When the magician does his magic


Oh my god, my last update was like, thousand years ago, but fianally, finally! I have my summer vacation and here is the new chapter. I'm really really sorry for the wait.

Don't forget to always write comments, I love everyone single one <3

And please point out if you see any faults in the story so I can improve myself, because reading all the amazing stories I feel like I need to improve a lot :3


Hope you like it

And I always love you <3 <3 <3







“Yes, Mom, I am eating good.” I switched the channel mindlessly “Don’t worry, I’m fine. Yes. Yes, I know Mom, I’m 18 and I’m not that stupid. Yeah. I know. Love you too. Bye.”

I sighed and put down my cellphone.


I really hated pretending that I was alright. Putting on the façade of not needing my parents. Pretending that I don’t miss them and don’t wish them to come back right now and hug me.

But how could I not when I knew how happy they were without me?  



“What are you watching?” Jimin’s voice from my side startled me a bit.



“Honestly, I have no idea.” I was too lost in my thoughts to bother.

 But just a look at his face with gently carved features and his eyes filled with millions of stars made me feel so much better. I could just stare at him for ages. Though he would probably think of it as a little creepy.

I averted my gaze and looked at the clock.


“Actually, I need to go. I have dance practice.” I said standing up a bit reluctantly. I loved dance, sure, but I kind of didn’t want to leave home. Or, more specifically, Jimin.



“Oh…” his face fell. I knew he missed dancing. Suddenly an idea popped in my head.



“Jimin, do you maybe… want to come with me? To the practice?”



“Me?” he looked at me with wide eyes, bewildered.



“ Well, I don’t see any other Jimin here, so I guess I mean you."



“But… can I really? Won’t I disturb you?” I chuckled at how cute he was, trying not to look too excited.



“Jimin, stop being stupid and come on. I’m sure Hoseok will have nothing against that.”






“The dance teacher. Oh, and you will meet Tae, my best friend. He’s been nagging me to meet you. That’s a perfect occasion.”






“Hop, hop, put on your shoes little Jiminie and let’s go! I know how much you want this.”



“Yah! I am not little!” I winced as he smacked me on my arm but then I felt his hand ruffling my hair softly “And yeah, I need it.”

I couldn’t help that warm feeling spreading through my entire body as I smiled back.






“So, this is Tae, and this is Hoseok and over there are Changmin, Minwoo and Hakyeon.” I said pointing at every person. “Everyone, this is Jimin”



“Nice to meet you.” Jimin said with a smile, bowing politely.



Tae, being Tae, threw an arm around him saying  “You look so cute, I see why Jungkookie likes you so much. Come on, let’s be friends.” and dragged him away.

I smiled, seeing Jimin blush a little and at how awkward he seemed. But I knew Tae, he was the best when it came to meeting new people. Always straightforward, not leaving any space for awkward silence and always making them laugh with his unexplainable charm.



“Hoseok, do you have nothing against Jimin attending today’s class? He kind of… doesn’t have a place he can dance at right now, so I thought…”



“Of course it’s fine” he cut in and flashed me his sunshine smile.



“Thanks” I smiled back. Hoseok was definitely the best person ever.

 Well, maybe except for a certain orange-haired boy who was currently laughing with Tae over some video on his phone.

He suddenly looked up in my direction and our eyes met. A smile made its way on my face automatically. Seeing him being playful with my best friend and smiling in the familiar space of our studio made my heart feet almost heavy with all the feeling. It felt as if someone punched me in my guts but in a good way that left me all warm and tingling inside.




“Ok, let’s begin.” Our eyes trailed to Hoseok. “Today we have a special guest. It’s really nice to have you here, Jimin. Since I have no idea what level you are at, would you mind showing a bit of what you have?”



“Sure, no problem.” Jimin looked a little unsecure as he stepped forward, making me a bit nervous for him. But at the same time I was so curious. I wanted to see him dance really badly, to see Jimin doing the one thing he loves.



“So, what would you like? Hip-hop? Contemporary?” Hoseok asked walking over to the radio.



“Let’s go with contemporary.”



“Oki-doki, let’s go.”


The room was suddenly filled with soft music. Jimin closed his eyes and took a deep breath.



And then he started dancing.



If I had any idea of what to expect it certainly didn’t catch up to reality in any way.

What I was seeing was… magic. Pure, strong emotion conveyed by one human. It wasn’t the technique, though his dancing was truly perfect as far as it was concerned. I have seen a lot of dancers with equal or even better technique such as, for example, Hoseok.

 But Jimin’s dancing… it had something that I have never experienced before. His soul was transparent, . I could see the whole of ‘Park Jimin’.  That was simply…  beautiful. Mesmerizing. Consuming.  Perfect. So Jimin-like. He was like a beautiful butterfly catching rays of sunshine in its colorful wings.


I didn’t even realize when he finished. We all just stood in silence, our eyes still glued to Jimin in awe.


As I watched him blush under loud applause and hugs from all the dancers I couldn’t decide if it was totally weird that the person I have just seen doing magic was the same person I have eaten breakfast with today’s morning or if that was the only natural way, that everything Park Jimin did was this perfect because his entire existence was rather perfect.





“You are just too perfect, Park Jimin” I whispered while gently brushing my hand through his soft hair. We were lying down on my bed, darkness and silence surrounding us. I could only see his soft  outline and his shining eyes.


“You are pretty much perfect yourself” his eyes smiled and he gently caressed my cheek.

I pulled him closer and closed him into a hug automatically  resting my chin on the top of his head. I felt his steady breaths on my neck.


That was it. That was happiness. Holding Jimin in my amrs, having him near, seeing him smile, seeing him dance. My happiness was Jimin.

I felt all the feelings washing through me over and over like ocean waves. Feelings heavy in m heart that I just couldn’t hold inside anymore.



“I love you” I whispered into his hair.


I felt him tense a little as he looked up at me. His eyes were wide-open and filled with thousands of thoughts and emotions.

“Can you… repeat that?” he asked with evident anticipation.


“I love you, Jimin.” I smiled and kissed his forehead.


When I backed away he just stared at me for a few seconds which made me suddenly feel very nervous, but then the most beautiful of his smiles formed on his face. It was full of love and it was directed towards me. My heart suddenly felt as if it was going to burst any second.



“No one has ever said that to me before” he whispered.



And then I just couldn’t hold it anymore. I closed the little space that was between our lips.


His lips were even more perfect than they seemed. Soft. Plushy. Plus, it turned out that he could do wonders with those perfect lips.


Very soon we were both panting from lack of breath and from lust that was roaming through our bodies, half-.

I trailed a pattern of kisses down his neck and his chest, hearing him gasp and sigh.


But I already missed the feeling of his lips against mine so I pulled back up, hands tugging and brushing through his hair in yet another passionate and hungry kisses.

I wanted to never stop but at some point we both needed the refill of air. I rested my forehead against his, our eyes closed, both panting.


“Let’s take it slow” I breathed and he gave me a small nod.


After that, our kisses became slower and finally the sleep caught up to us.We lied in each other’s arms, slowly falling asleep.


The amount of happiness that I was feeling can’t be put into words.

Especially when just before I fell into my dreams, I heard a small “I love you too” from my side.










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mxv0109 #1
Chapter 8: tae you're the best creature anyone can have you can be a genius at times while you are basically an alien, I love you from the sun till Pluto.
thanks for the update jikook are soo cute, I just hope their parents won't stand in their way, stay strong jikook!!
ahood_bts #2
Chapter 8: omg tae , I love him so muchhhhh , he's my beautiful and handsome dork , he's so cuteeeeee for his own good ........
jikook are so cute , I ship them so bad , I hope their date will go well and they will enjoy , I love this fanfic so much , thanks for updating this beautiful chapter , you are the best
JiminxKookie #3
Chapter 8: This chapter was so cute and really amazing! Tae should be really paired up with someone in this story because he's becoming the third wheel
mxv0109 #4
Chapter 7: I just got back to earth and man I thought you died ages ago, anyways welcome back to life. I'm deeply sorry I forgot the plot and I had to read the whole thing again and man I'm deeply soooo in love with this story. they finally realized their feeling boy I was going to cry. and tae you dork you are soo cute for your own good I like you. thanks for updating *much lovex1000000*
ahood_bts #5
ahood_bts #6
Chapter 7: omggggg i'm so happy that you updated , I was waiting so long , I missed reading this fanfic , I want to thank u for updating two amazing and beautiful chapters *ugly screams and animal noises * , jimin and jungkook are really so cute together , i'm having a heart attack , tae is really the best , I love how he is full of energy all of the time , my husband is the coolest (tae) , I appreciate your writings , you have your own way of writing and I adore it , you are really special , I will always support u author-nim , HWAITING :) !!!! , JIKOOK FINALLY CONFESSED THEIR FEELINGS , I'M SCREAMING AND MAKING MY UGLY FACES , THE WAY THEY KISS, HUG , CUDDLE , IS REALLY CUTE , THEY'RE PERFECT TOGETHER , I'M SURE THAT JUNGKOOK WILL PROTECT JIMIN FROM HIS FATHER , BECAUSE HE LOVES HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD , I HOPE THEIR FAMILIES WOULD ACCEPT THEIR REALATONSHIP AS LOVERS , THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY , AND TO BE TOGETHER ,
ahood_bts #7
Chapter 5: plz don't be late and update quickly because the fan fic is so special
it's really so beautiful
update quickly plz
Chapter 5: awwee, its ok take all the time you need ^^
Maram_Bangtan #9
Chapter 4: You can't imagine how am feeling right now.. I'm so touched and grinning like an idiot here cuz like really this is too cute and fluffy...Anyways I read a lot of ur writings and I really liked ur style of writing so I wanted to thank you for this and HWAITING!!