KILLER Pt. 1 : Werewolf's Section

A shocking moment in my 17 years of life was started from the day when my parents told me that I'm not their biological child and followed by one fact which led to the conclusion saying I'm a werewolf. Was it depressed me? Surprisingly, no. I was on the other side actually kind of like the idea of being a werewolf. I was fancy it, the interest slowly grew inside me. But if someone asked me which one was more interesting as the-truth-revealed story? Really I couldn't choose. I even didn't know whether I should be happy or not about it actually. Lived with my unbiological family and just found out that I'm actually a werewolf wasn't really a good news but it was interesting me.

I glares to the clock which flashed to ten and I was still here sitting like a 5 years old daughter being scolded by their dads, well that was strange. The gentle one glared to where I was staring and suddenly grabbed his car key.

"Come on, I think it's safe enough. I'll ride you home since Jungkook can't do that yet." He said as he stood up offered me his hand.

Jungkook raised his head to stare at his hyung then brought his gaze to me, "Be careful."

"What? Is he gonna eat me or something?" I was actually asking him that in utterly scared expression.

"No." Jungkook raised eyebrows, "He knows his limit." He whispered before grinning to his hyung, "Take care of her for me, okay?"

The older just rolled his eyes before signaled me to come follow him. I bowed to all of them and didn't forget to say thank you. They were saving my life after all. I followed Jungkook's hyung toward the door and as we exited the house, he told me to wait at the front porch while he jogged toward the big hug car garage. I was playibg with my nails when a y silver sport car stopped in front of the house. I, dramatically, run my eyes to scan the y silver Aston Martin DB9 from back to front like three times before a loud honk made me jump then I made myself to slide in the passenger seat.

The first thing I saw when I sat inside the car was his grinning face, "What?" I asked.

"Your face is cute." He said as he stepped on the gas pedal.

"What?" I felt myself blushed uncontrollably.

"Is this your first time of everything? Including the first time seeing a y sport car?" He smirked.

"It isn't the first time for me to see, but the first time for me to actually ride it."

He smiled, "Do you want to grab the steering wheel?"

I shook my head, "I have no license, yet."

He nodded, "You should go get one soon so you can ride it." He tapped the steering wheel once playfully.

A silent was hung between us for a couple of seconds before I asked him a question, "So, did Taehyubg really eat that werewolf? The one who attacked me."

He nodded, "A whole. Yoongi-" He paused when caught my confusion expression then reality hit him that I didn't get their name yet, "The mint haired one said that werewolf actually tasted nice too even though human is tasted better."

I flinched in the mention of eating human, "Did you ever eat human too?"

He shook, "No. That would be breaking the law."

"So what do you actually eat?"

"Average human food, but mostly animal."

"Wolf too?"

He rolled his eyes to me, "That would be a canibalism."

"But you're a human."

He glared at me sarcastically, "Do you even understand the concept of being a werewolf?"

"Sorry." I chuckled, "I actually want to know more about the werewolf's thing."

"Do you want to take a Werewolf 101 lesson?"

I strangely nodded with full enthusiast, "Yes."

He thought a second before gave me the time and place, "Every Saturday at my house."

"We start off next week."

"Why not tomorrow?"

"I have a plan with my family."

"You're get along with your human family?"

I frowned, "That's an odd question."

"Right. I'm sorry." He smiled 

"Oh, turn right here."

He turned the steering wheel and stopped as I told him to do so. He stared at my modern yet simple house and smiled, "See you on next Saturday then."

"Sure. Thanks- Oh God, I'm so sorry I don't get the name."

"Seokjin. It's Kim Seokjin." He smiled.

I smiled, "It's Ahn Yumi. Thank you. Bye."


I came home to see Mingi still at my house, my parents didn't home yet. It was almost 10.30 at night. I was waking Mingi up who literally slept next to sleeping Yuri and told her to go home since I could take care of Yuri starting from here. Mingi jumped and quickly asked about my condition since I called her once back at Jungkook's house. I said I was okay and after made sure I was really okay, by checking whole of my body and even checked on my birth mark which was just a faded black weird shape placed on my right shoulder.

"God, Mingi eonni. I'm okay."

"I just want to make sure."

I smiled placing my hand over her shoulder, "You're really kind, but I'm okay."

"You're just my little sister."

Then the sadness was reflected on her eyes. If her sister still alive, she would be the same age as me. But reality did the opposite. Her sister was taken away from her forcefully 3 years ago. Remembering that moment I quickly pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you for always be there when my family need you, Eonni."

"It's a pleasure." She smiled before made herself way out from my house, crossed the street and entered her house. Her house was basically across from mine. I sat down beside the sleeping Yuri.


The black haired one, his pale skin, closer an inch away from my face, warm breath, familiar scent.




"Honey?" I jolted up opening my eyes as I saw my mom's hand caressed on my hair. I've been sat down sleeping beside Yuri. I groaned sleepily before I landed my gaze to Yuri again. Then therr was I spotted she was sweating, not a normal once because it was just too much of sweat. I touched her forehead instantly and I felt a heat.

"Mom! Dad! Yuri got fever!"


I didn't bother to unpack everything from my mountain backpack as I myself canceled the camp thing because of first, Yuri was got fever, and second the winter was actually around the corner and it would be just ridiculous if we held a camp holiday. Like, everyone was trying their best to keep themselves warm meanwhile here we are try to catch the cold in the middle of the coldest weather ever.

I stayed by Yuri's side for most of the day. Changed her clothes, gave her medicine, I was literally became her private nurse as my mom and dad also help me took care of her. I could sense sadness from both of my parents but I didn't quite sure what kind of sadness. Was that sadness because of Yuri's current condition or something else which linked me in.

As I finished with my second book that day, my phone buzzed. I pulled up the phone unlocked the screen, and a single message popped out:

How are you?

It was Jungkook. I gave him my number yesterday before I went home. I sent him a simple 'Fine.', before I felt another buzz but it was longer this time. He called me. I had to get out from Yuri's bedroom to answer Jungkook's call. I leaned my back on Yuri's door room as I placed my phone on my ear.


"You're not sounded fine."

I sighed, "My sister got fever."

"Aah~ I see. Hey, I heard from Seokjin hyung  you wanted to take a Werewolf 101 something like that every Saturday?"

My eyes sparkled by the mention of the plan, "Yes. He told you that?"

"He did. Why don't we start today then?"

"I want to stay with my sister." Then a long paused, "Jungkook are you still there?"

"I love to hear when you really get along with your human family."

"Still that was odd."


"When you're saying 'human family'. I just felt like I'm inhuman creature."

"You are, Yumi."

I sighed, "Thank you for the reminder, Jungkook."


I smiles when I saw a slight of snow started to fall down from the sky. I pulled out my gloves and wear it all the way to school. I was happy, it was Friday, my last day of school before winter holiday started, my sister was getting better too, and I have my Werewolf 101 session tomorrow.

Calculus was my first class for today and Mr. Park Chanyeol was kind enough to not give us a bunch of holiday work, so I was kind of pumped up for Calc today. As I imagined how the Werewolf 101 session would be looked like, I grew a little impatient so I tried a little experiment. I had Jungkook sat beside me as usual, silently wrote everything that Mr. Park Chanyeol had wrote at the board and didn't have quite attention to his deskmate, which was me. So I started by growling under my breath, something not happened. I raised my growling volume a little but still managed it sounded under my breath, I scanned my eyes over the classroom before growled once again. I felt a vibrated on my throat which grew faster and faster as I felt the heat when I growled once more before I let out a loud bark. Very loud bark even myself jumped by the sound of my own bark.

I raised my eyes up to the classroom which strangely as quiet as usual and no one paid attention to me except one. My amazingly handsome attractive deskmate whose eyes opened wide, surprised by my powerful and loud bark.

If a werewolf on its wolf form roar, every creature whether it's human or inhuman, they all can hear it. But when a werewolf on its human form roaring, it's only another werewolf who can hear it.

My little experiment which was supposed to just growl, eventually ended up as a damn loud bark. I laughed to myself before I felt something nugged my elbow. I saw to elbow and looked up to Jungkook who now just shook his head signing 'I can't believe you just did that' kind of gesture.

"Did I surprise you?" I whispered.

"The hell out of me." He didn't take his gaze away from his notebook.

I grinned studying his side profile, "Sorry."

"Be patient." He faced me, "It's tomorrow." Then winked.

Alright, if I had to admit and let my fangirl soul inside me escaped from its cage, I would be screaming my head off, seriously screaming or maybe fainted gasping for air. That wink, wasn't just a simple wink, that wink sent me shiver down to my spine, sent me heat up to my cheek, and wanted to bark again once more, for him. But my normal mind stopped me before I brought my face up to see the board and started to write.

Saturday morning, Seokjin and Jungkook picked me up to my house as the two of them entered my house to meet my parents and asked their permission to take me to have a little 'vacation'. My parents, strangely, easily let them to tag me along on their little 'vacation'. I sat silently pleased and happy by imagined the thing that I was going to learn to day.

As we arrived at Jungkook's house, we quickly walked toward the back of Jungkook's house when I saw all of the remaining five men made a little circle and waved at me. I awkwardly waved them back as I joined to form a circle. I tighten my jacket before I heard to the pink haired man smooth talk. I bet he was smart looking from his smoot delievery when he did some explanation.

"And I bet she didn't even know our name." The pink haired one said smirking at me.

I jolted up nodding shyly before he continued by asking each and everyone of the six men to introduce themselves. I nodded and bowe when everyone finished their introduction. As eager as I did, Namjoon--the pink haired one--gave all the authority of Werewolf 101 to Seokjin as the oldest. Seokjin took a step forward being in the center of circle faced me.

"Now, I'm gonna ask you a question. Is there something odd happened to be your odd habit from as far as you remember?"

I thought hard but shook my head slowly, "No."

He curves his mouth before started to speak again, "Maybe like you do something in a speed of light kind of thing?"

I thought on something but maybe it would be sounded funny. But whatever I said it anyway, "I can learn faster than anyone at my school."

Everyone laughed, "That called genious, not a werewolf ability." Namjoon added between his laugh.

I though again, "So-" I thought whether I could say it or not but I said it eventually, "-not all the werewolves are fast-learner?"

"I'm feeling offended." I turned my head to see Jungkook with his hand crossed in front of his chest and I laughed immediately.


"God, Jungkook!" Namjoon shouted, "Study a little!"

"I did, Hyung. I swear I did! But she always one step ahead." He pointed me wirh his chin. Adorable. I smiled to myself.

"Ten." I added.

"Pardon me?" Jungkook whinced his eyes.

"Ten steps ahead." I smiled.

Everyone was laughing even Taehyung had to down on his knees hugging his stomach before Jungkook sent me his most dangerous death glare, "You're not helping."

"Okay, we'll start!" Seokjin clapped his hand and walked closer to me, "I want to teach you a very basic ability of every werewolves." I stared him back, "Shift the shape." He smirked took some steps backward, "Taehyung, come here. Show her some example." Taehyung stepped forward and stood beside Seokjin, "Now you listen to me." Seokjin had to yell a little considering our distance now a little far, "Look on what Taehyung did, and you follow him okay?" I nodded.

Taehyung stood in front of me with a few meters away, he winked by the time he found my eyes. I just giggled before I heard someone shouted behind me, "No flirting!" Jungkook yelled. I laughed again.

Taehyung closed his eyes, he seemed to breath as I saw his chest were up and down harmonically before his fave became a little red, then a little too red within seconds, and suddenly his hair grew longer and longer. His body also grew taller and his front hands grew as long as his legs. I heard a loud really loud growl before he landed on his four legs. He turned to be a huge beautiful fighting wolf with light brown fur, he looked like a cascade mountain wolf. Its bright yellow eyes suddenly opened and the wolf Taehyung walked closer to me. I took a step back before I realized  that wolf was actually Taehyung. The wolf was taller than me because when the wolf stood in front of me I had to tiptoe so I could reach its head and caressed it. But then, I heard someone growled loud behind me and when I looked over my shoulder, Jungkook's eyes flashed a red.

Jealousy. I could smell that as I continue to the wolf's fur. Couldn't take it Jungkook slapped my hands off from the wolf and gave the wolf a death glare.

"Alright. Now is your turn, Yumi." Seokjin shouted.

I walked toward the center of the circle as Seokjin also took a step forward, "How?"

He smiled, "Breath-in, breath-out. Let your body relax and close your eyes. Still breathing you imagine the most hurtful memories, a particular moment when you felt really angry. Then let your anger take over yourself, let it build itself, and when you feel something boiling, you can open your eyes. Easy right?"

"As it says." Yoongi said lazily.

"Encourage her once!" Hoseok yelled.


"Okay. All I do is just relax and angry, right?"

Seokjin caught the absurdness of my statement but nodded eventually, "Right. You may start now."

I took a deep breath and let it out from my mouth, after three times I closed my eyes. I started to picture something that could build up my anger. I felt a boil immediately, was it this fast? Without any hesitation I opened my eyes. Everything was clear and everyone were staring at me. I looked down to stare at my body and confusion hit me.

"Am I change?"

Seokjin shook his head, "You're still a beautiful girl from five minutes ago."

I heard a loud growl. That was Jungkook. His growl was his signature. Smooth but strong.

"What did you think earlier?" Seokjin asked.

"Someone is stealing my food." Suddenly everyone laughed.

"That could only work to Seokjin hyung." Jimin blurted out before I saw the wolf Taehyung started to scratch the trees. I stared at him, was he a wolf or a cat?

"Stronger one, please." Seokjin groaned.

"Okay, give me another chance." I said as Seokjin nodded.

I was breathing again. When I felt my mind and my body relaxed a bit, I closed my eyes. Pictured something much stronger. A face, my dad's face, and replay his voice saying I'm not his biological child but in a higher tone. I pictured him angry. I imagined him threw me away, I pictures my mom angry at me over the fact that I wasn't her child. I felt the heat, which turned into something hot, my blood was literally boiling over my head as I felt my body was lifted up by some strange power. The heat was lingered quite long and my ear started to feel a little itchy. I had the urge to scratch it, but my hands felt heavy. I felt like bathed in sweat when the heat suddenly lowered as I felt coldness in my head. I opened my eyes so slowly. All I could see was a clear vision with a little bit too orange. I could see Jungkook, Seokjin, and everyone even the wolf Taehyung who still scratched the trees. I could hear their voices but I couldn't answer them back, because everytime I said something, the voice would turn back into my ears with no one responded it.

All of them were walking toward me so slowly before I felt someone behind me rested his hand above my head. I turned to see Jimin who a little bit shorter than me now gapped his mouth open. I leaned my head forward a little bit awkward because I felt my head was heavier than usual and I touched my nose toward Jimin's face.


"Beautiful." I turned to see the one who said it, it was Jungkook. I tried to lift my legs slowly toward him and touched my nose to his cheek.


"She's looked like your wolf, Hyung." Jungkook said as I turned my face to the gently smiling Seokjin and his eyes began to tear up.

I didn't know what happen and I didn't know how and why but everytime I saw his eyes I felt like I'm home, I was coming home. His eyes were inviting and so much love, a pure love. I walked closer to him and I touched my nose to his cheek. I closed my eyes as I inhaled his scent and he started to caress my wolf's head.

Caramel macchiato.


To be continued

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 21: Love it!
Chapter 12: Ilikeit
Lofera #3
Chapter 5: Kyah!! Mikook moments there... I cant wait to read the next chp...
Chapter 21: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~!!!!! Mansae mansae mansae!! Yeah!!!!
Chapter 19: Omg!!!! Now I should tell you... You're my inspiration.... I really loved this story... And I really loved your way of writing... Keep writing <3
Chapter 16: Yoohoo... Jisoo <3
Chapter 14: No!! No no no!!! Don't die...
Chapter 10: Omg!!! EXO as enemy??? Wow
Chapter 8: I want Yoongi oppa as my brother... He's caring and cool.., has swag :P
Chapter 6: Woah.... Seokjin oppa~~~