

'Yin don't!' shouted Tao.
But it was too late, Yin had gone between him and Kris and their attacker taking the hit that was meant for the two of them. 
As she fell to the floor, he changed back.
'Now maybe things will get better' he said uncaring.
'They will be better' said Kris 'because you and everyone like you are now banished'
'Kris, don't worry about them now' Tao whispered cradling Yin 'they don't matter'
'Everyone leave' Kris said 'NOW!' he shouted when no one moved. He knelt down next to Tao.
'What do we do?' he asked Yin.
'N-nothing' she replied weakly 'we both know how this works out Kris'
'But it doesn't have to' he said.
She smiled 'yes it does' she replied.
'Why did you do it?'
'Because I  love you you idiot. People always do crazy things when they're in love'
'Like get themselves killed?' Kris tried to laugh.
'Killed?' asked Tao horrified 'she's not going to die, we're going to help her. We'll save her like she saved me'
'It doesn't work like that this time I'm afraid Tao' Kris said quietly.
'What...what do you mean?' he asked worried

'Yin please stay with me, don't close your eyes' Tao begged.
She tried to smile 'at least now I know I've made up for what I did to you' she whispered 'look after him Kris, the two of you will be strong and do amazing things together'
All Kris could do was nod, he was scared that if he spoke he would cry.
'I'm sorry I couldn't get to know you better Tao' Tao had tears in his eyes.
'You still can. you're going to be okay'
'It's too late Tao, she was bitten, she's dying'
'But she's one of us!' he shouted.
'She wasn't phased, the poison works the same way it would with anyone else'
'That's not fair!' Tao cried 'there must be something, some herb or plant that can help' Kris shook his head 'that's bull...this whole thing is BULL!' he began to cry.
'Please don't argue' said Yin 'and please don't be upset, it's just how things work out sometimes. We can't always like the way the world is'
'I don't want you to go' Tao sobbed and Yin reached up and touched his cheek.
'I'm sorry but I have to' she said.
And she took Tao and Kris's hands.
And closed her eyes.

Kris held Tao close to him as he cried.
'I can't believe she's really gone' he wimpered 'she saved our lives'
'I know' Kris replied.
He felt so helpless and sorry for Tao. He was always so sensitive and only ever saw the good in people. Kris had known Yin a lot longer than Tao had, so why wasn;t her more upset? He felt bad, the two of them had been so close when were younger.
'Things change I guess' he thought to himself.
Tao sniffed 'I'm sorry, I feel like an idiot'
'Why?' asked Kris confused.
'Because Yin was your friend, I didn't even know herand I'm acting like she was a member of my own family or something. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now'
'It's alright' he replied kissing Tao's forehead 'you do what ever you think is best love' Tao wrapped his arms around Kris and cried harder 'maybe he can grieve for both of us' he thought.
'What do we do now? Can we stay here?'
Kris shook his head 'I don't think so, no'
'That's okay, it's probably best to start a fresh anyways. I think trying to come back was a bad idea'
'I'm so proud of you' said Kris taking Tao's hand 'you've grown so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you'
'Me too' he replied and looked over the horizon 'thank you Yin' he whispered 'I'll never forget you'
He felt the wind on his face and heard it in the trees.
Almost as if Yin was answering him.
He looked at Kris and smiled.
'Let's go' he said.
And they phased together.

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kennocha #1
Chapter 8: Poor Yin but great story!
linajina #2
Chapter 6: Nice story, what have she done...??? why can't taoris stay away and start anew?