Chapter 1

Invisible Shadow

one; Crossed Paths

The soft breeze of a September morning brushes lightly against the skin of the teenage boy. The mere raising of the morning causes an orange-red colour to flood across the small town, adding warmth to the new-bought coldness of autumn. Large hands circle tightly around the now luke-warm cup of coffee and a jet black jacket hugged the thin figure as the pair of long legs walk graciously past the cafe, past the bus stop and the local park where he walks to the corner furthest away from the early-morning joggers and dog-walkers. Settling between the large oak tree the leaves, which had now coloured into an ombre-like yellow and oranges and hints of red and brown, he sips his half-drunk cup of coffee, closing his eyes slowly before exhaling out deeply.   

Opening his jacket he roams his hands through his school blazer, looking for his iPod and headphones to block out the sound of birds singing around, flying tree to tree, with the blasting sounds of Dir En Grey. Leaning back down to the rough and slightly damp surface of the tree bark he plugs his headphones in, closing his eyes once again, letting himself get lost in the sound of Nishimura Tooru's deep voice. It's only when he hears the sound of his alarm going off he realizes he should begin walking to school.

Standing up with the support of his hand resting on the tree he stands up completely before brushing off all the invisible dust as he begun taking his usual route to school. Despite the time only being 6:35 am and school was not starting in another hour or so, it's all he can do to avoid his family. To avoid potential acquaintances. To avoid unwanted attention. To avoid any form of human interaction. For some, he may look like a rebellious teen who probably does drugs just for the sake of it, for some he's some loner kid, for a very, very few people he's a pity case and for most he's just the worse one out of the twin.

Yes, twin.

Kim Kai, the shadow of the almighty Kim Jongin. 

Plain, boring Kim Kai.

Kim Jongin was on the complete another side of the spectrum of Kai. Whilst Kai was a loner, rumoured gang member and possible drug-addict; Kim Jongin was the most popular boy in the school and quite well known throughout the town. He was smart, always amongst the top five in grades, killer good looks and extremely social and not to mention the fact he was /is/ massive flirt, who'd flirt with anyone, regardless of age or and due to his smooth talking ways it gives, even more, the reason people to adore him. If that wasn't enough he was the football captain and the lead dancer - after his best friend, Lee Taemin that is - to conclude the list of reasons Kim Jongin was better than Kim Kai.

Kim Kai

He's not boring in the sense all he does is read books, but he's just boring in the sense of his looks; confidence possibly even his personality is what he's concluded from the past seventeen years of his life (although the personality part seems highly unlikely as he's only ever been close to one person so the rest wouldn't know his personality attributes seeing as he wears his poker face roughly 90% of the time).

Kai was just an ordinary person, average grades but he'd sure if he tried he'd have higher grades than his brother. He doesn't play sports, not that he's not good he just doesn't try. He doesn't do well with his words nor is he good at socializing but it's not that he's socially awkward, he just doesn't try.  Sure he may be told by some he's the more attractive out of the twins but he's appearance is always plain, if he tried he may have out-beaten the school's resident ulzzang, Kris (who now had moved back to Canada).

Kim Kai really could be at the top of all of South Korea if he tried.

But that Kim Kai was all out of life, hope. He kept a stoic face, cold shoulder, no strings attached to anybody. He'd rather be in his own little world, reading a book or two.

But what's the point of trying when you're going to die in a couple of years anyway? Is what he always tells himself when he simultaneously asks himself if he'd made the correct decision of holding back. There's no point, he's always going to outshine you.

No one knew about his heart condition, all apart from his parents who after knowing this began giving a about his existence. But Kim Kai didn't need their pity. Just a few years of living a meaningless life and he'll be out, free without bothering anyone.

Just because Kim Kai doesn't need anyone.

Well, that's what he's trained himself to believe.


What Do Kyungsoo had expected to wake up to was a empty room, a plain white room with his large king-sized bed covered in sheets that cost more than a middle-class families monthly expenses or his desk where he'd fall asleep after torturing his brain with high-level calculus, with a maid roughly shaking him then sweetly asking him to wake up.

However, he's welcomed instead, with the brightly coloured room of his best friend Baekhyun's room.  The sound of sizzling bacon and eggs alongside the smell of bread being toasted, smothered with butter, and a freshly ground cup coffee is what causes his wide grin to extend further (if that was even possible). Jumping up he makes his way around Baekhyun's house and dashing down to the kitchen to witness his two best friends, Byun Baekhyun, and Park Chanyeol, bickering over what now seemed like burnt bacon.

He met Baekhyun and Chanyeol at the age of six, he had just come back from England, his mother's homeland, hence the reason his accent was odd and his eyes larger than the average Korean. This over-time got him bullied, that until the two popular boys of their kinder garden (or as popular four-year-olds get) befriended the younger boy which began as quite 'hello's' to weekly sleepovers (which went on to be two-three sleepovers a week). Despite Kyungsoo having to move back to the UK at the age of fourteen, their friendship hasn't decreased, in fact, it had only grown stronger.

Byun Baekhyun. Despite his small figure and being the oldest out of the trio, Byun Baekhyun's whole being was filled with sass. The said boy had an odd obsession with eyeliner and SNSD (especially Taeyeon, the beautifully petite lead singer) not to mention his immense urge to socialize with everyone. There was a special feature about Baekhyun which made everybody not necessarily love him but no one hates him. Despite his endless teasing and horrible jokes once you're one of Byun Baekhyun close friend he'd do anything for you, even though to others it may seem like he's one those friends he's nowhere near. He, under all those layers, too could be very caring and mature even.

Park Chanyeol was the other half of Baekhyun's madness. Instead of a small frame like Kyungsoo and Baekhyun, Park Chanyeol was a tall lanky guy who, according to Kyungsoo, shouldn't of been gifted with the height given his horrible hand-eye coordination (and also that any man over 6ft shouldn't have a Rilakkuma collection, but that caused a lot of debate as Chanyeol is quite passionate about the said subject). He too, was very extroverted and loved socializing with most people but was more soft and caring than straight up sass like Baekhyun (but he was still the most immature out of the three). Another trait Chanyeol possesses his need to only ever and how he's constantly happy. 

He too doesn't know how he becomes friends with the two as Do Kyungsoo is the complete opposite of the two. Instead of being outside and trying to make friends he'd rather stay inside to read a couple of books or go on an anime marathon. Although once opened up, Kyungsoo too was very sassy but he was also insecure and shy so he tended not to share the more 'fun' side of himself to people.

Whilst Baekhyun and Chanyeol were free to aspire to their dreams and pursue them, Kyungsoo's career was already sealed as the heir of his family's business. It's not that he hated the position, he was grateful but he would have been more exhilarated if his parent so glances his way. He was just a toy, something his parent only had as an heir and as soon as he was born instead of being held in the warm arms of his mother he was catered by maids who changed every year.

Despite the three being so very different from each other, all three carried the same passion for music. All had either loved pouring their souls out to different bands, singing or playing instruments. Before Kyungsoo has moved they had formed a band called EXO, in which they would hold gigs every Sunday at Baekhyun's mom's cafe, which has added fame to the already well-known cafe. After Kyungsoo had left Baekhyun and Chanyeol still carried on playing in EXO but now that Kyungsoo was back they were going to "Reunite and sing the best live performance Kyungie!" as Baekhyun had stated an hour in of Kyungsoo's return to Korea.

"Oh my god!" Baekhyun's high-pitched screech broke Kyungsoo out of his thoughts and when he looked back up he saw Baekhyun scraping the burnt bacon off onto a plate whilst Chanyeol tries to depose of the burnt toast, "It's all your fault you dip!" Baekhyun said as he frantically ripped open another packet of bacon before placing onto a pan and yelling for it to cook faster.

Both were already dressed in the school uniform and the height difference is what Kyungsoo may have fawned over but he suddenly got hit by the realization if they're ready for school I am so late! and without a glance back to say a morning back to Chanyeol, he dashed up the stairs screw showering and he changed into his uniform at record speed before rushing downstairs and putting on his shoes and adjusting his hair he grabbed his backpack before checking the time, 7:56 am. Dragging the two out by their ears he opened the driver's seat before pushing Baekhyun in and settling at the back whilst Chanyeol took a seat next to Baekhyun on the passenger seat. 

"Drive, Baek I'm gonna be late on my first day, oh my god!" Kyungsoo said as his leg shook uncontrollably, "Step on it!" he half-shouted, ignoring both Chanyeol and Baekhyun's amused smile they soon sped off reaching school in only nine minutes (which is half the time it usually takes according to Baekhyun). Rushing out of the car Chanyeol grabs both of their hands before rushing to the gates and making it in just as the bell goes.

"Phew!" Baekhyun sighed and with that, the group went silent, before bursting into laughter, "Sorry Soo, we were thinking of making you breakfast but we woke up late and yeah.." Chanyeol said as he tried to contain his laughter.

"You should thank me, I mean I probably broke the law for you," Baekhyun said with his typical hand-on-hip and wrist flick.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks" Kyungsoo rolls his eyes with a small smile imprinted before he began walking off.

"Yah, do you even know where you're going?" Chanyeol yelled from behind, ignoring the smaller people rushing past to get to the lesson.  

"No, but I know you and Baek have art," he said as he walked back around into the hallways which were now clear of students.

History was his first subject and having no idea where to go he walked mindlessly around the hallways, ignoring the "See you later Jongin" but when he bumped into a broad warm chest he stopped his wandering and looked up to see what he could only describe as beautiful.

 The taller boy looked down at Kyungsoo as they both stood long enough to register each other's features. The tan boy looked slightly older than Kyungsoo himself; he has a perfectly angled jawline and deep brown eyes which looked bright and full of happiness. He had plum lips and his bleached hair (well what he presumes is bleached considering no Koreans were born with blonde hair) covering his forehead.

"Um...." His deep voice cuts through as Kyungsoo realises they're closer than two people who had just met should be, which caused him to back away, "Are you new?" he asked with a slightly more comfortable voice as he shone Kyungsoo one of his charming smiles which Kyungsoo could only return with a small smile of his own.

"U-h, y-yeah" he stuttered, now self-conscious at his slight British accent coming through.

"You aren't from Korea I'm guessing?" the stranger asked with a raised eyebrow as he looked down as the smaller figure.

"U-Um, no" he mumbled, "I was born in England." he finished, not wanting to reveal much about himself to a person who he met, roughly, two minutes ago. 

"Oh, so would you like me to help you find where your class is?" he asked as he bent down to get a better view of the newcomer.

Without answering Kyungsoo handed him his timetable which he had been given last week when he came to visit with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Although the teacher did tell him where all his classes they surely couldn't expect him to remember the structure of the complex building.

"History with Mr Wang?" he asked as he looked through the boy's timetable, "Jeez, I feel sorry for you," he said as he led Kyungsoo to the class, a couple of steps ahead, until he stopped abruptly, causing Kyungsoo to walk straight into the latter's broad back. 

With wide eyes Kyungsoo began bowing down rapidity and apologizing, only being returned with a deep chuckle and the taller ruffling his brown hair.

"Bye, Hyung," he said before he walked the other direction, only after handing Kyungsoo his timetable and a dazed look. 

Am I his Hyung? Shaking his head, he gently knocked on the door which flung open to reveal a short man who looked roughly fifty-year-olds with gray strands in what seems like his natural jet black hair.

"Ah, about you joined us Mr..." he began, his loud voice bombarding the now-empty corridors.

"I'm really sorry Sir, I'm new so I got a little lost," he said with his head ducked down.

"Well, well I get that a lot, now get in class your disturbing my lesson" he said as he cocked his head to the left with a bored expression and after a few seconds of processing how much of a his history teacher was he quickly ran into the class, bowing his head in apology to the students before sitting down at the very back left-hand corner. 


After somehow locating his second class of social studies, which he luckily had with both Baekhyun and Chanyeol, the trio made their way to the library, not to study but to be in a quieter area. Whilst they were walking through Kyungsoo noticed how the two, despite not being the most popular, had a lot of friends he presumed from a number of hellos they greeted and how often they stopped to talk to somebody.  Another thing he noticed was the boy he saw this morning was one of the cool kids, all popular that makes girls (and boys) drool over. Luckily the boy didn't notice him so he successfully avoided any other awkward confrontments.

"Soo, Chanyeol and I'll be back in a minute, okay?" he said after he explained that he and Chanyeol had to get another copy of their biology homework.

Sighing, Kyungsoo looked around in a bored manner as he walked up to what looked like the stairs to the roof. Smiling he jogged up quickly I'll come back in time and then after I'll ask if can hang out there instead he thought to himself as he opened the door to immediately walk inside, roaming around, absorbing the beautiful view. Whilst making a complete 360° turn he caught a glimpse of a pair of long legs outstretched and a wall blocking the upper half of the boys (well what he presumed was a boy) body.

Being a naturally curious person he walked up to the figure to see the same boy who helped him this morning. But, it couldn't, firstly the boy who he met before was downstairs with his friends, also, this boy had brown hair instead of the blonde he had seen previously. And when the boy raised his head he was right, they looked the same, well maybe the other's skin was tanner but the features were the same but that's when Kyungsoo made eye contact with the boy and realized how different the two eyes were.

The eyes he was currently looking at were cold, plain, dull as if all life drained out of them. God knows how long they held the gaze and the longer their eyes linger the faster Kyungsoo's heart beat increases.

"Kyungsoo!" he hears a faint voice yell from below, making his eyes widen and to break eye contact with the mystery boy. Rushing downstairs, he throws a final glance at the boy before rushing back down again.


"Why were you on the rooftop?" Chanyeol half-yelled at him as they sat crawled up into the corner of the library, Baekhyun and Chanyeol doing their biology homework with the assistance of Kyungsoo.

"T-there was a boy, he was slightly tan, tall, brown eyes-" before he could finish Baekhyun placed both his hands on Kyungsoo's shoulder looking at him straight in the eye.

"Blonde or brown?" he said.


"Does he have blonde hair or brown?" he asked in a curious tone.

"I'm not sure I saw him with blonde hair this morning but on the rooftop he had brown?" Kyungsoo said, tilting his head confused.

"Ah, the Kim twins!" Chanyeol perked up.

"Twins?" he said, cocking his head to the right, looking at both with interest.  

"Kim Jongin and Kim Kai," Baekhyun said before the bell went as they all began packing their bags and walking into their next class, English and as they walked through the school Kyungsoo couldn't help but let his mind flow to one of the so-called Kim twins.

"Kim Kai..." for some reason Kyungsoo knew which one he met at the rooftop.

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Chapter 4: Thank you for the update *-*
And uuuuh I am kinda scared because of kyungsoos parents^^'
And Idk... I mean I want kaisoo interaction but I am also scared because of the reaction kai will have and Jongin too D:
Anyways I am already excited for the next chapter no matter how you will do it xD
Chapter 4: Kai shud come! I would love to know the rxn.
Chapter 3: Ohh no but kai and kyungsoo were about to go along so well T.T I hope that kai won't change his behaviour towards kyungsoo (well he can when he wants to be more open but not even more closed off) .. Poor baby.
Well thanks for the update! I really like this much and I am always excited for the next chapter *-* <3
Cerrarriad #4
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwwww every chapter breaks my heart:"(((((( poor kai:"((((((((( thnx for the update
Cerrarriad #5
Chapter 2: Awwwwww kai:"(((((((( dont worry soo will take care of you:)))) thnx for the update....loving the story alot:))
Dataslash #6
Chapter 3: Don't worry I'm pretty sure we all understand how hard studies can be and even more getting into a university ~~ \^.^/ Fighting ~~~ so that being said please take your time in updating and writing - no rush here ~~ I'll be waiting author-nim ^.~
Chapter 2: Dont forget kai ah , jongin running after him but soo running after u :3 djfjjf by the way I dont like to call kai(like jongin more) but our good and lovely one is kai and its wierd fjfjfj

Cant wait I wish everyday new chapter come but well... okey kisses for u :3
Chapter 1: Ooohhh it sounds so good!!! I love it already!!! Please update soon!!! I love how you made Kai not be the bad guy, which is really uncommon, if it's even there in other fics...
kpopbllover #9
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH!!! This is amazing!! This is just the kind of story I like.
A great storyline, excitement and great grammar!! Please update soon~~
Chapter 1: spazzing too much jkdfhfhdshf can't wait for the next update!!!