Chapter 4: Encountering This Rude, Idiotic Guy

One Reason Why I'm Not Saying 'I Do'

Jung _____’s POV


That morning, I woke up feeling really groggy and skipped breakfast and went straight to work. L as usual, he has been nagging at me about how I shouldn’t skipped breakfast and other crap but the last thing I’d wanted to do on that morning was sitting in that dumb house! I took my shower as quickly as possible and grabbed my stuff before I headed to work. As usual first thing in the morning I would be in my studio and do my work there. It was Thursday and luckily there wasn’t any photo shoot appointment with me on that day and so, I just did my editing jobs with my fellow workers.


I was enjoying my morning coffee while I was doing my editing work as I tried to forget about everything that just happened to me last night when I received a call from Hoya. I picked it up nonchalantly and he was like, “Yah, _____. That Taehyung guy is here and he wants to see you.” and what he said almost made me spilled my damn coffee! “Yah why did you let him get in the building?!!” I shrieked but Hoya just groaned on the other line before he said, “Yah. What can I do? He already has your father’s permission to enter this building anytime he wants! He doesn’t need any appointments with you and he’s waiting in your office right now!”


I cursed that Taehyung dude quietly under my breath before I said, “Why on Earth is he in my office?! Can’t he wait at the guest room or what?! And didn’t he know my working time at the company starts after lunch?!!” and Hoya just blew a sigh. I mean, why would you even be sighing when I’m the one stuck in this position of possibility on getting married with that knuckle head! I should be throwing tantrums right now!!!


“I have no idea why but your PA said he wanted to wait for you in your room and there’s nothing that I can do about it. Well, looking at him, it looks like he won’t budge from there if you don’t get here soon and settle your problems with him, _____.” Hoya said and I felt like firing that PA already! Well, she’s not my PA in the first place, she’s that old man’s PA and I don’t need any PA when I already have L as my loyal butler, do I?


I groaned as I ruffled my hair in annoyance before I said, “Alright, alright! I’m on my way and make sure that idiot doesn’t touch any of my stuff in there!” and Hoya replied with an okay at my warning. I just have no idea what that guy wants but talking to him face to face without our parents should be fine, I guess. And I’m going to make him cancel his plan on marrying me! I don’t even like him in the first place and I barely know him except his name and his dumb famous company!


Then I quickly shut my phone and shoved it into my jeans and waited for L to arrived. Once he’d arrived, I quickly told him to drive me to the company and he was like, “Miss _____, what about your attire? Why don’t we stop by your house and change your outfit first?” so butler-ish and I quickly said, “Never mind what I wear. I just need to meet Taehyung there.” and he nodded his head with no more further questions. Once we both reached the company, I stormed my way up to the fifteenth floor and headed straight to my office.


I turned to L and said, “L, you wait outside.” and he obeyed my words before he opened the doors for me and that Taehyung guy was sitting on one of the sofas and looked at his watch as he said, “38 minutes and 22 seconds to get you here, Miss _____.” and I looked at him all annoyed. I mean who the fish you think you are dude? Its my damn office and I do whatever I like, Mister! “Says the guy who has no idea when is my working time in here.” I snorted to him and he was still looking at his watch and I was standing opposite of him and when he turned to looked at me, all he said was, “What an interesting attire for the CEO herself?” and I snapped! Boy, you already wasted half an hour of my working time in my lovely studio and now don’t even talk some crap in my face just like that!


“Look at your watch, Mister! Its says 10:00am in the morning and I’m not the CEO until its 2pm and I can wear whatever I like and its my damn company and you can just shut your damn mouth or better yet, get out of my office! No appointments and just simply barging into my room as if you’re who? My dad?! And what do you even want from me, Kim Taehyung?!” I said to him, still half composed as I tried to find my inner peace as I tried talking some sense into this dude’s head! He chuckled before he stood up from his seating and said, “Just like last night’s dinner, I’m going to marry you, _____.” and I looked at him, eyes widened.


First, how dare you chuckled coldly in my face and now, you’re saying ‘I’m going to marry you, _____’ as if I’m what?! A redeem voucher or something?!! “You listen to me properly knuckle head, we’ve been through a lot back in school and I have no idea what you’re holding back against me for you to simply tell my dad that you’re going to marry me?!! Oh and yeah, you know what? That old man really likes you when we had a chat yesterday night and I think if you really want to merge with my family, why don’t you just go and marry him instead of me?!” I was really mad at that point and all he did was smiled. And it was the ugliest smug I’ve ever seen after seven years!!!


Then he took a step towards me before he looked at me and said, “Too bad. Uncle Jung already likes me, huh? So that leaves you...with no other choice, am I right? I bet its either you marry me or your lovely studio gets burn into ashes?” and smirked. I’ve had enough! This has to stop! I was already at my boiling point as I marched forward and that was when I reached for his collars and grabbed it tight.


“You listen to me, Taehyung. I don’t know what games you’re trying to play with me right now but if you dare lay your disgusting fingers on my studio, you watch properly on how I’m going to make your dumb Kim Worldwide Enterprise go down, you hear me?!” I hissed to him and I don’t give a damn about how tall he was from me and the fact that he is a guy and he might know some crazy judo skills and the possibility of him breaking me into half at that time but I have no fear against that guy. If its going to make me bleed in order to avoid myself from this stupid arranged marriage than I’m on!


But I guess he get what he wanted, huh? He swatted my hands away and fixed his tie before he gave me a black colored file. I opened it quickly without hesitating and looked at him questioningly. I guess he understood my facial expression because he said, “That’s our schedule on when we’ll have to pick our wedding outfit, the decors, food and every single thing we’ll need for our marriage reception by spring time.” and I quickly shut that damn file closed and threw it back to him.


“Are you crazy?!! I was told that I must get married with you before this year ends and now you’re saying by spring time?! That’s like less than three months away and did I even say that I was going to marry you?!! Because I’m NOT! NEVER!!! You take this stupid file of yours and get your out from this building!!! Don’t even you dare show your face to me ever again, Kim Taehyung!!!” I yelled to him right in his dumb face and all he did was shrugged. “Anything you say, honey. do know that the marriage won’t go off, right?” He said before he chuckled and walked out of my office and once the doors were closed, I shouted so loud that I could feel one of my veins popped!!!


I threw the doors opened and L was standing outside with that damn black file in his hands which I guessed that dumb Taehyung gave it to him and everyone who were outside looked at me worriedly, including Hoya who was already outside standing outside from his office, looking at me worriedly. I huffed a huge sigh before I went straight to the elevator and went straight home! There is only one person that I can get mad with and that would be that old man! This time, I’m not showing any mercy to him anymore! This is going to be my last fight and he should be mad at me too but we’ll see who will win this game.




“Butler Kim. Where’s my father?” I immediately asked him once I’ve set my foot back home along with L. He looked at me, probably surprised that I came back home earlier than usual before he answered, “Mr Jung is in the garden with everyone, drinking tea, Miss ______.” and I quickly head my way there, jaws clenched. Once I reached there, everyone were enjoying their tea and chatting as if nothing actually happened to me yesterday and when they saw me there walking towards them, Eunji voiced out, “_____? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” and I quickly slammed the black file right in front of that old man.


I gritted my teeth as I said, “Open that, dad.” and he did. Suddenly everyone went quiet and they all squinted their eyes behind that old man trying to read that file. Eunji looked at it and went, “ this your wedding date?!” and I blew my bangs away, annoyed before I said, “YES! And that’s less than three months away and I’m telling you once again, dad I’m not going to marry him! Why can’t you people understand that at all?! He freaking came to our company and without making any appointments before hand and simply barged into my room and I have to make L drive all the way from JX to the building just for that damn file! Totally wasting my working time and all I want now is for you to tell him, I’m off from this stupid marriage deal! I’m out!”


All four of them including Conner, I mean poor him he had to listened to all that and he doesn’t even understand Korean that well but I guessed he could still understand the whole topic anyways and looked at me, stunned. Yeah, stunned! Its very rare for me to blow up just like that and I’m known for being a very chill type of girl but when I’m mad, you’ll never see the daylight ever again, dude!


That old man sighed before he put down the file and said, “Listen, _____. We already make our deal with them and how can I go and tell him the wedding is off all of the sudden? Besides,...” but I quickly cut his words and yelled out, “That’s bull!!! This is my life and I have my own rights on choosing who I wanna spend my whole life with and in fact, I’ve sacrificed a lot in this family and don’t make me start on that!” and maybe because I’ve used that ‘bull’ word, he quickly stood up from his seating and said, “Jung _____! Mind your language! Your mother and I have never thought you to say those kind of words in front of us and you like it or not, the marriage is done!”


God damn it that old man! I swear I will kill him and boil his own heart and feed that to the birds myself!!!


“NO!!! I’ve bust my studying in the business school just like you’d wanted and I’ve waited too long just for Italy and I’ve worked so damn hard in Jung Holdings for you, trying to divide my time into half between the things that I like to do and the things that I’m forced to do and I’m not going to follow your orders anymore, dad! I’ve had enough!” I shouted to him and my mother was already rubbing her temples, probably tired of all this shouting games as that old man said, “We’re doing this for your own good, _____! Why can’t you just listen to us?!” and I snapped. Again!


“For my own good?! Are you even listening to yourself right now, dad?! You’re being not fair to me since the very beginning! Eunji gets to study in Paris and do what she loves and you were really happy for her at that time and you even bought her stuffs that I never get and she gets to do what she loves without being forced to study in some stupid business school which I have to and guess what?! She gets to choose her own husband and you already liked him by just hearing his name being called out! As for me?! What have you done to me?! All I get from you were scraps and I only get to go to Italy for two short years after graduating that dumb business school and when I got back here, what did I get?! Oh yeah, I got the CEO seat, wow lucky me!” I chuckled coldly as all four of them listened to my words one by one in cold silence.


“You never asked what I wanted to do and when I said I wanted to do photography, you rejected it saying I have to run your dumb business and once again, I did that! I followed your rules and almost broke my bones into half in order to get JX opened and what did you even say to me when I opened that studio?! Nothing! In fact, you despise it because I didn’t make my studio for those rich brats outside! Now, you want me to marry that Taehyung guy which I don’t even like?! And better yet, you even threatened me that JX will be down if I don’t marry that idiot?!” I continued and no one even dared to spoke a word to me.


“Then I’m leaving this country, this house and this family who only cares about high class reputations and resign from that dumb CEO seat, myself!” I slammed the coffee table one last time before I walked outside, leaving them totally shocked by my words. I’ve made up my mind. If they still insisted on me marrying that idiot, then the only weapon I have is this. Leaving them, if I have to. My mom went frantic once I’d said those words and she even tried calling out my name as well as Eunji but I don’t give a damn anymore! All I want to do know is walk out of this house and get back to JX and do my job, in peace!




Jung Eunji’s POV


I looked at dad, terribly shocked by what _____ has just said. I was really surprised to see how _____ blew up earlier and all I could do was listened to her and zipped my mouth. Right now, mom is shedding tears, fearing with the fact that _____ would leave this house and who knows where she would run away too? America? Japan? Italy? No one knows what she has up on her mind right now but what she said has made me realised how unfair this family has been to her. I felt really terrible and sorry for her because I’m the reason why all this happened to her. If only I didn’t chose fashion and moved to Paris. If only I followed the rules as being the eldest who should be responsible over the company myself. If only, I could rewind the time back.


But what can I do? All’s done and there’s nothing that I can do to change all that. I have no basics in business and I at handling huge company like Jung Holdings and I already have my house, a boutique and a husband! I can’t simply throw them out of my life and put myself on duty, don’t I?! There’s nothing that I can do now...unless if dad cancels the wedding off. So I turned to dad and finally spoke to him after _____ has long gone since her outburst earlier. “Father. Can we just cancel the wedding off? Let’s do it for _____’s sake this time. Can’t we?” I looked at dad and he puckered his lips as he tried to think it over.


Then he called Butler Kim over before he said, “Give Kim Taehyung a call and tell him I need to see him.” and Butler Kim obliged his words. I heaved a sigh before I tried to calm my mother down and explained what just happened to Conner. He actually didn’t agree with the arranged marriage too and I have to say, I am on _____’s side as well. This wedding has to stop.


A/N: Chapter 4&5 coming right up!!! 

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Chapter 46: Jjang!!^^
qqimtae #2
Chapter 46: Thank you for this amazing fanfic!!!!
Dya911 #3
Chapter 44: Hayy,,,update sonn please:);)
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Chapter 38: THANK YOU FOR UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
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Chapter 23: Thank u for updating this cutae fanfic ♡♡♡♡ i enjoyed enjoy and enjoying every inch of it ♥♥♡
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