Cutting My Ties with You...

K-Pop Bishounen Idols Scenarios


Cutting the thread...hopefully for good this time.




I was staring at my phone. ____ sent me a text,canceling our date,for a third time. It's been a week since the fight and we were slowing going back to an argument. Re-reading his text,


To: -----

From: Jerk-face Oppa<3

"Ne, Sorry Jagiya. I have to cancel our date again. Gonna be working late."


Rolling my eyes, I knew what was really going on. Sending a text back, I smirk noticing ____ replied quick with an excuse.


"To: Jerk face Oppa<3

From: -----

Working late? You mean doing her? Or going on a date with protect us?"


"To: -----

From: Jerk Face Oppa<3


-----, don't get sassy with me. You know this is to protect us! Aish, sometimes I wonder why I love you"


I scoffed at his reply,before laughing bitterly while on the inside an uneasy feeling was growing. Placing my phone down, I headed to the bathroom and look at my reflection. Dark bags under my eyes and the tired expression was clearly showing what this relationship is doing to me.

"Why can't I let go of ____!" I thought pulling my hair back,as I closed my eyes. The uneasy feeling was growing more uneasy, making me sick. I could hear my laptop changing from ____ song to an english one,for some reason this song was perfect with my mood. Listening to it,I was revisiting past memories as a verse came to play.

" pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything.

pretty soon she'll figure out: you can never get him out of your head."


Slowly opening my eyes, I could remember the first time with fought. It was a few months ago,back when we started dating for almost ten weeks. ____ was entering my apartment, slightly drunk as he stagger over to me. Being foolish, I brush his antics as a funny joke,until he started confessing everything. How he's dating another girl behind my back, saying it was the CEO's idea to cover our relationship up,and how he's has to play along till it's clear for us to make our relationship public. I would have believe his lies,if he didn't smell like her, didn't have her lipstick stains on his neck and shirt, and most of all, if he didn't reek of .


I could remember how angry I felt after hearing this, I remember I wanted to slap him, kick him out of my apartment,never wanted to see _____ cheating face again. Shivering from angry that was boiling and the feeling of his arms wrapping around my waist. _____ must have mistake my shivering from an angry one to a cold one or something. I closed my eyes as I felt ____ kiss me deeply. I was cursing at him in my head, the way he put so much passion in his actions,was making me ignore the anger. Shoving him off, I glared at _____, the look on his face reminded me how he could have been kissing her like that.


Do you kiss her, like that? Do you call her jagiya? Well _____? Do you?!” I shouted feeling tears on the rims of my eyes. I shook my head and was heading to my room, but was jerked back by him. “ Yah! Let go of me you idiot!” I told him trying to break free.


Don't be like this -----....You know you're the one for me~ I swear to you that I'll never do anything to hurt you...just please don't leave me” He said softly,in that cursed tone that was making me submissive.


It's only once right? I mean...every couple has milestones like this...right?” I thought closing my eyes,feeling his hands rubbing my sides, ignoring the smirk on _____'s face.


It's the last time” I thought as he lead me to my room.


Shaking my head, I was wiping the tears off my face as I kept scolding myself for being an idiot for forgiving him. I should have took the hint from everyone, that he was bad. I scolded my self for ignoring his true intentions all along. Leaving the bathroom, I was breathing hard as I felt all the emotions I've been putting off, just explode. Throwing everything that ______ ever gave me in the trash or just toss it anywhere in my room. Grabbing some bags and my suitcase, I started packing all my clothes and stuff that I need. During the fit, I grabbed my phone, calling my best friends, asking if I could stay with them for the night. I felt a small wave of happiness when they didn't ask questions and could figure out what was happening. Checking if I got everything, I took a deep breath and dialed a number, hearing it ring a few times...I held in a cry.


Hello? “ A voice said tired,as if they have been woken up.


...D-Dad?” I whimper softly, hearing some shuffling I knew he was fully awake.


-----? What's wrong?” He said worried. I could feel tears falling again as I told him what was going on, but sugar-coated alittle.


_____ and I aren't....working out anymore...I'm gonna stay with some friends and try going home..friday” I told him, looking at a calender. Friday was only two days away. Enough time to get everything ready and leave.

After speaking with my dad, I stared at my phone,more like the wallpaper. It was ____ and I...showing off our couple rings. The uneasy feeling was coming again as I remove my ring and place it beside the letter addressed to ______. Grabbing my stuff and headed out, reaching my car I pulled out my phone and text of _____'s group members. Telling them to tell _____ to come by my apartment tomorrow and telling them what I was planning. Wiping the final and last of my tears, I took a deep breath as I reminded myself what I was about to do.


Get ahold of yourself ------, this is what you need. Just cut the ties with ____ and your free...” I whisper starting my car and drove to my friends house.



Cutting the ties with you is a chance for us to stop hurting each other with lies”


Re-posting chap 6&7 cause it was gone after the whole MIA thing sunday(EST) on AFF. ; - ; got scared for a moment.

Anyway, I've choosen to give you guys two more ways to follow me and stuff.

To talk to me and just reqest some stuff I've created a Twitter account ( yesterday,since I had nothing better to do) and my Tumblr. 

So feel free to check it out.  my tumblr is : ; and my Twitter is just @SayuriNoona.

I'm still working on part 8,it's alittle hard to write since it's two different endings so yeah.... hopefully it's gonna be out later tonight. 



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SayuriNoona #1
@alwaysme3: Thank chu ^^<3
@fireworkrainbow: I was going to have both a sad ending and a happy ending,but it was hard to write a sad ending ; - ; so I choose a happy ending.

Thoses who want a sad ending...i could write another sad story later ^^"
X3 i thought it was going to end sad but yeah *phew* c': it was so sweet!
awwwe!! thats soo adorable! i LOVE it <33 keke. and thanks for the shout out (is that what its called? oh well xD ) you didnt have to though. i really enjoyed it. and prom!? cool!~ how was it? hehe.
happy happy happy~~~ i like the happy endings. hehehe. can't wait to read it xDDD
SayuriNoona #5
@Alwaysme3: Haha thanks, well I just to see if it's good,or theres improvement. I might make a story like this,or make some squeals oneshots that's connected to this,making a small series. I'll probably end up making a small story that's like this,but with two endings. One thats bad/sad and a happy ending :D
Yah! How can you need a beta reader?!? This is awesome!! XD there's some grammar problems but that's ALL! It's normal~ lol. I really like it!! <33 but she shouldn't go back to him just yet. But I like her reason about everyone knowing it's a broken relationship but it's normal and part of making them stronger~ you should make a story ~~~ yeahh, you should xDDDD
SayuriNoona #7
; - ; It is, I was watching There she is and was on step 4...that song made me write this ; - ;
chapter 5 is so sad ;A;
Lol. Chp 4 is cute. Kekeke. Update when you can xD yes, you should add a picture. And who do i think of? No one in particular. Just a hot guy with a blurred image. Lmaoooo buy if I have to choose... Beast's dujun!!! <3
chapter 3;
<\3 poor block b