Chapter 1

Everything's Gonna Be Ok


Ryeowook was at a music store checking out the latest music and accidentally bumped into a girl.


"Oh! I'm sorry!" It's my fault!" Ryeowook apologized and picked up the CD she dropped, "oh! A DBSK fan, eh?" He said.


The girl just smiled and bowed, thanking him. That's when he noticed the girl's face. She was beautiful and she seemed to be staring straight back at him. Suddenly, his moment was disturbed when two girls, probably her friends, came and took her away. They were apologizing for taking so long.


Ryeowook left the music shop with thoughts of that girl in his mind. He couldn't forget that smile.




One weekend, while he was taking a walk, since he was so bored, he saw that girl from the music shop sitting on the steps to her home, probably, and he didn't waste a second to go talk to her.


"Hey! I remember you! You're that DBSK fan I met at the CD shop!" Ryeowook said.


The girl just stared blankly at him.


"It's me, remember?" Ryeowook said, "I'm the guy who bumped into you that day."


"Oh," the girl said, "Hey! How's it going?"


Ryeowook smiled, his heart was melting. Even her voice was beautiful.


"Um...hey, I'm Ryeowook."


He took out a hand to shake with hers, just so he could touch her hand.


"I'm Victoria." The girl said, not shaking his hand.


Ryeowook pulled his hand away, feeling stupid.


" how do you like that DBSK CD?" Ryeowook asked.


"It's great! I love it! I especially like Junsus voice! I wish I could see him." Victoria said.


Ryeowook laughed, "Yeah, I wish I could see After School's Uee too."


Victoria stayed quiet, she didn't respond and so Ryeowook felt awkward.


"Umm..." Ryeowook said.


"...I gotta go." Victoria said, picking up a walking stick beside her which Ryeowook hadn't seen there before.


She stood up and used the stick to guide her as she walked inside.


Ryeowook grew wide eyed, realizing what he had just said. Victoria literally meant that she wanted to SEE Junsu. His response after that must've sounded so offensive.




Around 2AM, Ryeowook was still up in bed thinking about Victoria.


He thought to himself, "How can such a beautiful girl like Victoria be blind? She's so perfect in every way. She doesn't deserve to be blind. Maybe the one who should be blind is me! How could I not see that walking stick?" Ryeowook paused for a minute and sat up in bed, "God! I have to apologize to her! I didn't know she was blind! Augh! I'm so stupid!!" Ryeowook ruffled his hair angrily.




The next morning, as soon as Ryeowook got up, he walked to Victoria's house, feeling all antsy. He took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. An older woman, probably Victoria's mom, opened the door.


"Who are you?" She asked.


"Hello ma'am, I'm Ryeowook, A friend of Victoria's. Is Victoria home?" Ryeowook asked.


The woman stared him down before she said, "Um... yeah. I'll go get her."


In a couple minutes, Victoria was at the door and as soon as Ryeowook saw her, he bowed down and apologized.


"I'm so sorry Victoria! I...I didn't mean to offend you yesterday! I didn't know that you couldn't see." Ryeowook said, "Will you forgive me?"


Ryeowook, who was still bowing, lifted his head up just in time to see Victoria smile and nod.


Ryeowook smiled back and thanked her. Pretty soon, they got into another conversation about just everything in general and Ryeowook started describing the world to her and all the DBSK members to her. It was kinda hard, but he eventually figured out who was who.




At school, Ryeowook was so excited to see Victoria again, after school ended, and then he thought of a great idea and prepared for that instead of paying any attention to class.


After school, just as he had hoped, he was just about finished with it when he bumped into Luna and dropped it. Gladly it didn't fall apart. Ryeowook sighed in relief.


"Oh! I'm sorry Ryeowook." Luna said and picked up the Xiah sheep holding a red balloon that Ryeowook had made. It was a bead keychain of Victoria's favorite DBSK member.


"Ahh! This is so cute!" Luna said excitedly, "Can I keep it?"


"Umm..." Ryeowook was hesitant. He didn't really want to, but before he could finish, someone called Luna away.


"I guess I'll have to make another one some other day." Ryeowook sighed and walked away.




Many, many months go by and Ryeowook had grown to love Victoria, but he was too shy to say so. He remade another Xiah keychain, exactly the same one, but it had a special note inside there, confessing his love for her and he gave it to her as a birthday present.


Later, on the night of Victoria's eighteenth birthday, Ryeowook asked, "What did you wish for before you blew your candles?"


"I can't tell you that! It's bad luck if I do!" Victoria said.


"Aw, c'mon! Tell me! We're best friends!" Ryeowook said.


"Ok...fine... I guess..." Victoria said and paused.


"Well... What is it?"


"I...I wished that you and I could be... more than just friends."


Victoria blushed, but she was proud that she said it.


Ryeowook got wide eyed and he blushed too, but decided to sound manlier and chuckled, "Ah! I am such a good looking guy, huh?"


Victoria laughed and smacked him on the arm. Good thing she got the right spot.


Ryeowook laughed too and put his arm over her shoulder, the both of them were blushing, and Victoria rested her head on his shoulder.

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Thank's for the comments ZeeNix and rain_shawdow14!!<br />
I only posted this for my DiBSKay girls, I didn't expect any comments. <br />
Comments really can make people feel good! <br />
ZeeNix #2
i'm never imagine the story will be end like this,,<br />
<br />
Why must wookie decide to suicide,,?<br />
This so heartbreaking,,,
Such a sad ending! X( nice story though