I Killed Someone while Sleepwalking?

I Want To Die For You


“Riiinnnggg… Rriiiinnngggg…” Tae Yeon had awakened by her phone.

“Annyeonghaseyo, who’s speaking?”

“Tae Yeon-ssi, I did it again!!! This time I killed someone!” The voice from other side nervously said.

“Wait, wait, who are you? And you killed someone?” Tae Yeon was fully awakened by the caller comment.

“Is me, Hong Ki. I’d killed someone!” Hong Ki said it again.

“Mwo?? Where are you now?” Tae Yeon and Hong Ki had become good friend after a week of getting along.

“I’m in outside, your house’s outside.”

“Okay, wait a minute.” Tae Yeon quickly jumped out of her bed and cleaned herself before she went to meet Hong Ki.

“Tae Yeon-ssi, palli. I have to run before the cops get me.” Hong Ki opened the door for Tae Yeon to get in as he saw the short girl ran out from her house.

“Hong Ki-ssi, tell me in detail. Do you really kill someone? Do you hurt yourself too?” Tae Yeon got in the car. She was shocked to see Hong Ki’s shirt full with blood.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know. Last night after I sent you home, I head straight back to my house. Before I could walk in the door, the headache came again and I lost conscious again. When I woke up this morning, I found out that I’m in a strange place and… and there… there is a body lay beside me, with blood covering his body. I… I don’t know what to do; my intuition told me that I have to run away from the scene quickly, so I ran outside the place and get in my car. The only person I can thought of that can help me is you.” Hong Ki put his hand on his face and tears fell down as he remembered the dead body.

“Hong Ki-ssi, Hong Ki-ssi, I understand your situation but I think you better go and report to the police. I promise you that I will help you with all I can, so believe me. Run away would not help you in this, it would only make you more suspected, going as the killer planned.” Tae Yeon grabbed Hong Ki’s arm and put it down from his face to make him face her.

“But… but I don’t want to get behind the bars. I’m innocent, I didn’t kill that guy, I did nothing wrong…… at least as I remember.” Hong Ki was afraid that the truth was against him. He might kill that man when he lost conscious, although he did not know how he might do it but there was some possibility on that.

“Hong Ki-ssi, I believe in you. I know you didn’t kill that guy on your own will, so you won’t be in jail forever.” Tae Yeon shook Hong Ki’s hand a bit to show that he would be alright.

“A…ar…arasso, but make sure that I would be alright because I only believe in you.” Hong Ki felt that Tae Yeon was right in this, so he gave up on his decision of running away.


“Sir, this way please.” A uniform police leaded Mr Kim to the building.

“Another weird case again… Haizzz…” Mr Kim shook his head.

“Good morning, Mr Kim. You always the late one to reach.” Dr Hoe jokingly said as he checked on the body. Hong Ki went to surrender at police station, accompanied by Tae Yeon, and Hong Ki brought the police to the crime scene again.

“What to do? I’m in the way sending my kids to school when I receive the call. Back to the case, what is the COD?” Mr Kim asked.

“There are few brush marks on his chest and I guess it is cause by torture but all of that were not the real causes of death. This is the real cause.” Dr Hoe pointed on the victim’s left chest. “It is cause by a three to five inch long sharp metal like knife or something similar. It cut straight into the aorta and cause the victim to lose a lot of blood and die few moment later.” Dr Hoe continued.

“As you can see, because of the cut on the aorta, the bloodstains formed what we call the arterial spurting pattern are all over the left wall, so we can conclude that the victim was standing facing the left wall when he is japed by the killer. And also from the bloodstain, we can see that there is a huge missing spot in the central of the stain, this is because the killer is standing in front of the victim. We also can see that the killer was about 175cm to 180cm, calculate from the missing spot in the stain.” Taecyeon continued explaining.

“Sir, based on the identification card in his wallet, the victim name is Kim Sung Min, 32 years old and this is his home. We also found that he is the Marketing Department’s head of Tae Min Cold Food Delivery Enterprise, same company as our suspect, Lee Hong Ki.” Kyu Hyun added.

“There is no any sign of the house was being search through and the house’s items were all in the original place, no any sign of replacement had been done recently.” Yong Hwa joined in.


“Seo Hyun-ssi, nice to meet you again. We might need your help again this time. The suspect is now inside the questioning room.” Mr Kim greeted the psychologist.

“Annyeonghaseyo Mr Kim. It is my honoured to be able to help you in this case.” Seo Hyun bowed to the older man.

“Come in please.” Mr Kim led the girl into the room next to the questioning room.

“Do you have any misunderstanding and argument with the victim, Kim Sung Min-ssi before?” Kyu Hyun asked.

“The truth is we did. We always have a lot of arguments since the day he entered the marketing department because he is my strongest opponent in fighting for the next Vice President. Last week we just have our ‘weekly’ argument in the weekly meeting.” Hong Ki said as his hand supporting his forehead.

“So, you hate him so much that you end up killing him, right? Lee Hong Ki-ssi.” Shin Dong asked in a high tone.

“No, no. I told you a lot of time already, I didn’t kill Sung Min-ssi. I know what I’m saying now is not that persuasive but please believe me that I really didn’t kill anyone.”

“We won’t believe that you did or didn’t kill only by your words, we only believe in what the evident say.” Kyu Hyun coolly answered.

“I told you that I lost conscious when the murder happened, so I shouldn’t be the killer. I don’t know how I ended in the scene but I really didn’t kill Sung Min-ssi.” Hong Ki persuaded again.

“Do you telling me that you have kind of sleepwalking and kill the person you hate the most?” Shin Dong asked again.

“I didn’t mean so, but I really didn’t know how I ended up there after I lost conscious.” Hong Ki put his head down on the table.

“Alright then, you will stay here for another 42 hours.” Kyu Hyun packed his file and walked out from the room, following by Shin Dong, leaving Hong Ki alone in the room.

“Seo Hyun eonni, do you think the guy telling the truth?” Hara turned to Seo Hyun as Kyu Hyun went out from the next room.

“I can’t tell it so quickly, I still need to observe him more before I could conclude that he is really telling the truth or lying but until now I still didn’t see any sign of him telling a lie.” Seo Hyun explained.

“Seo Hyun eonni, do you know that Tae Yeon eonni is here too?” Hara asked.

“Aniyo, why is eonni here?” Seo Hyun gave Hara a surprise look.

“Tae Yeon eonni was with the suspect to surrender just now in the morning. They seem to be quite close, don’t you know about this?” Hara explained.

“Aniyo, I don’t know about this but I did hear that she got a new case recently, so I think this suspect is her new client.” Seo Hyun shook her head.


“Hyunnie, why are you here?” Tae Yeon was shocked to see Seo Hyun appear in from of her.

“I have been called to help them to check if the suspect telling lies. And why eonni is here?” Seo Hyun purposely asked even she already knew the reason.

“Hong Ki-ssi is my client and he came to find me this morning before he came to surrender himself. Hyunnie, I believe in him that he didn’t kill the victim. He’s innocent, please help him.” Tae Yeon gripped Seo Hyun’s hand.

“Eonni, why are you so sure that this suspect didn’t lie to you? He’s just your client, why are you believed in him so much?” Seo Hyun asked again.

“Hyunnie, I have been with Hong Ki-ssi, following him around almost 18 hours a day for about a week already and from what I can tell is he is not the kind of person could kill someone. And he never lies.” Tae Yeon answered confidently.

“Eonni, do you know about his illness? He said that he may suddenly lost conscious and wake up in other place,” Seo Hyun stopped a second to get a nod from Tae Yeon. “This is the sign of MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder. It meant that beside his normal personality, there are still some other personality may or may not similar personality with his host personality inside his mind. The other personality might be a totally different person from the host and it is a totally different person from what you have known, when the other personality took over the body.” Seo Hyun continued.

“But… but it’s not him who killed the guy even that it was done by his other personality inside him, right? The real Hong Ki-ssi doesn’t know about the murder done by his other personality, so he is innocent.” Tae Yeon still believed that Hong Ki that she got to know in this week long was not the killer.

“I can’t say 100% that he is not the killer because he might be lying everyone including you, eonni. He might use you as his strong evident that he got this illness, but in the real he is totally normal. Start from he entered your office, he was acting as a week, caring and lovely person for eonni to believe that he is not the kind of person who could kill someone else. When he achieved his goal by killing his enemy, he went back to eonni with his acting again.” Seo Hyun did not want to exclude any possibility as that was actually what she needed to do.

“I can assure you that the thing that I say is the truth. If you don’t want to help Hong Ki-ssi to prove that he is innocent, I will do it myself!” Tae Yeon was stubborn in her believe. She walked out from the station, leaving the team and Seo Hyun behind.



“Thank you for the assistance, Secretary Jung. We might need your further assistance in the future” Jung Shin and Yong Hwa bowed a bit to the nicely dress woman.

“I’m glad to be able to help you in the investigation. I hope you could quickly catch the murderer of my boss.” Secretary Jung bowed back to them.

“We will try our best to get that murderer. Thank you again.” Yong Hwa said before he and Jung Shin walk out from the office and get into their car, drove back to police station.

“Hyung, can I ask you one thing?” Jung Shin suddenly asked.

“What is it?” Yong Hwa answered, without turning to face Jung Shin.

“You know Seo Hyun-ssi is coming to the station today, right? Why do you still volunteer to come with me? What happened between you two after the day you went drunk?” Jung Shin turned to face Yong Hwa. These questions were roaming in his mind since this morning.

“I know she will come to the station today but that doesn’t have anything to do with I want to come with you; it is two different things. And nothing happened between me and Seo Hyun-ssi before or after that day.” Yong Hwa coldly answered.

“Hyung, don’t lie to me. Although I might look crazy sometime but I’m good in observing people. I’m very sure that there is something happened between you two and just now you’re lying.” Jung Shin fought back.

“I… I didn’t lie, what I said just know is all true.” Yong Hwa coughed as he got caught on spot. It is true that he come with Jung Shin was to avoid Seo Hyun, although he didn’t really know why he was doing this, maybe he was embarrassed when he showed his weak side to Seo Hyun that day.

“Your cough has betrayed you, hyung. What’s the problem, hyung?” Jung Shin asked again.

“Nothing special.” Yong Hwa ignored the question.


“Annyeong, everything was happened as planning. The only thing is I didn’t expect is he would turn himself in. Ye, ye, I will take control of him and I’ll make sure that everyone believe in his words and this case will be closed without any strong prove. Ye, ye, I will make sure that your name will not appear in the testimony. Ye, ye, kamsahanibda for prepare this perfect plan of murder to get rid of my strongest opponent. Hahaha!!!” There was one dark figure in a dark room, talking through the phone. Both party in the phone ended with an evil laugh as their plan was working perfectly.



A/N: Hello there, how is this new chapter? I'm sorry for not much of YongSeo time and i hope that you all will understand me.

So, is Hong Ki the killer or there is other killer? guess guess guess...

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I like this story with the detective style.. Hehhee
But The interaction between SeoKyu is so less :(
Sis,can u write a fanfic that has Jiyeon and Jungshin as lead role for me?:D
EvilMaknae-ah #3
당신의 사랑 이야기다.
This is my first fanfiction I ever read and I'm in love instantly..! What I love are
They still like theirself (cool, nice, caring Yong Hwa and innocent, pure Seohyun) with a brand new refreshing story (beside their loveable story at WGM). You successfully put yongseo into the story with the best way And also I'm so amazed with how you could write the cases they're not boring at all..

Hoping your another great FF is on the line zack ! I'm soooo craving for it ;)
Nice ff and i like minsun couple , their so cute..
hannahcao89 #6
aaaaaaa, miss you zack~~~ re run your story now kekeke....a habit is so hard to give up T_T<br />
come back soon dear! I'm waiting.<br />
zack_89 #7
@Bluelovespring, @wee_dee, @nnazihah, @tthnguyen: thank you for the comment and glad that you like it. ^^
tthnguyen #8
Nice story!!! *thumbs up* <br />
I only finished the story today cuz I was capped so yeah.. hihihihihi
Awesome story!! Love the ending. ❤❤
zack_89 #10
@hannahcao89: Thank you for the long comment. I'll start writing a new story if my schedule is not that pack after my school start and I am thinking to post it here again because I miss all readers here and miss your long comment too. So, take care of yourself too and make sure be there when my new story is up(hopefully I can make it!!!) :)<br />
<br />
@zybeel: Thank you for your comment. Glad that you like it. :)