Continuous arrhythmia


Finally, an update after too long :3



I was awoken by the sun shining through the window right into my eyes. I groaned and tried to fight away my consciousness and go back to the sweet dreamland. 

Suddenly something tickled my chin. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the top of an orange-haired head and smiled.

 Jimin was clutching to me like a little monkey, his fists clenched on the front of my t-shirt, my hands around him tight. I had my head leaned on the top of his head that he had buried in my chest. His soft orange hair was tickling my chin with my every breath.

I carefully lifted my hand and run it through his hair. Then I gently pressed him even closer to myself and closed my eyes wanting to just stay like this. I closed my eyes, feeling totally blissful and was just at the fine line between the consciousness and sleep, when suddenly I heard an annoying buzz of my phone.

 As much as I didn't want to, I gently untangled myself from our embrace and reached out to my bedside table to turn the alarm off. Then I fell on my back once again with a sigh. There was no way to go back to sleep now.

 I heard some movement and looked to my left. Jimin was rubbing his sleepy eyes, wrapped in a blanket, his hair messy. 


“ Good morning”  I chuckled lightly at how cute he looked. He focused my gaze at me and smiled a little, which resulted in my heart skipping one or two beats.


“Good morning.”

He untangled himself from the blanket and sat on the bed, looking around.


“ Sorry for waking you up.” I lifted myself and sat across him.


“No problem” I felt like my heart was going to get sick from all the smiles he was giving me.

Not that I minded.

“Is it time for you to get ready to school?”


“Yeah… are you.. do you go to school too?”  I realized I actually didn’t know anything about him. I didn’t even know his age.


“No, fortunately I graduated already.”


“What about college?” I asked without thinking.


“I didn’t go to college.” His voice was suddenly very firm. He seemed to have tensed up, his smile slowly faded, his eyes looking somewhere on my right.

So maybe that’s why he fought with his father. , it was stupid of me to ask that question.


“Aigoo, I’m really hungry. Want to eat breakfast?” I asked with an overly-cheerful voice, trying to divert his attention from his thoughts.

It worked, he lifted his eyes again and I smiled reassuringly. I wanted him to know that I understood, he didn’t have to say anything more.


“I’ll be glad to” oh boy, I was really going to catch arrhythmia if he didn’t stop with these smiles.

But as I said, I was far from minding it.




I couldn’t really concentrate at anything at school. All I could think about was Jimin who was currently in my apartment, probably sitting on my sofa, watching my tv. It was just too amazing that he was there. I smiled every time  I remembered how cute he looked this morning. And every time I thought about his smile. Or his eyes. So basically, I was smiling like an idiot whole day, not paying attention to what was going on around me at all head filled with the pictures of Jimin that were saved there.

I wanted to make him smile more. To replace all the bad memories with new ones, filled with laughter and the feeling of being safe and appreciated. I wanted to help him fix himself.




I took a deep breath and opened the door to my apartment.  The lights were turned off.  I took off my shoes and went to the living room. He was not there. I checked the whole apartment, but with every room my heart sank deeper and deeper. He was nowhere to  be found.

So he really left.

The world started to get blurry as I felt tears gather in my eyes. I noticed a piece of paper on the table. I grabbed it. Through my teary eyes and in the dark apartment I could only decipher the last word, which was his signature. He even left a goodbye letter. I sunk to the floor along with my heart. Tears were streaming down my face.

 He was gone. And I was never going to see him again. Never to see his smile. I didn’t  even get to hear his laughter. There was just so much more that I wanted to know about him, to do with him… It was just unfair…


“Jungkook?” I heard from behind me and my heart fluttered. Was it my imagination? But it was followed by “Are you ok, Kookie?”

I quickly turned around. Surely, my imagination could not have been so vivid. Suddenly all the heavy sadness from just a second ago disappeared, replaced by relief that lightened my heart again.

Jimin dropped the plastic bag that he was holding on the table and lowered himself to hug me.


“Hey, don’t cry.” He muttered in my hair to calm me down. But that only brought the opposite result as I burst out with loud sobs, not able to stop the flow of tears. I didn’t really know why I cried, I just felt so safe in Jimin’s arms and all of my pent up emotions found their release so I did.

When I calmed down a little, Jimin pulled away.


“What happened, Kookie? Who made you cry so much, huh? Tell me and I will beat up the guy.” he asked  while caressing my hair.


“Y-you” I stuttered out through the last of my sobs. He looked rather stunned.




“I just… I thought that you left and I was n-never going so see you again.” I cut in. “I mean, I came back and the lights were turned off, and the rooms were all empty and you even left the goodbye note…”


“Jungkook, did you read that note carefully?”


“N-not really…” I didn’t have to, right?


“Well, that explains a lot” he smiled and ruffled my hair making it onto a mess. “Try reading it again.”


I took up the note that was fell on the floor in the process and started reading it aloud.

“Jungkookie, in case you come back before me,  I’m going to the market  because all I could find in your fridge was pizza and some milk. JIMIN.”

At first, my head just stayed empty.

 Then suddenly the realization hit me.


“So you just… went to the market…” I suddenly got hit with a wave of embarrassment. I stared at the floor.


“Yes, Kookie” I heard him answer.


“Oh…” my cheeks must’ve been seriously red at that moment. It was one of the rare  moments that I hated red.


And then Jimin started to laugh


I rapidly lifted my head, not caring about my face anymore. I didn’t want to miss any second of my first seeing Jimin laugh. I watched his eyes turning into crescents as he leaned his head back covering his mouth with the back of his hand.


I stared in wonder as the sound of his laughter filled my heart and watered the flower, making it grow yet another petal.



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mxv0109 #1
Chapter 8: tae you're the best creature anyone can have you can be a genius at times while you are basically an alien, I love you from the sun till Pluto.
thanks for the update jikook are soo cute, I just hope their parents won't stand in their way, stay strong jikook!!
ahood_bts #2
Chapter 8: omg tae , I love him so muchhhhh , he's my beautiful and handsome dork , he's so cuteeeeee for his own good ........
jikook are so cute , I ship them so bad , I hope their date will go well and they will enjoy , I love this fanfic so much , thanks for updating this beautiful chapter , you are the best
JiminxKookie #3
Chapter 8: This chapter was so cute and really amazing! Tae should be really paired up with someone in this story because he's becoming the third wheel
mxv0109 #4
Chapter 7: I just got back to earth and man I thought you died ages ago, anyways welcome back to life. I'm deeply sorry I forgot the plot and I had to read the whole thing again and man I'm deeply soooo in love with this story. they finally realized their feeling boy I was going to cry. and tae you dork you are soo cute for your own good I like you. thanks for updating *much lovex1000000*
ahood_bts #5
ahood_bts #6
Chapter 7: omggggg i'm so happy that you updated , I was waiting so long , I missed reading this fanfic , I want to thank u for updating two amazing and beautiful chapters *ugly screams and animal noises * , jimin and jungkook are really so cute together , i'm having a heart attack , tae is really the best , I love how he is full of energy all of the time , my husband is the coolest (tae) , I appreciate your writings , you have your own way of writing and I adore it , you are really special , I will always support u author-nim , HWAITING :) !!!! , JIKOOK FINALLY CONFESSED THEIR FEELINGS , I'M SCREAMING AND MAKING MY UGLY FACES , THE WAY THEY KISS, HUG , CUDDLE , IS REALLY CUTE , THEY'RE PERFECT TOGETHER , I'M SURE THAT JUNGKOOK WILL PROTECT JIMIN FROM HIS FATHER , BECAUSE HE LOVES HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD , I HOPE THEIR FAMILIES WOULD ACCEPT THEIR REALATONSHIP AS LOVERS , THEY DESERVE TO BE HAPPY , AND TO BE TOGETHER ,
ahood_bts #7
Chapter 5: plz don't be late and update quickly because the fan fic is so special
it's really so beautiful
update quickly plz
Chapter 5: awwee, its ok take all the time you need ^^
Maram_Bangtan #9
Chapter 4: You can't imagine how am feeling right now.. I'm so touched and grinning like an idiot here cuz like really this is too cute and fluffy...Anyways I read a lot of ur writings and I really liked ur style of writing so I wanted to thank you for this and HWAITING!!