
The Love From Long Ago

There was clunking and thumps coming from the living room. Ji Hyeon grumbled as she was woken up unpleasantly. The breaking of glass jolted her up as she looked towards her door, thinking about who could be breaking into her apartment.

She opened the door and slipped out of the room as quietly as possible. There was grunting in the living room as another glass crashed on the floor. "Where is she?" a hushed voice whispered harshly. She cringed as another piece of glass was broken. She snuck into the kitchen, and grabbed a butcher's knife and walked over to the living room. There was a hunched figure on the couch, surrounded by the chaos that used to be her living room. She jumped out as she said "Who are you and what the hell do you want?" The figure stood up and held its hands up in surrender. "I don't mean any harm, miss. I'm just looking for someone." he whispered, slowly walking over towards her. She grasped the knife a bit harder and said "Stay right there. Don't you dare get closer." The figure smirked as he put his hand down. In two seconds, he knocked the knife out of her hand and had his arm around her neck, standing behind her. She struggled as his arm was slowly crushing her windpipe. The knife's blade made a clattering sound as it hit the floor.

"Please, let me go." she said softly, the only breath that she had leaving her. Then she felt something cold and sharp pierce her skin. He had inserted a syringe and was injecting something into her. Her legs became weak as the liquid entered her system. She stopped struggling and her head slumped over as the drug took over her body.

When she woke up, the sunlight was blinding her. She turned her head away from the sunlight. It was still on her face, so she lifted her hand to cover her face. But her hand never reached her face; she opened her eyes to see that both of her wrists were handcuffed to a seat. She looked around her frantically, then she looked out of the window. She was in the air, clouds were passing by slowly. Holy crap! What happened!? She panicked as she looked to her left, seeing that she was on a luxurious jet plane. The seats were evenly spaced and two were facing another two, as if they were meant for a meeting. She moved her wrists around, trying to get them out. She craned her neck so that she could see what was behind her. Sitting in two chairs were two very muscular men, dozing their day away. She slumped back into the seat, still jiggling her hands around. Then a door opened and Yunho stepped out of what seemed to be the cockpit. She looked at him fiercely and her lips formed a small line. I was going to give him a second chance, but he obviously doesn't want it. He smiled when he saw that she was awake.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." he cooed at her, going to reach for her face. She snapped it away from him and he sighed, dejectedly. "Why am I in handcuffs?" she asked, more towards the window. He sat down in front of her, trying to look into her eyes. "Because I knew that as soon as you woke up, you would try to run away. And I definitely did not want you jumping out of a jet." he said, sitting back in his seat. "Why are you doing this, again?" she asked, slowly looking towards him. He stood up and knelt down in front of her, because there was that much space in the plane. "I love you. And if I have to go somewhere else with you for you to finally understand how much I love you, so be it." he said, holding her face in his hands. Without any inhibition, Ji Hyeon spat in his face, expecting his attitude to change. But instead he just reached into his pocket, grabbed a handkerchief and wiped her spit off. He had a small smile on his face as he stood up and walked towards the two burly men sitting behind Ji Hyeon. As one of them pulled out a glass bottle and a syringe, Yunho talked towards Ji Hyeon. "You know normally I would be extremely upset that you would spit on me. But I've realized that since you're going to be with me from now on, I can't get angry at everything that you do, love."

As he finished his statement, he took the newly filled syringe and walked towards her. Ji Hyeon started screaming obscenities at him, hoping that the armrests would break, but the syringe was already piercing her skin as the cool fluid flowed into her blood stream. Her screams slowly became yelps and then whimpers before her vision started to fade. As she was about to completely pass out, she felt something warm on her lips and a soft feeling rubbing her face.

"Goodnight, Moon."

Her head was pounding as she slowly gained back her consciousness. She groaned a bit as she moved her head back and forth. The leather of the seat she was in soothed her headache. She opened her eyes to see she was in a limousine. Yunho was sitting to her left, talking into his phone, slightly looking out the window. Her fingers slowly moved towards him as she was able to get some feeling back in her hand. Her hand moved up his arm and pulled on it, alerting Yunho. He looked over to see her slumped body, watching as her hand moved up his arm. Thinking that it was her way of telling him that she was coming to, he took her hand and kissed her palm before placing it on her lap. But Ji Hyeon was thinking of something totally different; she was hoping to wring the life out of him, but her slow body wasn't getting her anywhere. She sighed in defeat as her eyelids became heavy again. Then she let sleep take control.

When she woke again, the limo had stopped. Yunho was looking towards her lovingly, waiting for her to wake up. "Time to get up." he said, putting his arm around her waist and helping her out of the car. She whimpered a bit, having some trouble standing up. "It's okay. Don't worry, I've got you." He held onto her waist tightly and smiled down at her. She looked up, seeing that they were about to enter what looked to be a very expensive hotel. It was called the Ritz-Carlton, but she had never heard of one. Yunho smiled at the bell boy, while the two guards helped with the luggage. The lady at the concierge desk, smiled and said "Welcome to the Ritz-Carlton in New York. How may I be of service?" Yunho told her the information that she needed so that she could get the room number. Ji Hyeon looked up at him, seeing how mature he looked; completely opposite from the psychopath that kept kidnapping her.

"Here is your hotel key. Have a wonderful stay." the lady said smiling. He took two steps before he heard Ji Hyeon say his name, softly. He grinned looking down at how she was holding onto his body for support. "I have to use the restroom," she whispered shyly. He hugged her with his one arm, smiling at her innocence. He called over one of the guards, telling him to go with her to the bathroom. She let go of Yunho's waist; he immediately regretted letting her go. The guard lumbered over her, making sure she didn't run away or trip and fall. She went into the ladies room, while he crossed his arms and stood in front of the room.

As soon as Ji Hyeon closed the door, she started searching for a window. There was a rather large one at the far end of the bathroom, overlooking a back alleyway. She ran to the window and tried pulling it up. The window was from the older times so it had a handle that had to be pulled and twisted in order for it to open. She pulled hard on it and groaned as it opened slowly. She pushed it so that she could fit her body through it. She put her foot on the window sill and pushed the rest of her body up. She stepped onto the small ledge and looked back. There was a knock on the door and the guard called out "Miss?" She quickly pulled her leg out and looked down. The ledge was a little high up. The door was pounded a bit harder, "Miss?" he shouted. Ji Hyeon gripped the ledge as she was about to pull her other leg over. Ji Hyeon looked down and frowned as she realized she had totally misjudged the distance. Her hands trembled as she slowly pulled her other leg out of the window. But she was too late. The door had bust open, to show a sligthly disgruntled guard. Ji Hyeon gasped a little as he ran towards her, grabbing her arm forcefully. But for some odd reason, Ji Hyeon did not fight him. She allowed him to pull her body back into the building. Looking up at the guard's face, she could see the years had gotten to him. The experience that he had accumulated over the years showed on his face, but he was still a tough man who was meant to protect.

"I'm sorry, miss, but I can't let you leave like that. Yunho would go insane," he said with a certain sense of fatherly compassion. As if she was his daughter, she looked down and started to cry. Ji Hyeon herself did not understand her emotions, but they were flowing out of her body along with her tears. The guard was not really sure what to do, but he pulled her in for a hug as if he had known her all his life. Ji Hyeon sobbed hard as she let out all of her emotions, letting the man's shirt become wet with tears. As she finished her crying session, the guard pulled her back and looked into her eyes.

"I'm going to help you get out of here, even if it costs me my job. No innocent girl like you should have to live with a monster like him. So you wipe those tears away and you put on your brave face, because I am not going to let you stay with him," the guard said with a completely serious face. Ji Hyeon looked at him with disbelief, but then she straightened herself out and got ready to face the monster. The man led her towards the door and probably to her freedom. "By the way, my name is Bruce," the man said.

Ji Hyeon smiled in appreciation before putting her game face on. I'm going to get out of here, even if it means I have to kill him.


Hey y'all~~ Heh heh....sorry I haven't updated in a while. Sorry this is a really crappy chapter also. I've had like 5 different tests this week (AP Exams and SOL testing) so I've been studying a lot. But I still made time to update for my lovelies~. But I promise you that the next one will be SOOOO much better!! I promise!! So for now, I shall leave you with this piece of junk.  

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fukofull #1
Chapter 21: What about Jay? D:
I missed this story indeed T_T
Anilove22 #2
Chapter 21: So glad that Erika and ji hyeon escaped from the evil grasp of DBSK ^_^
Anilove22 #3
*new reader* and I can't wait for her and Erika to leave yunho and junsu they r evil ^_^
rasinsyirah #4
Awwww!!!!! Why do they have to leave ? =( hheheh! My gosh the suspense is killing me! Update soon, u don't wanna be the cause of my death XD
foreverblockb #5
I was a silent reader but now I am not :D
This is amazing :)
I can't wait to see what happens next XD
Please upate soon ^_^
Update what will happen next can't wait
xChaosx #7
Silent reader, first comment...why do they have to leave?
adventuretime8 #8
Thank you so. Much to everyone who has continuously commented on the story! Reached 1000 views! Oh yeah~! Love you all very much! Thank you my darlings!
So easy to get caught up in this story, like I just did ^^ I love it, just want to get to the next chapter, and then the next.. and the next. And now I have to wait for the next *pout, but still love you* <3
I really like this story ^^