Don't Freak Out

Something Like Love
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By the end of class, I was being glared at by every single girl.

"Yah Sora," one of them said standing up from her seat and walking over once the teacher left. I sighed because she was being incredibly rude right now and I wasn't about to give her the time of day.

I didn't even answer as I took one of my books out and started reading to shut her out. "Yah," she said again smacking her gum. That was really bothering me but I wasn't about to acknowledge her.

"Yah yah. I'm talking to you. You know," she said tapping my desk. Everyone in the class had their attention towards me and her. I just wanted to disappear because I really didn't want to deal with her.

Sighing again, I closed my book and stared at her straight in the eyes.


"Excuse me? Is that how you're going to respond to me?" she said as if offended. Yeah, right she was the one being rude first.

"Well... I don't remember when we were so friendly to drop honorifics? So I thought..." I shrugged. I heard some "oohs" and "ahhs"

She twisted her hair before looking towards me as she popped her gum and bent down a little.

"Look... do us both a favor and switch seats with me. Huh?"

I just blankly stared at her. Why would she think that I would switch seats with her? Just because Jungkook was sitting next to me?

"Why would she?" Jungkook spoke up this time shocking not just me but everyone else in the class.

"I-I mean..." she paused to recollect her thoughts. "I'm sure she doesn't want to sit next to you right Sora? She's been by herself this whole time. I do believe you don't want to sit next to a loser either. So I just thought..." the girl said sweetly to Jungkook. I felt like was about to puke. Like seriously that girl was seriously two faced and she wasn't even classy at all.

"You thought wrong. I don't want to sit next you. I'm fine with her next to me. So if you don't mind..." he said shooing her away. She looked at him rather offended.


"Go. Away..." Jungkook leaned forward as he squinted his eyes a little. "Kim. Na. Li.," he said reading her name tag. She huffed and stomped her foot before glaring at me and walking... more like twitching her way back to her seat.

"Thanks," I quietly said.

"No problem," he just smirked before stretching out his rather long limbs.

I was about to open my book when he started to speak "You know," he stretched his arms. "You need to learn how to stand up for yourself. You can't just let people step all over you,"

I sighed a little. "Story of my life. I just don't care anymore really," I said honestly. What was I doing? I was actually talking to him. I never talked to just anyone.

"Why don't you care anymore?" he asked. He seemed genuinely curious but maybe I was over thinking it.

"I just don't," I shrugged. I really didn't want to talk. If I barely talked to Na Eun what made him think I was about to talk to him?

He chuckled a little.

"You know that actually makes me more curious about you," he said leaning onto his desk.

My eyes widened in shock.

"What why?" I'm dead if he starts liking me because it's obvious that Na Eun is already head-over-heels for him and she just met him yesterday!

"I don't know. You have this mysterious aura around you," he chuckled.

"You're joking," I deadpanned as I opened up my book and was about to start reading when he interrupted me, again.

"I'm being serious right now," he looked at me straight in the eyes.  I gulped a little because I didn't really understand what was going on. He smirked a little

"Hmm... I wonder why J-"

Suddenly the next teacher came in.

"Hello class," she greeted as she set her book down on the podium. I looked over to Jungkook who straightened out and was ready to start the next class. I started to grow curious as to what he was about to say.


Once it was lunch time, he was one of the first one to bolt out of the classroom.

I wonder what's his hurry.

I went towards the lockers to wait for Na Eun before going towards the cafeteria.

After waiting roughly five minutes she finally showed up.

"Sorry, our P.E teacher let us out late today," she breathed as she put her arm through mine and we started walking towards the cafeteria.

"How was P.E?" I asked. I rarely ever ask but since I have so much on my mind at the moment, I thought that this was the best way to distract myself.

"Hmmm... it was the same really. Why? You never ask," she said already catching me red handed. I sighed because she seriously knew me.

"Nothing. I was just curious," I lied.

"You're never curious. Now spill," she said as we got the line.

Again... caught red-handed.

"Well... if I tell you won't freak out right?" I asked.

"Hmm... I don't know. It depends what it's about,"

"Let's get out food first," I said quickly.

"Fine," she rolled her eyes.

We grabbed our trays and started getting some food. We decided to head out to our usual spot outside.

We set our trays on the table and sat down.

"Now what is it that you're going to tell? Or rather don't want me to freak out about,"

"Did you hear about a new student transferring to our school?"

"Oh my god. You actually know what's going on in the school," she snickered.

"Yah I'm being serious,"

"Alright alright jeez. Continue,"

"Well... the new student is Jungkook," I said waiting for her response. Her eyes were wide and she wasn't uttering a single word.

"He's what?" she finally said.

"B-But he made it seem

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Hi, everyone! I'm going to be editing the story before I do an actual update. I want to read the story again and edit a few things so everything makes sense before I get ahead of myself.


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Getpikachutoread #1
Chapter 5: Wow. This is great! Can't wait! Please update
Jiminnieluv #2
Chapter 4: What will happen next???!!!!
Taengoo49 #3
Chapter 4: wow this is very good
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!
nisaelhoneey #4
Chapter 2: this is so good