Songs for EunDae

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Do you know that I love you?

It can sound like a melody if you hear it from the person you love; but it can also break you down and turn your life upside down if it’s not expected, or if it’s you the one who says it.

EunDae, a 16 year old high school student has a date with Kyungsoo, a 22 year old she met online. She is nervous and excited. Minutes go by but the boy doesn't arrive, so she decides to go into a cafe that's nearby, there she will meet someone very special...





Kim EunDae


16 years old.

Beautiful, charismatic and very popular in shcool.


Oh Seyoung



18 years old.

Friends with EunDae

The oldest one in her group because she was held back a year in high school. Kind and stubborn, very active and outgoing, but not a good student.


Im Jinah



17 years old.

Friends with EunDae

She is obsessed with boys and is very straightforward when she likes someone. She pretends to be strong and can't express her feeling properly


Kim Dahyun



17 years old

.She is the shyest of her group, but she has a great sense of humor that always cheers up the others. She is a hopeless romantic and a good listener, always there when others need her.



Oh Sehun


17 years old

Oh Seyoung's brother. He is the most responsible student in the class and has a secret crush.


Park Chanyeol



22 year old

A young and very attractive writer, he plays the saxo.


DO Kyungsoo



22 years old

He is a music journalist, very romantic and elegant.





20 years old.

Popular singer.


Bae Joohyeon



23 years old

Park Chanyeol step-sister.

Hope you like my first fanfiction

​Poster by VanillaCream13 ^^




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