
I'd Miss You To Much

The next day was the same as any other day, starting off with me having to fight off Baro, followed by CNU picking on me, continuing on with more schedules. We were having dance practice all day. Sweat poured down our bodies, our clothes sticking to us leaving massive wet blotches all over us. Our breathing became unstable and heavy, our limbs aching, pleading for a rest. It was deep into the night by the time our manager, Yoon In Ro, eventually came in to check on us. He observed us, our every move, like an eagle would observe their prey, it was slightly intimidating.

“Alright boys, you can take a break, go get some dinner.” a sigh of relief came upon me, I hadn’t realised how hungry I really was.

“EXCEPT…Baro. You can see me in my office.” he said as he left the dance studio. I looked at Baro, somewhat worried and confused, going into the manager’s office was never a good thing. As I peered over to see his face, it seemed he had the same reaction as me. He turned to me and managed to catch me in the act, he smiled at how nervous I was. I tried not to blush.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll be fine,” he said as he scuffed up my hair and made his way out.

“Yah! I thought I was the hyung!!” I shouted before he left. Of course he’s going to be fine I told myself He’s an amazing rapper and keeps the fans happy but even I couldn’t deny the small thing that started to decay inside myself.

My suspicion got the better of me, not long after Baro left, I followed. I was really hungry and by the time I got back the food would probably be gone, but it was something I was willing to risk. I snuck over to the office, everything seemed so much louder when you were trying to be quiet. The sleek wooden floorboards creaked as I approached the manager’s office, I could only just hear what they were saying.

“Baro, you’ve been a bit slack lately and you know it just as much as I do… and we both know the reason, yes?”

“Yes sir,”

“Which is why I’ve decided,” there was a long pause “to let you go. From here on out, you are no longer in B1A4.”

“What?! But sir-” Baro said as I heard a chair being pushed backwards.

“There is a reason why I do this,” the manager interrupted “it’s better now than later don’t you agree?” another long pause followed by a heavy sigh.

“Yes sir,”

“Come now Baro, you’ve been anticipating this, haven’t you?”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect it to be so soon! Please manager, I’m begging you, let me stay, just for another week or so.” the manager stopped to think.

“Okay, just for one week, but don’t tell the others! We don’t need them worrying.”

“Thank you, sir! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”  I started to run, knowing that they would be coming out soon. I couldn’t think straight, too many thoughts attacked my head. How could he leave? How could this just happen? How could he just accept this, he didn’t even put up a fight! Does he even care about us? How come he was anticipating this and not tell me, or anyone for that matter?! The thoughts were like screaming whispers in my head, unstoppable. I tried to hold back my tears, which soon poured down my face, splashing onto the ground where nothing but an endless pit of hollowness swallowed them.

I ran into a nearby practice room, locked the door and let my emotions flow through my tears. I didn’t want to talk to him, I never wanted to see him again. It was as if I had been double crossed, tricked into thinking that Baro was someone I could trust, someone who could be that one friend who you would do anything for, someone that I could tell anything to and he’d do the same. I looked up to the wall, where a portrait of B1A4 hung. I saw Baro, his happy smile, the mere sight made me feel even lonelier, sadder and frustrated than I already was.

It was then, that I decided Lee Jung Hwan, you will avoid Baro no matter what situation.

I returned to the others, being careful to wipe away my tears and soothe my puffy red eyes. I showed no sign of emotion towards Baro as he pounded up to me.

“See? Told you I’d be fine!” Baro smirked. I winced at his confident attitude, the attitude that used to make me laugh.

“Yea,” I murmured “good for you.”

He pouted at my cold attitude “Is there something wrong, Sandeul?”

“No. Nothing.” the words itched against my tongue, my lips became dull and dry. I walked past him, ignoring his attempts to grab me and talk to me. I could tell the other members sensed something as well, their odd looks said it all. But that didn’t stop me, I was determined. This time, I wasn’t going to forgive him.

ahahaha and so the conflict begins.... >: ) yeaaa i decided to be extra nice and put another chapter up!! (jks...the truth is i really wanted to post another chapter so i did :P)

anywho!!!! so yea...this is probably going to be my largest chapter..i think (sad right? :S) but its also the chapter that explains the most!! (sad again...right?)

oh and...

2 SUBSCRIBERS XD XD XD~~~!!! WOOOOOO yeaaa we did it!! (casually talks to self...)

thank you SOOOOO much you two subscribers!! you have no idea how much it means to have someone LIKE wat u've done :' )

as for everyone else...PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT~~!! :D anywho, thanks once again to the two subscribers and thanks everyone for reading!! :)


P.S. yes i know its a small pic this time, but i want my pictures to respond to my chapters so...yea :P PLUS!! it moves!! so i guess that makes up for it? XD oh and you DO NOT know how hard it is to find a somewhat sad looking sandeul =.=

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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 5: Sequel please~~~~~~ Really love this story~~~although this is the first i leave a comment here,but i already read this story over 10... times~~~~^^ good job authornim~~~
aihuni #2
So this story needs more development, sequel?*0*
Awwwwwww~ its adorable XD
aihuni #4
Are you ever going to write more Badeul? Or a sequel to this???!!! I want their relationship to develop more romantically TT.TT. Please answer meee!!
- Your faithful fan and subscriber.
Yanikki #5
OMG this is such a cute and fluffy story! When I read at first that Baro will leave I didn't wanted to read further, but I'm glad I did it, haha :D Can't stand the think of it :P Thanks for sharing!! <3
aihuni #6
NO!!! You cant just end it like that!!! They have to share at least a kiss!! What about making a sequel?? Ehhh?? Pretty please??? <3 either that or make another story for this couple!!!
Caitlynheu #7
This story is nice I love baro