Baby Blue Eyes

Baby Blue Eyes
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a/n: This fic is inspired by Taeyeon’s blue eyes in Party MV ((slayyyyyyy)) plus ARTTM’s song, the title itself, Baby Blue Eyes.

Italicized parts = Present time



"Have you ever found yourself staring at a person's eyes for so long that you almost forgot to breathe?"


"Three... Two... One. I'm going to catch you now! Haha!" A young boy laughed evilly as he searched for his playmates.

She stifled a giggle and hid herself behind the tall oak tree. Her friend had caught one of her friends beside the old house they were at and she snickered when the boy couldn't seem to find her.

"Ppani! Where are you?"

She saw him nearing her hideout and instantly gasped as soon as he pointed at her.

"There you are!" The boy came running to her with a winning smile on his face.

Left with nowhere to escape, Tiffany sighed in defeat and showed herself to the boy. As if on cue, a long ladder rope fell from up the tree for her to climb on.

She looked to where the thing came from and caught a glimpse of a shadow in what seemed like a tree house. She hurriedly placed one foot and another to the wood blocks attached to the rope and successfully escaped her chasing playmate.

"Yah! That's not fair! Get down here Ppani-ah!"

"If you can't tag me all the way up here, then you're going to be it again." She stuck her tongue out.

"Fine. We'll just play another round. Without you. Hmph." The boy stomped away as he told his playmates about Tiffany's unfairness.

"Whew. That was close," Tiffany leaned back on the wooden wall and noticed a small figure gazing at the faraway horizon on the open window.

She observed the girl for a second and realized that she must have been the one who helped her to get up there. "Hi."

The other girl looked at her as if she was from the other planet and Tiffany locked gazes with two baby blue eyes—the ones that she'd been wanting to see when she was younger—and felt herself drowning in the sea-colored orbs parallel to hers.

She hadn't realized that she was already gaping if it wasn't for the girl's voice snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Why did you let them play without you?"

"B-Because it's my first time to be in a tree house like this," She gestured around the small space. "It's so amazing."

"Thanks. I asked help from Appa in doing this." The girl stretched out her arm. "I'm Kim Taeyeon."

Tiffany was surprised at the introduction but she shook the waiting hand nonetheless. "Hwang Tiffany. Nice to meet you."

Taeyeon smiled and Tiffany felt the air being stuck in her lungs when she saw the warm act and the eyes that seemed to convey the girl's true feelings more than her gestures did.

"Come on, I'll show you around."


"Do you still remember the time when you used to see through my eyes and tease me about it?"


"Who was that?"


"That guy who drove you home. Are you dating him?"

She looked from her book and met the girl's eyes. "What if I say yes? Will you stop interrogating me?"

Taeyeon was taken aback by that. She averted her eyes. "No. Because I'd have to check if he's good enough for you and that he won't try even the slightest bit of hurting you."

A smile formed on Tiffany's lips and she tilted her head to observe the girl more. "Are you jealous, Kim Taeyeon?"

"W-What?!" Taeyeon could feel her cheeks blush but there was no escaping from this moment because she was sure that the tall girl had seen her pink cheeks, basing from the wide smile she had when she didn't receive a response from her. "I-I'm just looking out for you," She cleared . "Make sure that he's a keeper and that you'll be happy with him."

Tiffany slowly nodded, fully knowing what laid behind those baby blue eyes she had grown to memorize through the years. "I'm so lucky that I have a best friend like you. Thanks, Taetae." She said—leaving the girl's second question unanswered—and gave her a grateful smile before turning back to her book.

Taeyeon could only nod at her best friend's remark, realizing that her 'That's what best friends are for' had been understood by the girl without her saying it, for another lame excuse that was caused by jealousy.

'Yep. Best friends. I'm just her best friend. No more, no less.' She silently sighed and went to her room.

Tiffany looked at the closed door and the genuine smile reappeared on her lips. 'Just so you know, Taeyeon.'


"How about the most unforgettable experience that lead us to another blissful milestone?"


Taeyeon and Tiffany were under the shade of a tree, doing their school papers. It was lunch break but they chose to spend the time completing their requirements so they wouldn't have to deal with it during semester break.

The shorter of the two paused from her work and stretched, popping a few joints in the process. She leaned back on the bark and watched as the girl beside her focused on the paper on her lap.

She saw the creased eyebrows and the pouted lips and couldn't help but smile at the cute sight. A plan then brewed in her mind.

Taeyeon snatched the pink ball pen the girl was holding and held it farther away.

"Yah! Give me my ball pen!" Tiffany slapped Taeyeon's arm and reached for the pen but to no avail.

Taeyeon poked Tiffany's forehead to push her back a bit but the latter swatted it away. "You should learn to relax and appreciate the word 'fun.'" She made air quotes while the girl only gave her a cold glare with arms crossed.

"I am relaxed, Kim Taeyeon. Now give me back my pen or I'll make sure Omoni kicks you where it hurts for what you did." She opened her palm and waited for the short girl to put the pen on it but the latter kept it inside her pocket instead.

"No more books or any other school-related works from this moment on." Taeyeon closed her books and placed all her things inside her bag before doing the same to the girl's.

"What are you doing?"

Taeyeon held out her hand for the girl to take and smiled when Tiffany placed their hands together. "You'll see."


"It feels so good to be back here."


They were at the hill where Taeyeon's tree house was stationed. The tall oak tree had started to lose its leaves and the house above it was now covered with dust and mosses; the ladder rope had fallen off too, but the memories they shared remained etched forever in their minds and hearts.

"Do you remember the first time we met? Up there?" Tiffany asked, pointing at the tree house.

Taeyeon nodded. "That was the time when you found yourself lost in my baby blue eyes." She chuckled when the girl shoved her playfully. "Admit it! You were staring at me like I'm some kind of alien or imaginary creature."

"I just find blue-eyed people mesmerizing, okay? Stop lifting your chair please."

"Oh sure you like those people. Especially when it's baby blue. Like mine." Taeyeon opened her eyes with her index and thumb fingers and leaned in to emphasize the sea-colored orbs.

Tiffany pushed her back, laughing. "Dork."

The sun was setting and they both watched in amazement as the sky turned orange.

"Wow." Tiffany mused.

Taeyeon craned her head to look at the dazed girl. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

The tall girl met and held the short girl's gaze. "It is."

She stared at those sea-colored orbs that never seemed to fail in capturing her every time she looked through them. Her own reflection appeared on those eyes and she saw a young woman, gazing lovingly at another wonderful figure that was staring at her just as tenderly.

Tiffany closed her eyes as Taeyeon leaned in and sealed their lips in a kiss. Her hands cupped the girl's face before she slowly pulled back.

They leaned on each other's foreheads with eyes still closed and shared a sweet smile.

Taeyeon held Tiffany's hand on her face then planted a soft kiss on it. "I love you."

Again, Tiffany found herself drowning in two baby blue eyes. "I love you too."


"Sometimes I wonder how it feels like to cross out one thing in my own to-do list with someone very special. But I guess I'm lucky enough to prove that it is indeed beyond ecstatic to have the person you love sharing that moment with you."


"Hi. I miss you."

"Hello." She continued walking but stopped when the other girl didn't follow suit. "What?"

"You forgot something."

"Oh? What is it?" She grinned when the girl sulked and even pretended to glare at her. She chuckled and walked back to the pouting girl. "I miss you too."

"That's it?!" Taeyeon looked at her with wide eyes.

Tiffany laughed and kissed Taeyeon fully on the lips. She felt the girl pull her closer by the waist to deepen their kiss and she weaved her hands in Taeyeon's hair, reciprocating every kiss and tug just as eagerly.

She pulled back after a few seconds. "There. You got your kiss. Happy?"

Taeyeon nodded with a wide smile on her face. "Very."

"You're too cute, you know that?"

"Someone has told me that many times, actually." Taeyeon intertwined their fingers and swung it while walking.

"Oh? Who is it? A boy or a girl? If she's a girl then I'll make sure she never says that to you again."

Taeyeon chuckled at Tiffany's possessiveness. "It's a girl, Miss Hwang."

Tiffany gasped. "Who is she? Do I know her? Is she smart? y? Hot?"

"Seriously, for someone as beautiful as you, you sure look insecure." Taeyeon poked Tiffany's nose. "Well, she's smart, cute and y at the same time, beautiful inside and out. Yeah. Everything you—Ow!" She rubbed her arm when the girl slapped it.

"You can't touch or kiss me for a week, Kim Taeyeon." Tiffany said sternly, glaring at her.

"Hey! Let me finish first!

"Go to that admirer of yours." The tall girl stomped away from the short one.

Taeyeon smiled at this jealous side of Tiffany then ran after her. She held her hand and pecked the girl's cheek. "That admirer goes by the name 'Hwang Tiffany.'" She grinned when the girl looked at her, confused. "I love her very much that I'd do anything to shoo away every hunk that tries to go near her."

"Silly." Tiffany finally smiled.

"And I thank the heavens above for blessing me with baby blue eyes because if it weren't for these orbs, I wouldn't have made this girl fall for me." Taeyeon smirked and Tiffany shook her head.

"Sometimes I forget how I became your girlfriend."

"I love you too." Taeyeon let go of Tiffany's hand and placed hers on either side of the girl's face. She kissed her and smiled after pulling back. "I hope that you now remember the reason why you became mine."

Tiffany smiled along. "Cheesy as always."

The sky roared and they looked up to see raindrops falling from the clouds. Heavy downpour took place in no time and both of them had no choice but to enjoy the rain since they were already soaked.

"This is the perfect time to cross out one thing in my 'To-do list with Miyoungie.'"

"What is that one thing then?"

Taeyeon pulled Tiffany closer by the waist and their lips met in a slow sweet kiss under the rain.


"'The eyes shout what our lips fear to say.' This is probably the quotation that can best explain difficult circumstances like when you have to bid goodbye to a friend, family, relative, and most especially to the person you love. Too bad I had to experience this situation myself.

How I wish my eyes are enough to fully convey what I cannot say to you..."


Taeyeon had to fly to the U.S. for college thus, temporarily parting ways with Tiffany for four long years. Separation time wasn't easy though, since it needed patience and honesty to not be involved in any kind of temptation that could lead to a painful breakup for the couple.

They managed to have constant communication despite the distance and satisfied their longing for each other by video-calling or sending selcas every now and then. But that only lasted until the third year of Taeyeon's tertiary education. Their calls and messages reduced to a minimum that a single 'Hello' or 'Goodnight' was a normal pace for them.

Of course it wasn't only because of Taeyeon's international studies but also Tiffany's since she had been assigned to organize some fashion events in their university while she did her term papers.

One day, when Tiffany was working on the final designs of the dresses that would be displayed for the upcoming Christmas event, she got a call from an unknown number.


"Hi. May I speak to Miss Hwang Tiffany?"

"This is her speaking. Who are you?"

"Good evening Miss Hwang. I'm Mr. Kang from Gangnam Hospital. I just would like to inform you about Miss Kim Taeyeon," Tiffany stopped whatever she was doing when she heard the name. "She put your name on the first person to be called in case of emergency so we tried to reach you."

She stood up from her desk, gathered her things and put it inside her bag. "W-What happened to her? Is she okay?" Her voice shook when thoughts of Taeyeon lying on a hospital bed—unconscious—came flooding her mind.

"I'm afraid you'd have to come and see for yourself Miss Hwang. I'm not in the liberty to tell you about the patient's condition even though you're her relative."

"Okay. I understand. Can you please tell me her room number?"

"Room 309."

"Thank you Mr. Kang. I'll be on my way. Bye."

"You're welcome. Bye." The man hang up.

Tiffany hastily put on her shoes and made a dash to the parking area. She hopped inside the car and drove away as fast and safe as she could.

Her eyes then caught sight of the diamond ring on her finger. She unconsciously gripped the wheel tighter. 'I can't lose you, Taeyeon.'

She wore off the band and discarded it, choosing to prioritize the person of many firsts in her life while she still could.


As soon as Tiffany had arrived at the hospital, she went straight to Taeyeon's room and saw their friends sitting at the benches just outside it.

Sunny approached her and pulled her in a consoling embrace. "I'm glad you came."

Tiffany shut her eyes to stop the tears that were threatening to flow down her cheeks. She pulled back a few minutes later. "When did she arrive in Seoul?"

"Just yesterday. No one knew of her arrival until... this," Sunny was referring to the unfortunate incident that got Taeyeon lying on the hospital bed. "You can go inside. I'm sure she's been waiting for you."

Tiffany nodded and let herself through the room. Silence greeted her as soon as she stepped foot inside, voiding her heart and mind as well. She slowly walked to the patient laid on the white sheets and the numbness she was feeling increased by the minute.

"Is this a bad dream?" That was the only thing she could say at the moment.

Tiffany held Taeyeon's hand tightly as if she were to disappear any minute. Her tears had flown out carelessly of their sockets but she didn't bother wiping them because the reminder that this might be their last moment together was more significant than any other problems she had in mind.

"Please don't leave me, Taeyeon-ah. I love

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JasKoh89 #1
Chapter 1: My tears keep dropping, author!!!
79 streak #2
Chapter 1: Im crying glad i found your storyyy
alicesone #3
Chapter 1: I'm crying T_T..
KimTY_99 #4
Chapter 1: You..hngggh..this... crieeee TT ___ TT
Much angst.. Fuuuu--
Chapter 1: It made me cry a little oh my this is really good
Chapter 1: This is so sad but nevertheless its a nice story :) Well done author shi.. I like the tree house part and still hoping to have one myself thou its quite impossible ^_^