Chapter 2

Invisible Shadow

two; Bug Eyed Boy

Kai's eyes widened (read: very) slightly at the sight of a small, pale, almost feminine-like boy who stood, feets away, shamelessly staring at him, with eyes wide open and lips parted. Shifting his eyes away from the larger ones, Kai looked straight ahead, trying his best to ignore the boy, and the eyes he could still feel staring intently at him. 

He was this close to retaliating against the boy, to tell him to  off because this is his place and his stares make him feel a whole new level of uncomfortableness but when he hears a voice shout Kyunghyun from down the staircase his built up anger dropped down in an instant to his normal, I-don't-give-a-, attitude. Soon he heard light step dashing down the steel stairs and, once again, he was left alone. 


Sighing as he opened the door to his house, he was greeted with the sound of the hysterical laughter of his parents, probably at something stupid Jongin said. Dusk had long fallen and it was now nearing eight, the school had to end roughly two hours ago but Kai had found him in the comfort in the corner of a public library. 

Shaking his head he places his coat on the coat hanger, his school bag alongside it. Swiftly removing his shoes he made his way to the kitchen, where his mother is finishing to cook what looks like galbijim, his dad on his laptop, probably answering some emails, and next to him is Jongin, lips jutted out in a pout with his eyebrows furrowed as he stared down at the A4 paper filled with various numbers and figure. 

"Math is so hard Umma!!!" he whined like a baby, shaking his head side-to-side as he nipped the end of his already chewed pencil. 

"Awww, Jongin-ah," she babied, pinching his cheeks before feeding him some of the galbijim, to which the fed boy smiled brightly, exclaiming an "It's great Umma!" and to add to the sickly-sweet scene his dad chuckled, ruffling the blonde hair of the elder son. 

Kai stared at the scene with a blank expression, and with a final glance, he walked up to his room, ignoring the call from his mother for dinner by claiming fake slumber and with the taste of a dry, bitter tablet on the tip of his tongue he fell asleep. 


Kyungsoo woke up first the next day. 

His parents had called the previous night, well more like his father's PA, had called him last night, informing him that his parents' flight to South Korea in a weeks time so instead of settling into the penthouse his parents had bought for him, he chose, well, forced, to stay with Baekhyun instead.

Not that he could complain. The Byun household was so...ideal

If Baekhyun was a whole 174cm of sass, Mrs. Byun, despite being shorter, was twice the sass Baekhyun had cramped up inside him and for some odd reason both older brother and father were the mature ones...despite the fact the first step into the Byun Resident had him attacked by the two for not visiting for so long. Chanyeol, feeling left out, had only added to the craziness. 

Shaking his head in memory, Kyungsoo untangled himself from the two figure-hugging him tightly, before heading downstairs, just in time to wave goodbye to Mr. Byun, before he began to cook a quick, makeshift bibimbop from leftovers and just as he finished placing the dish on the table he heard footsteps coming down, and a few moments later him, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Mrs.Byun and Baekhyun's older brother were all seated around the table, eating and laughing together but that soon died once the trio had to get ready for another hell day at school. 

This time, Kyungsoo knew where to go, to the English department, which unluckily for him was on the other side of the campus from where Baekhyun and Chanyeol had math. 

Walking around the busy hallway, Kyungsoo managed to cramp himself against the walk, walking briskly to his class, trying his best to avoid the crowds of teenagers and with a sigh of relief when he reached his class, he walked in quickly, taking the seat at the very back, next to the window, and for the next few minutes he smiled at the tranquility of the outside garden. 

Then he thought about him.  

Kim Kai. There was something about the boy...why was he alone? Typically in Korean dramas, those types of boys were the most popular, swooning every girls heart, and Kim Jongin was a living example of that. But he wasn't like Jongin, Jongin seemed outgoing, lively but Kai had this aura and his eyes, it was as if under those eyes - oh those eyes, the dull black of his pupil seemed to swallow the entirety of the brown of his iris, making the boy look colder than first but at the same time, so, so, vulnerable, as if a single touch of affection could break the tsundere-like boy. 

Maybe he could go to see if Kai was at the same place as before, from what he heard from his friends he was always by himself and never in sight during breaks or non-mandatory lessons. But he might come off as a stalker for looking for some random guy his friends told him to stay away from, would it be worth it-   

"Why are you sitting in my seat?" 

Jumping from the sudden intrusion, Kyungsoo head arched up to see the same blonde-haired guy from before, Jongin, was it?  But just yesterday he learned the famous Kim Jongin was a year younger than him...had he come to the wrong class?

"Um.....sorry, I think I'm in the wrong class," he mumbled in embarrassment, messily packing his bag in a rush, trying to run away, however before he could he felt in wrist being enveloped in a warm palm, bringing the small boy back into the precious seat. 

"It's okay, you can sit my seat," the boy smirked, "Only if you...only if you buy lunch for me," it was more of a commandment than a request, but none the less, Kyungsoo found himself nodding nervously, a tad intimidated by the tanned-skinned stronger, who now was laughing quietly, taking a seat next to the flustered boy. 

"Um...are you sure you're in the correct classroom, Jongin-ssi?" Kyungsoo asked timidly, ducking his head cutely as he stared at Jongin, who rose an eyebrow in confusion. 

"I think so..," he replied, with a small pout adorning his face. 

"But...I swear I'm a year older...," the later mumbled more to himself. 

"Oh, let's just say...I'm a tiny bit smarter than average," Jongin announced, proudly, with a cocky smirk slowly creeping to lips. 

"Oh," Kyungsoo's mouth formed a circular-like shape, cheeks flushing (once again) in a red colour, and for the second time that day Jongin was laughing at his cute antics, ruffling the Hyung's hair at the same time.  


"I have to go to the canteen," Kyungsoo announced at their first break to the duo that had been waiting outside his two-hour-long math class (which he also shared with Jongin). 

"Why?" Baekhyun whined he does that a lot when he's hungry. 

"Jongin said I had to buy him lunch because I sat in his seat this morning...," Kyungsoo said, quieter than usual, and before he could hear his friends loud protests, he rushed down to the canteen, and as he got there he saw Jongin waiting there, looking around for, presumably, him. 

"Let's go, dongsaeng-nim," Kyungsoo bowed his head quickly, running into the canteen to line up, which luckily, was not as busy as the corridors. 

"I want that one Hyung!" a voice chirped in his ear, causing Kyungsoo to flinch, turning his head back to see Jongin pointing at the fried chicken in a child-like manner.  

"Um...sure," Kyungsoo answered, slightly awkward from the overly...enthusiastic boy. Quickly walking up to the lady who had addressed him he walked up to the fried chicken, looking over to Jongin, 

"Can I have the extra spicy one Noona?" Jongin said to the now blushing lady. 

"Here you go Jongin-dongsaeng..," she said, shyly handing Jongin (extra, Kyungsoo noticed) chicken, alongside a carton of banana milk. Shaking his head at their obvious flirting, Kyungsoo quickly inserted, 

"How much would that be?" he asked politely. 

"Um...5,000 ₩." Kyungsoo quickly handed a 50,000 note, not having any other notes. 

"Second," she said in a monotone voice, dashing towards the change box, looking for 45,000 change. 

"I-It's okay, you could um..." Kyungsoo wondered

"Is it okay if you could continue buying food till you pay off the rest? We don't have change," another lady asked in a more friendly way than the one previously chatting up to Jongin. 

"Sure!" Kyungsoo exclaimed, smiling shyly as he walked out the line, heading towards the exit, but before he could he heard Jongin calling after him and being the polite, well-mannered person he is, he turned around, smiling at the boy, despite the deepest desire to leave. 

"Thank you, I didn't have any money today..." he admitted with a sheepish grin adorning his boyish face. 

"It's okay Jongin-ssi," Kyungsoo bowed politely, heading towards the exit but was stopped by Jongin, once again, and that's how he found himself on a table with a pouting Jongin, a thinner fairer boy who looked like Jongin happily drinking the (stolen) banana milk, another who sat happily talking to the one that looks-likes-Jongin, and the last of the four friends seated next to Kyungsoo, who was a nervous wreck in front of the intimidating figure. 

If this scenario wasn't bad enough, other students kept glancing their way and not-so-subtly whispering about the shorter male (who they had mistaken for a new member of the little 'group' they had) 

"," Kyungsoo tried, "I'm...Do Kyungsoo!" he greeted lamely, not that the others minded as they (the one that looks like Jongin and the one who was talking to him) waved back obnoxiously. 

"I'm Lee Tae Min, the best dancer here-" the one who looks like Jongin (now known as Taemin) stated as a fact, to which the other whined. 

"I'm Kim Moon Kyu, a better dancer than Taemin," he said, with a small smile and ignoring the shout of  "LIES!" from Taemin. The one sitting next to Kyungsoo sighed, adding his name: 

"My name is Oh Se Hun the better dancer than all of these immature assho-,"

"You're the youngest here!" Moonkyu shouted  

"And you're the oldest," Jongin said to Kyungsoo who looked wide-eyed at the four boys, they for sure looked older than him. 

"Awwwwww, you're so cute hyung!" Taemin exclaimed, rushing out of his seat to hug the poor, clueless boy. 

"Yah! Stop traumatizing the squishy," Sehun said, nudging Taemin off Kyungsoo who now looked at him with a weird expression. 

"Squishy?" he mumbled in uncertainty. 

"Yeah you're squishy like..." he thought for a while, 

"Like Piplup!" Jongin cheered, laughing at the red blush decorating the porcelain of Kyungsoo's skin.  

" all dance?" he asked quietly, and there began the hour-long bickering of who was the better dancer (and a promise of Kyungso going to judge who was at in the dance studio, one day).


Kyungsoo hurried down the art department to the science one. It was their second break and Baekhyun and Chanyeol were asked to stay behind due to their behaviour in the shared lesson (the teacher has luckily seen that Kyungsoo, despite being with the two, had not been a part of the riot the two had made, let him off). 

Smiling lightly when he saw the faded teal door at the end of the corridor, near the end of the hall, he rushed down, quickly opening the door, closing it with a light click before he took cautious steps up the stairs, and once he reached the top, he slowly headed to where he last saw Kai, however, once he reached the specific place, he was greeted with nothingness. Pouting, slightly, in disappointment, he turned his body around, just to see Kai standing there, staring at him intently. 

His uniform was messy, shirt untucked, socks mismatched, blazer sleeves rolled up to show the teal coloured veins running up the thin arm, hair uncombed and messy and bag half clinging onto the broad shoulders, there he stood, a pretty face engraved with a frown and eyes clouded with nothingness.

Eyes widening as the figure approached him, Kyungsoo stumbled back, tripping over his own feet clumsily, landing on his . Kneeling up and rubbing his he looked to see that Kai had simply taken his place back against the wall, eyes staring into nothingness and headphones plugged into his ears. Slightly shocked with the other reaction, Kyungsoo got up carefully, walking up to the figure.

"Um..," he began, feet shuffling awkwardly, teeth checking the pink fat of his bottom lip, "I'm Do Kyungsoo, I transferred here yesterday...I'm not sure if you saw me yesterday...but I was wondering if we could be friends?" he finished with a short breath. Smiling at himself for not stuttering, he looked down to see that Kai still had his earphones in, his eyes still bearing straight ahead and face still expressionless. Slightly, well, great, offended Kyungsoo mouth gaped at the boy. Furrowing his eyebrows stubbornly he sat right in front of the boy, who simply looked back at the imploring innocence of the large brown orbs.

It was like the previous day when both had first made eye contact, innocent eyes meeting lifeless ones, both opposites staring right into each other's eyes, being clouded in their own dimension. This time, however, is wasn't two other voices breaking the eye contact apart, this time, it was Kyungsoo's own voice and as if on instinct, Jongin had paused his music, both hands coming to take his headphones out.

"Do Kyungsoo," he said, quietly.

"...Kim," Kai swallowed thickly, "Kim Kai."

It was twenty minutes later, Kyungsoo was sat next to Kai (well, not directly, they were a good foot apart), Kai was still listening to music once again and Kyungsoo had busied himself by finishing the drawing he had begun in art, just for s and giggles.

The both hadn't spoken a word after the brief introduction and seeing as they still have half an hour of break left, Kyungsoo chose against finishing his drawing and turned to Kai, who almost immediately turned to look at the smaller. 

"," Kyungsoo coughed awkwardly. 

Kai just started with his headphones out, twice that day. 

"I...I made bibimbap this morning for breakfast," Kai's eyebrows furrowed, but kept listening to the smiling boy, "It was better than letting dumb and dumber cook it," he laughs quietly, "Plus, I do owe one to Baek for letting me stay at his- well technically I was forced but- nevermind." he shook his head. 

"The lessons so far aren't a difficult and Baek and Yeol had deemed...but then again they are the dumbest I know," and despite not knowing the unfamiliar names, Kai nodded mindlessly, becoming senseless with the giggles and small smiles that left Kyungsoo, he just nodded mindlessly.

"What about you Kai-ah?" Kyungsoo asked, legs folded into his chest and head resting on his knees.

Kai stared, not knowing what to say, he lived a simple life.

He wakes up at five and leaves at half-past, he writes in his diary, eats his medication, then stays in the park until he has to go to school. In school, he quietly does his work and stays on the rooftop. After school, he goes home to eat quickly then to stay in his room or go out somewhere else until late at night.

Kyungsoo frowns slightly at the lack of response but doesn't try to force the younger into friendship. Before he could inquire more of the male the bell went and he rose immediately, both him and Kai standing behind the door.

"You go first," he says plainly and Kyungsoo thinks he heard him mumbling something amongst the line of they mustn't know, but he dismisses that the second he opens the door to the busy corridor.


Kai sat there silently at dinner, his thoughts drifting back to the boy ever so slightly but as soon as they do he immediately shakes his head (internally, of course), taking the image of the smaller boy out of his mind.

"Appa I a new friend today!" Jongin said in between his munched on fried chicken.

Shaking his head Mr.Kim told Jongin to eat probably, which the said boy, after sulking, agreed and quickly wiped his mouth, then to continue,

"He's so small and cute, and smart too..." he trailed off.

"Awww, does little Nini have a crush?" his father teased.

"Noooooo," Jongin protested weakly and it took all of Kai's willpower to not stand up and leave right then. Jongin acting like a literal four-year-old pissed Kai off to no end, it made infuriation run through his veins and rage suppressed.

"So what's this cuties name?" Mrs. Kim asked to which Jongin smirked, tapping his nose with his finger, which was a childish thing he picked up from their father when he hadn't wanted to tell each other something, a stupid habit that Kai had gotten over at the age of six, the age he lost the bond he had with his twin.  

"Hmmm..." Jongin thought about a possible name he could give Kyungsoo-

Kai had stared at the half-eaten plate in front of him, the small appetite he had vanished as his thoughts went back to Kyungsoo eyes-

"Bug-eyed boy!" Jongin exclaimed. 

Simultaneously Kai too whispered...

"Bug-eyed boy..."   

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A/N: Sorry for the rushed storyline at towards the end, I just really wanted this chapter up.  





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Chapter 4: Thank you for the update *-*
And uuuuh I am kinda scared because of kyungsoos parents^^'
And Idk... I mean I want kaisoo interaction but I am also scared because of the reaction kai will have and Jongin too D:
Anyways I am already excited for the next chapter no matter how you will do it xD
Chapter 4: Kai shud come! I would love to know the rxn.
Chapter 3: Ohh no but kai and kyungsoo were about to go along so well T.T I hope that kai won't change his behaviour towards kyungsoo (well he can when he wants to be more open but not even more closed off) .. Poor baby.
Well thanks for the update! I really like this much and I am always excited for the next chapter *-* <3
Cerrarriad #4
Chapter 3: Awwwwwwwww every chapter breaks my heart:"(((((( poor kai:"((((((((( thnx for the update
Cerrarriad #5
Chapter 2: Awwwwww kai:"(((((((( dont worry soo will take care of you:)))) thnx for the update....loving the story alot:))
Dataslash #6
Chapter 3: Don't worry I'm pretty sure we all understand how hard studies can be and even more getting into a university ~~ \^.^/ Fighting ~~~ so that being said please take your time in updating and writing - no rush here ~~ I'll be waiting author-nim ^.~
Chapter 2: Dont forget kai ah , jongin running after him but soo running after u :3 djfjjf by the way I dont like to call kai(like jongin more) but our good and lovely one is kai and its wierd fjfjfj

Cant wait I wish everyday new chapter come but well... okey kisses for u :3
Chapter 1: Ooohhh it sounds so good!!! I love it already!!! Please update soon!!! I love how you made Kai not be the bad guy, which is really uncommon, if it's even there in other fics...
kpopbllover #9
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH!!! This is amazing!! This is just the kind of story I like.
A great storyline, excitement and great grammar!! Please update soon~~
Chapter 1: spazzing too much jkdfhfhdshf can't wait for the next update!!!