Chapter 4 - This must be hell

Things aren't always the way they seem

Chapter 4 – This must be hell!

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As soon as I look around in the just entered the room, I let out a breath I didn’t know I’ve been holding.

“Are you serious?” I can’t help but laugh as I try to cover my nose. “How can you live in here? It’s like some kind of trash trunk! And ugh… there’s this real bad smell, too.” But somehow the thought of it makes me laugh even harder.

They seem even more inhuman right now. It must be some kind of superpower to be able to live in such a dirty apartment without getting disgusted.



Mio’s POV. :


“You think you’ll be able to clean all of this?” Siwon asks sceptically.

“I don’t know about that yet, but what I do know is, that the payment is way off for this kind of work… especially the…” I look down on my ‘outfit’ again and frown. “The maid costume.”

That seems to make everyone go silent. And I’m the one to break the silence again. “How come you guys are so quiet? On talk shows and stuff you look like you enjoy talking about yourselves.”


Heechul and Kyuhyun actually start laughing, while everyone else tenses, me included. I said something I didn’t mean, again. Damn it. Why do I have to always get this fierce whenever I’m nervous?


“I already like her.” Kyuhyun says with an evil smirk and looks at me as through I’m something really interesting.

Heechul laughs again. “I guess so, her humour seems to be similar to yours, Kyuhyun. But you’re right, I do already like her too.”

It’s kind of weird how all of them are awkward but charming in their very own way. Trying to make me feel comfortable here at that too.

“Yeah,” Sungmin agrees. “It’s nice to be able to have an actual conversation with a female without all the shrieking and signing of things.”


Ryeowook seems to be the only one still shaken by my statement but he tries to smile, which makes me feel even more like the bad guy.

“Ah, anyo, anyo. I’m really sorry. I didn’t really mean it like that. I have no idea why I’m so rude to everyone ever since I walked out of that stupid lift, sorry.” It sounds like an excuse, but I mean the every word I say.


“It’s fine, so stop apologising.” As I turn around, I see a guy I hadn’t seen at the lift before, He’s the leader of the group, I think.

“Yah, Hyung” Kyuhyun says as hi and looks at him innocently.

But Leeteuk seems to barely notice him and the others and comes straight toward me. “Nice to meet you, I’m Leeteuk” He continues and bows and smiles at me in a very gentle looking way.

I’m not used to people treating me like this so whatever they say or do, I feel as through I want to disappear. “Ah, ne. Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Mio. Nice to meet you too.”

Hearing me speak somehow seems to make him smile even more, although I have to admit, I do not know why.



Donghae’s POV. :


Eunhyuk and I had to go to a photo shooting and it took unexpectedly long to finish up, so when we finally arrive at home, we’re really tired. We figure, that, since we’re so late, everyone else is probably already asleep, which makes it an even bigger surprise to still hear such loud noises, especially coming from the kitchen.

“It’s probably Shingdong, getting himself a midnight snack…” Eunhyuk jokes and walks towards the noises while smiling.


Eunhyuk’s POV. :


That’s right, it couldn’t be… Our members all really like to eat, but I think I’ve never seen them, not even once, cook something other than Ramen. We haven’t had a decent meal in months either.

But it couldn’t it be my imagination, could it? But seriously, this smells so delicious…

I can’t help it but walk toward it. It’s more like a reflex than me wanting to.

I’m really surprised by actually finding a woman in our apartment, or more, in our kitchen. If I’m not wrong she’s actually wearing some kind of dress…

I think she’s the first female to ever enter our dorm, which makes it even more awkward and weird that she’s there. Cooking.

But why is she doing that?


I want to take a step closer to be able to see her face. But as soon as I try to, she turns around and looks at Donghae and me in confusion.

“Ya, Donghae, she’s really pretty.” I say loud enough for Hae to hear but quiet enough for her not to notice.

But Donghae doesn’t say anything. He just stands there. As expected of him, I can’t recall him ever having any real interest in woman.

But I guess, when there are so many women and fans trying to get close to you, you start to feel less attracted to them after a while since they somehow seem just too easy. He could have any female, if he’d just want to.


Leeteuk seems to have been right next to her all this time, talking to her, but somehow I didn’t notice him at all till then. And that’s when I see what the girl is wearing. For a second I can’t believe my eyes. She’s a maid…?


Mio’s POV. :


Somehow I’m too absorbed in cooking and talking with Leeteuk-ssi at the same time, that I don’t even notice when someone enters the room and walks towards us.

Leeteuk and I talk a lot about the members and how they met ect.

But as soon as I turn around to get some spices for my kimichi-soup, I see two guys standing on the other side of the room, looking at me intensely.

At first I’m simply confused and really don’t know what to do, but then I somehow manage to smile at them. “Ah-Annyeonghaseyo…” I stutter, again, overly aware and embarrassed of what I’m wearing.

“Oh, hey Hyuk, Hae.” Leeteuk says suddenly and starts walking toward them. Then he turns around again, to face me, and smiles. “This is Eunhyuk,” he points toward the guys with blond hair, who now, bows and greets me. He’s really handsome.

“And this-“ Leeteuk tries to continue, as another guy walks toward me and cuts him off. “I’m Donghae, nice to meet you.” He says calmly.

His face is really amazing. But somehow his voice and eyes feel really distant when I look at them, and cool.

“Ah, ne. Nice to meet you too, I’m Mio.” I reply a little perplex. Just what is it with this group of boys where one boy is even handsomer than the other?

Through, this guy is really something else. I mean, besides being absolutely stunning, his dark silky black hair looks so soft it makes me want to touch it, simply to see how it’d feel.

But just who in this apartment isn’t absolutely gorgeous?



Hey guys.. J I hope you like the way I write… I’m still kind of new with all of this fanfiction stuff.. You know? ;D


Anyway, about the last part in this chapter, don’t you think as well, that even Shingdong looks kind of really nice? I mean, I have to admit, his looks aren’t the best in SuJu – or at least I think that way -, but he definitely looks cute. Plus, he’s hilarious. :DD

What do you think? :o


If someone’s wondering why Mio cooked;


Since she heard from Leeteuk that there were still two members who still weren’t done with work, she wanted to make them something to eat. Guess she predicted them to be really hungry, but too tire to get something or go out to eat.

And Leeteuk was with her because, well, he’s a gentleman and didn’t want to let her do all the work. He enjoyed talking to her too. And I guess it’d be strange to let – somehow a stranger – walk all alone in their house while they’re sleeping soundly.


Hope that helped… J

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Thank youu! :]
b2uty_diamond #2
Hi! New reader ^^ this fic is nice and very interesting so far! I like ur writing style XD they seem like her especially Hyuk hae and Kyu ( I guess?) I hope she will end up with Hyukie (my biggest love ever <3) or Donghae. Update soon
puckbunny #3
Its goos so far keep going ^_^