KILLER Pt. 1 : Werewolf's Section

Something unexpected sometimes happened in the most unpredictable time. Someone familiar sometimes changed in the most unpredictable ways. If they were really a bunch of werewolves they they hid it well. They didn't smell everytime I entered their classes. Then something hit me, I didn't quite sure but I knew they were already found out about me, because of my scent, despite of I just gained my power back a couple weeks ago.

They acted different, their gaze was different. Even Kyungsoo wasn't looked like my awkward little chemistry professor anymore, but he was changed into a petite beast with dark gaze and threatening glare. They all wore black suits, black boots, everything were black. Suddenly I remembered on something. I looked over to my calculus professor, Chanyeol. He was perfectly standing up as his gaze wandered around looking for something before he ready to attack. He was him, he was someone at my dream.

Clear vision, faded away, then dissapeared within seconds. Black hair. Necklace. Monster necklace. Black coat. Black shirt. Black leather pants. Blurred face. Black boots. Warm. Familiar yet unfamiliar. Wet. Soil. Leaf. Foliage. Cold. Whisper.

"It's him." I whispered but loud enough to be heard by Jungkook and Jimin who bent down beside me. A monster necklace hung in front of Chanyeol's slightly exposed chest. I couldn't be wrong, it was really him.

"He what?" Jimin asked.

"Someone in my dream and I think he was the one who calling up my name, my wolf name."

"Do you know him outside the school?" Jungkook asked.

"No. I just know him as my calc- they're wrinkling their noses."

"Quick! As we planned." Seokjin commanded, "On the count of three."

"One." Jimin whispered counting down, "Two." He took a deep breath. Our breath was all that I could hear and the white smoke came out from every of our noses was indicated that we were collecting our power and anger. I closed my eyes as Jimin said, "Three."

We quickly jumped over the big rock and passed the transformation stage in the air before we landed in our four legs as a complete and ready to fight wolf. We growled and attacked the nine enemies in front of us, we caught them off guard. I grabbed Kyungsoo pinning him to the ground before I started to attack him. I looked up to see the complete chaotic situation and because of their number was larger than us, wolf Hoseok as the strongest one succeed grabbing two of the Wyrm, Sehun and Jongin. Seokjin was right, Hoseok was a fierce warrior with no mercy.

I kept pinning Kyungsoo under me, held my long claw under his neck. Slowly and painfully I scratched my clow down leaving red marks on Kyungsoo's neck as he screamed in pain. I was actually didn't know what they did since I didn't quite remember my dark past, but the anger and the heat and also the urge to kill them was perfectly built inside my head. I would do anything even if jumped off the cliff to kill them and to make them suffer, no matter how they tried to fight me back.

Kyungsoo closed his eyes and I could sense something change. He was about to transform and I tighten my claws as I started to growl and bent down to bite his neck before his hand punched me in the face. His power was amazingly strong, I even landed on my back when I was about to stand on my four legs, Kyungsoo has already changed. His wolf was unidentified kind of wolf, in fact his form didn't look like a wolf, but looked like a man with big beasty and heary body, dog mouth, wolf ear, wolf Kyungsoo even didn't have a tail. That was horrible. He's a werewolf but not really a wolf.

I stared at wolf Kyungsoo too long until I didn't realize his front legs or I still could see them as a pair of hands, punched me and literally sent me back to the ground. I growled not because the strong impact of the ground, but because of his strong punch. His power wasn't a joke. I stood up as I started to run and jumped as well as wolf Kyungsoo. When we collided above the air I bit his neck and scratched his chest while he tried to crush my back bones. We landed on the ground screaming in pain. My white fur now had a little red and brown marks, blood was coming out from my mouth. I stood up again, run again, and as we were about to collide again above the air, I perfectly aimed my claws to wolf Kyungsoo's chest, but suddenly everything was turned black after I felt my head crushed with his.


I opened my eyes, closed it again. Too heavy to open my eyes, I lifted up my hand and landed it to my forehead. No fur. That was mean I already back to my human form. Wanted to see, finally I forcefully opened my eyes. I stared at the ceiling, it wasn't my room. When I turned my head, I examined the room. It looked like a dungeon but more comfortable one, because there was a bed where I laid on, there also a chair and a table with a slice of bread and a cup water above it. I tried to sit down as I stared at my hands and my foot. Unchained. Bruises and scars were all over my body. I was still wearing my yesterday grey hoodie and black skinny jeans. My black sneakers also still on its place. I climbed down the slight uncomfortable bed to stand closer to the mirror.

I tilted my head to see some purple bruises under my jaw and a little on my left cheek. Those eyebags were also visible. I sighed as I fixed my ponytail before grabbed the chair, sitting down. I felt hungry so I ate the bread. It was too delicious for a simple slice of bread, so I emptied the plate and the cup within seconds. As I walked back to the bed, I recalled the earlier event. We planned on something, we hid behind the rock, the professors from my school were the Wyrm, I attacked Kyungsoo, everyone basically attacked their enemies, then everything was blank. Even how hard I tried to remember, my mind stop when I pictured me and Kyungsoo's fight scene.

Then I heard a loud bang from the only iron door in this room. I was about to jump off the bed before the door opened itself. Then someone came in. I didn't recognize this person, but he wore something casual. Just a shirt and jeans, also a pair of white sneakers. He bowed down once as I stood up and bowed back, confusion hit me.

"We're ready for you, Miss." He said in flat tone, typical hotel room boy.

"Ready?" I asked him, "Should I go get ready?"

"No, Miss." He answered immediately, "You just have to follow me."

I sensed something wasn't right but I couldn't figure it out, yet. So I just nodded following him out of the room, passed a dark hallway. There were no lamps, the only light was coming from the hanging torches. It was like a castle's dungeon but the service was like a hotel. I followed him basically just circling around the dungeon before we climbed the stairs and he opened the door.

I whinced for the sudden light as I tried to cover my eyes at first. After I adjusted with the light, I could see everything completely and clearly. I was in the middle of snowy forest but different with the forest around Jungkook's house, and the forest was filled with people. Then something hit me, I could sense the smell. Wyrm's signature smell, human's smell with a lot of blood touch. I didn't try to cover my nose since even if I did that, the scent would still break through my nose. The earlier man just told me to wait while he dissapeared behind the closing door. I stared at the crowd, they were silent though, but still there were too many people made a circle. As I looked around, I caught a familiar figure in front of me, about 10 meters away and stopped. I couldn't recognize a man behind but I could recognize the one at front.

"Jungkook?" I mumbled to myself as he fixed his gaze on mine.

His face was a mess. Scars and bruises all over his face, his clothes was torn a little, he blinked once and sent me a quick smile before I sensed he was okay. Then someone walked through the snowy field and stood between Jungkook and I, basically 5 meters away from each of us. He was Chanyeol. His wide smile wasn't a funny and goofy smile like I used to see at the class, this smile was different, a devil smile.

"Jungkook." He faced Jungkook, "Or Kurt is it? Well, nice to meet you, young boy. Finally, I got to meet the last Beast Courts werewolf after your older tribe-mate dead a few minutes ago."

Jungkook's older tribe-mate? Was it Namjoon he talked about? Since Namjoon was the only one out of the remaining six who came from the same tribe as Jungkook. Namjoon was dead? That couldn't be true.

"And our sweetie, Yumi. Or should I call you Ylva?" He smirked, "How are you darling?" Suddenly Chanyeol snapped me back to reality. His face was different without a glasses on. I didn't answer, instead I just stared him back.

"No amswer, eh?" He said again, "Alright then. I have two news for you. The good one and the bad one. Which one would you like to hear first?" I didn't bug, didn't even move, and too lazy to answer his question. He sighed smirking, "Let me deliver you the good one first okay? The good news is your brother is alive."

My brother? Is he even talking about Seokjin? Does he know?

"Don't act like I'm a piece of fool, Yumi." Chanyeol added, "I know he's your brother. It took me few years to find out." He said again, "So, your brother is alive after he killed Namjoon." I was shocked but Jungkook seemed doesn't feel surprise at all, "And the bad news is, you have to beat this little guy or better kill him to join with your brother in our squad."

"Your squad?" I asked him.

He nodded vigorously, "Yes. As a special Wyrm's army."

What the hell?!

"What's this all about?" I finally asked him.

He smirked, "Don't you see? This is a battle arena, where we'll choose the best from the remaining tribes to join us as Wyrm's special army. The Wyrm was succeed to take over the werewolf's clan to bring back the Impergium. Garou position has been replaced by us." He said proudly.

"Replaced? How?"

"Combat." He smirked.

"Son of a b-"

"Whoops!" He cut me off, "No cursed!" He exclaimed smirking, "You're my favorite student and I hope you'll win againts him, Yumi." He turned his body to face the crowd, "Alright everyone! We've come to the last battle of the day. Silver Fangs' alpha from Garou tribe, Yumi!" Everyone cheered, "Versus Stargazer's alpha from Beast Courts tribe, Jungkook! Who also well known as Beast Courts' alpha and we knew them as Ylva and Kurt, the werewolf's version of Romeo and Juliet." Everyone laughed when I just whinced as well as Jungkook, "Bettle begin!"

I looked through Jungkook who stood far in front of me. His face didn't have so much expression, instead he transformed without hesistant. I blinked my eyes in disbelief, did he just transform and really intend to fight me up? I looked around when I caught Chanyeol's eyes and he said, or more like shouted.

"The battle won't begin unless you transform, sweetie." He said.

I saw right through thr dark yellow and black labrador wolf in front of me. Its tail was swinging and its red gaze were so intense looking at me as it was waiting for my death. The gaze somehow didn't reflect Jungkook. The gaze was showed me another reflection of a real wolf ready to attack human in front of it. And suddenly the urge to transform was much and much bigger. So in a blink of eyes, I already turn into a white tall arctic wolf as Chanyeol and everyone clapped shouting beautiful over and over again.

Then that was the time when I heard someone speak to me. Like this person really spoke through my head, right beside me and whispered.

It's me. You have to believe me. I'm not gonna kill you. It's just the two of us. No one will hear it. We're the only wolves here.

In a second I fixed my red eyes into wolf Jungkook and I swore I could see the lightning sparked through his red eyes. I didn't know how to respond but I nodded very slowly as wolf Jungkook blinked. After that, I heard a voice again which I recognized as Jungkook like the earlier voice.

You have to follow my order, it said.

We have to fight, pretend to fight. Now!

Then wolf Jungkook started to run toward me. Clueless about what to do next, I started to run too toward wolf Jungkook before I realized wolf Jungkook had slowed down his pace, so did I, but we managed to collided above the air and produced a loud thud as our head crushed each other, everyone cheered. And then I heard a voice again.

Your head is quite hard, Yumi. I could see a smirk on wolf Jungkook's mouth so I just could smile inside.

Didn't hear any other voice from Jungkook anymore, we started to fight again and surprisingly no one realized we didn't exactly attack each other, well a bite or two happened and we'd love to call that as a love bite. Wolf Jungkook would sometime landed his paw on me when suddenly he turned my body so I was on top of it, pretended like we were in the middle of fighting. After a few minutes did the exact same thing, I heard a voice again.

Now you have to pretend to die.

The voice echoed inside my head and I could sense the assuredness that he gave me through his red eyes. As we still punched and bit each other lightly, the voice was echoing again.

Hold your breath for 30 seconds as the guards carry you all the way to the dungeon. You'll find my three olders there. Can you?

I nodded. And by that, wolf Jungkook jumped holding my neck as I stared back to his eyes.

Close your eyes, we meet again soon. I promise. I love you.


To be continued



(A/N): I personally want to know what you think about the story so far and what is your favorite part? Let me know~ *author-nim start singing* Feel free to give it a comment and thank you for reading it, subscribing it, and also for upvoting it *bowed 90 degrees* Have a nice day, everyone <3

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 21: Love it!
Chapter 12: Ilikeit
Lofera #3
Chapter 5: Kyah!! Mikook moments there... I cant wait to read the next chp...
Chapter 21: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~!!!!! Mansae mansae mansae!! Yeah!!!!
Chapter 19: Omg!!!! Now I should tell you... You're my inspiration.... I really loved this story... And I really loved your way of writing... Keep writing <3
Chapter 16: Yoohoo... Jisoo <3
Chapter 14: No!! No no no!!! Don't die...
Chapter 10: Omg!!! EXO as enemy??? Wow
Chapter 8: I want Yoongi oppa as my brother... He's caring and cool.., has swag :P
Chapter 6: Woah.... Seokjin oppa~~~