then?”

                Again, Ji Won politely declined his ideas. “He isn’t the type to work in the morning, you know him.”

                Minwoo giggled, nodding. “I guess you’re right. But if you really need the extra help, I’d be happy to help you!”

                Ji Won’s eyes twinkled like diamonds as her mood suddenly lifted up. “You’d do that for me? Wow, you’re the best Minwoo! Thank you so much!”

                The next morning Ji Won was relaxing under the tree, cramming in some last-minute review. She had told Minwoo to go to his classroom after a hard morning of studying, which she still had to thank oh-so graciously for. She lifted her head up ever-so slightly to notice Youngmin stomping over the spiky grass to her, clearly annoyed.

                “I waited at your house for fifteen minutes!”  he pouted, the sun intensifying the angelic glow in his blond hair. “Where were you?”

                The girl quietly closed her book before answering, stalling herself. “I was busy studying.”

                “At six in the morning? Why would you study—” Youngmin stopped himself, and his eyes widened, suddenly realizing the problem. At that moment, He advanced and pressed his lips against hers, hoping his kiss would remedy the situation. “I’m so sorry Jagiya. I completely forgot about studying with you yesterday.” He pressed more kisses to her cheeks and her forehead.

                Forcing herself not to roll her eyes, Ji Won retorted. “I asked you and you promised me.”

                Youngmin proceeded to pull her in a hug. “I’m so sorry! I’m really-really sorry!” he backed up a bit so he could perform his A-class aegyo at her. “Pwease Jagi? Forgive me?”

                How could she not forgive this face? Ji Won nodded, letting Youngmin do a little dance and pick up her books. “Just make sure to meet up with me during break, okay? I prepared you a really good lunch!”

                Her boyfriend nodded eagerly, linking pinkies with her. “My Jagiya’s cooking is always the greatest!”

                When lunch hour finally rolled around, she expected Youngmin to be late. Of course. She felt a bit awkward being alone in her picnic table, waiting for a good amount of time. She leaned her head on the table, her appetite soon fading.

                She felt the seat next to her occupied, and she instantly pulled herself together. “Youngmin—!”

                But it was only Minwoo, who smiled sadly at her. “Sorry, wrong guy. Speaking of, where is he? You look pretty lonely here.”

                She sighed, but forced a smile for the brunette. “I’m fine. I guess Youngmin forgot, that’s all.”

                Minwoo scratched his head, feeling a little uncomfortable to be caught in their situation. He nevertheless, wanted to aid his friend. “Well, it seems like he’s been forgetting a few things lately. Shouldn’t you go talk to him about it?”

                “I wouldn’t know what to say.” She admitted.

                “He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?” gosh, he was making this harder than it was. “You should be able to tell him how you feel, that’s how the relationship works, right?”

                “I guess.” The soft rumbling escaped from Ji Won’s tummy. She blushed in embarrassment, turning away. “Aish…” she slightly slapped her stomach, trying to silence it.

                She heard Minwoo giggle slightly, and looked up to his warm eyes. “Why don’t we fix the least of your problems?” he reached over and opened her lunchbox, pushing an eggroll to her lips. “C’mon. You can’t have your math exam on an empty stomach. You wouldn’t want all of our studying to go to waste, would you?”

                Giving in, she opened and chewed, feeling a bit better. In turn she opened the yellow lunchbox and handed a pair of chopsticks to Minwoo. “Then you should eat this. I wouldn’t want it to go to waste anyway.”

                Minwoo held up the cover. “You sure know Youngmin a lot. Winnie the Pooh?” he pointed at the cute bear-shaped rice. “Next time make Mickey Mouse, that’s my favorite.”

                “I’ll keep that in mind.” She giggled, and found herself having a good lunch with No Minwoo.


                “Are you not even going to ask why I didn’t come to lunch?” Youngmin asked, genuinely worried for his girlfriend.

                Ji Won shrugged, clearly trying to act disinterested. “Whatever it was it’s probably more important than me.”

                Youngmin pouted, reaching for her hands. “Don’t say that. Nothing’s more important than my Jagiya.” He followed her outside, walking her to class. He tried getting her attention by taking the yellow lunch box in her hands. Eagerly, he opened the cover, but frowned. “Mickey Mouse?” he asked, looking at the Disney character in disbelief. “This isn’t right…”

                “It isn’t for you.” She said quickly, snatching it up. “It’s repayment for Minwoo helping me pass my math final.”

Jealousy flashed in his large eyes. To make her forget about Minwoo, Youngmin kissed her cheeks, holding her tightly. “C’mon. I haven’t forgotten about our anniversary. I promised to take you to that ice cream shop in uptown Seoul, remember?” She nodded stiffly, but didn’t speak. Tomorrow was their anniversary. She could at least look forward to that, right?

                It was Sunday afternoon. Ji Won wore her best casual dress and shiny black mary-janes. She dolled herself up perfectly. He said she’d pick her up at four. It was now 4:15; it was okay to be fashionably late, right? 4:15 suddenly turned to 4:30, and her mother got tired of watching her wait and drove her to the ice cream shop herself. Ji Won texted Youngmin saying she was already there.

                The light pastel colors and happy music playing in the background didn’t soothe her aching heart. “You’re not buying anything?” she looked up to see (once again) Minwoo holding up two ice cream cones, and Youngmin’s brother by his side. How convenient of them to be at the same place.

                Her lips pursed in a thin line. “I guess not.”

                “Here.” Minwoo offered the ice cream cone in his one hand to her, and Ji Won obliged, as she needed the comfort food.

                Kwangmin frowned. “That was mine!”

                Ji Won gave a little smile, offering Kwangmin a little . “Where’s your brother?” she asked softly.

                Kwangmin laughed at her question. “Slept in. He was so caught up in his videogames last night.” he surely had no idea how important this day was to her.

                Her eyes were getting teary, as she handed the ice cream cone to Kwangmin, finally giving up. “Excuse me.” She grabbed her purse and walked out of the shop.

                “Ji-ah!” It was Minwoo, following her. “Ji Won!” he caught her wrist. “Yang Ji Won!”

                She suddenly whipped her body around, fully facing him. Tears poked out of her eyes and glazed her perfectly blushed cheeks. “He stood me up!” she cried, not being able to take it anymore. “He forgot our anniversary! He promised but he didn’t!” her body wracked in dozens of emotions, forgetting about all the passersby staring strangely at her.

                With that, no words were said as Minwoo engulfed her in a hug, the ice cream cone long forgotten on the sidewalk. The warmth caused Ji Won to instantly melt, as she let herself sob in his chest to her heart’s content. She finally knew how to end her sorrows.


                “Let’s break up.” She said, looking at Youngmin straight in the eyes.

                On cue, he held her tightly. “Please Jagiya. Don’t break up with me! I know I’ve been doing wrong things! Please forgive me!” his desperation made his eyes widen, thinking it was all in his head.

                This has been happening way too much for her liking. She had to stop it.

                “Is it because of Minwoo?” Youngmin asked, only proceeding to hold her tighter. “Is it because Minwoo has replaced me? Because Minwoo won’t know how to love you like I do!”

                “Minwoo has done a good job at taking care of me than you ever had!” she snapped, defending the boy who had saved her all this time. “He tutored me in math while you were off at the café with your friends. He had lunch with me while you were doing who knows what! Hell, he was even there on our anniversary! Tell me it isn’t reason enough.”

                “It’s not that it isn’t reason enough.” This wasn’t happening. Ji Won’s decision had to be final, but she was getting lost in Youngmin, falling into her deep scent. “I’m just too selfish to let you go. Let’s start over.” What was making her lose all the defiance she had moments ago?

                Let’s start over. The words ringed in Ji Won’s head over and over like a broken record. Youngmin’s sweet words reassured her once again. And once again, she fell into the spell of Jo Youngmin. She relaxed into the hug, letting herself wrap her hands around his waist. “Let’s start over.” She agreed, her tone soft.

                He pressed his head to her shoulder, burying himself in Ji Won’s shoulder, taking in her sweet scent. “I’ll be there.”

                The brick wall Minwoo was leaning against was as rough as his own heart, as he watched his best friend hug Haeri, just as he did to her just yesterday. He felt his heart writhe in agony, and he even had to clutch his chest because it was too painful. He was left to fill Ji Won’s temporary void until Youngmin could pick himself up and be a real boyfriend. He should be happy for Ji Won, right? But what a cruel reality.

                Because he was the one that was there for her all along, right?


So this is like making Youngmin fans happy.

And Minwoo fans sad. Sorry! But extra cliche for Kwangmin to love her too.

Did you like it? Tell me so? If you didn't? Flame me? Hehe. They're fun to read.

ALSO. Sequel to mend Minwoo's heart!


So like my other oneshots, shameless advertising time!

If you want to read more Youngmin, Minwoo, Boyfriend, or all of the above, please check out my current fanfic, Absolute Boyfriend!



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I love this
Iminthezone #3
onesweetdelightlater #4
reread this ^^ such a sweet (and sad...for minwoo lol) story. i love it~
ilovelove #5
Aww man i thought she was gonna go to minwoo! The world is so cruel! Minwoo can join me in the land of the heartbroken :'(
shinsmile #6
somehow it reminds me of something...<br />
hehe xD<br />
I'm off to the sequel after this comment. OH MY GOSH MINWOO. I WOULD'VE CHOSEN HIM IN A HEARTBEAT. Why must Youngmin smell so darn good? LOL. Aaaaaaah!! That was so good!!
milkteaa #8
wow this was amazing! your writing is just so <br />
amazing :) everything was detailed and i wish<br />
i could steal your talent lol! anyway, minwoo <br />
was so sweet in this and i wish that he could <br />
have ended up with her, but i was also happy <br />
that youngmin got another chance. i'll be sure <br />
to read the sequel to this!<br />
I feel for Minwoo :(