KILLER Pt. 1 : Werewolf's Section

"When you killed them, that was undirectly told us to also raise our war flag toward them. They deserved that." Jisoo explained once we entered the main hall and sat around the round table.

"What have they done?" I asked Jisoo. Jungkook insisted to sit between me and Jisoo which made me a little bit uncomfortable since we were having an alpha to her sub-tribe mate conversation.

"Everyday?" I nodded waiting for Jisoo's answer, "Killed at least one werewolf a day."

"One a day?!" I gasped in shock.

Jisoo nodded putting his glass down, "Through a battle like you've experienced. They said they were searching the best force for Wyrm's special army. They made us to be a pure Wyrm."

"You're all eat humans too?" I asked with a little less shock.

Jisoo shook his head, "We prefer to die rather than eat human flesh."

I smiled, "Because of my father's new version of Litany, huh?"

Jisoo tugged a little smile, "Mostly."

"So what happened here after the nine gone?" I asked again.

"Chaos, honestly. But my twelve friends and I managed to control them."


Jisoo nodded once again faced me hesitantly since Jungkook fixed his killer gaze toward Jisoo, "Some of them would fight over a meal or worse, over a she-wolf. So I have to control them."

I chuckled as well as Jisoo while Jungkook didn't find the funny side so he was just staring to Jisoo like he tried to give him a murder gaze. He also would let out a low and deep growl occasionally when Jisoo smiled or laughed with me. Jungkook sometime could be an annoying person too, but that was cute and hot at the same time.

"So, the thirteen of you took all the responsibilities of them?"


Then I turned to face Seokjin who sat beside me and overwhelmed with the food in front of his very eyes. I managed to stop him from grabbing his seventh piece of seasoned chicken and made him to face me, "For the love of God, stop eating can you? We're in the middle of discussion here!" I whispered with a slight exclaimed.

He munched and swallowed at the same time, "What bu you wo me po do?" He said while his mouth was clearly full of chicken and he didn't even can talk properly.

I sighed, "Stop eating, you looked like a pigman than a werewolf."

He took a big sip of mineral water and faced me grinning, "What do you want me to do?"

"Well do something as an alpha!" I exclaimed, "Lead them!"


In a few minutes later, all the werewolves who lived at the castle gathered inside the hall while me and the remaining eight men accompanied by Jisoo's team were standing in front of the main hall, behind the long table. Jisoo stood up at the center since he was a person who took care of all the werewolves and considered as an interim leader.

"Impergium is bad, really bad. Everyone who come from the same tribe as me know it very well. Our highrst alpha at that time said that we should live peacefully alongside with humans. And he showed us not only lived alongside with humans, but married one of them." Jisoo showed his ability to speak in front of the crowd which was kind of mesmerized me, "Look here!" He suddenly pointed me making me jump.

I furrowed, "What? Me?" I whispered asking more to myself as my eyes wandered around the whole hall before eventually forced a small smile.

"She's an alpha from my sub-tribe and she's the perfect example for a werewolf who loved alongside with humans and look her now." Jisoo lookes at me then faced the crowd, "She's happily alive." He looked at me again then back to face the crowd, "She's smart." He looked at me again but now he didn't look at the crowd again instead his eyes fixed mine, "And she was raised beautifully." He didn't shout when he said 'beautifully', instead he said that in almost like a whisper but everyone could hear kind of tone.

Suddenly, Jungkook snapped his fingers toward Jisoo. Jungkook growled making Jisoo jumped, "Dude, please be aware with your limit." Jungkook hissed.

Jisoo awkwardly smiled before turnes to face the crowd again, "Anywah, what I'm trying to say here that we don't need an Impergium to show them how strong we are. Humans are not a bunch of despised creatures, they're all miracle like us in another form."

I was unaware that I've my lips curled into a small smile when I stared at Jisoo who was giving his inspirative speech until Jungkook landed his right hand on my waist--Jungkook insisted to stand between me and Jisoo--and pulled me so I was standing closer, way closer then I ever imagined. I was literally stood up on his embrace. And when I looked up to meet his eyes and ready to protest, he immediately stared at the crowd leaving me admiring his side profile. I sighed pulling myself closer to him as he was happily accepting.

"Since we have a Garou tribe's alpha." Jisoo pointed Seokjin, "All the sub-tribes from Garou have him as their alpha, except for Silver Fangs." Jisoo stared at me and immediately dropped his eyes toward my hand which playfully landed on Jungkook's chest, "You all have her as your alpha." He awkwardly brought his gaze back to the crowd.

"And for Beast Courts." Jungkook shouted tighting his grip on my waist, "You have me as you alpha." He smirked playfully and nodded to Jisoo who now tugged a small smile and returned his gaze to me before pointed Yoongi.

"And for Wyrm, this alpha won't lead you to the dark side."

"His smile is brighter than the sun." I added chuckling.

Jisoo smiled while kept staring at me, "Yeah, it is."


The snowfall was started to fall again when Jisoo escorted us to the front park while we parked our cars. We succeed to gather back again the remaining werewolves clan back to their tribe. Garou, Wyrm, and Beast Courts. Jisoo said we could visit them everytime we desired, but Seokjin scheduled Saturday and Sunday as our visited day because we were all have works and schools. Jisoo happily accepted.

"We take all the responsibilities from here, Jisoo." Seokjin said grabbing Jisoo's hand, "Thank you for your hardwork."

Jisoo shook Seokjin's hand and bowed, "My pleasure."

"Let us know if something happened, okay?" Yoongi said before pulled Jisoo for a quick manly hug.

"Can you do me a favor?" Jungkook asked.

"Anything." Jisoo smiled.

"I can't do anything since I've my own responsibilities towards my tribe, but I know you're a gentleman and responsible man." Jisoo and I furrowed because we didn't quite catch of what Jungkook meant. Suddenly Jungkook landed his right hand on Jisoo's shoulder, "So, be her beta. Seokjin already have Jimin as his beta. I have Namjoon, and Yoongi- well probably he'll looking for a hottie Wyrm to be his beta, meanwhile she doesn"t choosebyet. So I'm asking you to be her beta, understand?"

I gasped, "What am I to you so you can freely choose him as my beta?"

"Every loved mate do that, princess. So I do once for you." He pulled my waist again then faced Jisoo instantly, "So? Take it or leave it?"

Jisoo gave Jungkook his reassuring smile, "Take."

Jungkook nodded proudly smiling, "Very well. But stay on your limit, don't ever cross it and don't ever think to cross it. I swear if you cross it, I'll hunt you down like an animal. She's mine, noted that."

Jisoo bowed smiling, "Of course."

"Good." Jungkook tapped Jisoo's shoulder once again before walked toward his car.

"Well, Jisoo. As yoy might heard, you're my beta now." I said looking up since Jisoo was taller than me.

"It's an honor." He bowed.

I tapped his shoulder slightly, "Bear with me okay? I'm not that good as an alpha."

"Everything has its own process. I'm willing to guide you if you need it."

I nodded, "Thanks." I looked over my shoulder to see everyone was ready inside their own cats, "I guess this is a goodbye." I pulled Jisko into a quick hug and I could hear Jungkook growled, "See you mext time, Jisoo." I waved.

"Drive safely." Jisoo bowed.


Ths snowfall poured real hard and it was almost hard to see a distance on this condition. So I decided to stay a night at my brother's house. After took a shower with hot steamy water, I wrapped myself on a thick and warm pajamas, put on my white beanie, and headed to the balcony. I lifted up my right hand to touch the fallen snows. I smiled because it was my favorite season.

"You always fancy the snow from the very first day you were born." Seokjin smiled walking toward me, "Me too." He stopped standing beside me.

"That's why we're an arctic." I smiled to myself.

He nodded, "And because our dad is an arctic too."

"Is he one of the attractive werewolves?"

Seokjin chuckled, "From where do you think we have this face?" I laughed also.

"Umm, Hyung?" Jungkook said, "What we have for dinner?"

Seokjin raised his eyebrows and sighed, "Give me 15 minutes and you'll be full." Seokjin walked toward the door and when he saw Jungkook was about to step outside he grabbed Jungkook's shoulder, "I know you love her as much as I do. But if you hurt her even a slight and if I see her tears because of you, I'll burn you to death."

"No need. I love her and only her. You won't understand how faithful I am until you see that I'll grow old with her. And by the way, thank you for your permission."

"Love her." Seokjin growled.

"I am." Jungkook smiled, "More than I love myself."


To be continued

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 21: Love it!
Chapter 12: Ilikeit
Lofera #3
Chapter 5: Kyah!! Mikook moments there... I cant wait to read the next chp...
Chapter 21: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~!!!!! Mansae mansae mansae!! Yeah!!!!
Chapter 19: Omg!!!! Now I should tell you... You're my inspiration.... I really loved this story... And I really loved your way of writing... Keep writing <3
Chapter 16: Yoohoo... Jisoo <3
Chapter 14: No!! No no no!!! Don't die...
Chapter 10: Omg!!! EXO as enemy??? Wow
Chapter 8: I want Yoongi oppa as my brother... He's caring and cool.., has swag :P
Chapter 6: Woah.... Seokjin oppa~~~