
The Return of the B*tch

Hee Yeon goes to the walk-in closet and slides open the door. There are a hundred of suits and dresses in there, which are all made by her for certain people. She then moves the suits aside, searching for something. When she finds what she is looking for, she can't help but to smile in victory. Picking out the suit, she quickly walks out to the boutique and beams when she sees the person who is still waiting for her.

"Sorry for being late," she apologizes and hands him the suit. "This is the suit. The design is same as the one he wore at the Golden Disk Awards two years ago, but the color is obviously different," she explains.

Kyungsoo gives her a wary smile and sighs.

"Thank you Miss Ahn," he thanked her.

Hee Yeon just smiles and waves her hand dissmisively.

"It's nothing," she denies. "You just have to change his style a bit and people wouldn't recognize the suit."

Kyungsoo sighs again and looks up at her. "I'll tell that to the stylist. Thank you again, Miss Ahn," he says with a smile.

After both of them bid their goodbyes, Hee Yeon walks back to her office when Taeyeon suddenly emerges from the pantry. She looks at the retreating back of Kyungsoo and then at her boss.

"What's up?" She asks, walking beside Hee Yeon. Hee Yeon just shrugs and takes out her phone.

"Just Kyungsoo. You know how he functions sometimes, right," she says nonchalantly. Taeyeon snorts and snickers a bit.

"Yeah, I forgot that this month will be busy for his 'one and only'," she emphasizes, drawing inverted commas in the air.

Hee Yeon hums and turns to her friend.

"Hey, Taeyeon. After this, where will you go for lunch?" She asks.

Taeyeon looks at her questioningly, but still gives an answer.

"Oh, I probably just go to the Corner Coffee Shop as usual," she replies. Hee Yeon hums again, causing Tae Yeon to asks her with, "Why did you ask?"

At that question, Hee Yeon lets out a smile that she rarely gives people. It amazes Taeyeon, but at the same time, she kind of knows why. She make an 'O' sound and smiles michievously.

"Chanyeol came back... and he asks me if I want to go lunch with him. I said yes," Hee Yeon softly says, and tries hard not to blush. Taeyeon, who is just gazing at her, just beams at her.

"Well, good for you Hee Yeon. Don't worry about the boutique, I will ask someone to buy me a take out," Taeyeon assures, knowing that her friend needs some time alone with her fiancee. That means, no worries about work and whatnot.

As expected, Hee Yeon looks relieved. She pats Taeyeon's shoulder and grins. "Thanks, Taeyeon. You're the best," Hee Yeon praises. Her phone beeps, and she quickly excuses herself to her office. Unlocking her phone, she reads the message from the other line.

 From: Baekhyun

 Heard that he's finally in Korea.

The message is simple, but it is enough to make Hee Yeon smile from ear to ear. She types in the message while slumping herself on her office chair.

 To: Baekhyun

 Yeah, he is. He also asks me out for lunch! Wish me luck!

She doesn't get a reply until 20 minutes later, when she is busy sketching. Hee Yeon jumps a bit when she felt her desk shakes due to her vibrating phone. She huffs and picks it up to read the message.

 From: Baekhyun

 Good luck.

Hye Rin walks around the house, mesmerized by the interior. For a top star like Byun Baekhyun, she can't figure out how he spent his time with singing, acting and still have time for himself. This house must be important to him, for after having a lot of stress outside, it is his safe haven. To find that it is clean with no speck of dust is beyond incredible.

But then again, he must have hired a thousand housekeepers before so that would probably not a problem at all.

"What to do..." She mutters, tapping on the kitchen counter while pursing her lips. She then walks to the fridge and opens to see that it is almost empty. Only a big bottle of mineral water and a probably rotten slice of cheese cake, which made her gag due to the stench, is in the fridge. She quickly throws the cheesecake into the dustbin and closes the fridge. Hye Rin glances at Baekhyun's study room, and smirks. He never got out from his room ever since she came here, but she doesn't mind about it. Her first priority is to make his house a bit more...homely.

"Typical. Very typical," she chirps and takes out her purse. Thank God Kyungsoo has already given her some money so that she could buy anything for Baekhyun (if he asks her to). She counts the money and smile satisfyingly.

"This can do," she says.

After writing a note and sticking it on the fridge, she walks out from the apartment and goes to a nearby mall.


When she gets home, she quickly goes straight to kitchen. That's when she sees Baekhyun, slumping over the couch, facing the ceiling with his eyes close. She hesitantly walks closer to him and ponders if she should tap him or not. Judging from his even breaths, he seems to have fallen into a light slumber.

Hye Rin stretches out her hand and retrieves it back for a few times. She closes her eyes and decides to just go with it and taps him softly on the shoulder. At first, he doesn't budge, eyes still tightly shut.

"Um, sir," Hye Rin calls, tapping him for the second time. And that's when Baekhyun opens his eyes and stares at her. He is just staring blankly at her, and she is so surprised at how intense his gaze is that she just stands there, blinking.

But then, the intense stare turns into an angry one. He starts to straighten himself and stands up. Hye Rin leans away, afraid that Baekhyun might do something bad to her. She avoids his gaze, perfectly aware that he is still staring at her with an angry look.

"Get the out of my way," He seeths, and Hye Rin wastes no time to turn away and scramble back to the kitchen.

"Sir, we're here," The chauffeur said to his boss.

Chanyeol, who sits at the back, staring blankly at the outside, jumps a bit and glance around. He feels that time flies fast, and he realizes he is not ready. He is not ready to face her yet.

Nevertheless, he takes a deep breath and slides out from the car. He brushes the invisible dust and adjusts his hair. He knows that doing all of this are wasting his time, but who knows, if the owner of the house in front of him still accepts him...

He slowly struts towards the door. Each steps feels heavy, and he wishes that he could just turn around and leave. But he's not a coward. Since he's in front of the house, he might as well just go along with his plan.

Chanyeol takes another deep breath and shakingly pushes the door bell. He clenches his fist, preventing it from shaking violently. He is not going to push the button for second time. If the owner of this house doesn't hear the ring - or if the owner isn't in this house, he take it as a time for him to-

The door opens, revealling a long, wavy hair woman. She looks like she is in her late 20s - just like her. The woman stares at him questioningly before opening .


This woman, Chanyeol thought. She's different. From the way her ash blonde hair fall until the middle of her back to the way her eyes heavily lined with kohl. Chanyeol stares at the woman. His heart feels empty.

He smiles. "Sorry, wrong house."

He leaves, trying to make each step feel lighter and lighter. But no matter what, his steps feel even heavier and emptier. He feels like he is in Sahara desert; all alone. No one's going to share how hungry, how confused and how angry he is.

He wants to cry.

Chanyeol enters his car with empty look. His chauffeur glances back at him for a while. He wants to asks what is wrong with Chanyeol. But he guesses it's not the time.

"Sir, are we ready?" he asks carefully. He's not sure if Chanyeol hears him, but he doesn't mind. He can always repeat that question for him.

Chanyeol takes a while to answer. When he's ready, he inhales and look at his chauffeur in the eyes. His lips forcefully curves up and he nods.

"Take me to the Bougainvillea," he orders, and his chauffeur just offers his smile.

Chanyeol leans on his seat and looks out. He makes his decision. He will, finally, move on.

Just like she did.

Hee Yeon smooths the napkin on her lap and smiles softly. For the first time after 2 years, she could finally meets her fiancee. Her fiancee who she only sees in video calls. Her fiancee who has deep voice that warms her heart. His fiancee who she thinks is beyond perfect, but still not perfect for her.

She's in love with him, but at the same time, she isn't.

There are footsteps coming on her way and she looks up. Her eyes brightens at the sight of Chanyeol's fluster look. He thanks the waiter and quickly takes a seat across from her. Hee Yeon throws him a teasing look, making Chanyeol even more flustered.

"Sorry, there was a traffic on the way here," he says, not looking into her eyes. Hee Yeon nearly scoffs. His mouth speaks those words but his eyes tell something different. He is obviously lying to her, but it's alright. Their relationship is not real anyways.


"That's fine," Hee Yeon assures him, and Chanyeol heaves a sigh of relief.

"Should we start?" She asks him, and Chanyeol just shrugs and lean back. Hee Yeon calls the waiter and he immediately hands them the menu.

Both of them are busy choosing the meal, but at the same time, Hee Yeon is observing Chanyeol closely. Something is different. There's a... different vibe around him and she can't seem to put it in words...

She brushes it off. Whatever, she thought. It's none of my business.

"Hey, Hee Yeon," Chanyeol calls her. She doesn't look up, only hums a response. She expects him to continue talking, but when he stays quiet, Hee Yeon frowns and slowly looks up.

"What?" She asks. She is a bit surprised at the sudden intensity of his stare, but doesn't let it faze her.

He slides forward his hand and reaches for her hand, causing Hee Yeon to raise her eyebrows. She stares at her fiancee questioningly, but the intense stare never stops.

It makes her heart beat go faster.

"Kim Hee Yeon," he says her full name. "Let's be real,"

Hee Yeon blinks at the question. Why all of a sudden? she can't help but to think. She looks at him in the eye, searching for the possibility of him joking. But Hee Yeon has to admit, she is not good at reading people, so she just smile unsurely at him.

"Are we not," Hee Yeon says, and the hold on her hand only tightens.

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manlyteabubbles #1
Chapter 2: istg if it's an arranged marriage but chanyeol doesn't like her the same way imma cry