Chapter 3

Invisible Shadow

three; Stop Staring

 Oranges and browns spread across the school ground, the musky scent hugging Kyungsoo's body into warm (contrary to the damp autumn weather) and the blend of spices in his tea distracting from the raindrops falling in pitter-patter like sequence on to his umbrella.  A large coat hung over his narrow shoulders, which had made him feel like an utter idiot, but it was better than freezing to death in such weather. 

Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol were sitting out in the rain, which was kind of stupid, seeing that practically the entire school had situated themselves in the safe indoors (well, apart from the few delinquents who were probably hiding, smoking in the trees somewhere) but the strange melancholy, bittersweet feeling one gets with autumn had the three wanting to stay outside, savouring the last remains of the nature before winter falls. 

"Sunday night," Baekhyun began, smiling softly, looking down at his pumpkin spice latte (Kyungsoo and Chanyeol tried to stop him, they really did), "We're performing!" he cheered. 

"Oh, yeah," Kyungsoo responded, almost forgetting about their deal of performing and Baekhyun's mum's cafe, Blonde Bean, "What are we singing?" he asked sheepishly, a lazy smile adorning his face. 

"Put My Hands On You," Chanyeol replied, mouth widening in shock once he saw the confused look on Kyungsoo's face, "Don't tell me you don't know who Dean is!?" he grunted at the ignorance of his friends, shaking his head and complaining about Kyungsoo being to white-washed.  

"Come here," Baekhyun beckoned the confused male next to him, taking out his iPod and plugging in earphones on. 

"English?" Kyungsoo was confused but shushed by the pair,  "Don't you think this is a bit inappropriate...?" he sassed, rolling his eyes as he hands Baekhyun back his iPod. 

"Well, should I getting my ing coconut wig and bass guitar so we can cover The Beatles instead?" Baekhyun sassed back, mocking Kyungsoo. 

"Fine, fine!" Kyungsoo exclaimed, "It was pretty good, not gonna lie," he confessed. 

"See!" Chanyeol cheered, but that smile being wiped off as soon as he heard the school bell going, "Ugh, I hate history!". 


Luckily, the three had shared the same History class, which made it more bearable for Kyungsoo. Not that he hated History, it was more that he could feel Kim Jongin staring at him from the other side of the classroom. Out of disgust or curiosity, Kyungsoo couldn't tell (although he was betting on the latter). 

"This is so stupid!" Baekhyun complained, and for once Kyungsoo agreed. Writing an entire essay on the Cold War (how was this even a curriculum in Korean History?) was probably lazy teaching on Mrs Choi's side, seeing that she just handed the teens textbooks and told them to write a summary. He hopes to God not all lessons are going to be like this because as soon as his parents find out they'll send Kyungsoo off to that private school they had initially thought of -- it took Kyungsoo so long to convince them to let him go to the public school his friends attended.  

"For once I agree with your endless complaining," Kyungsoo answered, sighing as he looked down at the almost complete essay. 'Just a closing paragraph more' he thought to himself, stretching his hand and getting a tight grip on his pen before putting his head down and writing. 

"Yo, why is Kim Jongin staring at you?" Chanyeol whispered to Kyungsoo, who looked up for the briefest second, just to make eye contact with Jongin. 

"I don't know," he whispered back, "It's sorta creeping me out like he's trying to plot my murder or some ,". 

"Do you want me to ask him to stop?" Baekhyun asked. 

"No, it's fine, 20 more minutes and we're off to physics," 



"He's doing it again!" Chanyeol said, his voice a bit angry. 

"That's it," Baekhyun sighed, standing up from his seat and walking up to a surprised Kim Jongin, ignoring Kyungsoo's pleading of 'no, just let it be'

"Ya!" Baekhyun exclaimed, looking down as Jongin, "Could you stop staring at my friend, you're making him uncomfortable," and no, Baekhyun hadn't tried to lower his voice or hide his complaint. 

"I-I was staring?" Jongin asked, as confused as Baekhyun. 

"Stop trying to act smart!" Chanyeol joined, rolling his eyes at Jongin's false facade of confusion. 

"I'm sorry," Jongin said sincerely, "I honestly didn't notice," the pink shade emitting from those bronze cheeks hadn't gone unnoticed by Baekhyun, who stood quietly with his arms crossed on his chest. 

"Don't do it again!" Chanyeol threatened, before walking back to his seat, Baekhyun following him after giving a long hard look to Jongin. 


"Nope, nope, nope!" Kyungsoo said, walking further and further away from Baekhyun and Chanyeol who were following the younger boy. 

After the two had rather publicly threatened the Kim Jongin he had heard the sneers flooding in the science class, he could feel people glaring at him and the news of Baekhyun and Chanyeol 'defending' him hadn't stayed in the classroom and soon the school corridors were filled with the gossip. 

The rain had just stopped, meaning more people would be outside, and there was no way he was going to the canteen, so the next place was the rooftop. 


Once Kyungsoo opened the door of the rooftop he saw a familiar figure, his hair was wet along with his trousers and a thin white shirt, exposing his thin figure. The boy didn't notice Kyungsoo, too absorbed in his own little world as his eyes flickered from right to left as he read the small red book in his hand. 

Kyungsoo started, allured by the boy. He didn't know why he wanted to know everything about the boy, he knows Kim Kai's hiding something and all Kyungsoo wants to do is uncover the mysterious sibling of Kim Jongin.

Talk about siblings, even though it had almost been a week since he's been in the school he has never once seen the two interact. In fact, he hears about Kim Jongin all the time, he's never heard a word about Kim Kai. His mind flickered to Baekhyun being so concerned when he said he talked to Kai.


With no real thought, Kyungsoo walked forward, taking off his coat, standing directly in front of the boy. Kyungsoo's heart skipped a beat when Kai looked up at him with those cold eyes. 

Carefully, he places his hand on Kai's shoulder, who flinched at the contact but Kyungsoo paid no mind to that, guiding the thin figure off the wall, wrapping his coat around the boy's shoulder, then silently taking a seat next to the boy,  cheeks with a pink hue as he notices Kai had not taken his eyes off him. 

The two sat in silence, Kai pretending to read his book and Kyungsoo trying to figure out what the warm fuzzy feeling in his heart meant. 


Kai was so confused.

This, this Kyungsoo kid was caring for him, it It wasn't out of pity, or fear, he was just doing it out of his good nature, and Kai had almost forgotten people like that existed. It brought a warmness in him, and he almost cracked a smile. Almost. 

"Why are you doing this?" he asked in a small, croaky voice, turning to look at Kyungsoo, slightly overwhelmed by their closeness. 

It seemed like they started at each other for eternity, before Kyungsoo responded, "You looked cold," and Kai knew that he wasn't just talking about today. 


Blonde Bean. 

Kyungsoo had told him that he and his friends will be performing in the cafe at 9 pm, Sunday. So here he was, a warm cup of coffee nestled tightly between his hands. 

His eyes scanned the interior of the cafe. The brick walls contrasted with the bright white walls behind the counter, fairy lights illuminating said wall in the dimmed lights. Beautiful pastries with bold colours glazed from the glass panel, the bitter scent of coffee flooding the cafe with a homely sense. The neutral, earthy bronze coloured tables and pillows and light pendants made the place seem far fancier, and despite it being a Sunday, the cafe was packed. Kai was glad, meaning he was able to hide behind the other diverse customers. 

He's not important enough for Kyungsoo notice whether he's here not. 

According to the boy, it's his first gig in ages, but Kyungsoo's usual shy composure changes completely when he's on stage. And when he first started singing Kai's breath got caught in his throat. 

Kyungsoo's voice was like heaven.

The lyrics rolled off his tongue perfectly, his voice smoother than chocolate and his voice's natural deepness just added to the sensualness of the song. Kyungsoo had one of the best voices he'd heard, sound pouring out like sweet caramel and the emotion he poured into his voice, Kai only saw Kyungsoo, forgetting about the other two accompanying him on stage. 

After they had finished, Kyungsoo's eyes meet Kai's, and perhaps he was being delusional, but he saw Kyungsoo's eyes light up and a small smile directed at him. Kai watched as Kyungsoo went off stage, hugging and older lady before he went back inside. 

Choosing not to stay any longer, Kai finished his drink, carefully returning it to the counter (trying not be noticed) before he left the cafe, pretending none of this happened. 


Darkness falls earlier in autumn. 

The cold wind brushed softly against Kai's hair when he stepped out of the cafe. He was halfway through putting on his headphones and heading home when he hears a familiar voice. 

"So, they'll be in South Korea tomorrow, but officially come to meet me on Wednesday?" Kyungsoo asked, and instead of being angry, he sounded disappointed, "Okay, thank you Mr Holland,". 

Kai didn't completely understand what Kyungsoo was saying (Kai's English could use a lot of improvement), but he could hear and see Kyungsoo seemed upset over something. Before he could contemplate whether or not he should confront the boy, Kyungsoo noticed him, smiling as he walked over to Kai. 

"Hey," Kyungsoo began looking up at Kai. And he looked, looked so innocent, so unaware of the cruelness of the harsh world. 

"Did you like our performance?" he asked gently, and not trusting his voice, Kai nodded lightly, but Kyungsoo noticed.

"You heading home?" Kai nodded. The doctor had said it wasn't ideal for him to walk such a long distance in cold weather, so he had just enough cash for a taxi home. 

"Have a safe journey," Kyungsoo smiled, walking down right. And as if on instinct Kai ran to the boy who was far ahead. He grabbed Kyungsoo's wrist, not thinking much of the electricity that shot down his spine. 

"Let me walk you,"


The two walked side by side with a couple of inches distance between them, and the warmth that radiated off Kyungsoo was comforting, almost homely. Kai occasionally glanced down at Kyungsoo and waited on instructions of where to go next, and he's glad he decided to walk Kyungsoo. He lived quite far, in the outskirts, which Kai found peculiar, but made no comment. Plus, if he hadn't walked Kyungsoo he'd be worried whether the boy had to go home safely or not.  

He didn't realise he was slightly smiling when he heard Kyungsoo quietly sing on the journey home. 


Despite Kai not being the most social butterfly he was fully aware that the average teenager doesn't just own a bloody penthouse. He had got the idea that the apartment complex they were stood outside was rather expensive but at this level of luxury. Kai gulped. 

"You can make yourself comfortable," Kyungsoo said, heading to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water for Kai. 

Kai, who sat back, a little uncomfortable, in the leather sofa, his eyes shifted to the large glass panels, a clear view of the Seoul nightlife and the glimmering stars in the sky. 

" live by yourself?" Kai asked after a sip of water. 

"Yeah," Kyungsoo replied, sitting opposite him, "My parents are busy with business-related appointments, I'll meet them on Wednesday,". 

Kyungsoo looked sad.

Not a close family relationship, Kai noted. 

They sat mostly in silence, Kyungsoo occasionally making small talk with Kai, asking him about his day. Now to outsiders the interactions may seem one-sided and awkward, seeing that Kyungsoo and Kai have only known each other for hardly a week, but oddly the silence was timid, with unspoken words lingering in the air and the least bit of distress. 

"I think I should leave," Kai said, looking at the time 12:30 am

"You shouldn't walk at this time, would you like me to book you a taxi?" Kyungsoo asked worriedly. 

"No, it's fine, I'll book one for myself,"

And in five minutes both Kai and Kyungsoo stood outside, where the mustard yellow taxi pulled up in front of them. 

"Goodbye, see you tomorrow," Kyungsoo waved at Kai, who nodded in response waving goodbye to the smaller male. 


He took cautious steps into his house, carefully removing his shoes before walking over to the kitchen. His initial plan was to grab a glass of water for his pills but he came to halt when he saw Jongin by the fridge, drinking milk. They made eye contact, Kai breaking it as soon as it happened, walking over to the sink for water. 

Looking down at his watch, his eyebrows furrowed when he noticed it was 1:08 am, and they have school tomorrow. 

"Why were you out so late?" Jongin asked his tone more assertive, with no ounce of care or sincerity. Maybe he's thinking too much of Jongin's cocky attitude, having just been with the  

Kai chose not to answer. 

With a glass of water gripped tightly in his hand, he started to make his way upstairs, only to be stopped by a persistent Jongin. 

"Just ing tell me!" he commanded. 

Kai rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Why the do you want to know?" he groaned, "Leave me alone,". 


Jongin could feel Baekhyun and Chanyeol glaring at him. He didn't mean to, he really hadn't, he didn't even realise that he was staring at their friend. Shaking his head he sighed at the memory of how embarrassed he was when Baekhyn called him out. 
"J-Jongin Oppa," a timid voice broke him out of his trance, and looking down he saw a girl with short black hair, handing him chocolate and a pretty blush on her cheeks. Now, normally in these sorts of situations, Jongin would accept the chocolate, flirt a bit and then kindly reject the poor girl.

But today he didn't feel like that. 

"Yes?" his voice came out more annoyed than he wanted it to. 

"I made you some chocolate," bringing the pink box closer for emphasis, "I....I really like you Oppa, please accept this confession!" she pleaded. 

"Ah," Jongin was uncomfortable, "I'm sorry but I'm really not interested," and before he could get a response he briskly walked past the girl, walking down to where he saw Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo all huddled up near a locker. 

He ignored the dirty look Baekhyun and Chanyeol threw at him.

"Care to join me for lunch?". 


"Why are we doing this?" Baekhyun complained in his ear, Kyungsoo pinching his thigh, hoping that Jongin (who had been seated opposite the trio) didn't hear Chanyeol and Baekhyun complaints of 'Why Kim Jongin of all people is interested in their best friend.'

Instead of sitting with his friends he decided to join Kyungsoo and his friends. Now, not only didn't he get confused looks from Sehun, Taemin and Moonkyu (to which he said 'I'm just trying to broaden my social interactions') but he was sure he could feel people glancing at him every now and then. He also noticed that Kyungsoo was uncomfortable with all the attention, and he wishes he could be somewhere he was less known to have a one-on-one with Kyungsoo. 

"Cut the ," Chanyeol forgot that he was talking to the most popular boy and if he said the slightest thing which contradicted his opinion will have him against half the school, but in all honesty, Chanyeol couldn't care less, "Why are trying to get close to our Soo?". 

'This is it, my social life is over before it even began'  Kyungsoo thought, face palming. 

Jongin gulped at Chanyeol's intimidating tone, this intimidation only growing when he realises he has no real reason to be as forward as he is to Kyungsoo. 

"I don't know, I just want to be his friend," he wasn't too sure about the friend's bit, but he couldn't find any term other to justify his feelings towards the male. 

"Look," Baekhyun sighed, shushing Chanyeol, "Just don't mess about with about him," Bakehyun knew that Kim Jongin doesn't just chase people. He knows Jongin's a flirt, but he never just goes up to people, people throw themselves at him, not the other way around. He and Chanyeol knew that Jongin's friends knew that and half the school knew that, poor Kyungsoo was just too dense. And it seemed Jongin himself was confused too. 

This had left them in awkward silence, but once Jongin's friends joined them it seemed the table got more lively. Sehun Moonkyu and Taemin got along surprisingly well with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, meaning soon the table was bubbling was laughter. Even the normally quiet Kyungsoo joined in, sassing along.

The looks of anger that had previously been directed at the table had been replaced with jealousy. But the six ignored them.


Kai cringed when he got home, hearing the loudness of Jongin and his friends.


So obnoxious and annoying, and this time he couldn't even avoid dinner as he was rather hungry. 

"Kai, glad to see you join us," his mum said, tone leaning on the more sardonic side. 

Shrugging, he ignored Jongin and his friends and began eating. 

"Kyungsoo's actually so sassy though!" he heard Taemin exclaim, and he almost choked on his food. 

So Kyungsoo knows them? 

"Yeah, and he's so smart and nice," Jongin said dreamily, showing off the boy. 

"And cute," Moonkyu said, Sehun nodding. 

"So Kyungsoo's the name?" their father chuckled. 

"No, Dad, don't- uh- nevermind!" Jongin grunted, the group laughing at Jongin's smitten-ness. 

Kai, on the other hand, felt a strange sense of betrayal, but quickly washed it out. 

Of course, he knows Jongin, who wouldn't want the perfect one? 

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Chapter 4: Thank you for the update *-*
And uuuuh I am kinda scared because of kyungsoos parents^^'
And Idk... I mean I want kaisoo interaction but I am also scared because of the reaction kai will have and Jongin too D:
Anyways I am already excited for the next chapter no matter how you will do it xD
Chapter 4: Kai shud come! I would love to know the rxn.
Chapter 3: Ohh no but kai and kyungsoo were about to go along so well T.T I hope that kai won't change his behaviour towards kyungsoo (well he can when he wants to be more open but not even more closed off) .. Poor baby.
Well thanks for the update! I really like this much and I am always excited for the next chapter *-* <3
Cerrarriad #4
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwwww every chapter breaks my heart:"(((((( poor kai:"((((((((( thnx for the update
Cerrarriad #5
Chapter 2: Awwwwww kai:"(((((((( dont worry soo will take care of you:)))) thnx for the update....loving the story alot:))
Dataslash #6
Chapter 3: Don't worry I'm pretty sure we all understand how hard studies can be and even more getting into a university ~~ \^.^/ Fighting ~~~ so that being said please take your time in updating and writing - no rush here ~~ I'll be waiting author-nim ^.~
Chapter 2: Dont forget kai ah , jongin running after him but soo running after u :3 djfjjf by the way I dont like to call kai(like jongin more) but our good and lovely one is kai and its wierd fjfjfj

Cant wait I wish everyday new chapter come but well... okey kisses for u :3
Chapter 1: Ooohhh it sounds so good!!! I love it already!!! Please update soon!!! I love how you made Kai not be the bad guy, which is really uncommon, if it's even there in other fics...
kpopbllover #9
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH!!! This is amazing!! This is just the kind of story I like.
A great storyline, excitement and great grammar!! Please update soon~~
Chapter 1: spazzing too much jkdfhfhdshf can't wait for the next update!!!