Chapter 2 - An Unwanted Guest

Things aren't always the way they seem

Chapter 2 – An unwanted Guest

Previous chapter


She let’s out a dreamy sigh. “Mio-chi, dear, this-“ She suddenly walks towards the man and touches his palm slightly as to make me pay even more attention to him. “This is George, y-your new father…”



Mio’s POV. :


It’s been one week since then – and I still haven’t had time to go karaoke with Key.

Anyway, as I got informed, my mom and this guy had been meeting each other in secret, and that for the last 8 months!

Without me knowing at that too.

And then, one afternoon, he suddenly proposed, asked her to marry him. And like hell, she accepted.  


What world do I live in, when I can’t even trust my own flesh and blood? Okay, now, that’s a bit melodramatic. But still, this .


This guy’s name, apparently, is George Miller – it sounds like something he simply made up, right? – He just moved from America to Korea about the time around when he met my mom. [I still can’t believe my mom actually dared to call it a ‘fated meeting’…]


Omma said, that he’s some kind of really big fish back in the USA, through she has no idea with what he earns his money.

Talk about trustworthy relationships. Ha.


I really hate this kind of mood, but hey, it’s fine to feel pissed off for a bit at your mom and the world for being so lovey-dovey with someone who’s not your father, right?


However, ever since the night they told me, it’s been very awkward between my mom, her lover and me. Although it still bugs me, I kind of try to get along with both of them.


George comes to visit and takes my mother out about every two days, which is probably the only thing I like about him; The time my mother isn’t inside the house definitely increased since he’d appeared.


The only time I talked to him was when he was, just like always, waiting in the kitchen for my mother to get done.

He had asked me to come sit with him for a minute and suddenly started talking about my part time jobs.

He even offered me job, which he promised me to be very well paid, because my mother had told him, that I was pretty independent and probably wanted to continue earning my own money instead of getting some from him. Well, what can I say? She's right. And through I don’t really like George, I accept.

Why? Cause, obviously, it’s so well paid that even my madness couldn’t get me to act foolish enough to reject such a great offer.


With the money I can earn at this job I can pay off all of my school fees and the money for the agency. I would only have to keep the part time job at the library, but with that I would get enough payment to live my life to the fullest, or at least without worrying about food and clothes. YAY!


“What kind of work is it, anyway?” I ask being curios. But George just looks at me and shows a big warm smile. “You’ll see soon enough.”

I can’t really read his expression, but it doesn’t seem as through he just made me agree to work as a stripper in a nightclub.  I guess it can’t be too bad then, right? (I don't get this logic either ;o)



Sorry, again. This chapter is more information than story, I guess. But now I’m sure it’ll be easier to understand the rest of my story as well… :]


Plus, I really wanted to apologise for my writing.. like.. the way I change between future, past and the here and yet… It’s more like mh…Mio’s a character that thinks a lot and never really is anywhere if it comes to time… does that even make sense? xD


Thanks for reading! Hope you like it… J

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Thank youu! :]
b2uty_diamond #2
Hi! New reader ^^ this fic is nice and very interesting so far! I like ur writing style XD they seem like her especially Hyuk hae and Kyu ( I guess?) I hope she will end up with Hyukie (my biggest love ever <3) or Donghae. Update soon
puckbunny #3
Its goos so far keep going ^_^