Part Two

Teen Top's Non-Christmas Holiday New Year Special 2015

The company was quiet, dark and locked.

"Crap! We can't get in!" Niel said, shaking the glass door.

Ljoe sighed loudly and began walking to the sidewalk to wait for a cab. Chunji and Changjo hesitated before slowly following him.

Ricky's excited smile disappeared, "Why would they lead us here with the door locked?"

"Maybe it's the wrong place," Niel said to comfort him.

"Ah let it go!"  Ljoe yelled from the sidewalk, "It was a trick. A prank. We should go home."

Ricky and Niel were silent and thought maybe Ljoe was right. They were tired anyway and it was getting late…

Cap slowly walked to the door and put his hand in his jacket pocket. When they went back to the dorm (they forget their shoes ;; and their coats ;;;;) he remembered something.

He put the key in the keyhole and turned. Niel and Ricky stared at him as he pushed the door open.

"Ya! Why didn't you tell us you had a key?!?" Niel shouted. Changjo Chunji and Ljoe turned surprised and started walking back to the door. Ricky ran inside and began turning the lights on, giggling excitedly.

The others followed him in but noticed something strange.

"Where is everyone?" Chunji said.

Ricky finally noticed too and looked around confused like everyone else.

"If it wasn't the managers or the staff, who else could have sent the letter?" Ljoe wondered. Fans?

Ricky suddenly remembered something and ran down the hall to the practice room.

"Here it is!" He shouted. The members ran to the practice room to join him. Ricky giggled and quickly opened the letter.

I'm glad you decided to listen to me.
I'm sorry for lying about the snacks,
But I hope you managed to cover your tracks.
Your company staff are distracted right now,
But we should move fast before the night turns to day.
Go where screams and laughter alike are heard.
And where you buckle up but drive nowhere...

The members were quiet. After a moment it was Ricky who spoke first.

"So... there are no snacks?"

Chunji ignored him, "'Where you buckle up but drive nowhere', what does that mean?"

"Why would someone scream and laugh in one place?" Changjo asked.

"Movie theater?" Niel said.

"No buckles," Chunji said.

"I know where it is," Ljoe said. Everyone turned to him and waited.

"It's the amusement park!"

They "borrowed" a company car and drove without hesitation to the amusement park. The ride there was spent singing loudly to songs and dancing in their seats. They all ignored the fact that the park was probably closed for the winter, because they were having too much fun.

Soon enough, Ricky's eyes were brightened by all the lights the from the colorful rides. It was open! Immediately they noticed there was a surprising amount of people out, so they all put hats and masks on.

"How are we going to find it here?" Niel sighed.

Changjo looked around at all the people, "Hey, isn't it weird?"

"What is it?" Chunji asked.

"It's not that cold out, but everyone is covering their faces and wearing hats. Like celebrities."

Everyone looked around and agreed. Suddenly Ljoe stopped to stare at 5 men that suddenly walked past them.

He pointed at them, "Wait… isn't that… Big Bang?" His eyes grew bigger than the moon.

"What? How can you tell? Their faces are covered in scarves!!" Chunji was prepared to smack him but Niel stopped him.

"No I think he's right… and over there isn't that Apink?" he said.

"What the…"

"What are they all doing here?"

2NE1, Super Junior, VIXX, BTS, Sistar, the list didn't stop. They noticed more and more faces and haircuts. There were only a few faces they didn't recognize, but many had double eyelids and some had colored hair.

Niel said slowly "I think everyone here is from an idol group... maybe-"

"Ya! Idiots!"

 Niel turned when he heard Sungyeol's voice yelling at them.

"No way!" Ricky said.

Infinite! The two groups moved their masks from their faces as they greeted each other.

"It's been a while!" Dongwoo said.

"Yeah, way too long," Chunji agreed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Niel asked.

"What are /you/ doing here?" Sungyeol asked back.

"We found a letter outside our dorm!" Changjo said excitedly.

Infinite looked at each other, surprised.

"Us too!" Suggyu said.

Infinite told them how the doorbell rang and how they found the letter, just like Teen Top did. They even went to their empty company and found the second letter there.

"Have you found your third letter?" Woohyun asked.

"Third letter? How can we, this place is huge!" Ljoe replied.

Infinite looked at each other and then laughed. Silently Teen Top waited for them to stop (T-T).

"Look, we have to go but here's a tip,"  Sungyeol said, "watch where you're going."

Teen Top looked confused as Infinite said their goodbyes and walked away. Watch where we're going? Where they trying to trick us or something?

Teen Top, tired and confused sat down on a bench together.

There Ricky looked around and suddenly noticed something. Some groups were looking around as confused as they were, walking slowly in circles. But other groups were walking quickly, like they were going to a certain place. All of those groups were looking down at the ground.

"Arrows!" Ricky pointed to the crowd's feet after finally figuring it out.

On the ground were arrows of many different colors with black words in English over them. The park was covered in them, making the ground look like a giant rainbow painting. The rest of the members understood and began looking around for the purple arrows with "Teen Top" written on them.

After they found their arrows, it was very easy to find their letter. They ran past the other groups to the snack stalls, which was empty and nothing like the crowded entrance.

"Here!" Chunji was the first to see it. He grabbed the card off the 'closed' sign of the stall.

"Okay…" He started reading out loud.

Because you're my star,
dear Teen Top of mine,
I'll take you to where you can enjoy the night sky.
Where water runs by then flies with colors into the air.

"They aren't even trying to rhyme anymore! None of that rhymed!" Niel said.

"Banpo Bridge!" Changjo said, solving the riddle.

"Water shows aren't played this time of the year," Ljoe said.

Ricky was disappointed, "He's right." And the snack stalls there will definitely be closed…

"Who cares? That's definitely the place! Let's go!" The group excitedly followed Niel's lead but noticed Cap didn't move. They turned to him to see what was wrong.

"Who has a watch?" Cap said quietly.

The members realized what he meant and looked at each other with worried faces. Changjo raised his arm and looked at his empty wrist as if a watch was there. "Aish," Niel bumped him in response.

Ricky nervously pulled his phone out of his pocket. He cursed under his breath.

"It's 2:21 am."

They all made sounds of disappointment and frustration. The time went by so fast.

"It's so late..." Niel said. Too late.

"Do you think Manager hyung will come to our dorm to check on us?" Changjo asked with a shaky voice.

Chunji sighed again in frustration, "It doesn't matter! We need to practice tomorrow! We need to practice all month! We should be sleeping right now, we have a comeback!"

"Well then why did we come out here in the first place?" Changjo shouted back.

"Ah guys stop fighting. It's my fault let's just go home!" Ricky yelled over them.

They silently began walking back with lowered heads and grim expressions.

"You want to give up now? We've already gone this far, we can't!!"

They turned surprised to Ljoe. Why is he so upset? He didn't want to come anyway, right?

"I don't care if there is no water show! I don't care if it's too late and the company checks the dorm and we aren't there. I don't even care if we sleep in and have to dance twice as many hours for the comeback. Let's do it! We've worked hard. Honestly, we've been working so hard it's starting to feel less like my dream and more like a job! We've made our families proud, and touched our fans hearts, right? But how can we make them smile and have fun if we never do? We know our fans want us to enjoy ourselves and live our lives so why don't we? This is has been the best night I've had in a long time and it's because of you guys.. my best friends. We can't give up. We can't ever give up until it's over!!

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luckeystarz #1
Chapter 3: so cuteee.. love to read more of ur story author-nim.. :)
swaggeyy98 #2
Chapter 3: Awww this is sooo touching ;;;
Kitcatt #3
Chapter 3: dayummmmm keep up the good work author-nim!
Chapter 3: This was sooooo moving! ;;-;; i hope they have this kind of days sometime in their life too! And also that they do a friendship tamed mv hahahaha that would be Amazing wouldn't it?
LightsUpInTheSky #5
Chapter 3: SO CUTE!!! Good job Michelle!!!