KILLER Pt. 1 : Werewolf's Section

Another cloudy day but not so cloudy for me because it was Friday and I had a camping plan with my family tomorrow, my mom said to start the new Ahn. For information, Yuri still didn't know about my not-a-real-part-of-the-family story because she was just underage and it could be affect her psychological behaviour. I put all of my belonging inside the locker grabbed what I needed for my next class, algorithm with Mr. Kim Joonmyeon the cold city professor, handsome one.

I took a back seat near classroom window and smiled when a slight of sky's tears dropped by the window. My favorite weather. The wind blow, brought the scent of chocolate as I turned my head to the right, looking at my handsome deskmate since calculus walked with his hand inside his pants pocket toward my desk. He smiled and mouthed 'empty', well more to ask than a statement so I nodded and he pulled the chair before sitting down gorgeously.

"There are any other empty seats yet you took this." I said when he playfully tossed a gum inside his mouth.

"Back seat is mu favorite."

I nodded, "We have something in common."

"More than you know." He smirked. But before I could ask what he meant Mr. Kim Jun--that was the short name I gave for Mr. Kim Joonmyeon and he doesn't mind though--entered the class with his signature cold smile and circular glasses.

"Take down your notebook because you don't need that today, we have a pop quiz."

Everyone started to whine while I was playfully grabbed my pen ready to write and Jungkook chuckling, "I guess I picked the right seat."

I frowned, "Oh, don't you dare."


"I have news for you all." Mr. Kim Jun shouted from front class after he finished collecting the quiz papers from each students who let out a groan, angry by the sudden quiz, "Whoever desire to learn more about algorithm and willing to bring themselves to its depth, feel free to join me in arithmetical logic unit club every Friday night from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. tame place in this class. See you again."

"You come?" Jungkook asked stopping me from ready to stand up.

"Umm... I guess?"

"If you come, I'll come too."

I frowned, "Why?"

"See, I don't get the good point of learning this numbers but-" I chuckled and murmured a 'sorry' letting him to continue, "-I think I have to learn it in sake of good grades and graduation. So, I'll learn from the expert."

"You can ask the professor to give you a private lesson, Jungkook."

His eyes opened wide before smile, "I'll rathe to be taught by, you know, someone closer."

"We're not close."

"But we're friends."


"What do you mean?"

"We just met yesterday."

"I'm asking your help." He insisted.

I rolled my eyes as I slowly nodding, "Sure."

"Thank you." He grabbed all of his books and waited for me to stand up before walked along beside me, "What class do you have after this?"

"Huh?" I faced him felt a little bit odd but looked at my schedule card again and answered, "Chemistry." I held my mouth to ask him the same question but-, "You?" Well, .


"I guess this our goodbye." I smiled.

"Can I have your number?" He took out his phone and handed it to me.

"For what?"

He raised his eyebrows. Damn y, "Lesson."

He's asking for my number.

I pretend to look over my wristwatch and practically fooled him that I was in hurry, "My next class will start soon. I gotta go. Bye."

He sighed put back his phone but smiled eventually, "See you at the club."


I'm not being an arrogant person here, but I prevented myself from being tricked remembering I just met this kid yesterday and I haven't speak to him more than I had with him inside the class. I didn't hold my pride but I just prevented myself from something unwanted might be happened.

Today's chemistry started off by Mr. Do Kyungsoo's foolish movement that caused a little exploding inside the lab. Blue smoke were eveywhere as everyone coughed. I run my head off toward the exit door and didn't realize that I bumped into someone. I whimpered as I felt my landed on something hard before looked up to see someone that I bumped to.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry." I stood up and bowed. Strawberry. I looked up to meet his rounded wide eyes looking straight at me, "Are you okay?"

In exacrty 32 seconds he changed the expression from shocked to laughed causing his eyes to shaped like a substraction sign. I stood there dumbfounded and was ready to make a way back to chem lab before I felt his hand grabbed mine.

"I'm sorry but your face is blue."

I touched my face and it left a blue dust on my palm, "Oh my God!"

"Here." He said between his laugh, handing me a handkerchief with letter J on it.


He pointed the handkerchief then to my face, "Wipe that."

"Uh-oh. Thanks."

"I'm Jimin. Park jimin." He said while I was wiping my face.

I remembered his face when he walked together along with Jungkook and the vanilla scented one name Kim Taehyung. He was the strawberry scented, it was amazed me when strawberry could smell manly when I inhaled it from him. Manly strawberry, you could say that.

"Ahn Yumi." I stared at the handkerchief, it was turning into deep dark blue, "Umm- it's become-"

"No. You can keep that. I guess see you around then."

"Yeah, thank you Jimin."

"Sure." He smiled as he jogged toward the exit door.






"Yumi?" I jumped looking up. I realized I've been sleeping here at the library waited for my night club class arithmetical logic unit started. I wiped something on my cheek, no definitely not saliva, just in case.

Jungkook took a seat beside me, "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Not sleeping to be exact."

I sighed. I wasn't intended to sleep at the first place but I was tired of crying. I was actually cried before make myself in to the library. The reason was of course about my family. In fact, home wasn't home anymore no matter how hard I tried but I prefer to stay outside until night than stay at home for most of the time. When Mr. Kim Jun announced about this night club, I was kind of happy because I have a good reason for staying out late not just doing some random activites, such as wander around the mall, or stalk around the weirdest couple in town which became a huge topic for my toilet friends this early afternoon.

"I'm not sleeping." I said, lie.

"Liar." He started to flip open the book in hand.

"Hey, what's that?" I read the book's cover and realized that was some physics' thing, "I didn't know you have interest on physics."

"I don't."

I dropped my happy face, "Then why you read this?"

"Do I have at least a little interest so I can read a particular book?"

I see his point, "You don't but-"

"Listen up smarty-pants." I cringed when I heard that nickname, "You can't be the only one who stand out in science thing. I know you're smart."

"I don't."


"Stop calling me liar and stop stalking me."

He chuckled, "Who's stalking you?"


"Me?" He pointed his chest, broax and definitely muscled chest. I shook my head bringing my gaze up back to his face.

"You." I nodded powerfully.

"I'm not."


"I'm leaving."


He turned around staring, "Seriously?"


"I leave and you just let me."

"What you want me to do?"

"Stop me." He said under his breath.


I kept my mouth silent all the time when Mr. Kim Jun explained some kind of formulas and anything which related to arithmetical logic. I lazily wrote down everything and proceed the subject slower than before. Jungkook decided to sit beside me again this time, but he didn't bug or talked to me after we have a short confused conversation. The club class ended at almost 9 p.m. and I was standing at the bus stop, silently hoping the bus still operated or else I couldn't go home since my dad and my mom couldn't pick me up because it was their Friday night date and I didn't want to disturb their only romantic day in a week.

The wind blew but I felt something off. It sent me shiver down to my spine. Silly me, I didn't bring my jacket. As I waited for a little appearance of bus coming, someone covered my mouth and literally dragged me along the sidewalk. My eyes shuted close let the tears streamed down. I kicked my feet to nothing, this person carried me as his other hand grabbed my shoulder. My mouth was in pain, I wanted to scream as this person brought me to the nearest alley and literally slammed my body to the wall.

"What the hell?!" I shouted when this person covered my mouth again when I ready to scream again I saw this person's face clearly and his chocolate scent followed after when my mind focused on his face.



To be continued



(A/N): A little exploding thing at Yumi's chem lab actually inspired fron Mr. Bean series when he ended up in chem lab and explode something which produced the blue smoke, and do you remember the boy with glasses when he covered by the blue dust? That was definitely Yumi in this story :D Wait for my next update soon, have a nice day <3

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 21: Love it!
Chapter 12: Ilikeit
Lofera #3
Chapter 5: Kyah!! Mikook moments there... I cant wait to read the next chp...
Chapter 21: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~!!!!! Mansae mansae mansae!! Yeah!!!!
Chapter 19: Omg!!!! Now I should tell you... You're my inspiration.... I really loved this story... And I really loved your way of writing... Keep writing <3
Chapter 16: Yoohoo... Jisoo <3
Chapter 14: No!! No no no!!! Don't die...
Chapter 10: Omg!!! EXO as enemy??? Wow
Chapter 8: I want Yoongi oppa as my brother... He's caring and cool.., has swag :P
Chapter 6: Woah.... Seokjin oppa~~~