Chapter 9: Living With Him

One Reason Why I'm Not Saying 'I Do'

Jung _____'s POV

The next morning, I woke up ten minutes early for work. Had my black jeans on and a black top, that’s right baby I’m all black today since I’m feeling really annoyed with everything in this house. The only thing I liked was the elevator! SIGH!!! After finished doing my daily routine, I grabbed my phone and my camera stand, since today we will be having quite a lot of photo shoot sessions and the other photographers might be needing it and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I took two pieces of bread, sadly there was no toaster in the kitchen yet and I took out my favorite strawberry jam. Mental note, buy a toaster today after work! 

Then I poured myself a glass of hot coffee and I was enjoying my breakfast as I breathed in the fresh air from the kitchen and I didn’t feel like eating my breakfast at the dining table since no one would even be there and besides, I prefer bright and calm area just like the kitchen with opened windows with great view! I was only eating my second piece of bread when Taehyung walked in, hands on his tie as he fixed it while the other hand on the upper shelf. I rolled my eyes at this ugly morning sight and I turned to my right back, enjoying the beautiful scenery when this deep and slightly hoarse voice interrupted my inner peace. “Um. How do you open this?” and I turned to him, unwillingly as I thought, ‘Here we go!’

I blinked twice as I looked at the cereal box in his hands and I looked at him like, “Dude. That’s a box just tear it open. What’s so hard about that?” and he was like, “If I tear it open wont the cereal will be falling out and make a mess.” and I was like oh my God who is this guy again? So I took a deep breath, walked towards him and snatched the box and tore it opened and shoved him the cereal still in its plastic bag. “HERE! People invested plastic after boxes, remember?” I said and shook my head at this poor guy and he just stayed put, not saying a word. I mean, poor you if you never opened a box of cereal before in your life! 

Just when I thought I could resumed with my quiet breakfast session with my bread and strawberry jam, this one thing popped out. “How should I pour the milk into the cereal?” He blurted out and I looked at him, struggling with a carton of 1 liter milk and I was like, “Just pour it like you pour water in glass.” I said, trying to remain calm and he tried to opened the small cap on the carton and when he was facing the small aluminum piece on the cap, he turned to me and asked, “How am I supposed to get the milk out?” and I scratched the back of my head and marched towards him and said, “Listen! I’m going to explain just once and make sure you remember this your entire life, Kim Taehyung! This foil here is what makes the milk from being spoiled because oh yeah, we learned Bio back in business school too, remember? Yeah, this thing here helps the milk stays fresh! Now see this cute little piece here, you take this and pull it! Now what? How to pour the milk? Use your hands that your father and mother struggled so hard to give you that and lift it like this, facing the bowl and just pour how much you want. Then, take the cap back and close it tight and put it back into the fridge! Do you understand?!”

Taehyung nodded his head and I blew a huge sigh, pulling my hair backwards before I quickly took a seat back. Now I’m exhausted already! Is this guy just playing dumb or is he really an idiot himself??!! I should’ve been a reporter and write some news about how this young CEO of Kim Worldwide Holdings have difficulties in opening a cereal box and a carton of milk! I took a sip of my coffee and I was really hoping that he will just go to work already and leave me alone or just go eat your breakfast in the dining room and leave me in the kitchen alone but NO! He pulled another chair and sat across from me on this small coffee table we had in the kitchen and he ate his cereal as if nothing happened.

I blew another sigh before I said, “Why are you even sitting here with me? Can’t you just go somewhere else? This house is yours, remember?” and he just looked at me with one of his cold,dumb look as he took another spoon of his cereal. I was really annoyed to the max with this guy and so, I quickly finished up my bread and my coffee, cleared up the plates and cup and grabbed a bottle of my fruit yogurt drink from the fridge and walked out, straight to the garage! “Now I have to wake even earlier than today!” I hissed to no one in particular as I hit the gas and drove away. First day going to work, with no L until lunch time. SIGH!!!


Kim Taehyung’s POV

“Tsk! Its not like I have other choice! My maids could have done all that for me better that you!” I said to no one in particular as I took another spoonful of my breakfast, cursing her under my breath. “So she thinks she’s that good, huh?!” I mumbled to myself as I quickly finished my breakfast. What a good way to start my day...over cereals and a carton of milk! Now I supposed plan B is going on very well but that _____ is very annoying! Aish! I just don’t like her! At all!!!


Jung _____’s POV

“L!!!” I shouted once I’d spotted L standing next to our family’s car and he secretly waved to me, still in his butler mode. I chuckled to myself, it was funny looking at him like that and what was even funnier, I missed him so much already! Once I’d got into the car, I quickly said, “Did you miss me, L?! Because I totally missed you!!! Did you know how awful yesterday was? We don’t even have any food in the fridge except for fruits and veggies. Sigh! But the fun part was, I managed to go out and did grocery shopping! If only you were with me it would be even more fun!” and L listened to all my stories and would smile once or twice as he nodded to everything I said.

Then I told him how the room was painted pink, and he chuckled at the thought of me sleeping in an all pink room when back at home, my room were filled with different colors, designed by me and it is way awesome than just all plain pink room! After that, usually I would head back home for lunch but since I’m no longer ‘living’ there, I decided to just eat my lunch outside, with Hoya. Gosh that guy is really noisy! He was like, “Alright, now TELL me EVERYTHING about your new home!” and I was like, “Can you shut up and just let me eat in peace?!” and he answered, “Okay, fine.” and forked his meal halfheartedly. I mean, if you wanna act all upset you should work on your acting skills first, Lee Howon!

Then I said, “Alright, alright! I’ll tell you!” and he smiled, as if he’d won a lottery or something. So I told him everything, from the house, security system, literally everything. Once we’d all done eating and chatting, we payed for our meal and we were walking towards our respective cars when he said, “So is Taehyung cool with it? Judging by how he is on the outside, I think he would die in a week with no maids!” and I just shrugged. “It has only been two days. He should be fine I guess. After all, this is the only way for us to not marry each other.” I said and Hoya nodded his head as we both entered our own cars and headed straight to the company.


After a long day in the office, I reached home around 8p.m and I was already too exhausted to even walk around! I grabbed the front door and looked at the camera and it beeped once before I flung it opened and it shut by itself with another beep once I’d entered the house. I scratched the back of my neck and yawned. What a long day in the office...sigh! Then I quickly headed upstairs and once I come out from the lift, I turned to my left and it was dark there so most probably Taehyung wasn’t home yet. I switched on the main lights on and went into my room and took a quick warm bath. I was drying off my hair with a towel when I heard the familiar beep sound ringing throughout the house.

“He’s back?” I said to no one in particular as I continued drying off my hair and I was too lazy to blow dry it and I sat on my new desk, and opened my tablet. I was scrolling down my schedule for next week and since the day after that would be Saturday already, Monday’s schedule would usually be packed! So I opened the notes that L gave me earlier regarding my schedules and I scratched my head when the word, ‘Jung Holdings Annual Dinner Night’. 

“Another dinner night? Aish! Why would we always waste our money and do this extra grand dinner night in some top star hotels, anyway?!” I huffed to no one and if L was there, he would be saying, “That’s what Mr Jung loves to do every year, Miss _____. He loves gatherings with all the workers and stock holders and blah blah blah!” Lets just say that that old man just loves to eat in this case. I still remembered how when Eunji and I were kids, we would love attending this annual dinner and run around the hotel with our dress and caused a lot of troubles literally everywhere! But as we grew older, it gets really boring and the last thing I’d wanted was to wear a dress! I mean I know how girls would go crazy about how expensive and grand our dresses were but its just a pain in the !

Dresses that we get would usually be too long or too short, tight and not to mention y! Now if the y one I would always reject it as well as Eunji but overall, she still wears something more eye catchy that mine. Its either showing her cleavage or her and I would be the only wearing the opposite of that! I still remembered how last year I got there really late because of my other job in JX Studio and I came with just jeans and t-shirt! Now that’s not the funny part yet because when my mother saw me like that, she went totally nuts! She dragged me all the way out from the dinner hall and made me sit in one of the VIP room and gave a call to one of her friends, which is a designer and he brought like five dresses for me to choose that night, on the spot!

I had no choice so I just chose a plain black one because firstly, it covers up my s and secondly, its not tight nor that y because its really short! Like above my knees and I just had to bear with it for three damn long hours! Luckily L had a sweater with him and I used that to cover up my legs whenever I had to sit down! Gosh it was really hectic last year! Only Hoya had a really fun time, teasing me! Now I should really go and find a dress that suits me before the designers came up with stupid dresses! 

So I made a mental note to go and prepare a dress which suits my style in case the dresses my mom brought for me would be not my cup of tea! As I was reading my other schedules, I then realised that my drama would be on in just a minute! I remembered how I’d found a sticky note pasted on that huge TV yesterday with;

This TV set if for you my dear, _____. Hope you like it.

From: Uncle Kim

And I have to say that TV set is dead awesome! It has 3D function and its cool. The only thing I hated about it was he shouldn’t be wasting his money on just a grand TV set for me. Its not like I would always have the time to watch it unless its night time. Back at my home too I would only watch TV in my room during night time and mostly fall asleep watching it. But not today! Why? Because Kim Soo Hyun’s new drama is out!!! I can’t missed that because I took his pictures for their posters and stuff! 

Once I’d reached there, suddenly I heard this voices. One belongs to Taehyung which I recognized instantly with his deep voice and the other one was a girl’s??? So I walked in there anyways and there was this girl in a black pencil skirt with a blue blouse with heels and she had her hair done lose and wavy sitting further a bit from Taehyung who was still talking to her as she tapped her tablet, probably keeping notes or something. I really thought that I should make a run because living in here with Taehyung was a big secret but I guessed I was too late because Taehyung and that unknown girl saw me once I’d stepped into the living area!

Surprisingly, she suddenly stood up from her seating and walked towards me with her hands reached out as she said, “So you are Miss Jung _____. Its nice to meet you. I’m Son Naeun, Mr Kim’s personal assistant.” and I listened to her introduction with a small smile on my face. “ this alright?” I spoke up as I leaned my head the other side to looked at Taehyung and he just shrugged before he said, “She’s my PA. She knows about us already.” and I quickly answered with an, “Oh. Okay then. It’s nice to see you too.” as I shook my hands with this beautiful girl and she flashed me with another of her flawless smile.

Now judging by her look, it would make a lot more sense if she was in my shoes right now because if I have to go against her...then I’m totally out! I’m not even as pretty as her and talk about having killer legs just like hers! But whatever it is, we quickly finished our introductions and shaking hands and stuff as I took a seat, away from those two as I switched the TV on and started watching my drama. They were talking on my left side and I could see them from the corner of my eye and I was least interested in their business talk, whatsoever and I was watching this movie and when Kim Soo Hyun popped out, I squealed slightly and I guessed it was a bit too loud that I’d expected it would come out. 

Both Taehyung and his PA, Naeun looked at me and I quickly said, “Oh, please don’t mind me. I’m just excited to see this actor here.” as I chuckled and Naeun nodded her head, totally understanding my condition but that Taehyung guy just gave me a disapprove look and I just rolled my eyes to him. That TV is mine so he can just shut it and go talk with his PA somewhere else if he finds me bothering! Like I even care?!!

Soon after that, they were back on their work and I was so into the movie and during the commercials, I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and ate it there as I continued to watched the drama with my feelings being attached so into it! I mean why is this guy so hot anyway?!! Gosh! If there was an alien as hot as him, I wouldn’t be skeptical to even marry him on the spot! I was so into the drama and time flies really fast and by the time it has ended, one hour has passed and Taehyung and his PA were nowhere to be seen.

So I rolled onto the couch comfortably since no one was there and I was busy looking for something decent to watch and when I’ve finally found a really good English cartoon, suddenly this creature walked in and said, “Tsk. Cartoons? How old are you actually?” and I quickly sat up from my lying position and leaned against the armrest before I said, “Who cares?” and he just made his dumb cold face to me again, as usual. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes and decided to ignored him as I continued watching my cartoon. Or so I thought.

Then he went, “Why were you even here earlier? Can’t you see that I was in a middle of a short ‘meeting’ with my PA?” and I turned to him and gave him my bored look. I turned to my TV back nevertheless as I muttered, “I’m just watching my drama and besides, this is my TV.” and I swear he had his cold sharp eyes penetrated from the back of my head and I can just feel that intense stare! “Even so, do you have any idea how disturbing you were? Squealing over some guy on TV!” He shot and that was it. I put down my remote and turned to him before I said, “Then why bring some random people in this house?! I thought you said this ‘living’ together should be a secret!” I shot back as I looked at him sharply and he closed his eyes for a moment before he turned his heels around and walked away.

With of course, saying another hateful remarks to me. “Idiot.” He muttered under his breath and I swear I would’ve smacked his head if he said that right in front of my face! GAHHH!!!


A/N: Taehyung is sooooo cute!!!

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Chapter 46: Jjang!!^^
qqimtae #2
Chapter 46: Thank you for this amazing fanfic!!!!
Dya911 #3
Chapter 44: Hayy,,,update sonn please:);)
qqimtae #4
Chapter 38: THANK YOU FOR UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
qqimtae #5
Chapter 23: Thank u for updating this cutae fanfic ♡♡♡♡ i enjoyed enjoy and enjoying every inch of it ♥♥♡
asbunny #6
Chapter 14: Omo
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Chapter 10: Aw kim taehyungggg!!!!!! Squeal!!!!!!