The first meeting


I watched the people pass by me.  As always, all of them were the same. All grey and dull.  All living in their closed and restricted world. Fixated on themselves,  they all just barged through their lives thoughtlessly.


They were so immersed with themselves, that they failed to notice the beauty of the world they were living in. None of them noticed how beautiful the light was shining through the leaves of that sycamore tree, or how wind gently caressed the grass.

Their gaze was always either turned to the ground or fixed on their mobile phones.


Every day, after school  I sat on the same bench in the same park. I have no idea why, ever since I first came to this park something pulled me there again. So I was coming and observed people since I didn’t have anything better to do.

But now almost 3 months passed since my first visit to this place  and I haven’t seen anyone or anything that seemed interesting so far so I started to question my little obsession. Why was I wasting so much time in this place?

 Suddenly, I felt a drop of rain on the tip of my nose. People started screaming and running away. I looked upwards. The sky became gray and heavy without me noticing. I felt more and more raindrops on my face and I closed my eyes. My hair and clothes began to become wet, but I didn’t really care much. I just stood there.

Finally I opened my eyes slowly. I was all soaked, I had to dry myself if I didn’t want to get sick.  I sighed and started to gather  my belongings.

I turned around and froze.


Suddenly the whole world vanished apart from the figure that stood before me. On the other side of the park lane, through the wall of rain, I saw another boy. He was looking straight at me. He looked as soaked as I was, his hair stuck to his forehead. There was no one else but us. The few seconds that we stared at each other felt like eternity.

 Then, he turned around and just walked away. I was too stunned to even move, I just stared at the same spot for at least few minutes, my head empty of all thoughts but the ones about that boy.  Finally, my consciousness started to flow back, slowly. I wanted to stop him, see him more closely, but when I turned,  he was already gone. I was in the park all alone.

 In that moment the flower started to grow in my heart.




After that day I just continued with my normal life routine.

At least I tried.

Thoughts about him  didn’t leave my head even for a second. He was with me in every moment of my life. I couldn’t focus on anything properly.  I wanted to see him again, though I wasn’t even sure if I would recognize him, I didn’t see him clearly.

I spent even more time in the park, running there right after school and staying until it was completely dark in hope I will see him again.

 After about a month, my efforts finally paid off.


 I was sitting on the bench. I watched a pigeon groom itself feeling really miserable. Was I never going to see him again? I was so lost in thoughts that I didn’t notice someone sitting beside me.


“You’re here again.”


 I froze.

Immediately, I knew it was him. I slowly turned around. He was looking at the sky, his legs crossed, hands in the pockets of his jacket. I just stared at him trying to absorb every little detail of his face as if I was watching the world’s most famous painting.

His hair was in a color of light orange and looked really soft.

His eyes were narrow, sort of cat-like.

His nose was small and cute.

His lips were plump.

His jawline was sharp. Really sharp.

Suddenly he turned his head and looked at me. I felt myself falling into his dark-brown eyes. I forgot how to breath for a second.

“Stop staring”

I blinked a few times, coming back to reality. His lips curved into a mischievous smirk.  I quickly averted my gaze.

“S-sorry.” I stuttered.

My face was becoming hot. But I couldn’t help it and looked at him again. It was as if he had some kind of magnetic force. He was looking at the sky again. I followed his stare. We sat in silence. It wasn’t awkward at all, it was rather comfortable. It was just me and him, simply watching the clouds pass.

Nothing else mattered at the moment.


“Park Jimin.” he suddenly said.

 I looked at him with wide eyes, startled with the sudden interruption in our silence. He was looking at me.  

“ My name. Park Jimin. “ he smiled and held out his hand.


“Oh.” I ignored the weird sensation in my heart. “Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook”

 I grabbed his hand. At that moment, I felt some kind of electricity run through my body from my fingers. But then he took his hand away and the sensation was gone.


“I must be going. See you around, Jungkook.”

He got up and started to go away.


“ Wait! “ I stopped him, much to my surprise.

He turned around and looked at me with a question in his eyes.

“ Will I…. really see you again? “ I asked uncertainly, feeling my cheeks grow hot again.  But then he smiled at me and the only thought left in my head was how beautiful he looked right now.


“Of course. “

He waved at me one last time and then he was gone.  The flower in my heart grew a petal.



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mxv0109 #1
Chapter 8: tae you're the best creature anyone can have you can be a genius at times while you are basically an alien, I love you from the sun till Pluto.
thanks for the update jikook are soo cute, I just hope their parents won't stand in their way, stay strong jikook!!
ahood_bts #2
Chapter 8: omg tae , I love him so muchhhhh , he's my beautiful and handsome dork , he's so cuteeeeee for his own good ........
jikook are so cute , I ship them so bad , I hope their date will go well and they will enjoy , I love this fanfic so much , thanks for updating this beautiful chapter , you are the best
JiminxKookie #3
Chapter 8: This chapter was so cute and really amazing! Tae should be really paired up with someone in this story because he's becoming the third wheel
mxv0109 #4
Chapter 7: I just got back to earth and man I thought you died ages ago, anyways welcome back to life. I'm deeply sorry I forgot the plot and I had to read the whole thing again and man I'm deeply soooo in love with this story. they finally realized their feeling boy I was going to cry. and tae you dork you are soo cute for your own good I like you. thanks for updating *much lovex1000000*
ahood_bts #5
ahood_bts #6
Chapter 7: omggggg i'm so happy that you updated , I was waiting so long , I missed reading this fanfic , I want to thank u for updating two amazing and beautiful chapters *ugly screams and animal noises * , jimin and jungkook are really so cute together , i'm having a heart attack , tae is really the best , I love how he is full of energy all of the time , my husband is the coolest (tae) , I appreciate your writings , you have your own way of writing and I adore it , you are really special , I will always support u author-nim , HWAITING :) !!!! , JIKOOK FINALLY CONFESSED THEIR FEELINGS , I'M SCREAMING AND MAKING MY UGLY FACES , THE WAY THEY KISS, HUG , CUDDLE , IS REALLY CUTE , THEY'RE PERFECT TOGETHER , I'M SURE THAT JUNGKOOK WILL PROTECT JIMIN FROM HIS FATHER , BECAUSE HE LOVES HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD , I HOPE THEIR FAMILIES WOULD ACCEPT THEIR REALATONSHIP AS LOVERS , THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY , AND TO BE TOGETHER ,
ahood_bts #7
Chapter 5: plz don't be late and update quickly because the fan fic is so special
it's really so beautiful
update quickly plz
Chapter 5: awwee, its ok take all the time you need ^^
Maram_Bangtan #9
Chapter 4: You can't imagine how am feeling right now.. I'm so touched and grinning like an idiot here cuz like really this is too cute and fluffy...Anyways I read a lot of ur writings and I really liked ur style of writing so I wanted to thank you for this and HWAITING!!