Run In

Something Like Love
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.The Following Monday...

I knew that Na Eun was crazy over Jungkook although they literally just met, this girl is the biggest embarrassment in my entire life. Not even my siblings are this embarrassing.

"I can't believe you," I said as we walked towards the school.

"What? I didn't do anything," she blushed. She knew! She obviously knew and she didn't want to admit it. She knows that the guys may or may not look at us the same. It's her fault she tinted my image.

I blushed slightly at the thought of Jimin but I quickly pushed that thought away. He didn't mean anything. Not anymore at least. Or at least I thought. I don't even know anymore.

"You know what you did," I glared at her.

"What? I was just trying to have some fun!" she whined. She was right but she didn't need to take it that far.

I sighed because she was so embarrassing.

"Good Morning ladies," we heard a familiar voice. I tensed up because who knows what he was going to say to us... well more to Na Eun than to me.

"H-Hi," Na Eun managed as she avoided eye contact. Jungkook chuckled a little.

"If you're wondering about Saturday don't worry about it. The guys are cool about it. They're just surprised that you're so competitive," he laughed causing Na Eun to blush.

I rolled my eyes because if anyone knew Na Eun as well as me she was the most competitive person they may ever meet. She would never take no for an answer.

"I'll catch up with you two later. I have to meet up with them in the dance studio," he said quickly as he walked off.

Na Eun let go of her breathe.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... I thought he was going to judge me or something. Or say that girls should be girly and what not,"

"Ayye.. don't say that. He should like you for you,"

"You're right. Come on,"


During class I couldn't help but to glance over to Jungkook; I was really curious as what were his thoughts towards Na Eun. I was half paying attention to the teacher as I jotted down the notes.

"Is there something on my face?" Jungkook whispered as he leaned towards me which caught me off guard. I shook my head rapidly as I blushed because he noticed me looking at him.

The bell rang and the teacher chuckled.

"Alright we'll continue this tomorrow," he said as he set down the chalk and picked up his books. The class president stood up.


We all made the salute and the teacher left. Everyone started talking loudly as they waited for their next teacher.

"So... why were you glancing at me?" Jungkook smirked as he turned to face me.

"Oh I-I um... was wondering..." I nervously said because I wasn't sure if Na Eun was ready to confess her feelings to him.

"Uh never mind,"

"Something is bothering you," he tilted his head.

"It's nothing really,"

"Are you -"

"Alright class open your textbook to page 306," the next teacher came in.

"We'll talk about this later," Jungkook said as he pulled out his book.


During lunch, Na Eun and I sat at our usual table.

"Tell him," I told her as I took a bite out of my food.

"Tell who what?" she asked confused.

"Jungkook. Tell him how you feel,"

Her eyes widened in shock. "Are you crazy?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I may or may not be, but you have to tell the guy,"

"No way. Absolutely not,"

"It's on you. I have to go to the restroom," I said getting up and went towards the restroom.

After doing what I needed to do, I walked out and slowly walked back towards our table. I wondered if I had the courage of confronting Jimin. I mean he has never paid attention to me. Being rejected by him once was enough for me. He was so cold and rude. I didn't know what I saw in him.

We were in middle school at the time... but now in high school... I don't know. He may or may not remember me because back then I was a little overweight and I made it a goal of mine to lose as much weight as possible. Which I was able to with the help of Na Eun. She gets me to kind of start dancing and working out more.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't even realize that I had bumped into someone.

"Oh, my... I'm so sor-"

My voice got caught in my throat as I looked up and realized who I had just bumped into. Of all people... it just had to be him.  Jimin. Park Jimin.

We locked eyes for a second as he held onto me. I pushed away from him and straightened my uniform.

"I-I'm s-sorry," I quickly bowed as I avoided eye contact with him. I heard him chuckle a little.

"Watch were you're going next time..." he trailed off for a second causing me to look up but then I turn my face away as I caught his stare again.

"Lim Sora," he said looking at my name tag.

"I-I... I'm sorry," I bow again. He shoves his hands into his front pant pockets as he stands there.

"Wait... aren't you that girl Jungkook hangs around?" he asked looking at me.

"Y-Yeah..." I was speechless. I was actually talking to him! He never paid attention to me. Not in middle school, not even once since we started high school. The many times I've tried he'd always ignore me. But why now? What changed? Was it because of Jungkook? Why does adding Jungkook to the equation change everything?

I could feel my heart beating fast as we stood there in silence. Neither of us making a single move.

"Hmm... I don't know what he sees in you. I guess it's because you're his seatmate or something. I don't know and I don't really care either," he sighed as he tilted his head up to stare at the ceiling. I was slightly offended but I didn't dare say anything.

"Well... I'm obviously wasting my time here," he said as he walked off in the opposite direction. I sighed as I looked down at the ground. A tear fell down and I didn't even notice I was crying. He really still was the cold-hearted jerk he's always been.

I wipe the tears away and walk back to the table.

"What took you so long? Were you taking a -" Na Eun stopped talking as she noticed my puffy eyes.

"What happened? Were you crying? Why were you crying? Did something happen?" she asked as I sat down beside her and placed my head on her shoulder.

"I ran into Jimin,"

"Park Jimin!?" she shrieked.

"Can you be any louder?" I hissed.

"Oh... sorry... but how? What happened? What did he say? What did he not say?"

"He wondered why Jungkook was so interested in me and that I was just a waste of time," I sniffed as more tears threatened to fall.

"Oh hell no. He's going to hear from me!" she declared. "Don't do anything stupid,"

Na Eun sighed. "Alright alright, I won't,"


Jimin's POV

I really didn't know why I said those mean things to... Sora. Lim Sora. That name rang so many bells but I still couldn't put my finger to it.

I had gone back to class because I wanted to be alone and in a quiet place before lunch was over. I laid my head on my desk and started thinking. I remembered back in middle school when a girl had come up to me to confess her feelings towards me. But I had rejected her because she's wasn't pretty. To my standards at least.

Later I had come to find out she was the smartest girl in our class. She was a little chubby and wore round glasses, though she was smart, she wasn't pretty. I mean... I was in middle school and I couldn't help it.

Then all of a sudden everything clicked... that girl. She's the same girl! Lim Sora... the girl then and now.

"Wow... she really changed," I said out loud.

"Who changed?" Jungkook came into my class.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just came to check on you," he shrugged. The thing was, how did he know I was in here? I should have asked him but something else was on my mind.

"Did you know that Lim Sora was the girl who confessed to me back in middle school?"

"Oh you now notice that?" he asked raising an eyebrow as he sat across me. Looking at him stunned, I wondered how he knew! How did he manage to find out before I did?

"So you did know. For how long?"

"Since I saw her at the cafe. She always had a pretty smile. Kind of hard to forget a smile like hers," he shrugged as he had a slight smile on his face. Glaring at him, it was evident that he had a crush on her.

"You like her don't you?"

"Why does it matter? Even if I tried, I still would end up losing. There is already someone in her heart. I don't have a chance either way," he said looking away kind of sad as he shrugged.

"What do you mean? She doesn't have a boyfriend and she's practically by herself all the time,"

"How do you know that?" he asked me. My eyes widened and I tried coming up with an excuse because how did I actually know that?

"I uh... heard it from others. She is the smartest one in our class,"


"But, explain yourself," I changed the subject. I was actually curious as to what he meant by what he said.

"Oh... she still likes you Jimin. She always has and probably always will. But she's shy and doesn't have the courage to approach you," he said staring at me.

"S-She likes me? Still?" I pointed at myself.

"Yup, but you're being a jerk to her. She's actually really nice. She's cute when she gets flustered or frustrated," he sighed as he smiled.

"But she likes you. I can't do much. If I were you... I'd think about it. Don't be a complete to her. She's still traumatized by what happened in middle school. Why do you think she changed so much? You just never noticed because you were after the brainless hot girls," he shook his head.

"There's more to a girl than just beauty you know," he added as he stood up. I only looked at him as he made his way out.

"I'll see you at practice,"

With that, he left the classroom leaving me by myself again. He was right, just because a girl is beautiful doesn't mean she's smart. I hated it when that maknae would get all wise with me.


After school, I was heading towards the practice when I saw her again. She was talking on the phone and when she saw me her eyes widened as she jumped back and turned away. Jungkook was right, she was cute when she was flustered, but I had already told myself that I wasn't going to give girls attention anymore. They really weren't worth my time.

I walked past her and went straight into the practice room.

"Oh, there you are. We were wondering what was taking you so long?" Hoseok asked as he stretched.

"I was just putting my stuff away in my locker,"

They all nodded. I looked around and found Jungkook to be missing.

"Where's Jungkook?"

"He's working with those girls again said he'll be in here in an hour,"

For some reason, my blood was boiling but I didn't understand why.


Sora's POV

"Again!" Jungkook said rather annoyed as I tripped on my feet again. I wasn't sure why I was having such a hard time with these dance moves. Maybe I am really am bad at dancing. I don't know why I thought I was any good.

"AGAIN!" he yelled. I was breathing heavily as Na Eun watched. She looked worried and maybe just as frustrated as Jungkook.

I stopped as I caught my breath.

"Let's take a break please,"

"No, we-"

Suddenly someone came into the practice room and it was Jimin. My heart skipped a beat but I looked away.

"Namjoon wants you to come to practice. I'll take over,"

Jungkook's eyes widened but he shook his head.

"No, it's okay. I think Na Eun can handle this. We'll just -"

"I'm just as a good as a teacher as you," Jimin interjected.

"No it's -"

"It's fine really," Jimin said standing his ground. Whatever got into, it was annoying Jungkook.

Jungkook glared at him before stalking away.

"You uh... need to..." Na Eun was trying

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Hi, everyone! I'm going to be editing the story before I do an actual update. I want to read the story again and edit a few things so everything makes sense before I get ahead of myself.


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Getpikachutoread #1
Chapter 5: Wow. This is great! Can't wait! Please update
Jiminnieluv #2
Chapter 4: What will happen next???!!!!
Taengoo49 #3
Chapter 4: wow this is very good
thank you for the update!!!!!!!!!
nisaelhoneey #4
Chapter 2: this is so good