Time to Go

The Love From Long Ago


Ji Hyeon had never felt so claustrophobic in her life. To her right was Yunho in all his smugness and absolute repugnance; to her left was Bruce, trying to give her as much space was possibly in this crowded elevator. Apparently it was time for the old rich people to head back to their hotel rooms before going out again for dinner. As the last old couple left, Ji Hyeon had managed to squeeze herself away from the two men, only to be pulled back by Yunho. 
"And where do you think you are going?" Yunho asked her in a quiet and supposedly seductive voice. 'Geez, how long does it take to get to the top floor?' Ji Hyeon screamed in her mind. Yunho grabbed her arm tightly, pulling her back so that she was flush against his chest. "I am trying to get some air, thank you very much," she said as she pulled herself away from him. Just as she did, the elevator doors opened, allowing her to take a step out. But her freedom was short-lived as she felt Bruce wrap his big hand around her arm. He looked at her apologetically, before following the bellboy and Yunho down the hallway. 
Once they got into the Presidential suite and had the luggage unloaded, Yunho turned to Ji Hyeon, who was standing off to the side, secretly investigating ways to get out of this place. He walked up to her, watching as her attention became focused on him as he looked deeply into her eyes. 
"My Moon, you have no idea how long I've waited for us to be alone, just you and I." Ji Hyeon wasn't exactly paying attention until she heard the last part of that sentence. With that her head snapped around looking for Bruce and the two other guards that were with them. 'Oh, crap.'' 
"It's amazing how you can stay this beautiful after all these years," he said softly, getting incredibly close to her. "I wonder if you'll be any more beautiful and in my arms?" Ji Hyeon looked at him with absolute astonishment, not believing what he had just said. 'That is a whole other level of disgusting' Ji Hyeon thought as she put her hands on his chest. Yunho thought this was her finally acknowledging the fact that they were supposed to be together, but that thought was thrown away when he was thrown away. Now his mind was trying to understand how Ji Hyeon was able to get away from his cornering act. But here she was, running into the bedroom, closing the large double doors. She had managed to close the first one when Yunho was only halfway there. Just as she was about to close and lock the second one, Yunho stuck his foot in between the door and Ji Hyeon's last chance of staying clean. Her attention shifted from his foot to his now entering hand. She stepped on his foot as hard as she could, causing him to move back slightly, giving Ji Hyeon enough time to completely close and lock the door. Unluckily for him, his finger got mashed in the commotion, allowing Ji Hyeon a sense of accomplishment. But the pounding that came from the outside of the door caused her to jump back. 
"Open this door, Moon! Open it now and I'll go easy on you!" Yunho shouted through the door. Ji Hyeon, on the opposite side, had managed to shove a chair under the handle for extra security. 'Easy on me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?' her question was answered when Yunho said, in a much softer voice, "Just let me in and we can talk. I promise I won't touch you; we can just talk about us, okay?" 
That is when she snapped. "There is no us, Yunho! There never was an us! It was just you and your twisted mind, thinking that I was somehow going to fall in love with you! You stalked me in high school and scared away almost all the guy friends that I had, all because of your sick obsession. I don't know why it had to be me when there were hundreds of other girls in the school, but you scarred me, Yunho! Granted it's not a big one, but it's still there. And then with you popping up all of a sudden, you had to reopen the wound. This is all your fault! All of this! If you had just forgotten about me, I wouldn't have to be screaming into a door right now and I most definitely wouldn't have to be in another country!" By the end of her rant, Ji Hyeon was breathing heavily, making indents into her palms with her nails. When she had calmed down slightly she said, "Please, Yunho, please, just leave me alone." 
Yunho, with his hand resting on the handle of the door, sighed very heavily. He had never thought that he had hurt his Moon so much. But it was evident in the way that she asked for her privacy. He released the handle, almost as if he was releasing his chance of getting close to her. "Goodnight, Ji Hyeon," he whispered towards her door as he walked towards the master bedroom. Maybe, it was time for him to let her go. 
The next morning, Ji Hyeon was woken up by knocking on her door. "Ji Hyeon, I'm," there was a pause, "sorry. I hope you'll be able to forgive me. But I have a meeting to attend while we are here, so I'll be leaving. Bruce will be staying with you, until this evening. There's a function that I'll be attending and it would mean a lot to me if you could come with me. Oh, that must be the breakfast. Well I'll see you later this evening." With that he left the suite, leaving Ji Hyeon to herself. After taking her shower, Ji Hyeon, realized that she didn't have any clothes. She walked into the walk-on closet and sure enough there was an entire wardrobe fit for a princess. Throwing on some jeans and a tee, she walked out to the living room to see Bruce watching the sports network and eating a muffin. 
"Good morning," she said softly, as she tied up her hair. "Oh, hello," Bruce said with his mouth full. Something about that reminded her of the boys, making her smile slightly. But she put that away and got some breakfast, sitting herself down on the couch. 
"Tonight, there is a ball for some big companies. Of course, Yunho is going to go, but he wanted you to go with him, as his date." Bruce said with slight annoyance. Ji Hyeon nodded solemnly, playing with the strawberry on her plate. "As his date, you will be in the presence of many people, an entire ballroom full of people, mingling and eating, focusing on their own conversations," Bruce emphasized as he watched Ji Hyeon's face. She nodded again as he said, "Which would allow you some time to get away from it all." At the words get away, Ji Hyeon's head shot up, looking at Bruce with curiosity. "I'm just saying it would be a good chance for you to be free," seeing the smile on her face get bigger and bigger as she herself started to plan something. 
"So say, I wanted to be free, how would I be able to do so?" she asked, watching as Bruce turned up the volume on the TV. Ji Hyeon got closer as they started to plan what was going to happen.
"Ok, first of all, Yunho won't be able to make it back to the hotel in time to change. He already knows that, but he doesn't think you do. So what you're going to do after all of this is, get a suitcase, maybe two and pack as much as you can. I'll call someone up to take it to the limo we will be riding in. Secondly, at the building where the ball is going to take place, there is an auxiliary exit that only security guards know of. I'll be stationed there waiting for you to come so that we can go to the airport. Now in order for you to get there, you have to go to the bathroom, alone. It would be best if you got there around 10. After last night's argument, I think Yunho will be a little less stringent and let you go. But just in case you may have to flirt with him a little." Ji Hyeon pouted at this suggestion, but nodded in agreement. "I know, I know, but that would just make it easier for you. Once we are in the limo, you're home free." Bruce said with a smile on his face. 
Ji Hyeon nodded before asking, "But what will happen to you when he finds out that you let me leave?" Bruce shrugged, showing how much he cared about his future, "I think it's about time I retired. Besides I have a family and they need me," he said with confidence. Ji Hyeon nodded before saying, "Thank you." Bruce acknowledged her sincerity with a nod and turned back to the TV. "Oh, before I forget, have you seen the latest Mission Impossible?" Ji Hyeon said yes, wondering why he would ask a thing. 
"Well, then you know what you are going to look like this evening," he said relaxing on to the sofa. Ji Hyeon furrowed her brows in concentration, before remembering the dress that Paula Patton wore to the party. "Did Yunho pick it out?" she asked through her teeth. Bruce looked at her slightly annoyed face before answering yes. She shook her head as she got up from the sofa and walked to her room. She was ready to be free.
Hey you guys.......been a while hasn't it. I'm really sorry! I've been super lazy and I didn't really know where to go from a certain point so....BUT I'm back now so for you lovelies I will be doing a DOUBLE UPDATE for y'all! Anyway my friend was looking over my shoulder, checking all my grammatical errors...but she's gone now...whew. So enjoy this chapter and the next because these are the last couple of chapters! Thank you all of my 30 subscribers for sticking with me through my unannounced hiatus and I hope you all will continue to support and comment! Too da loo lovelies!~ 
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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^