The First Meeting

The Love From Long Ago

Ji Hyeon woke up, feeling a weight on her cheek. Slowly her eyes opened and here eyes came into focus as she saw Chansung sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. She smiled slightly as she moved and kissed his forehead and rubbed his hand. Then she looked over his head and saw Junho with his back to her, his sides moving up and down. She slowly shifted herself out of the bed so that she wouldn't wake up the two. Chansung made a small whimpering sound and squeezed his hand tighter. She moved around her bed and checked on Wooyoung and Nichkhun; they were facing each other both snuggled up under the large blanket she put on them.

Next, she walked across the hall to the guest room checking on the last two. They were still sleeping, but as she closed the door, Taecyeon turned around and asked groggily "Mommy?"

"Yeah, I'm here, hun." she said as she sat on the edge of the bed. Wow I feel like a real mother.

"Good morning." he said smiling. Junsu shifted around and faced the two. "Mommy!" he said as he rubbed his eyes. "Hey there, bud. How did ya sleep, hm?"

"Fine." he said with a thumbs up.

"So what do you guys want to eat?" she asked standing up.

They looked at each other and then they both said pancake and eggs. She clapped her hands and said "Okay, can do! But you have to go and wash your faces and wake the others up. Then we will talk about what we will be doing for the rest of the day."

She told them the bathroom was at the end of the hall, so they pulled the covers off and rushed there as quickly as they could. She laughed and went back to her room. When she got here Wooyoung was awake and looking around like a lost baby animal. He saw her and immediately jumped out of bed and wrapped himself around here legs. "Good morning, Wooyoung." she smiled and looked down on him. He looked back up at her with bright eyes "Good morning!" he said jumping up and down. She picked him up and he wrapped his arms around her neck, hugging her with all his might. She kissed his cheek when he released his grip and he blushed and hid her neck. She chuckled and said "We are having pancakes and eggs for breakfast, okay? So I need you to go and wash your face for me and then go wait in the living room with Taecyeon and Junsu."

She took him to the bathroom in her room and helped him wash his hands in the sink. I have to get stepping stools for the bathrooms and the kitchen she listed in her head. After she finished with him, he shuffled out of the room. Then she went to her bed and woke up Junho and Chansung; surprisingly Nichkhun was still asleep even though he had been moved around a bit when Wooyoung got out of bed. She would wake him up last. She leant over Chansung, kissed his forehead and patted his mess of hair. His eyes fluttered open and he reached up and poked her nose. Surprised, she scrunched her nose and he laughed at her. "What was that for?" she asked curiously. "I thought you were a clown." he said, mischief crossing over his eyes.

"Well this clown is about to tickle you!" she said as she tickled his sides, he giggled uncontrollably and Junho turned around and smiled. "Good morning, Mommy!" he said looking at the comical scene in front of him.

She looked up from the giggling boy and smiled "Good morning, honey bun," she said. She stopped tickling Chansung and pulled him closer to her side of the bed. "Can you come with me to the bathroom so I can wash your faces?" she asked. They both nodded their heads and jumped into her arms. She sort of struggled carrying them both, but she was able to get them there safely. On her way there, she looked over her shoulder to see that Nichkhun was still sleeping. Jeez, this boy can sleep. You would probably think he's dead if he didn't shift positions! She thought. After washing Chansung's and Junho's faces (which included a bit of a water fight), she sent them off to the living room. When she opened the door, she heard some laughing and sounds that resembled a cartoon. They must have figured out how to use the TV.

She made her way back to her room, and was really shocked when she saw that the little boy was still under the covers. She sat next to him, the bed dipping slightly under her weight. He moved a bit towards her, but his eyes were still shut. His hair fell on his face softly, his face in a peaceful state. She leaned down and kissed his forehead and then whispered " Hey there, sleepy . Gotta wake up some time you know?" he made the slightest little whimper that she would have missed if it wasn't dead silent at the time. "Nichkhun, come on baby, it's almost 10." she said a little louder.

"But Mommy, I don't wanna." he whispered as his eyes opened just the tiniest bit.

"Nichkhun, I'm giving you 5 seconds to wake up or I will tickle you. I'm serious." she said with a mock stern voice. She only heard the small snoring coming from him and then she launched her attack. She tickled him mercilessly; anyone would have thought she was killing him. She herself was laughing and soon they were both tired. She picked him up and took him to the bathroom, where she made sure that she used cold water every once in a while to wake him up. When she was drying his face, she knelt down to his level and as soon as she was done, he hugged her and said "Thank you, Mommy." she returned his thanks with a smile and took him to the living room. There the rest of the boys were watching some cartoon that had robots fighting giant monsters.

She told Nichkhun to go and join them, but he held onto her hand and said "I wanna stay with you, please?" he pleaded with her. She put him in one of the high chairs that was behind the counter and finally started cooking breakfast. Soon enough, the entire house was doused with the smell of pancakes and eggs. She took out some strawberries and grapes and washed them, placing them in a large bowl. The entire time she was doing this, Nichkhun was watching her, along with a few of the other boys. Only Chansung and Wooyoung were paying attention to the TV.

She sighed and cracked her back a bit to get the kinks out. When she turned around the boys were looking at her as if she were a professional chef making them a 5-star breakfast. "Come and get it." she said pulling out some plates and a few mugs. The boys climbed over each other trying to get a seat at the table. She brought the pan over with the eggs and the pancakes on a platter. "Do you guys want some orange juice?" she asked. They all said "Yes, please!" As an extra measure Chansung held up his cup above his head. She turned to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice, realizing also that she was almost out of everything.

When she got back to the table, all of the boys had their cups above their head, waiting for some juice. She laughed and poured them their orange juice. Then she gave them two pancakes each and then dishing them their eggs and fruit. The boys dug as soon as she finished dishing out their food, leaving a bit for here self. Then she asked them "Would you guys like to meet my friend?"

They said they would and she explained that she had to go to the grocery and the department store to buy them a few things, so she would leave them in the care of Gi Yong. "But Mommy, I wanna go with you!" Junho said an then everyone else agreed with him saying they wanted to go too. But she said "I'm sorry, I want to take you, I do, but it'll be hard shuffling you guys around from store to store and I know you will get hungry really quickly."

They bowed their heads in agreement and she said "How about when I get home, I make you guys a big lunch and then after we can go to the park?" they looked up from their laps and said "Yay!" She smiled and laughed.

They finished their breakfast and she called Gi Yong, telling her to come over as soon as she could. Gi Yong said she would be there in 15 minutes. While she was waiting for her friend, she washed the dishes and the boys went back to the living room after saying thank you to Ji Hyeon. The doorbell rang and she knew exactly who it was. She wiped her hands off and walked quickly to the door. She opened the door with a big smile as her friend stood the, looking down at her phone. When Gi Yong finally looked up Ji Hyeon jumped and hugged her. "Ack, Ji Hyeon, what the heck?" she said, trying to pry Ji Hyeon off of her. "Why are you so happy?" she asked after she finally got her off. "Truthfully, I really don't know. But I want you meet some new people."

Ji Hyeon grabbed Gi Yong's wrist and dragged her to the living room. When Gi Yong saw the six little boys sitting on the couch she immediately gasped and her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, they're so cute! Wait--are they yours?" she looked from the boys to Ji Hyeon, bewildered that her friend might have six illegitimate children.

Ji Hyeon face palmed and said "We need to talk, now." dragging her to her bedroom. The boys just followed them with their eyes, and when they heard the door close, they started giggling. "Mommy's friend is funny." Junsu said, the rest nodding their heads in agreement. It was about 10 minutes before Ji Hyeon and Gi Yong came out of the room, Gi Yong had her arm around Ji Hyeon, giggling about something, while Ji Hyeon looked away bashfully.

"So what exactly do you need me to do?" she asked looking at the boys. "Well, I need you to watch over them while I go shopping." she said walking away, towards her room.

"Wait, how come I have to watch over them -- no offense-- , while you go shopping?!" she asked, pointing towards the boys.

"Well, I want to get them some stuff, but I don't want them to parade them around town. Besides, you are the only person that I can trust with kids." she shouted from her room.

"You're lucky you are my best friend, because I would totally have left by now." she shouted back.

"Well, I guess that's what friends are for." Ji Hyeon said as she came out her room. She had changed her outfit into a pair of jeans and a loose and flowy shirt. She had a simple bag and studs for accessories. "Ah, crap, where are my shoes?" she muttered to herself. She went back into her room and grabbed some flats. Then she came back to the living room and said "Okay, boys, this is Auntie Gi Yong, but you can call her GiGi. She's going to take care of you while I'm out. Please, try not to kill her," she said winking at them.

"We promise, Mommy," they said in unison. Then they all got up and hugged her before she made her way to the door. "Hey Gi, don't worry about them too much, they are really good boys. If they get hungry, there are some fruits in the fridge. I'll be back as soon as possible. See ya!" she waved closing the door behind her. Before she locked the door, she heard Gi Yong say "So, what are your guys' names?"

They are going to have a whole lot of fun. she thought getting into her car. She realized she was going to need cars seats for the boys. Going to have to get those at the department store. She went to the supermarket first to buy some groceries. There when she was going down the aisle, she turned a corner a little to quickly and almost crashed into another shopping cart. "Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me." she looked up and saw a very very very handsome man. He was a bit taller than her, maybe half a head taller than her. He had some tattoos on his neck and his arms, but they made him look gentle and tough at the same time. His lips were perfectly formed and his eyes were perfect ovals. Overall, he was just perfect.

Must....stop.....STARING! She screamed in her head. His lips moving brought here out of her trance. "Oh, it's okay."

She finally moved after he walked past her. His cologne rushed into her nose as soon as she started breathing again. Goodness gracious, he's....he's.....I don't even know. She shook her head after a few seconds and continued her shopping, but he would pass through her mind every once in a while. After she had finished with the groceries, she got in her car and drove to the nearest department store. As she opened the door someone's hand grazed over hers. She looked back and said sorry, bit as she did she saw who it was. It's the guy again; I hope he's not a stalker. She thought, still mesmerized by his handsome face.

"Ah, we keep seeing each other." he said with a deep voice. Even his voice is perfect.

"Y-yeah, we do. H-heh." she laughed nervously and bowed her head "Have a nice day." she said and with that she took off into the store. She didn't look back and she didn't really want him to see her blushing face. Getting the car seats, which were a little expensive, some new clothes for the boys and the stepping stools, she got back to her car and drove home.


Ah second chapter!!! I told myself that as soon as I got 20 views, I would update....but I was being lazy and waited until I got more. So here it is. Right now it's going to be fluffy, but I believe the good parts will be coming in a few chapters. Depends on how much I put in each chapter... Comments are comment away!!!!! :)

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^