Chapter 1

From Romania with Love


Why did I even think it was a good idea? Baekhyun thought to himself as he stood in front of the city map, trying to find the best way out of this, clearly in vain. He should hurry, because there was no time. They must have long realised that he was not in that bathroom anymore.

He adjusted the big hat on his head, making sure that it covered his face in shade. Who was he kidding? There was no possibility of blending with the crowd here, definitely not in this country. Even though the complexion wasn’t so much of a problem, his eyes gave him away immediately. How many wanted Korean men walked around Bucharest at his hour? It was a matter of minutes, maybe even seconds, before somebody spotted him and became suspicious. The men who were looking for him had surely notified the news channels at once. They couldn’t risk losing him.

The realisation pulled him out of his grim thoughts and he decided to follow the stream of people he saw ahead. At first opportunity, he turned to a less busy street and looked around. It was indeed less crowded, but still felt safe. With no luggage on him but his messenger bag, it was easier for him to move. Too bad he didn’t know where to.

He took out his guide book and carefully examined the map inside. Great. There was only so much he could plan in this moment. Back in Korea, he had had vivid visions of himself escaping from the airport and strolling around, immersing himself in the atmosphere of the city, leisurely visiting museums and squares. He could do just that but he suddenly didn’t feel like it; more importantly, it didn’t even feel possible. He felt too overwhelmed, the tension made him sat down on the nearby bench and look around in awe.

Then the realisation dawned on him: it was the first time he was alone outside of his prison, one made of love and worries, but a prison nevertheless. He had never had a chance to get on a bus, much less directly interact with a stranger. He smiled to himself. Even if they caught him right now, he wouldn’t have any regrets. He could relive this feeling until his dying days.

 He exhaled deeply and tried to focus, this time properly. It couldn’t be that difficult, he was smart. He had made it this far. He had gone to the toilet, he had opened the upper window, he had squeezed himself through it like his life depended on this one effort (which it kind of did) and he had run, run and run, then jumped onto the first bus he saw. The one that apparently took him to the capital, where he wanted to go. He didn’t buy a ticket but nobody checked it. He was lucky. He just hoped that wasn’t the end of it because he knew he would badly need the odds on his side during the rest of this… Trip. Trip was the safest word.

He looked around suspiciously but nobody as much as spared him a glance. It was good, he couldn’t draw attention. He had to find an exchange office first because he needed the Romanian money fast. It was called RON. Or was it? Maybe it was just an abbreviation. He didn’t care at all in that moment, he just wanted to get rid of the stash of won he kept in his bag. He had saved it, little by little. For an occasion like this one.

He should have escaped when he was in Japan, he at least knew some Japanese – his mother insisted that he would need it in the future. However, that plan had failed completely because the bathroom window on Narita just wouldn’t open. He had tears in his eyes when he realised it just wasn’t going to work.

 Better Romania than nothing. He opened his guide book on the last page and although he had no idea how to ask, he miraculously found a page with words that pretty much meant “Exchange office”. He tried them out a few times, they felt weird on his tongue but he couldn’t afford to dwell on it much longer. Of course, it was a foreign language, one he had never heard before. Suddenly everyone was speaking it. He felt dizzy.

He intended to approached the first person that would appear within his sight but upon noticing his intentions, the woman sped up. Of course, he sighed. He was an Asian foreigner, sitting on the pavement, looking like he was up to no good. He had tried several times, but only one person actually stopped to try and explain the way to him. In the end, he just nodded and smiled, and the older man walked away, wishing him good luck. Baekhyun’s smile faltered immediately because he had no idea what the other just said.

What could be the most typical place in which an exchange office could be found? Baekhyun wished he had checked it on the internet. He couldn’t have predicted that he would have problems even with the simplest tasks. The boy had never seen an exchange office, after all. He didn’t know where to go so he decided to look for the nearest bank – the natural association with money coming to mind. There should be somebody there willing to help him.

Following the logic of the whole madness, he went back to where he came from. The street looked long enough. He would just have to walk until he spotted something that resembled a bank.

It was only then that Baekhyun noticed the dramatic difference between Seoul and Bucharest. The city was nowhere near as modern or colourful as his hometown but definitely had its charm. He had read a bit about its history – books being his only window to grasp at least a tiny bit of truth and reality. He loved them so much, read everything that he was allowed to. But confronted with the real image, Baekhyun suddenly understood that they actually suffocated him. Reading a book about a place you couldn’t visit was like a promise of being given a mint candy – you liked it until you realized there were so many other, more pleasant flavours. And Baek never wanted to go back to the mint flavour again.

There it was! In that old building on the corner, on the other side of the road. He spotted a pedestrian crossing. He would be crossing a street for the first time in his life. He felt like crying in excitement. He knew Sehun would laugh at him but it wasn’t Sehun that was locked inside all day long but Baekhyun. And it was Baekhyun who escaped for the first time in his life. And probably the last, but before the bitterness got the best of him, he decided to enjoy everything while he could. Until now, it had always been Baekhyun listening to Sehun’s stories of clubs and parties and holidays he took with his family and girlfriend. This time, it would be Sehun listening to his experiences.

That is, if they ever let him see Sehun again.

He approached the semaphore and stopped. It was red. Then somebody passed him and crossed the road in a quick motion. Baekhyun looked up, surprised. He was the only one standing still, how could it be? Of course, there were no cars in sight but it was still red light. Nobody seemed to care, though. Was this how he was supposed to behave? Was red green and green was red? It was his first time in Europe, he had no idea about the customs.

If so, he would just have to do the same. There wasn’t anyone left by his side anymore so he hesitantly advanced and took three steps ahead. Then he heard a horn, so loud it nearly deafened him. He turned to the right, gasping. And…




It was a good day, Chanyeol thought in passing as he hit the brake and lost control of the steering wheel, it was a ing great day until I had to run over a person. It all happened so fast he had no time to react.

Chanyeol had left the company building in which he had spend the past two years working. The takeover was complete and successful at last – Samsung was properly introduced into the Romanian market and Yeol flattered himself that it was partially because of him. He’d had this crazy idea, he dedicated his time and sacrificed his everything to come here and do it. He had left everything behind, even his boyfriend. After two years, he now understood that the relationship had been suffocating him all along, and a part of Chanyeol had jumped at the chance of a transfer in hopes of getting out of it permanently.

This morning, he had gathered his things from the office, heard some more “goodbyes” and received some more farewell gifts. His job here was really done.

There was nothing more to do. All of his immediate belongings were placed in his car and the rest he had sent home a week before. He vacated his flat on the 4th floor. In seven days, he would be flying back to Korea, first time in two years.

He had mixed feelings about it. He did keep in touch with his mother and occasionally with some of his friends but he wasn’t sure how it would work out with his father. They would probably have to be reacquainted, because Chanyeol certainly didn’t know him anymore. He wondered if his father had ever felt proud of him.

 Chanyeol would laugh at anyone who said that parental pressure was a nonexistent problem in modern Korea. If anything, it had probably worsened over the past 30 years, with the monarchy having being reinstalled. Now the parents of ordinary teenagers have somebody to look up to for guidance, he thought with irony.

Caught up with his thoughts and plans for the next seven days, he only spotted the man in the middle of his way when it was too late.




‘Are you ok?!’ He managed to make it out of the car, shouting at the boy in front of the car, but it was more out of worry than anger. It was just a boy. The Asian boy in front of him looked terrified, as he was still squatting, his head covered by his arms in protection. More people gathered as he approached the other.

Thank god the car stopped on time.

‘Are you all right? Are you hurt?’ He repeated in English. He never bothered to learned anything more than “Good morning” in Romanian. He was never good at languages, anyway.

The person in front of him stood up, legs shaking and revealed his face. Chanyeol noticed that although the aura around him was undoubtedly boyish, there was nothing of a boy in him anymore. He was tall, his hair cut neatly. But his lips still trembled and his eyes looked around frantically, as if trying to comprehend something.

‘I-I…’ He started with a very accented English, before mumbling to himself in his mother tongue: ‘I thought it was what they did in Europe…’

‘한국 사람이세요?’ Chanyeol asked in exasperation.

‘네…’ There was a shy reply, followed by a of the lips. He was nervous.

‘Look, are you hurt?’ Chanyeol asked gentler, this time in Korean. The other shook his head. ‘Come to the side, I need to remove the car.’

‘Să sun la poliţie..? Police?’ One of the men gathered asked them in Romanian, before reflecting and repeating the word in English. The businessman shook his head vehemently.

‘Nu, mulţumesc.’ That was the limit of his Romanian. He didn’t want to involve the police. If the victim was in fact all right, it would save both of them a lot of time and paperwork. He turned to the younger again.‘Stand on the pavement, I will just park my car over there, ok?’ The other only nodded and did as he was told. Only his legs gave out on him and he landed on his on the pavement yet again, a pure shock visible on his face. Chanyeol sighed. He hoped he could resolve the situation soon enough.


‘What were you thinking, crossing the road on the red light?’ Chanyeol asked, pushing one of the cups across the table to the man seated in front of him.

‘I-I… I saw people crossing. I thought this is how they do it here.’ The other gulped, not acknowledging the tea.

‘You… .’ Chanyeol let out a chuckle of disbelief. ‘You thought they cross streets on the red light here?’

‘Well, they did. I saw them.’ The younger’s colour returned and his face became redder. Out of annoyance or confusion, Chanyeol didn’t know.

‘Of course they do. They also do it in Italy, Portugal and Spain. In pretty much every place where they are careless and want to get killed. I nearly ran you over.’

‘I’ve never been to any of those countries….’

‘You’ve never…’ Chanyeol stopped half way. This was outrageous. ‘Look, what’s your name?’


‘I’m Chanyeol. Look, Baekhyun, you should be more careful. No matter whether you’ve gone to Italy or not, it is common sense not to cross the street when it’s forbidden to do so. You must have seen it like thousands of times in Korea as well. So from now on, it’s just safe to assume that everything here works the same as in Korea. Believe me, the logic of things on this continent remains the same.’

It’s just that Baek hadn’t seen much of Korean streets in his life. He bit his lip. Not getting any response, Yeol sighed and started from a different angle.

‘I am in the middle of something and I happen to be already late.’


‘I’m going to Brasov to meet friends.’ Chanyeol didn’t even know why he felt the need to explain. It’s like this pair of innocent eyes was constantly assessing him. Yes, Baekhyun’s look was full of something one would call naivety. He marvelled at everything he saw - streets, cars, people – and it didn’t escape Chanyeol’s attention even though he knew him for 15 minutes. Maybe he was still a child after all. ‘Are you sure you are ok? Because I need to go. I can leave you my number, if there is anything wrong with you, you can call me. Ok?’ Chanyeol took out a name card from his jacket’s inner pocket and placed it on the table.

‘Oh.’ Baekhyun repeated again before standing up. ‘I’m really sorry.’ He bowed ninety degrees, which made Chanyeol incredibly embarrassed. ‘Let me pay for your tea.’ Before the older had time to react, he put his bag on top of the table and opened it freely, looking for all the cash he had brought with himself. Chanyeol saw the multiple notes lying haphazardly in it and gasped. He stood up immediately and closed the bag’s cover, Baekhyun’s hands still inside.

‘What are you doing?! Where did you get so much money from?!’ He whispered, looking around, even though they was a slim chance of anyone understanding them. The shorter shrugged, not sure what triggered the reaction.

‘I saved it for this journey. Look, I have…’ He tried to open it again which only made Yeol push the cover even stronger.

‘Don’t. Come with me. Let’s go to the car.’ He placed a couple of notes next to his untouched cup of coffee and grabbed Baekhyun by his arm. The younger followed, still not getting anything.

They entered the vehicle and sat down. There was a heavy silence for a minute or two. Chanyeol tried to gather his thoughts while Baekhyun just sat there blinking, completely surprised, observing everything that was going on the street.

‘You’re not a thief, are you?’ The businessman finally asked, breathing out slowly. Baekhyun shook his head frantically. ‘Where do you have all this money from?’

‘I told you, I’ve been saving. I needed money for when I… when I want to travel.’ Baekhyun gulped and his lips again. He hoped it was good enough. His teacher always said that he was a terrible liar.

‘Ok, so all of this is in won?’ A single nod. ‘Why are you keeping it like this and why haven’t you exchange it for dollars back home? It would be so much easier for you.’

‘I…’ Baekhyun’s lips made a small “o”, unable to explain. Dollars? He thought one couldn’t pay in dollars in Romania. ‘Can you pay in dollars in Romania?’

‘Of course not.’ Chanyeol was by now past the state of surprise at the other’s responses. ‘It would be easier for you to exchange it for lei. No one here will exchange won for you.’

‘Oh.’ Baekhyun’s dreams were crashed with this one sentence. He never thought of that.

‘Yeah.’ Chanyeol confirmed, eyeing him sceptically. ‘You said you were travelling. Where is your bag?’

‘…I’ve lost it.’

‘…You’ve lost it.’ Chanyeol raised his eyebrows. ‘You’ve lost it how..?’

‘At the airport.’ That was technically true. His bag stayed with one of the people following him.

‘You mean they have lost it in transit?’

‘Exactly.’ Baekhyun confirmed, exhaling inaudibly. So far so good.

‘So what are you planning to do?’

‘I…’ That was a trickier question. He had no reply to that.

Chanyeol sighed. Why did he even care? He should have just made sure that the other was unharmed and gone his own way. But seeing how helpless the man was, Chanyeol knew that his conscience wouldn’t have left him alone. This man was bound to be mugged first thing he walked away. He didn’t even keep a wallet.

‘Ok. It’s not really my business but since the situation is like that, I will help you. I can take some of the won you have and give you lei instead. Is that ok?’


‘…Romanian money. They call it lei.’

‘They call it RON in my book.’ Baekhyun spelled, frowning. Chanyeol decided not to respond to that, still in awe that such a person could exist.

‘Look, RON, lei, whatever. Is that ok?’

‘Can you take me to where you’re going, instead?’              


‘Please, take me to where you are going. Is it far away? I want to see it.’ Baekhyun pleaded, desperate.

There was a hell of a conflict going on in this Baekhyun’s head, Chanyeol decided, looking at him unsurely. Was it some kind of ploy to trick and rob him? But the confused tourist’s appearance couldn’t be fake. It was too naïve to be feigned.

‘I guess I could. Brasov is a wonderful city, after all. Are you sure that you’re not going to wait for your bag in Bucharest?’

‘Absolutely sure.’ Baekhyun nodded. That was his way out. They would never guess he did that… what was it called..? This… Oh. Hitch hiking.

‘I guess that’s the least I can do for you.’ Chanyeol mumbled, even though the whole accident wasn’t his fault to begin with.



The drive took around two hours and a half, and by the end of the journey Chanyeol’s head seemed even more messed up than before. How could such a person exist in this world?

They got in and Chanyeol’s phone started ringing. Baekhyun looked at it with envy and said that he had never had one until recently. He wasn’t really sure how to operate anything, either, save for the camera application.

Chanyeol turned the radio on and Baekhyun immediately turn it off, pointing out that it’s better to put a CD on since neither of them could understand anything.

He demanded that Chanyeol stop on a random cold shoulder and approached a cow standing nearby, and Chanyeol had to rescue him immediately because it was in fact a large bull. Baekhyun said that it was his first time seeing the animal from such a short distance.

Maybe he’s mental, Chanyeol decided, observing him from the corner of his eye. That would explain why he has never seen the world. He’s crazy.

Upon arrival to their destination, they stopped at one of the parking spaces along the main street. It was a miracle Chanyeol found it because all of them were always taken. He spotted his friends by the coffee shop and they noticed him in the same moment. They paid quickly and approached him.

‘Chanyeol! You’re- And who is this?’ Minseok frowned, noticing the stranger. It picked his curiosity in an instant.

‘Yes, Chanyeol, who is this?’ Luhan winked suggestively, patting him on the shoulder. Chanyeol grimaced.

‘Nothing of this sort. It’s a long story.’

‘We have time. I’m Wu Yifan, by the way.’ The last of Chanyeol’s friends outstretched his hand towards Baekhyun and the other took it.

‘I’m Baekhyun.’

‘Nice to meet you, Baekhyun. I’m Minseok.’

‘Luhan.’ The taller waved in his direction.

‘I’m hungry.’ Baekhyun admitted out loud after a moment of silent staring around. It had been ages since he had that breakfast on the plane and it was already late afternoon.

‘Well, there is Golden Deer two minutes away, on the main square. Chanyeol, what about you?’

‘Yeah, I could probably use a meal.’

The story was explained in a nutshell, conclusion drawn before the waiter brought menus with him. They all ordered polenta and eggs and Baekhyun did the same, even though he had no idea what it was. He hadn’t reached the food section in his guide book yet.

‘It’s made of corn. You’ll like it.’ Yifan ordered for them; he was the only one who knew the language – he had spent the past five years in the country.

‘So, Baekhyun, that’s a really eventful day and you’ve just landed here. Do you have any plans?’ Minseok asked immediately.

‘Minseok is a writer, he will make a story out of you.’ Luhan tsked and Minseok just smiled sheepishly. ‘But a darn good one, I guarantee.’ They smiled at each other fondly, before holding hands on the table.

‘It’s love.’ Baekhyun smiled, looking at their hands. Everyone at the table laughed.

‘It’s love.’ Minseok confirmed, before pressing his lips to the palm that he was holding in a light kiss. Luhan grinned proudly.

‘I’ve only seen it in movies. The old American ones.’

Baek’s parents were not exactly affectionate with each other. The pressure was too great. Sometimes Baekhyun watched them, too caught up in their stiff roles and millions of rules that they had to follow. But then again, they had already behaved like this before he was born. He only ever remembered them that way.

‘So do you have any idea what you’re going to do next?’ Yifan encouraged again, toying with his napkin. He was eyeing Baekhyun with interest.

‘No. I just have a bag full of money that I can’t use here.’ Baekhyun sighed miserably. ‘And I also have nothing to wear.’

‘We will solve the money problem.’ Chanyeol reassured, sighing as well. It was all absolutely crazy. But he nearly choked on his tongue when he heard the next words coming out of Luhan’s mouth.

‘If you don’t have any plans, you can come camping with our group.’

‘I’ve never been camping.’ Baekhyun eagerly responded, his face glowing and lips making that “o” shape again.

‘Luhan.’ Chanyeol cut in sharply, making a waving move with his head. They both stood up, the older quite reluctantly, and they were soon followed by Yifan and Minseok.

‘You can’t seriously invite a guy whom I know for four hours! It was supposed to be our trip, remember? Just the four of us, reliving university times.’

‘Chanyeol. This man – this boy – is here alone. Lost. You brought him here, of all places. If anything you say about him is true, he will die here alone. He really needs our help. I can see it in his eyes, he will believe anyone he meets. He followed you here without as much as a question. How gullible must he be?’

‘He is still a stranger.’ Chanyeol reasoned.

‘I already like him. There is no harm in taking him along. He’s not unpleasant – quite on the contrary. He will not take up much space and will probably make this trip more interesting than we think. Just look at how enthusiastic he is.’

‘I still don’t like it…’

‘The moment he meets one of those gipsy women lurking around the main square, he will be left with nothing.’ Luhan warned.

Chanyeol knew that. As much as he didn’t want to be judgmental, the stereotype had became a reality that he witnessed far too often.

‘What do you guys think?’ Luhan asked the rest, standing next to them silently.

‘I think he’s ok. I’m in.’ Minseok offered and Chanyeol sighed. Of course.

‘Yifan?’ Chanyeol asked hopefully. Maybe his friend would have more common sense, he usually did. The said friend turned and looked at Baekhyun for a moment before he said:

‘We can take him. I think we will be doing him a great favour.’


A/N: Regular updates guaranteed because this story has been finished for a long time. I know, I'm also surprised.

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Chapter 5: This story was sooo good!!! I'm impressed! I love the characters and the storyline, it all fit so nicely. And I really liked Baekhyun's personality when he was so soft and then the next moment he held so much authority. Prince Baekhyun is so nice ㅠㅠ and his 'adventure' in another country was so fun, almost getting hit by a car, going with a stranger and spending a good time with his friends. I adore the way they all immediately liked him and that they became close so quickly- and how chanbaek started liking each other~ I'm really satisfied with the ending and the fact that Baekhyun's father has gotten softer. By the way Baekhyun made it seem before I was kinda dreading his reaction, but I'm really happy how it all turned out! What a lovely story, so well written and portrayed. My heart feels content. Thank you so much for this ❤❤❤
affinityy #2
Chapter 4: MY HEART
affinityy #3
Chapter 2: This is so soft, I’m in love !!
sparkler12 #4
Chapter 5: this is so cute!! i love it.
xihui_shin #5
Chapter 5: Goshhhh This was just so romantic omggg XD Idk but this is persuading me to run away and find a lover in Romania too!
happyabc #7
Chapter 5: Romania sounds dreamy and romantic. This story a la 'Roman Holiday' style was so satisfying and beautiful for me. I love the happy ending we never got in the movie and the way Baekhyun's father came through at the end. How noble and brave that was. Simply divine. Thank you.
Chapter 5: ;0; uhhhhh that was so good. Such a nice read, I loved it. ♥️
Justiebaby #9
Nice work